Senator Grassley Wants Answers

Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm

The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.

He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door -- apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh's alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.

I wonder why she lied about that?

Oh good god, I want answers to of Kavanaugh sexual assaults, but I'm not going to get them. She was 100 X's more believable than him, he was a self righteous spoiled brat.

This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
If they were going to come up with false allegations, wouldn't they have made them something he did as an adult? I'm pretty sure everyone is saying "Interesting but he was a teenager." Bottom line, if he is not drinking to excess and attacking women as an adult, it's not really relevant. He grew up.
The important thing I see here is that when they put the pressure on him, he showed his true stripes. He is too partisan to be on the Supreme Court, besides the fact that he's got a crummy attitude toward the Senate's responsibilities. I believe he failed the "character" test.

Well, I guess you will wait for the investigation to be released before making conclusions.

You agree with what the Dems in the Senate said, right?

There must be an investigation, and when it’s released, we will know the truth.
Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm

The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.

He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door -- apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh's alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.

I wonder why she lied about that?

Oh good god, I want answers to of Kavanaugh sexual assaults, but I'm not going to get them. She was 100 X's more believable than him, he was a self righteous spoiled brat.

This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
If they were going to come up with false allegations, wouldn't they have made them something he did as an adult? I'm pretty sure everyone is saying "Interesting but he was a teenager." Bottom line, if he is not drinking to excess and attacking women as an adult, it's not really relevant. He grew up.
The important thing I see here is that when they put the pressure on him, he showed his true stripes. He is too partisan to be on the Supreme Court, besides the fact that he's got a crummy attitude toward the Senate's responsibilities. I believe he failed the "character" test.
if you're going to come out with false allegations, why would you do it when it would be easy to prove? the trick is to get people to think these things about him with claims that can neither be proven nor disproven, but are great bullet points for the cheerleaders of a given side. and even if during the course of events the allegations do not bear out - it won't matter.

people like you and others had your mind made up before them. i *do* appreciate the fact you're dismissing the allegations at this point and more focused on him and/or his politics. while i may not agree with your conclusions, it is a more valid assessment of who he is today.
Don't start with "people like you" shit, iceberg. I had not made up my mind until the hearing. I am not a Dem and I have accepted the fact that during the administration of a Republican president, conservative judges will be appointed.
It doesn't have to be this one, though.

And as for the false allegations, what about all the women who brought allegations against Trump? Did they say it happened when he was in military school? He says all those accusations were false, and so far no one has proven him -- or them -- wrong. I'm sure Ronan Farrow tried.
Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm

The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.

He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door -- apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh's alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.

I wonder why she lied about that?

Moon Bat Libtard bitches lie. What else is new?
Just like Bill O'Reilly, and O Kavanaugh, and Hannity, Irish Catholics are more like Evangelicals, and think every female is their playground, and of course we have Gingrich, Trump, Rush, in the mold. Gingrich, all the time he was trying to impeach Clinton he was having an affair with his aide since 1991 while married. He is the cream of the crop of the GOP.

i was born and raised catholic. pretty sure there's some irish in my background but more sure it's german and/or nordic.

the problem with most of your posts is you post in generic stereotypes and i can promise you your views are *not* correct when melded into reality. you just like to lob out a sympathy play and then tie people you don't like to be against it. i can also promise you my father raised us all to be VERY respectful of women and i know of few catholics in my time who *EVER* treated women badly. a few did, sure. but a few blacks do. a few jews do. a few mexicans do.

yet i don't see you take those few examples and pretend they're the standard for all in that group.

we all really need to get past seeing the worst possible person in a group and then pretending all people of similar background are also in that group.

We know the Irish men use to beat on their women, its inbred and they have a temper, its what they are known for. Also good little Catholics girls like Callista Bisek cheats with a married man (Gingrich). When someone tells me how religious they are like Kavanaugh did and now Trump is pretending to be, I really need to question them. Most of the time they are the most degenerate of the bunch.
Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm

The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.

He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door -- apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh's alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.

I wonder why she lied about that?

Oh good god, I want answers to of Kavanaugh sexual assaults, but I'm not going to get them. She was 100 X's more believable than him, he was a self righteous spoiled brat.

