Senate's 46 Dems Got 20 Million More Votes Than Its 54 Republicans

On Tuesday, 33 US senators elected in November will be sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden — including 12 who are new to the chamber. The class includes 22 Republicans and 11 Democrats, a big reason why the GOP has a 54-46 majority in the Senate overall.

But here's a crazy fact: those 46 Democrats got more votes than the 54 Republicans across the 2010, 2012, and 2014 elections. According to Nathan Nicholson, a researcher at the voting reform advocacy group FairVote, "the 46 Democratic caucus members in the 114th Congress received a total of 67.8 million votes in winning their seats, while the 54 Republican caucus members received 47.1 million votes."

Here's what that looks like in chart form:

More: The Senate x27 s 46 Democrats got 20 million more votes than its 54 Republicans - Vox

Just another reason why 2016 should be great for Democrats!

they still lost to the REPUBLICANS..,so what's your point ??
The bigger question to ask is why did Democrat voters abandon their representatives? Yet if that wasn't bad enough, consider the blood bath at the governor races. Republicans won in SIX battleground states, to include Massachusetts, Maryland by a record margin, and Obama's state of Illinois. Talk about getting a swift kick in the ass by your own home state to send a message.

What freedoms have you lost. Please be specific.

There are millions of federal regulations that control every day aspects of your life. You are even regulated on the kinds of light bulbs you have to use and starting in March of this year the kind of expensive hot water heaters you have to put in. If you own any land the government controls the land more than you do. Business regulation on the Federal, State and local level is absolutely out of control, including the tax burden and that is why jobs are leaving America.

Federal regulations have run up the cost of energy to astronomical levels and due to the Environmental wacko's stupidity and influence in the government it is going to get worse.

You are still paying a WWI very high tax on your telephone bill and we had taxes increased even higher under Obama. The friggin combined governments takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government and that hurts all of us. The tremendous debt run up by the governments is all going to come crashing down on us soon unless we fix it with inflation, which will cause even more problems.

The government has taken away our freedom to chose who we hire, fire or even sell our house to by creating protected classes. The government will even throw you in jail for longer for what you think like in the case of hate crimes in addition to what you do.

The government is spying on us on an everyday basis and increase government control of our lives by having dozens of armed agencies.

You can't even enjoy a right proscribed in the Bill of Rights without getting government approval.

As we saw with the IRS using the force of government to disenfranchise a grassroots political movement we have had our freedom of speech taken away.

The filthy ass government has mandated that you have health insurance and have mandated what the health insurance should cover. You have no freedom any more to get what you want. You have to get what the government says you must have and you have to pay an exorbitant price for it in other to pay for the shitheads that are too sorry to pay for their own.

The government is controlling a tremendous amount of our freedom. Of course that shithead Obama is not responsible for all of it but he has escalated it in the last six years and looks like he has plans to do more the next two year and we will all suffer from it unless you are one of his special interest groups.

This is not the America many of us grew up in. It has become an out of control monster and it is getting worse.
Yes. It's bad. Any system that is contrived to thwart the will of the people is bad.

Do you need a civics lesson too? Whomever wins the majority of votes, wins the Senate seat. You can't get more democratic than that.

The states are not democratically configured. Two senators from Alaska with as much power as two senators from NY, or CA, or TX. It's silly.
Yes. It's bad. Any system that is contrived to thwart the will of the people is bad.

Do you need a civics lesson too? Whomever wins the majority of votes, wins the Senate seat. You can't get more democratic than that.

The states are not democratically configured. Two senators from Alaska with as much power as two senators from NY, or CA, or TX. It's silly.
Why is it silly? Why dont people understand people are light years different from rural areas to Urban areas?
And that's what the constitution intent was designed for, Senate state rights , house peoples rights
Yes. It's bad. Any system that is contrived to thwart the will of the people is bad.

Do you need a civics lesson too? Whomever wins the majority of votes, wins the Senate seat. You can't get more democratic than that.

The states are not democratically configured. Two senators from Alaska with as much power as two senators from NY, or CA, or TX. It's silly.

That's because we are a Constitutional Republic not a democracy.
Senators represent their States, the House represents their people from each State.
And that's what the constitution intent was designed for, Senate state rights , house peoples rights

This is one of the reasons the Federal government is so out of control and so fvcked up.

Our Founding Fathers wanted the Senate to represent the interest of the states, to keep the Federal government in check.

The state legislatures approved the Senators and the Senators went to Congress to make sure the the fitly ass federal government did not screw the state they represented.

That was all changed. Now these idiot senators are elected by popular state wide votes. They are not beholding to the interest of the states any more. They are beholding to the special interest groups that finance their campaign and far too often that is out of state money like the filthy unions or the idiotic environmental wackos or even Feminazi promoting abortion.

