Senator Britt

Its a very important day...

9th November, 1989

A special day for Berlin and the whole of Germany... Because 9th November, 1989 is the day on which the Berlin Wall fell... one of the most significant events in our recent history and you didn't know that date but you have Jan 6 welded to your brain....

I am not German, so cannot say it made much of a difference in my life at all. I was a young Marine at the time in Okinawa Japan only caring about getting drunk and laid.

But I am happy that you have such fond memories of it.
I am not German, so cannot say it made much of a difference in my life at all. I was a young Marine at the time in Okinawa Japan only caring about getting drunk and laid.

But I am happy that you have such fond memories of it.
The end of the soviet blocks iron curtain didn't make a difference in your life??? where did you go to school?...
You know his platform, you don't want to admit he is a boot licking coon.
I have no idea what his platform is, I don't live in NC.

A boot licking coon would be someone that would of been fine with hanging black your stance on the question.
I have no idea what his platform is, I don't live in NC.

A boot licking coon would be someone that would of been fine with hanging black your stance on the question.
Here let me help your lying ass out.

The end of the soviet blocks iron curtain didn't make a difference in your life??? where did you go to school?...
Here is a major problem over elections. Some of us posting were born when prior to WW2 and back then the country supported FDR. I grew up to support FDR and also Kennedy and Johnson and Carter. Carter made a lot of americans angry. We left the Democrats to be Republicans when we were middle age. We had started to wake up that the Democrats were bad for America.
We recall the distress caused by the Soviet Union. I saw first hand when in Berlin what the Soviets operated like and it shocked me so much I came back against the Soviets.
Here let me help your lying ass out.

Intelligent blacks realize that but for America, they would still live in Africa and face daily problems they can't begin to imagine. They would be talking of giving Reparations to America.
Here is a major problem over elections. Some of us posting were born when prior to WW2 and back then the country supported FDR. I grew up to support FDR and also Kennedy and Johnson and Carter. Carter made a lot of americans angry. We left the Democrats to be Republicans when we were middle age. We had started to wake up that the Democrats were bad for America.
We recall the distress caused by the Soviet Union. I saw first hand when in Berlin what the Soviets operated like and it shocked me so much I came back against the Soviets.
Did you have a problem with how whites operated in the South?
Intelligent blacks realize that but for America, they would still live in Africa and face daily problems they can't begin to imagine. They would be talking of giving Reparations to America.
You mean boot licking blacks, there is nothing intelligent about kissing white folks asses. How many countries is there in Africa and how many have you ever been to. The reason I ask is because your post is nothing but ignorant, right wing, racist babble.
I didn't see any of it, either the before or after show.

Clay and Buck on talk radio said it came off poorly. They said the reps picked the wrong person and failed at it. They said Trump should have done it.

Sound like reps lose again...great job nincompoops!

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They trotted her out there to try to reach out to suburban housewives. They think they can scare them into supporting the blob...look for the “illegals are coming to get your baby” ads at every turn this year. Suburban moms are no where near as frail as the blob and his amateurs imagine.
You mean boot licking blacks, there is nothing intelligent about kissing white folks asses. How many countries is there in Africa and how many have you ever been to. The reason I ask is because your post is nothing but ignorant, right wing, racist babble.
It does not enrich your life to be pissed off at blacks who do not want Reparations. This is a money grab by blacks who never got close to slavery.

It is not ass kissing to tell us you understand the benefits to blacks who live in the USA.
All thatwas missing last night's "Rebuttal" miss was little Miss Betty Crocker Homemaker making a pitcher of martini's for her husband. Putting in the kitchen was an insult to women,all but say Women should home, barefoot and pregnant and dutiful.
That is the GOP vision for “empowerment” for women. Unfortunately, it’s the GOP women’s vision for “empowerment” too, right Foxfyre Road Runner
Her office, or some sort of professional setting. I get that you MAGA types think that the only place for a woman is in the kitchen, but most rational people do not agree with you.
So you liberals really are scared of the kitchen these days. A woman, who didn't need confirmation from a biologist, chooses to be in a kitchen and you folks freak out. I thought you guys were pro-choice.
Here let me help your lying ass out.

I already addressed the first link, why do you disagree with him? that's what we have been talking about. Why would you rather pick the other option he was given, of hanging black people?

I agree with him, nobody I know was a slave

Why do you want to go back to a time when black people were hung? and why do you think you are owed reparations?

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