This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
If they were going to come up with false allegations, wouldn't they have made them something he did as an adult? I'm pretty sure everyone is saying "Interesting but he was a teenager." Bottom line, if he is not drinking to excess and attacking women as an adult, it's not really relevant. He grew up.
The important thing I see here is that when they put the pressure on him, he showed his true stripes. He is too partisan to be on the Supreme Court, besides the fact that he's got a crummy attitude toward the Senate's responsibilities. I believe he failed the "character" test.
if you're going to come out with false allegations, why would you do it when it would be easy to prove? the trick is to get people to think these things about him with claims that can neither be proven nor disproven, but are great bullet points for the cheerleaders of a given side. and even if during the course of events the allegations do not bear out - it won't matter.

people like you and others had your mind made up before them. i *do* appreciate the fact you're dismissing the allegations at this point and more focused on him and/or his politics. while i may not agree with your conclusions, it is a more valid assessment of who he is today.
Don't start with "people like you" shit, iceberg. I had not made up my mind until the hearing. I am not a Dem and I have accepted the fact that during the administration of a Republican president, conservative judges will be appointed.
It doesn't have to be this one, though.

And as for the false allegations, what about all the women who brought allegations against Trump? Did they say it happened when he was in military school? He says all those accusations were false, and so far no one has proven him -- or them -- wrong. I'm sure Ronan Farrow tried.

was your mind made up about kavanaugh *before* the allegations? did you feel this way *before* them as well? if you're saying the hearing swayed you then yes - you prove the *allegations* are in fact total and complete bullshit.

"he showed who he was during this time!!!" how would that be? getting emotional about having his life turned inside out for a political game and/or his kids being threatened are not worthy of showing emotion? lord knows you do it in here daily for a hell of a lot less.

see this post as an example. your temperament sucks woman! you can sure dish it out but you can't take shit. you hold people to standards you'd never be able to live up to and then get righteous about why you do it.

pretty common of "you people".

if the allegations don't work, then get him for his reactions to the bullshit. either way, the allegations did their job, now didn't they? that's what "you people" do. hate and *then* figure out why you hate. any reason will do in the end.
Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm

The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.

He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door -- apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh's alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.

I wonder why she lied about that?

Oh good god, I want answers too of Kavanaugh sexual assaults, but I'm not going to get them. She was 100 X's more believable than him, he was a self righteous spoiled brat.
So if she lied and falsely accused him that would not bother you?
This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
Why would anyone want him on SCOTUS? He lied under oath. He's emotionally unstable. His views towards women is appalling. His rulings are irrational. His record is being kept private. But we do know why the right wants him there...

...he's a corporate homer who always rules in favor of the corporation over average Americans. He can be bought.
Now, I want him confirmed more than ever. If it helps send you nutjobs over the frothy edge he has done his job!
I think a lot of people feel that way now after the extreme hypocrisy and obvious deception the Left embraces

I also believe we have a number of FemiNazi females on this forum.
Oh good god, I want answers to of Kavanaugh sexual assaults, but I'm not going to get them. She was 100 X's more believable than him, he was a self righteous spoiled brat.

This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.

I didn't want him before the assault allegation (s) and sure do not want him as he sure displayed his true self, he is sickening.
Yet I bet you support the deviate sexual practices of Elena kagen

What are they now?

We should probably have an FBI investigation. If it turns out the way you want it to, you can call it valid.

If it doesn’t turn out the way you want it to, you can call the FBI agents liars.

It must be exhausting to have multiple standards for everything based on your personal political motivations.

That's a good one.

Trump threatens at rally ‘I will get INVOLVED’ in 'DISGRACEFUL' FBI and Justice Department

Where's Trump on the FBI this week? For it, or against it?
This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.

I didn't want him before the assault allegation (s) and sure do not want him as he sure displayed his true self, he is sickening.
Yet I bet you support the deviate sexual practices of Elena kagen

What are they now?

We should probably have an FBI investigation. If it turns out the way you want it to, you can call it valid.

If it doesn’t turn out the way you want it to, you can call the FBI agents liars.

It must be exhausting to have multiple standards for everything based on your personal political motivations.

That's a good one.

Trump threatens at rally ‘I will get INVOLVED’ in 'DISGRACEFUL' FBI and Justice Department

Where's Trump on the FBI this week? For it, or against it?
Why? He didn’t insist on the SEVENTH investigation the democrats Senators and Jeff No Balls Flake did! They asked the WH to order the investigation and Trump granted them their wish. Now, what’s your problem?
Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm

The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.

