Senator Lindsey Graham explains why he needs an AR-15 civilian rifle...

What am I trying to hide?

11000 murdered annually by a person with a gun 330000000 people in the country

.003% pf the population murdered by a person using a gun

99.997% of the population not murdered annually by a person with a gun

That number includes mass shootings

This is 5th grade math
Nothing to brag about

Most nations would be appalled at such carnage

IDGAF about other countries of what they think.

A 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun is pretty fucking safe
You need to live in a civilized country to see what safe really is

Can’t even shop in a Walmart

99.997% chance of not getting killed by a person with a gun.

If you think that is not safe then it is you who is afraid and paranoid

Goes for those who feel they must constantly be armed also. That is their right to do but paranoia all the same.

Here you go again

You have a far greater chance of being the victim of a crime than you do getting murdered by a person with a gun
Maybe a hand game n? Does is absolutely have to be a weapon equipped with a 100 round magazine and a semi-automatic firing system? Couldn't he be better served by a grenade launcher or a mortar?

The gun! What is the one singular commonality among all mass shootings? A video game? No! It's the fucking gun!

No one, absolutely no one NEEDS an AR-15 or similar weapon. Unless you're actually a soldier, such weapons are unnecessary.

They have the right, need doesn't have to be demonstrated.
They have the privilege, not the right. Removing assault weapons does not infringe the citizen's right to bear arms.

And, as has been repeatedly pointed out, that is a false argument until such time as all agree on the definition of "assault weapons". Those who own and shoot AR-15's will tell you that they are just another rifle with a distinctive shape, not any deadlier than a deer rifle. And yes, they have the right until the SC weighs in on any proposed ban.
The lethality of the round fired is a consideration, until one realizes that given the circumstances, a .22 caliber bullet is also lethal. The rate of fire, the rate of sustainable fire is the issue.

Deer rifles are occasionally bolt action rifles requiring the shooter to load another round mechanically. Not a practical weapon if you just watched a bunch of propaganda and decided to take out a few dozen people on your own.

A 100 round clip? Really? There's an absolute need for such a thing?
You need to shut the fuck up because you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.
It’s called a magazine you spineless piece of shit.

ARs and the like make for great hunting rifles, And they are available in most every cartridge and caliber.

You need to quit listening to the main stream media and child molesting Hollywood types... Because you sound like a fucking retard

I find an AR-15 indispensable in hunting squirrels

Sometimes it takes 100 shots to hit one of those fuckers
Good eating though
Every time you morons use all murders in the assault rifle debate, we know you are dishonest & trying to dupe people.,

So Let me know when you want an honest debate or STFU
What am I trying to hide?

11000 murdered annually by a person with a gun 330000000 people in the country

.003% pf the population murdered by a person using a gun

99.997% of the population not murdered annually by a person with a gun

That number includes mass shootings

This is 5th grade math
Nothing to brag about

Most nations would be appalled at such carnage

IDGAF about other countries of what they think.

A 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun is pretty fucking safe
You need to live in a civilized country to see what safe really is

Can’t even shop in a Walmart

99.997% chance of not getting killed by a person with a gun.

If you think that is not safe then it is you who is afraid and paranoid

Odds of getting struck by lightning are low so it is OK to go outside in a lightning storm.

Odds of getting killed by drunk driver is low so why bother with DUI checkpoints

When you carry a loaded weapon, you put everyone you are near in danger. You increase their odds of getting shot.

What the fuck gives you that right? Don't I have a right to walk down the street without some nutjob packing heat?
I watched video of a motorcycle backfire in Times Square and people ran as if they were being shot at. I know Republicans found that to be hysterically funny.

Then a sign fell at a mall in Utah and shoppers freaked out and took off running. I'm sure Republicans found that to be even more funny than in Times Square.

Ah yes, Republicans and there far out sense of humor. These guys are still filled with chuckles.

Nothing funnier to the GOP than people running for their lives from absolutely nothing.


Like Trump says, "Smile with a BIG thumbs up!"

They ran because they don't know anything about guns

A motorcycle backfire doesn't sound like a rifle shot

So let's train every man, women and child on the sound difference of a backfire, a firecracker, and a gun. BTW, different guns have different sounds.
Good idea

The NRA is the premier gun education and safety organization in the country and anyone can take a course for a very reasonable price
Perhaps the NRA of 40 years ago.

Now it is just an arm of gun makers whose real purpose to fight any regulation of guns.

When a man like George HW Bush revoked his lifetime membership, you know the NRA is not a good organization.

When they let a stupid fucking lying piece of shit like Wayne LaPierre run the NRA, you know it is an evil organization out to sell guns at the expense of children.

Fuck the NRA
What am I trying to hide?

11000 murdered annually by a person with a gun 330000000 people in the country

.003% pf the population murdered by a person using a gun

99.997% of the population not murdered annually by a person with a gun

That number includes mass shootings

This is 5th grade math
Nothing to brag about

Most nations would be appalled at such carnage

IDGAF about other countries of what they think.

