Senator Grassley Wants Answers

This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
Why would anyone want him on SCOTUS? He lied under oath. He's emotionally unstable. His views towards women is appalling. His rulings are irrational. His record is being kept private. But we do know why the right wants him there...

...he's a corporate homer who always rules in favor of the corporation over average Americans. He can be bought.

You make valid points. He threw Ice at a bar in th 1980s. He is a psychotic.

Who should be the nominee from Trump? Garland? I would support that.
That in of itself is nothing....but added to all other things with him lying about not having any drinking problem.................

Exactly....its nothing but a stall tactic.

/----/ Will democRATs demand the FBI dust ice cubes for fingerprints?
Where Is the Polygraph Trail Leading?

Read more at ^ | Charles Cooke

The “sworn statement from a longtime boyfriend of Dr. Ford’s” is now online. In it, the ex-boyfriend claims that he... "witnessed Dr. Ford help McLean [Ford’s friend] prepare for a potential polygraph exam. Dr. Ford explained in detail what to expect, how polygraphs worked, and helped McLean become familiar and less nervous about the exam." He also writes that “Dr. Ford never brought up anything regarding her experience as a victim of sexual assault, harassment, or misconduct”; that she “never mentioned Brett Kavanaugh”; that she “never indicated a fear of flying”; that she “never expressed a fear of closed quarters

Why would a polygraph expert "Ford" need to take 4 hours to answer 2 questions given by a Polygraph Tech?


They spent the entire 4 hours rehearsing these lies while being connected to The Polygraph so she'd come off as more convincing.
Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm

The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.

He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door -- apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh's alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.

I wonder why she lied about that?

Oh good god, I want answers too of Kavanaugh sexual assaults, but I'm not going to get them. She was 100 X's more believable than him, he was a self righteous spoiled brat.
/----/ And is Swetnick believable in your mind?
NBC News has had to admit that they are unable to independently corroborate the claims of Julie Swetnick, unable to independently corroborate Swetnick’s claims and has not spoken with anybody who says they saw Swetnick at parties with Kavanaugh! They can’t find anybody that can place her there!

But she says she was at 10 parties where Kavanaugh and his buddies were running rape trains, gang rape trains. They can’t find anybody who saw Swetnick. Swetnick was a college student when Kavanaugh and his buddies were high school students! Everybody’s asking, “What’s a college student, female, hanging around at a high school party for — and why keep going back to gang rapes, if that’s what’s happening at these parties?” You know what her lawyer said to that? Her lawyer said that she was doing research!

Yeah. Julie Swetnick kept going to these gang rape parties to gather evidence, to do research. But NBC — and believe me, they’re lookin’. NBC News can’t find anybody who says they saw Swetnick at parties with Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh has said he doesn’t know Swetnick and has called her claims a farce. - Rush
This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
Why would anyone want him on SCOTUS? He lied under oath. He's emotionally unstable. His views towards women is appalling. His rulings are irrational. His record is being kept private. But we do know why the right wants him there...

...he's a corporate homer who always rules in favor of the corporation over average Americans. He can be bought.

You make valid points. He threw Ice at a bar in th 1980s. He is a psychotic.

Who should be the nominee from Trump? Garland? I would support that.
That in of itself is nothing....but added to all other things with him lying about not having any drinking problem.................

Exactly....its nothing but a stall tactic.

/----/ Will democRATs demand the FBI dust ice cubes for fingerprints?
This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
Why would anyone want him on SCOTUS? He lied under oath. He's emotionally unstable. His views towards women is appalling. His rulings are irrational. His record is being kept private. But we do know why the right wants him there...

...he's a corporate homer who always rules in favor of the corporation over average Americans. He can be bought.

You make valid points. He threw Ice at a bar in th 1980s. He is a psychotic.

Who should be the nominee from Trump? Garland? I would support that.
That in of itself is nothing....but added to all other things with him lying about not having any drinking problem.................

Exactly....its nothing but a stall tactic.

/----/ Will democRATs demand the FBI dust ice cubes for fingerprints?

Vote must be delayed until that can be accomplished.
If Ford lied to Congress, should she be prosecuted, or is that a #METOO violation?
Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm

The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.

He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door -- apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh's alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.

I wonder why she lied about that?

Oh good god, I want answers to of Kavanaugh sexual assaults, but I'm not going to get them. She was 100 X's more believable than him, he was a self righteous spoiled brat.

This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.

I didn't want him before the assault allegation (s) and sure do not want him as he sure displayed his true self, he is sickening.
Because an innocent man falsely accused is supposed to be nice about it, right? What's your reaction when people accuse you of criminal acts you didn't commit?
good god - just make shit up, please.

prove he lied. in the same manner please that you demand people prove ford lied.
He said under oath he didn't receive stolen emails and he stated he didn't hear about Ramirez allegations until Sept. '18, when in fact, he was making calls to friends in July asking them to refute what Ramirez was saying. Here's a few others...

let me attack you in front of the world and have people threaten to kill your family. that seems to be the MO and if that doesn't work, we nail you for being human about it.
You can forgive someone for being human, but being unhinged and disrespectful to Senate women, is not someone you want as a Supreme Court justice.

which rules are we talking about and which views? no more generic "my god he sucks" crap. be specific so we can address details, not your out of control jr high emo feelz bullshit.
In this first example, he's making up is own evidence, or lack thereof...

Judge Kavanaugh is no friend to liberty. In U.S. v. Bullock, 510 F.3d 342 (D.C. Cir. 2007) Kavanaugh justified ordering a person out of his car, detaining him, and searching his crotch area and under his pants by saying that the police had a “reasonable suspicion” that the car was stolen because the person “could not produce registration and could not name the car's owner,” 510 F.3d at 345–46. But the arrestee had given the car owner’s first name and his own driver’s license, and the police had confirmed that the driver’s license was clean and the car had never been reported missing or stolen. Judge Kavanaugh’s opinion upheld the arrestee’s 12-year prison sentence for possession of crack cocaine.
In this second example, Kavanaugh has no empathy for rape victims...

In the third, he thinks OSHA doesn't have the authority to enforce workplace safety.

private? show me ANY SCOTUS nominee who's had MORE info submitted. your definition of "private" sucks dead donkey balls as it will again fit around your FEELZ and not reality
Much of Kavanaugh's record is being withheld by the White House...

we want him there because the president nominated him and that is our process. the problem both sides have weaponized shit to the point where people actually feel "justified" in attacking people w/o merit, evidence or other needed proof and then prop up your insanity with your own bullshit.
You tribal, extremist right, are putting a completely biased judge in a lifetime post, who will not be fair to anyone on the left, and you think that is good for the country?

Fuck you!

Now, I've done my due diligence, where's yours, hypocrite?
Well if Kavanaugh is pissed off I wonder who it is that got him there?
Elections have consequences
So do defamations.

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