Senator Britt

Having her in the kitchen gives the impression that a Woman belongs in the kitchen, fixing dinner and tending to the home fires. It serves the old impression that Women are good for taking care of the house. She is a U.S. Senator and they put her in a kitchen. They could have shown in her office, but no. A Woman's place is in the kitchen.
This isn't about me, is it. You said the criticism of Britt was Democrats hearing what they want. I gave you proof that Republicans criticized it also. You respond with a logical fallacy and when questioned on that you still don't address the evidence I provided you with.

I accept your concession. Have a nice day.
I have seen others do as you did, and walk off puzzled.
None. My issue is with a US Senator thinking only women make dinner.
Oh, so that's what she said?

She said "as we know, only women make dinners?"

If a Dem mentioned young black men being harassed by police, she means that only young black men ever have negative interactions with police?

No, she didn't say that only women make dinners, and she didnt' mean that anywhere but your imagination. She gave mothers making dinner as just one example of the kind of typical Americans hurt by Biden's policy.

I fully understand why you'd rather make up an "issue" with how she said it rather than talk about her point that people are hurting due to Democratic incompetence and deliberate damage to the economy.
Having her in the kitchen gives the impression that a Woman belongs in the kitchen, fixing dinner and tending to the home fires. It serves the old impression that Women are good for taking care of the house. She is a U.S. Senator and they put her in a kitchen. They could have shown in her office, but no. A Woman's place is in the kitchen.
If all the women who would prefer an economy in which their husbands can be the bread winners and they can stay home home and raise their children and take care of their homes instead of having to store their kids in daycare while they work ten hours a day will vote Republican this year to pay for groceries and rent, it will be a landslide, bigger than the one that is already building up.
I listened to the “rebuttal” by the Senator. She sounded like Brandi Maxx (google her if you don’t know who she is) running for City Council in Pawnee.

I did love the part about mothers having to figure out how to make very Republican...
Totally predictable that you would be whining.
Totally predictable that you would be whining.

You would think Dems would be celebrating. Biden's handlers got him through that SOTU without a major gaff. He didn't even threaten to invade any of our allies this time.

I was all set to congratulate them until this kind of stuff started.

I'm convinced that nothing pleases those people except having something to cry about.
I don't think maga thinks they've given up on womens's votes. The men defend sexual assaut. And some women, like britt (who is NOT an unintelligent human being) actually apparently think that seeing a woman crying in her own kitchen, where she sits alone, will somehow resonate with women voters in swing states.

Given how Biden squandered his opportunity to fix soc sec while the progs were debating tax cuts for non-workers and fueling inflation, last night was a resounding success, thanks to Sen. Britt.
Do we know if it was her kitchen ?
Or maybe a studio in New York that has been rigged up to look like a kitchen ? Like they did with the moon landing.
Um, yeah.

Suppose it was a studio, which I doubt.

So what?

So, you really do not even find it a little bit odd that the powers that be at the GOP thought to themselves...."hmmm, how can we get women to relate to us...oh yeah, I know let put the female senator in the kitchen, since that is where women belong anyhow".
She singled out “moms”.

Do with that what you will.

Even staunch conservatives hated her performance.

But it is damn entertaining to watch the MAGA folks on here defend it with their dying breath.
I wonder who came up with that brilliant idea of crying in her own kitchen. Empowering it was.

Biden still has the idiot pro-pale progs and anti-vaccers, but the gop appears to cede the women votes

With Britt, Republicans we’re trying to appeal to suburban moms
Katie Britt is in the Kitchen
Just like you
So... because Covid over-reactions/lockdowns crushed the economy... this is a reason to praise Biden???
Who was a part of that problem??

Really? That is your stance?

Jesus fella... c'mon... you know this is stupid right?

Katie Britt set the timeframe when she asked “Are you better off than you were three years ago?”

She did not say…….Except for COVID killing hundreds of thousands, massive layoffs and a crashed economy, are you better off than three years ago?
Katie Britt set the timeframe when she asked “Are you better off than you were three years ago?”

She did not say…….Except for COVID killing hundreds of thousands, massive layoffs and a crashed economy, are you better off than three years ago?
It was implied, assumed for good reason.
It is really funny....
Democrats totally the Covid pandemic when talking about economics when Trump was in office, and also ignore it when praising Biden for better numbers after it went away.
Downright hilarious.
It was implied, assumed for good reason.
It is really funny....
Democrats totally the Covid pandemic when talking about economics when Trump was in office, and also ignore it when praising Biden for better numbers after it went away.
Downright hilarious.

I get it

She just wants you to Cherry Pick the Bad Stuff under Biden and ignore how bad it actually was when Biden took office

Without question
We are much better off than we were three years ago

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