He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door -- apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh's alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.

I wonder why she lied about that?

Oh good god, I want answers too of Kavanaugh sexual assaults, but I'm not going to get them. She was 100 X's more believable than him, he was a self righteous spoiled brat.
She wasn't believable in in stretch.
I didn't want him before the assault allegation (s) and sure do not want him as he sure displayed his true self, he is sickening.
Yet I bet you support the deviate sexual practices of Elena kagen

What are they now?

We should probably have an FBI investigation. If it turns out the way you want it to, you can call it valid.

If it doesn’t turn out the way you want it to, you can call the FBI agents liars.

It must be exhausting to have multiple standards for everything based on your personal political motivations.

That's a good one.

Trump threatens at rally ‘I will get INVOLVED’ in 'DISGRACEFUL' FBI and Justice Department

Where's Trump on the FBI this week? For it, or against it?
Why? He didn’t insist on the SEVENTH investigation the democrats Senators and Jeff No Balls Flake did! They asked the WH to order the investigation and Trump granted them their wish. Now, what’s your problem?

I'm enjoying Colonel Angus talking about someone else's hypocrisy. I don't have a problem.
Wow, Penelope not only has TDS but has other issues also. Penelope, did you ever date an Irish guy? If so, are you still butthurt he dumped you after all these years?
Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm

The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.

He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door -- apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh's alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.

I wonder why she lied about that?

Oh good god, I want answers too of Kavanaugh sexual assaults, but I'm not going to get them. She was 100 X's more believable than him, he was a self righteous spoiled brat.
So if she lied and falsely accused him that would not bother you?

  • Palo Alto records show they filed for a permit to install the 2nd door and attached living area in 2008 so they could rent the room out and give the renter their own ingress/egress
  • then her ex-boyfriend's sworn testimony was leaked - saying he remembered her coaching a friend for a polygraph they'd need to take for an FBI check. apparently they had this info when they were questioning her, since the prosecutor lady specifically asked this question
  • he also said they dated 8 years, she never once mentioned being attacked, never had a fear of flying, and in fact committed credit card fraud with his card
  • and he named names - the person Ford coached for polygraph. Mike Cernovich went digging to see and apparently the name checks out

yet "the left" (those people) don't hold her accountable for this. none of it. but if kavanaugh gets mad all this is happening to him they go SEE WE'RE RIGHT ABOUT SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT!!!

sheer bullshit they'd shit cows over if done to them. hell, the right just didn't vote on obamas nomination (right or wrong as it was) and the left continues to use that as a valid reason to do "all this" regardless of whether or not it's true.
Oh good god, I want answers to of Kavanaugh sexual assaults, but I'm not going to get them. She was 100 X's more believable than him, he was a self righteous spoiled brat.

This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
If they were going to come up with false allegations, wouldn't they have made them something he did as an adult? I'm pretty sure everyone is saying "Interesting but he was a teenager." Bottom line, if he is not drinking to excess and attacking women as an adult, it's not really relevant. He grew up.
The important thing I see here is that when they put the pressure on him, he showed his true stripes. He is too partisan to be on the Supreme Court, besides the fact that he's got a crummy attitude toward the Senate's responsibilities. I believe he failed the "character" test.
if you're going to come out with false allegations, why would you do it when it would be easy to prove? the trick is to get people to think these things about him with claims that can neither be proven nor disproven, but are great bullet points for the cheerleaders of a given side. and even if during the course of events the allegations do not bear out - it won't matter.

people like you and others had your mind made up before them. i *do* appreciate the fact you're dismissing the allegations at this point and more focused on him and/or his politics. while i may not agree with your conclusions, it is a more valid assessment of who he is today.
Don't start with "people like you" shit, iceberg. I had not made up my mind until the hearing. I am not a Dem and I have accepted the fact that during the administration of a Republican president, conservative judges will be appointed.
It doesn't have to be this one, though.

And as for the false allegations, what about all the women who brought allegations against Trump? Did they say it happened when he was in military school? He says all those accusations were false, and so far no one has proven him -- or them -- wrong. I'm sure Ronan Farrow tried.

was your mind made up about kavanaugh *before* the allegations? did you feel this way *before* them as well? if you're saying the hearing swayed you then yes - you prove the *allegations* are in fact total and complete bullshit.

