Senate's 46 Dems Got 20 Million More Votes Than Its 54 Republicans

On Tuesday, 33 US senators elected in November will be sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden — including 12 who are new to the chamber. The class includes 22 Republicans and 11 Democrats, a big reason why the GOP has a 54-46 majority in the Senate overall.

But here's a crazy fact: those 46 Democrats got more votes than the 54 Republicans across the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections. According to Nathan Nicholson, a researcher at the voting reform advocacy group FairVote, "the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes."

Here's what that looks like in chart form:

More: The Senate x27 s 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans - Vox

Just another reason why 2016 should be great for Democrats!

Because they got elected in larger states, dumb ass.
The American system of government is fcked up.

The problem is that our Constitutional Republic does not have the iron clad guarantees to protect our rights.

All we need is the greedy majority (usually only a plurality) to vote in shitheads like Obama to rob us and take away our freedom and we don't have the courage to do anything about it.
What freedoms have you lost. Please be specific.

Try buying any hot water heater you want after April, the new ones will wider, taller and if it's over 50 gallons it will be equipped with a heat pump making cost skyrocket. If your home has a heater in the attic, like many here in the south, you might want to replace it now, the new ones won't fit through access stairs.
The American system of government is fcked up.

The problem is that our Constitutional Republic does not have the iron clad guarantees to protect our rights.

All we need is the greedy majority (usually only a plurality) to vote in shitheads like Obama to rob us and take away our freedom and we don't have the courage to do anything about it.
What freedoms have you lost. Please be specific.

Try buying any hot water heater you want after April, the new ones will wider, taller and if it's over 50 gallons it will be equipped with a heat pump making cost skyrocket. If your home has a heater in the attic, like many here in the south, you might want to replace it now, the new ones won't fit through access stairs.
That is a freedom? What about low flow toilets?
On Tuesday, 33 US senators elected in November will be sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden — including 12 who are new to the chamber. The class includes 22 Republicans and 11 Democrats, a big reason why the GOP has a 54-46 majority in the Senate overall.

But here's a crazy fact: those 46 Democrats got more votes than the 54 Republicans across the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections. According to Nathan Nicholson, a researcher at the voting reform advocacy group FairVote, "the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes."

Here's what that looks like in chart form:

More: The Senate x27 s 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans - Vox

Just another reason why 2016 should be great for Democrats!

Because they got elected in larger states, dumb ass.

Actually that would be more populous states.
On Tuesday, 33 US senators elected in November will be sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden — including 12 who are new to the chamber. The class includes 22 Republicans and 11 Democrats, a big reason why the GOP has a 54-46 majority in the Senate overall.

But here's a crazy fact: those 46 Democrats got more votes than the 54 Republicans across the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections. According to Nathan Nicholson, a researcher at the voting reform advocacy group FairVote, "the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes."

Here's what that looks like in chart form:

More: The Senate x27 s 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans - Vox

Just another reason why 2016 should be great for Democrats!

Because they got elected in larger states, dumb ass.

Actually that would be more populous states.
Either way...there are more factors to consider than just the population of the state.
The American system of government is fcked up.

The problem is that our Constitutional Republic does not have the iron clad guarantees to protect our rights.

All we need is the greedy majority (usually only a plurality) to vote in shitheads like Obama to rob us and take away our freedom and we don't have the courage to do anything about it.
What freedoms have you lost. Please be specific.

Try buying any hot water heater you want after April, the new ones will wider, taller and if it's over 50 gallons it will be equipped with a heat pump making cost skyrocket. If your home has a heater in the attic, like many here in the south, you might want to replace it now, the new ones won't fit through access stairs.
That is a freedom? What about low flow toilets?

When you remove personal choice you remove personal freedom, there a many products where choices have been removed, I just name the newest to come down.
The American system of government is fcked up.

The problem is that our Constitutional Republic does not have the iron clad guarantees to protect our rights.

All we need is the greedy majority (usually only a plurality) to vote in shitheads like Obama to rob us and take away our freedom and we don't have the courage to do anything about it.
What freedoms have you lost. Please be specific.

Try buying any hot water heater you want after April, the new ones will wider, taller and if it's over 50 gallons it will be equipped with a heat pump making cost skyrocket. If your home has a heater in the attic, like many here in the south, you might want to replace it now, the new ones won't fit through access stairs.
That is a freedom? What about low flow toilets?

When you remove personal choice you remove personal freedom, there a many products where choices have been removed, I just name the newest to come down.
My point was that it is nothing new (regulating products)...yet the protests and call to arms is only happening now. Why is that?
The problem is that our Constitutional Republic does not have the iron clad guarantees to protect our rights.

All we need is the greedy majority (usually only a plurality) to vote in shitheads like Obama to rob us and take away our freedom and we don't have the courage to do anything about it.
What freedoms have you lost. Please be specific.

Try buying any hot water heater you want after April, the new ones will wider, taller and if it's over 50 gallons it will be equipped with a heat pump making cost skyrocket. If your home has a heater in the attic, like many here in the south, you might want to replace it now, the new ones won't fit through access stairs.
That is a freedom? What about low flow toilets?

