Senator Britt

They trotted her out there to try to reach out to suburban housewives. They think they can scare them into supporting the blob...look for the “illegals are coming to get your baby” ads at every turn this year. Suburban moms are no where near as frail as the blob and his amateurs imagine.
Biden repeatedly was talking against Illegals that broke laws by illegally entering this country.
She pointed this out.
So you liberals really are scared of the kitchen these days. A woman, who didn't need confirmation from a biologist, chooses to be in a kitchen and you folks freak out. I thought you guys were pro-choice.

Neither scared nor freaked. Your need to apply such silly emotions to a logical question means I am wasting bandwidth interacting with you.

have a good day.
It does not enrich your life to be pissed off at blacks who do not want Reparations. This is a money grab by blacks who never got close to slavery.

It is not ass kissing to tell us you understand the benefits to blacks who live in the USA.
Reparations isn't just about slavery, but that is where it started. That's easy to say for a fool who didn't live through slavery or Jim Crow.
Reparations isn't just about slavery, but that is where it started. That's easy to say for a fool who didn't live through slavery or Jim Crow.
Do you think Democrats regret all of this stuff you bring up?
I already addressed the first link, why do you disagree with him? that's what we have been talking about. Why would you rather pick the other option he was given, of hanging black people?

I agree with him, nobody I know was a slave

Why do you want to go back to a time when black people were hung? and why do you think you are owed reparations?
Well you are a boot licker like Robinson who kisses 💋 white folks asses, so of course you agree. You are already in the kitchen cooking for the white man, so it's par for the course.
Well you are a boot licker like Robinson who kisses 💋 white folks asses, so of course you agree. You are already in the kitchen cooking for the white man, so it's par for the course.
All that hate could be focused on making your life better as opposed to ranting against whites. Whites did so much for blacks yet they get diatribes like yours during the day.
Well you are a boot licker like Robinson who kisses 💋 white folks asses, so of course you agree. You are already in the kitchen cooking for the white man, so it's par for the course.
He kisses white folks ass by not making the choice to hang black folks? Interesting,
So you liberals really are scared of the kitchen these days. A woman, who didn't need confirmation from a biologist, chooses to be in a kitchen and you folks freak out. I thought you guys were pro-choice.
All that hate could be focused on making your life better as opposed to ranting against whites. Whites did so much for blacks yet they get diatribes like yours during the day.
So why have we always been on the receiving end of the hate?

You're right you have done so much, slavery, rape, mutilation, lynching, murder, Jim Crow, racism and discrimination. That is so much.
All thatwas missing last night's "Rebuttal" miss was little Miss Betty Crocker Homemaker making a pitcher of martini's for her husband. Putting in the kitchen was an insult to women,all but say Women should home, barefoot and pregnant and dutiful.
The setting at the kitchen table was perfect because she was defending the kitchen table issues that are actually important to men, women and children. Too bad that some are unable to see or understand much less appreciate a brilliant metaphor.
I did love the part about mothers having to figure out how to make very Republican...
With Biden’s inflation making even the most basic foods and cooking goods cost about 50% more than pre-Biden, mothers are having to figure out what to cut out of the budget to make ends meet,

To a college girl living on the welfare of student loan, eating Ramen to save her money for the vape cartridges, that’s hard thing to understand, I suppose.
With Biden’s inflation making even the most basic foods and cooking goods cost about 50% more than pre-Biden, mothers are having to figure out what to cut out of the budget to make ends meet,

To a college girl living on the welfare of student loan, eating Ramen to save her money for the vape cartridges, that’s hard thing to understand, I suppose. fathers make this calculation in conservistan?

Enjoy your Ramen Shirley.
Why does it trouble you to be asked if you support democrats?

This isn't about me, is it. You said the criticism of Britt was Democrats hearing what they want. I gave you proof that Republicans criticized it also. You respond with a logical fallacy and when questioned on that you still don't address the evidence I provided you with.

I accept your concession. Have a nice day. fathers make this calculation in conservistan?

Enjoy your Ramen Shirley.
Of course fathers make that calculation. Why? Are you not aware of the huge number of single parents? Some of them are men.

Most are women. Many of them are Democrats and they are the ones who are suffering.

What’s the plan to get them to the polls to hope for Biden in spite of their suffering?

Or are you just enraged because I didn’t say parental unit or some other politically correct expression instead of mothers?

Get ready to be offended some more:

Men are men, and women are women. Women can get pregnant, men cannot.

The word mother means biological female, who gave birth to a baby and did not abort him or her.

A biological male who is “transgender“ can adopt a baby. But he will never be a real mother.
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