Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Read more at Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips (NASDAQ:SWHC, NYSE:RGR) | Market Daily News
The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance.

We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault” rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990′s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free.

What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history.
I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Ban” Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection.
This same “pretty good intelligence” says the items that would lead to a banwould ban pistol grips and “high-capacity” magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possession”.​

The progressive war on the Second Amendment is going to escalate.

you mean she plans to ban them from the legal realm....

I am very very very sure it will have zero effect on the criminals.
Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Read more at Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips (NASDAQ:SWHC, NYSE:RGR) | Market Daily News
The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance.

We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault” rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990′s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free.

What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history.
I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Ban” Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection.
This same “pretty good intelligence” says the items that would lead to a banwould ban pistol grips and “high-capacity” magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possession”.​

The progressive war on the Second Amendment is going to escalate.

Wingnuts will be wingnuts.
And somebody else who has no problem with Democrats taking away freedoms predictably chimes in.
They shouldn't? So one American citizen has more rights than others? You defend gays because you think they have less rights. Why do you think some Americans should have less rights than others?

I'm really starting to think you are a high-functioning retard. I really can't explain your posts any other way.

there is no right to own a gun.

The second Amendment is about militias. If the people of your town declare it a gun-free zone, move somewhere else.

But there were gun shops that intentionally set up shop and illegally sold guns to Chicago residents. When I used to live in Cicero (ugh), there was one a few blocks from my house, right next to the strip joint that was really a brothel.

Here's what you said

Is your reading comprehension really that poor? I'm asking, because I can use simpler words when talking to you....

I'm just not sure what else I can do for you, poor thing.

Don't play stupid with me, or maybe it's not an act.
Are you blaming the Chicago police program for murders in Chicago?

noooooo.... but i think you missed the point. And I think if I explain it to you again, you STILL won't understand it.

Chicago does not have gun murders because it has a gun ban. Chicago has gun murders because people in other towns and states sell guns to folks from Chicago when they shouldn't.

Chicago has gun murders because people in other towns and states sell guns to folks from Chicago when they shouldn't
You defend gay for some special right. But will not defend all American's because they are have a right to firearm ownership.

there is no right to own a gun.
:badgrin: HOLY SHIT you are stupid. you are upping your stupidity

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Good for her.

At least you don't try to hide your irrational fear of scary black guns.

You're really a dumb shit, but I suspect you know that daveboy. Sen. Feinstein has very personal reasons for wanting gun control. As a dumb shit you and the other dumb shits leap to the attack of The President and all who don't hold your narrow view of the world.
That's okay, Fly Catcher. You just sit there and excuse Feinstein's hypocrisy (did you know she was the first CCW holder in Frisco?) and just pretend that the Second Amendment isn't really a right -- exactly as you're told to do.

Personal reasons for wanting gun control should affect her life only -- not everyone else's. But you drooling idiot leftists believe that if you don't want something, no one else should be allowed to have it, either.
You're really a dumb shit, but I suspect you know that daveboy. Sen. Feinstein has very personal reasons for wanting gun control. As a dumb shit you and the other dumb shits leap to the attack of The President and all who don't hold your narrow view of the world.

Well I would like a link to this irrational fear and as a bonus can you tell me how she thinks disarming citizens of legal status is going to cure this? I'm pretty sure whatever story she has for hating guns involves people that wouldn't give a shit about gun laws anyway.

[ame=]Diane Feinstein, Why are you being so quiet about Prop 8 since you launched your political career by announcing the murder of gay politician Harvey Milk on City Hall steps? Speak up, Diane! - YouTube[/ame]


Go to 222 on the UTube video for your answer.

Is this supposed to be justification for disarming law-abiding citizens? A criminal broke the law?

Not a single one of you retards has ever explained by disarming good citizens will make everyone safe from criminals who don't obey the law.

You really are irrational.
Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Read more at Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips (NASDAQ:SWHC, NYSE:RGR) | Market Daily News
The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance.

We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault” rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990′s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free.

What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history.
I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Ban” Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection.
This same “pretty good intelligence” says the items that would lead to a banwould ban pistol grips and “high-capacity” magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possession”.​

The progressive war on the Second Amendment is going to escalate.

After the Obama administration sending 2000 weapons down to Mexican drug cartels to kill 40k Mexicans-Fast and Furious--what did you think the ultimate goal was DUMB ASS?
There's never been any doubt in my mind that F&F was to be the catalyst for disarming Americans.
there is no right to own a gun.
:badgrin: HOLY SHIT you are stupid. you are upping your stupidity

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

Well Regulated Militia.

WHich does not mean, "Joker Holmes can go into a gun store and buy a 100 round clip".

Because Joker Holmes was not Well Regulated. He wasn't even well-medicated, which probably would have solved a lot of problems.
Is your reading comprehension really that poor? I'm asking, because I can use simpler words when talking to you....

I'm just not sure what else I can do for you, poor thing.

Don't play stupid with me, or maybe it's not an act.
Are you blaming the Chicago police program for murders in Chicago?

noooooo.... but i think you missed the point. And I think if I explain it to you again, you STILL won't understand it.

Chicago does not have gun murders because it has a gun ban. Chicago has gun murders because people in other towns and states sell guns to folks from Chicago when they shouldn't.
No, dumbass -- Chicago has gun murders because criminals kill people with guns.

But typical leftist that you are, you can't seem to blame the murderers for their actions.
Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Read more at Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips (NASDAQ:SWHC, NYSE:RGR) | Market Daily News
The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance.

We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault” rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990′s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free.

What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history.
I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Ban” Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection.
This same “pretty good intelligence” says the items that would lead to a banwould ban pistol grips and “high-capacity” magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possession”.​

The progressive war on the Second Amendment is going to escalate.

you mean she plans to ban them from the legal realm....

I am very very very sure it will have zero effect on the criminals.
No, honest, just ONE MORE LAW and the criminals will start obeying them! No, really!

Right, you irrational gun-haters?
there is no right to own a gun.
:badgrin: HOLY SHIT you are stupid. you are upping your stupidity

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

Well Regulated Militia.

WHich does not mean, "Joker Holmes can go into a gun store and buy a 100 round clip".

Because Joker Holmes was not Well Regulated. He wasn't even well-medicated, which probably would have solved a lot of problems.
Again -- SCOTUS says you're full of shit.
there is no right to own a gun.
:badgrin: HOLY SHIT you are stupid. you are upping your stupidity

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

Well Regulated Militia.

WHich does not mean, "Joker Holmes can go into a gun store and buy a 100 round clip".

Because Joker Holmes was not Well Regulated. He wasn't even well-medicated, which probably would have solved a lot of problems.

It's a two part amendment.
The first part gives the states the right to have a militia the second part gives the people of that state the right too OWN firearms
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Why would a government want their citizens disarmed?

think about it

So that they do not shoot each other.
I never understood the logic behind the assault weapon ban.

Since A.W.'s are the absolutely least used weapon by criminals AND the least used in homicides AND the least used in suicides, why do the gun grabbers pick on them?

101 California St.; Virginia Tech; Colorado Movie Theater are three reasons why many who support the Second Amendment want to ban large volume magazines and semi-automatic weapons.

Few deny the right of a home owner/business owner the right to defend their home or property with a firearm. The simple solution in my mind is for each state to allow AW's and high volume magazines and others to regulate or outlaw them.

Second Amendment rights are abridged today and IMO rightly so. Few can legally own automatic weapons, anti-tank weapons, SAM's, Molotov Cocktails, push button knives or nunchucks. All of which are 'arms' and most more lethal (able to kill more than one person quickly) then the firearms carried by an 18th Century marksman.

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