When you remove personal choice you remove personal freedom, there a many products where choices have been removed, I just name the newest to come down.
My point was that it is nothing new (regulating products)...yet the protests and call to arms is only happening now. Why is that?
it'll stop when a republican is at the'll be completely forgotten, that's just how it works in this world of ours...
The problem is that our Constitutional Republic does not have the iron clad guarantees to protect our rights.

All we need is the greedy majority (usually only a plurality) to vote in shitheads like Obama to rob us and take away our freedom and we don't have the courage to do anything about it.
What freedoms have you lost. Please be specific.

Try buying any hot water heater you want after April, the new ones will wider, taller and if it's over 50 gallons it will be equipped with a heat pump making cost skyrocket. If your home has a heater in the attic, like many here in the south, you might want to replace it now, the new ones won't fit through access stairs.
That is a freedom? What about low flow toilets?

When you remove personal choice you remove personal freedom, there a many products where choices have been removed, I just name the newest to come down.
My point was that it is nothing new (regulating products)...yet the protests and call to arms is only happening now. Why is that?

Because it's getting to be ridiculous, more and more regulations all the time, people are getting tired of it.
What freedoms have you lost. Please be specific.

Try buying any hot water heater you want after April, the new ones will wider, taller and if it's over 50 gallons it will be equipped with a heat pump making cost skyrocket. If your home has a heater in the attic, like many here in the south, you might want to replace it now, the new ones won't fit through access stairs.
That is a freedom? What about low flow toilets?

When you remove personal choice you remove personal freedom, there a many products where choices have been removed, I just name the newest to come down.
My point was that it is nothing new (regulating products)...yet the protests and call to arms is only happening now. Why is that?

Because it's getting to be ridiculous, more and more regulations all the time, people are getting tired of it.
No difference today than 20 years ago. Well, one difference...a President of a darker hue.
Somebody give him a civics lesson.

The lesson is we are stuck with an archaic undemocratic system.

How is it "archaic?" Does that mere fact that it's been around for 200 years make it bad?

Yes. It's bad. Any system that is contrived to thwart the will of the people is bad.
It's designed to give less populous states a more even playing field, or, if you lived in Montana you would think it a great idea if Florida, New York and Texas decided to turn your home into a nuclear test site?
What freedoms have you lost. Please be specific.

Try buying any hot water heater you want after April, the new ones will wider, taller and if it's over 50 gallons it will be equipped with a heat pump making cost skyrocket. If your home has a heater in the attic, like many here in the south, you might want to replace it now, the new ones won't fit through access stairs.
That is a freedom? What about low flow toilets?

When you remove personal choice you remove personal freedom, there a many products where choices have been removed, I just name the newest to come down.
My point was that it is nothing new (regulating products)...yet the protests and call to arms is only happening now. Why is that?
it'll stop when a republican is at the'll be completely forgotten, that's just how it works in this world of ours...
By all means, start your war, it will help to thin out the fringe anti-democracy zealots. In our republic, if you didn't realize it, there is a revolution every 4 years. It has been a facet of this great nation that we hold dear.

You have lost no rights, the Constitution is in tact and the American spirit will always be strong. Quit being a little bitch and trying to incite an insurrection because an election is lost. You can't win all of the sound like a liberal who wants to give out trophies to losers.

But I wonder...did you call for arms under the child molester...Clinton? How about under Bush.
Star and Laknota thanked that brilliant post about Gerrymandering states. Brilliant!
Lahotka withdrew his thanks, but Synthaholic, Old School and Bily000 added theirs.

Occupied, the poster of the brilliant comment of state Gerrymandering is joined by other luminaries. :)
Yes. It's bad. Any system that is contrived to thwart the will of the people is bad.

Do you need a civics lesson too? Whomever wins the majority of votes, wins the Senate seat. You can't get more democratic than that.
The State of Wyoming with 500,000 people gets two Senators
The State of California with 40 million people gets two Senators

That is why the Dems get more votes and fewer Senators
What you want is called the House of Representatives. The Senate should be chosen by the States. Repeal the 17th!
These numbers need to be paid attention too for the upcoming elections. Sure, GOP can revel in its victory...but one has to keep in mind that it was a midterm, lameduck election where it is an historical given that the opposition party takes control of Congress. Top that with the overall vote count as presented above...the idea that the GOP has a mandate to do nothing, to shut down the government, or waste time with bills that won't pass is ridiculous. This election was simply a battle and the victory parade is is time to look to 2016...the important election that will garner much more of a turnout and an election that will put the GOP under the same microscope Obama and the Dems have been under.

This is the problem with teapers, they are reactionary and they can't see the big picture. They think that this election gives them rough shot to do as they please. The Tea Party is destroying the GOP and their vitriol and hate might put the nails in the coffin in 2016 if they can't see past their noses.

Lead or lose...hopefully the true Conservatives can keep the teapers on a short leash so the war can be won.

Good, get the fuck out of the Republican Party and take Jake with you.
If we were to leave...the GOP would cease to exist as the tea party will run it into the ground.

No, really. Time to deStarkify the Republican Party. There's already one Party that's marching us to Fascism, we don't need a second

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