Senator calls for Holder's resignation


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Senator calls for Holder's resignation amid challenges over leak probe, Fast and Furious | Fox News

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, made the call for Holder's resignation during a Senate hearing late Tuesday morning. It came in the context of GOP concerns about Holder's decision to appoint two lawyers from within his department to handle the politically sensitive leak probe -- as well as concerns about Fast and Furious.

"I would say that you leave me no alternative but to join those that call upon you to resign your office," Cornyn said. "Americans deserve an attorney general that will be honest with them, they deserve an attorney general who will uphold the basic standards of political independence and accountability. You've proven time and time again, sadly, that you're unwilling to do so."

"I don't have any intention of resigning," he said.
No the Dems blocked the request by McCain for independent council to investigate the security leaks. He was before the senate regarding that issue. The House is handling Fast & Furiouos. I must agree with the senator from Texas, he's not capable of doing a good job for all Americans.
Pointless since there is an election coming up. Someone wanted attention.

If that is so it has to have been Holder wanting the attention as he could simply have put this whole thing to rest months ago. I disagree that this is an attention grabbing move by anyone, I think there is a far greater chance that Holder lied to congress and the rest of us as to how much he knew and when he knew it. Trying to cover that up instead of simply facing the truth and solving the problem(s) as best he could as escalated it into the mess it has now become. Holder's Justice department has become a liability to Obama's campaign. It has been atrocious all the way around to many Americans since the decision to let the Black Panthers use intimidation to control a voting station during Obama's presidential election. That behavior being acceptable and several other decision based upon racial favoritism for being black has begun the erosion of respect many feel towards Holder and the Justice Department.
We are not going to get rid of assholes like Eric Holder until we get rid of the Asshole in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama. Holder won't resign and Obama won't fire him.

Holder is a pathetic AG, but what do you expect with the Chicago trained Community Organizer in charge.

I say we go for the head of the monster....Obama must go...then the monster can be dismembered, starting with Eric Holder and the rest of the incompetent communists that Obama has appointed to the various Czar positions.

Yessireebobcat! The World's Greatest Clown Show is about to be OVER!!

Obama is fuckin' TOAST!

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
I think even the democrats want holder to take the fall for this. Barack Kardasian is in enough trouble without holder bringing him down.

Barack kardasian lol that's what Rush calls him. Lol. It's hilarious.
eric holder could of shot&killed two white hunters in wyoming assuming they were quails, & he would still be the incompetemt attorney general.
Holder is turd sandwhich. He is a racist piece of crap. And if the Bush administration did the same thing put em in jail, lets see the proof. I know Holder did it, Ray Charles can see that and he's dead AND blind.
Pointless since there is an election coming up. Someone wanted attention.
Since when is equal treatment under the law a pointless thing?

(Especially when this is the top law enforcement official.)

Liberals bitch about the wealthy and powerful, but the never want standardized laws, it's like they just like to bitch, or they use rich as a code word for republican, since they NEVER criticize rich liberals.
Looks like Holder got fans in high places...
Democrats go on offense over Holder contempt push
June 21, 2012 - Pelosi: Holder Contempt Vote Act of GOP Revenge
Democrats went on the offensive Thursday over the contempt proceedings against Attorney General Eric Holder, with the White House calling the campaign a "fishing expedition" and Nancy Pelosi accusing Republicans of targeting Holder because of his department's crackdown on state voter ID laws. While Republicans opened the door to potentially averting a full House contempt vote next week, Democrats indicated Thursday they were ready to fight rather than turn over the disputed documents Republicans are seeking for their probe into Operation Fast and Furious. "This has become a political fishing expedition," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Thursday.