The Senate no longer represents the states and that is a great contributor to the reason the federal government has become an out of control monster. Nobody has an incentive to keep it in check.
Guess that's why they back Obama so bad , bush Jr wanted to do immigration reform but his lawyers told him it was unconstitutional so he backed off

Liberals like dictators not we they states or we the people, all they are is a fox in sheeps clothing
Liberals like dictators not we they states or we the people, all they are is a fox in sheeps clothing

Are you really only 12 years old? Be afraid, be very afraid. Da fox is gonna get you sheepels . LMAO.
See you are only 12, grow up twat and do us a favor and READ the constitution
I know your not going to like what you find, that's the liberal problem
The American system of government is fcked up.
Then get out. Move to canada.
Yes. It's bad. Any system that is contrived to thwart the will of the people is bad.

Do you need a civics lesson too? Whomever wins the majority of votes, wins the Senate seat. You can't get more democratic than that.

The states are not democratically configured. Two senators from Alaska with as much power as two senators from NY, or CA, or TX. It's silly.

That's because we are a Constitutional Republic not a democracy.
Senators represent their States, the House represents their people from each State.

We are a democracy because the power to change the Constitution still rests in the hands of the People, which is what a democracy is.

The assumption that a state with a small population should have its People be given disproportionate power in the federal government makes no sense,

but the nature of the colonies in the 18th century made the task of uniting them one that required some ultimately nonsensical contrivances.
You still don't get it do you? Why do you even post on political boards,?

Yea we know liberals hate them constitution

We are not a democracy never was.

That's why you complain and don't understand the founding fathers compromise

I guess your like driving miss daisy and never left your state
The American system of government is fcked up.
Then get out. Move to canada.
Yes. It's bad. Any system that is contrived to thwart the will of the people is bad.

Do you need a civics lesson too? Whomever wins the majority of votes, wins the Senate seat. You can't get more democratic than that.

The states are not democratically configured. Two senators from Alaska with as much power as two senators from NY, or CA, or TX. It's silly.

That's because we are a Constitutional Republic not a democracy.
Senators represent their States, the House represents their people from each State.

We are a democracy because the power to change the Constitution still rests in the hands of the People, which is what a democracy is.

The assumption that a state with a small population should have its People be given disproportionate power in the federal government makes no sense,

but the nature of the colonies in the 18th century made the task of uniting them one that required some ultimately nonsensical contrivances.


Understand the difference.
If we we're where a democracy we wouldn't have the electoral college

You do know they don't have to vote for a president on they popular vote of there states right? They did it before
The American system of government is fcked up.
Then get out. Move to canada.
Yes. It's bad. Any system that is contrived to thwart the will of the people is bad.

Do you need a civics lesson too? Whomever wins the majority of votes, wins the Senate seat. You can't get more democratic than that.

The states are not democratically configured. Two senators from Alaska with as much power as two senators from NY, or CA, or TX. It's silly.

That's because we are a Constitutional Republic not a democracy.
Senators represent their States, the House represents their people from each State.

We are a democracy because the power to change the Constitution still rests in the hands of the People, which is what a democracy is.

The assumption that a state with a small population should have its People be given disproportionate power in the federal government makes no sense,

but the nature of the colonies in the 18th century made the task of uniting them one that required some ultimately nonsensical contrivances.


Understand the difference.
Democrats don't have the intelligence to understand the concept that there is an unequal number of people in the various states with various ratios of democrats, republicans, and independents. They really don't understand even simple math. Which is a testament to liberal education systems.
The American system of government is fcked up.
Then get out. Move to canada.
Yes. It's bad. Any system that is contrived to thwart the will of the people is bad.

Do you need a civics lesson too? Whomever wins the majority of votes, wins the Senate seat. You can't get more democratic than that.

The states are not democratically configured. Two senators from Alaska with as much power as two senators from NY, or CA, or TX. It's silly.

That's because we are a Constitutional Republic not a democracy.
Senators represent their States, the House represents their people from each State.

We are a democracy because the power to change the Constitution still rests in the hands of the People, which is what a democracy is.

The assumption that a state with a small population should have its People be given disproportionate power in the federal government makes no sense,

but the nature of the colonies in the 18th century made the task of uniting them one that required some ultimately nonsensical contrivances.

A democracy does not give rights to the minority.
Our Constitutional Republic does.
That is exactly how the Libs of today got into power 45 years ago as a small minority and has now taken over the Democrat Party. The Libs used our Republic form of government to get into power and now they want to do away with it.
Conservative Dem's and Moderates are no longer represented in the Democrat Party and now they want a full Democracy so that neither of the two ideologies can get power again.
The only two things left for us to become a full democracy is changing the Senate and the electoral college.
Once that happens the people who vote for Dems has absolute power It assures that the popular vote always goes to the Dem's

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