"he showed who he was during this time!!!" how would that be? getting emotional about having his life turned inside out for a political game and/or his kids being threatened are not worthy of showing emotion? lord knows you do it in here daily for a hell of a lot less.

see this post as an example. your temperament sucks woman! you can sure dish it out but you can't take shit. you hold people to standards you'd never be able to live up to and then get righteous about why you do it.

pretty common of "you people".

if the allegations don't work, then get him for his reactions to the bullshit. either way, the allegations did their job, now didn't they? that's what "you people" do. hate and *then* figure out why you hate. any reason will do in the end.
You are a fine one to say that when you got triggered by "Are you a Californian?"
There is no sense in talking to you. You've decided what I believe regardless of what I tell you, and although that is totally dishonest, you are going to merrily smear me and say whatever you damned well please just because you can.
And here you can. So enjoy.
Wow, Penelope not only has TDS but has other issues also. Penelope, did you ever date an Irish guy? If so, are you still butthurt he dumped you after all these years?

Today is Wed. Irish dude will be on the court by Mon. He will have at least thirty years to shit on democrats!
This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
If they were going to come up with false allegations, wouldn't they have made them something he did as an adult? I'm pretty sure everyone is saying "Interesting but he was a teenager." Bottom line, if he is not drinking to excess and attacking women as an adult, it's not really relevant. He grew up.
The important thing I see here is that when they put the pressure on him, he showed his true stripes. He is too partisan to be on the Supreme Court, besides the fact that he's got a crummy attitude toward the Senate's responsibilities. I believe he failed the "character" test.
if you're going to come out with false allegations, why would you do it when it would be easy to prove? the trick is to get people to think these things about him with claims that can neither be proven nor disproven, but are great bullet points for the cheerleaders of a given side. and even if during the course of events the allegations do not bear out - it won't matter.

people like you and others had your mind made up before them. i *do* appreciate the fact you're dismissing the allegations at this point and more focused on him and/or his politics. while i may not agree with your conclusions, it is a more valid assessment of who he is today.
Don't start with "people like you" shit, iceberg. I had not made up my mind until the hearing. I am not a Dem and I have accepted the fact that during the administration of a Republican president, conservative judges will be appointed.
It doesn't have to be this one, though.

And as for the false allegations, what about all the women who brought allegations against Trump? Did they say it happened when he was in military school? He says all those accusations were false, and so far no one has proven him -- or them -- wrong. I'm sure Ronan Farrow tried.

was your mind made up about kavanaugh *before* the allegations? did you feel this way *before* them as well? if you're saying the hearing swayed you then yes - you prove the *allegations* are in fact total and complete bullshit.

"he showed who he was during this time!!!" how would that be? getting emotional about having his life turned inside out for a political game and/or his kids being threatened are not worthy of showing emotion? lord knows you do it in here daily for a hell of a lot less.

see this post as an example. your temperament sucks woman! you can sure dish it out but you can't take shit. you hold people to standards you'd never be able to live up to and then get righteous about why you do it.

pretty common of "you people".

if the allegations don't work, then get him for his reactions to the bullshit. either way, the allegations did their job, now didn't they? that's what "you people" do. hate and *then* figure out why you hate. any reason will do in the end.
You are a fine one to say that when you got triggered by "Are you a Californian?"
There is no sense in talking to you. You've decided what I believe regardless of what I tell you, and although that is totally dishonest, you are going to merrily smear me and say whatever you damned well please just because you can.
And here you can. So enjoy.
Now you must know how Kavanaugh feels.
This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
If they were going to come up with false allegations, wouldn't they have made them something he did as an adult? I'm pretty sure everyone is saying "Interesting but he was a teenager." Bottom line, if he is not drinking to excess and attacking women as an adult, it's not really relevant. He grew up.
The important thing I see here is that when they put the pressure on him, he showed his true stripes. He is too partisan to be on the Supreme Court, besides the fact that he's got a crummy attitude toward the Senate's responsibilities. I believe he failed the "character" test.
if you're going to come out with false allegations, why would you do it when it would be easy to prove? the trick is to get people to think these things about him with claims that can neither be proven nor disproven, but are great bullet points for the cheerleaders of a given side. and even if during the course of events the allegations do not bear out - it won't matter.

people like you and others had your mind made up before them. i *do* appreciate the fact you're dismissing the allegations at this point and more focused on him and/or his politics. while i may not agree with your conclusions, it is a more valid assessment of who he is today.
Don't start with "people like you" shit, iceberg. I had not made up my mind until the hearing. I am not a Dem and I have accepted the fact that during the administration of a Republican president, conservative judges will be appointed.
It doesn't have to be this one, though.