Pelosi, in a press briefing earlier in the day, said the anti-Holder push is part of a scheme to "suppress" the vote. "They are going after Eric Holder because he is trying to overturn voter suppression in the states. This is a plan," Pelosi said. Asked about Pelosi's claim, Carney said he could not "divine" Republicans' motivation for pursuing the contempt case against Holder. But he adamantly defended both Holder and President Obama for his decision to assert executive privilege over the documents Republicans are seeking. "Those kinds of deliberations have been protected under privilege as a matter of the separation of powers ... dating back 30 years," Carney said, describing the documents in question as "internal Executive Branch documents."

Republicans, who voted at the committee level in favor of contempt Wednesday, are seeking more than 70,000 additional documents to answer questions on Fast and Furious. They bristled at Obama's eleventh-hour privilege claim -- and also suggested that the White House was acknowledging involvement in Fast and Furious discussions by asserting privilege over the documents. House Speaker John Boehner went further Thursday, saying: "The decision to invoke executive privilege is an admission that White House officials were involved in decisions that misled the Congress and have covered up the truth." He asked, "What is the Obama administration hiding in Fast and Furious?" Meanwhile, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., added his name Thursday to list of lawmakers calling for Holder's resignation.

The White House and Justice Department, though, downplayed the potential implications of the executive privilege claim. Justice Department officials noted that the privilege assertion does not have to pertain to communications involving the president or White House staff. Any "deliberative communications" among officials in the Executive Branch, they said, could be covered. In other words, they argued that just because Obama is locking down the documents doesn't mean he had anything to do with the Fast and Furious discussions. Executive privilege has been invoked 24 times since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. This was Obama's first time asserting it.

Read more: Democrats go on offense over Holder contempt push | Fox News

See also:

Gingrich Rips Obama Over Eric Holder Probe
Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 | By invoking executive privilege over questions about the Justice Department’s “Fast and Furious” operation, the Obama administration is making a mistake of historic proportions, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Wednesday.
Likening it to Watergate, the Georgia Republican said President Obama might be making it worse for himself. “Had Richard Nixon after the break-ins turned over everything and said, ‘Let’s find out who’s guilty, get it over with, done, it would have been a blip. It would have gone away. He would have served his term. History would have been different,” he said. “Part of what’s involved here is American guns ending up killing an American law enforcement officer having been processed by the Justice Department to the Mexican drug cartels. This is a really serious charge. A number of Mexicans were killed by these guns. Now it turns out the whole thing was a sting that went bad. Somebody should have known about it. “It makes you wonder, what are they trying to hide?”

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder faced questions over the sting operation, which involved the transfer of illegal guns to Mexico. A House committee voted to find Holder in contempt of Congress for his failure to hand over documents related to the Justice Department’s actions. “They had an opportunity to come clean, get it over with, let the country decide, they would have been embarrassed,” Gingrich said. “It’s even conceivable Holder might have had to resign because the thing was run so badly, but now it’s going to become a major scandal in which the president himself is getting drug into it. That’s exactly backwards. The job of a cabinet officer is to protect the president. It’s never the president’s job to protect the cabinet officer. I think Obama has this one backwards.”

Gingrich, who ended his bid for the Republican presidential nomination with $4.3 million in campaign debt, also took a shot at Obama. “I think the president has such a terrible record on job creation and has the worst unemployment record since the Great Depression that I think he can’t raise any of these issues,” he said. “Every time Barack Obama talks about job creation, he’s reminding people what a failure his administration is. Over the last five or six weeks, his efforts to attack (presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt) Romney have fallen short. People expect an incumbent president to solve problems, not to blame others. When Ronald Reagan ran in 1984, the theme was leadership that’s working. He didn’t talk about Jimmy Carter. He talked about ‘Morning In America.’ Obama has gone from, ‘Yes we can,’ to, ‘Why we couldn’t,’ as his campaign theme. I think all of it is further weighing him down.”

News Headlines
Pointless since there is an election coming up. Someone wanted attention.

He wanted media coverage BECAUSE there is an election coming up it appears. Goodness knows his owners have provided him with adequate financing.:laugh::laugh:
The freaking media should be calling for Holder's resignation just like they did during Watergate.

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