And as for the false allegations, what about all the women who brought allegations against Trump? Did they say it happened when he was in military school? He says all those accusations were false, and so far no one has proven him -- or them -- wrong. I'm sure Ronan Farrow tried.

was your mind made up about kavanaugh *before* the allegations? did you feel this way *before* them as well? if you're saying the hearing swayed you then yes - you prove the *allegations* are in fact total and complete bullshit.

"he showed who he was during this time!!!" how would that be? getting emotional about having his life turned inside out for a political game and/or his kids being threatened are not worthy of showing emotion? lord knows you do it in here daily for a hell of a lot less.

see this post as an example. your temperament sucks woman! you can sure dish it out but you can't take shit. you hold people to standards you'd never be able to live up to and then get righteous about why you do it.

pretty common of "you people".

if the allegations don't work, then get him for his reactions to the bullshit. either way, the allegations did their job, now didn't they? that's what "you people" do. hate and *then* figure out why you hate. any reason will do in the end.
You are a fine one to say that when you got triggered by "Are you a Californian?"
There is no sense in talking to you. You've decided what I believe regardless of what I tell you, and although that is totally dishonest, you are going to merrily smear me and say whatever you damned well please just because you can.
And here you can. So enjoy.

Exactly WHAT PART of what he said is not 100% true and reasonable?
Could extreme feminism (aka FemiNazi) be distorting your perception of reality?
This is an answer.

There are no Kavanaugh Sexual Assaults.

Dimms said they would do anything to keep him off the bench.

Your disingenuousness is duly noted.
If they were going to come up with false allegations, wouldn't they have made them something he did as an adult? I'm pretty sure everyone is saying "Interesting but he was a teenager." Bottom line, if he is not drinking to excess and attacking women as an adult, it's not really relevant. He grew up.
The important thing I see here is that when they put the pressure on him, he showed his true stripes. He is too partisan to be on the Supreme Court, besides the fact that he's got a crummy attitude toward the Senate's responsibilities. I believe he failed the "character" test.
if you're going to come out with false allegations, why would you do it when it would be easy to prove? the trick is to get people to think these things about him with claims that can neither be proven nor disproven, but are great bullet points for the cheerleaders of a given side. and even if during the course of events the allegations do not bear out - it won't matter.

people like you and others had your mind made up before them. i *do* appreciate the fact you're dismissing the allegations at this point and more focused on him and/or his politics. while i may not agree with your conclusions, it is a more valid assessment of who he is today.
Don't start with "people like you" shit, iceberg. I had not made up my mind until the hearing. I am not a Dem and I have accepted the fact that during the administration of a Republican president, conservative judges will be appointed.
It doesn't have to be this one, though.

And as for the false allegations, what about all the women who brought allegations against Trump? Did they say it happened when he was in military school? He says all those accusations were false, and so far no one has proven him -- or them -- wrong. I'm sure Ronan Farrow tried.

was your mind made up about kavanaugh *before* the allegations? did you feel this way *before* them as well? if you're saying the hearing swayed you then yes - you prove the *allegations* are in fact total and complete bullshit.

"he showed who he was during this time!!!" how would that be? getting emotional about having his life turned inside out for a political game and/or his kids being threatened are not worthy of showing emotion? lord knows you do it in here daily for a hell of a lot less.

see this post as an example. your temperament sucks woman! you can sure dish it out but you can't take shit. you hold people to standards you'd never be able to live up to and then get righteous about why you do it.

pretty common of "you people".

if the allegations don't work, then get him for his reactions to the bullshit. either way, the allegations did their job, now didn't they? that's what "you people" do. hate and *then* figure out why you hate. any reason will do in the end.
You are a fine one to say that when you got triggered by "Are you a Californian?"
There is no sense in talking to you. You've decided what I believe regardless of what I tell you, and although that is totally dishonest, you are going to merrily smear me and say whatever you damned well please just because you can.
And here you can. So enjoy.
then feel free to quit at any time.and yea, my return "snark" was "triggered". :) see what i mean? you see what you want to see regardless of reality.

hey - that rhymes!

as for the rest of your bullshit...


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