A 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun is pretty fucking safe
You need to live in a civilized country to see what safe really is

Can’t even shop in a Walmart

99.997% chance of not getting killed by a person with a gun.

If you think that is not safe then it is you who is afraid and paranoid

Odds of getting struck by lightning are low so it is OK to go outside in a lightning storm.

Odds of getting killed by drunk driver is low so why bother with DUI checkpoints

When you carry a loaded weapon, you put everyone you are near in danger. You increase their odds of getting shot.

What the fuck gives you that right? Don't I have a right to walk down the street without some nutjob packing heat? more Americans began carrying guns for self defense, accidental gun deaths went down, not up......gun murder went down 40%, gun crime went down 75%, and violent crime went down 72%.......

Your theory....people carrying guns puts other people at risk...

26 years...more Americans, now over 17.25 million, are now carrying guns for self defense....

Accidental gun death...down....

Gun murder down 49%
Gun Crime, down 75%
violent crime down 72%

In actual science...when you test a theory, and the exact opposite of what your theory predicts happens? That means, in actual science, that your theory is wrong....

And with more than 17.25 million people carrying guns in public?

Accidental gun death...

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
They have the right, need doesn't have to be demonstrated.
They have the privilege, not the right. Removing assault weapons does not infringe the citizen's right to bear arms.

And, as has been repeatedly pointed out, that is a false argument until such time as all agree on the definition of "assault weapons". Those who own and shoot AR-15's will tell you that they are just another rifle with a distinctive shape, not any deadlier than a deer rifle. And yes, they have the right until the SC weighs in on any proposed ban.
The lethality of the round fired is a consideration, until one realizes that given the circumstances, a .22 caliber bullet is also lethal. The rate of fire, the rate of sustainable fire is the issue.

Deer rifles are occasionally bolt action rifles requiring the shooter to load another round mechanically. Not a practical weapon if you just watched a bunch of propaganda and decided to take out a few dozen people on your own.

A 100 round clip? Really? There's an absolute need for such a thing?

Again, need has nothing to do with it. There are reasons presented why people desire certain types of firearms, but they do NOT have to demonstrate need.
If we were to make a genuine decision on banning assault weapons I think the old method of drawing a vertical line downmthrough the center of a page and listing 'pros' on the left and 'cons' on the right.

The first question I have is: what is the virtue of an assault weapon? What makes it good? What makes it bad?

Nothing to brag about

Most nations would be appalled at such carnage

IDGAF about other countries of what they think.

A 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun is pretty fucking safe
You need to live in a civilized country to see what safe really is

Can’t even shop in a Walmart

99.997% chance of not getting killed by a person with a gun.

If you think that is not safe then it is you who is afraid and paranoid

Odds of getting struck by lightning are low so it is OK to go outside in a lightning storm.

Odds of getting killed by drunk driver is low so why bother with DUI checkpoints

When you carry a loaded weapon, you put everyone you are near in danger. You increase their odds of getting shot.

What the fuck gives you that right? Don't I have a right to walk down the street without some nutjob packing heat? more Americans began carrying guns for self defense, accidental gun deaths went down, not up......gun murder went down 40%, gun crime went down 75%, and violent crime went down 72%.......

Your theory....people carrying guns puts other people at risk...

26 years...more Americans, now over 17.25 million, are now carrying guns for self defense....

Accidental gun death...down....

Gun murder down 49%
Gun Crime, down 75%
violent crime down 72%

In actual science...when you test a theory, and the exact opposite of what your theory predicts happens? That means, in actual science, that your theory is wrong....

And with more than 17.25 million people carrying guns in public?

Accidental gun death...

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
You have no logic. As usual.

What are my odds of getting shot among people without guns?

And what are the odds when there are toters among the people?

Whsart are thec idds that the toter has little training.

What are the odds thaey will mishandle that gun & kill a child. Or will leave that gun so a kid wiull find iot.

These are all risks that a toter radiated everytime he is rmed.

Put a gun in your home & it will more like kill or injure someone then used in defense.

Therefore, you put your love of guns ahead of your own family.

Ylu put med a risk. You put every child in your area at risk.
They have the right, need doesn't have to be demonstrated.
They have the privilege, not the right. Removing assault weapons does not infringe the citizen's right to bear arms.

And, as has been repeatedly pointed out, that is a false argument until such time as all agree on the definition of "assault weapons". Those who own and shoot AR-15's will tell you that they are just another rifle with a distinctive shape, not any deadlier than a deer rifle. And yes, they have the right until the SC weighs in on any proposed ban.
The lethality of the round fired is a consideration, until one realizes that given the circumstances, a .22 caliber bullet is also lethal. The rate of fire, the rate of sustainable fire is the issue.

Deer rifles are occasionally bolt action rifles requiring the shooter to load another round mechanically. Not a practical weapon if you just watched a bunch of propaganda and decided to take out a few dozen people on your own.

A 100 round clip? Really? There's an absolute need for such a thing?
You need to shut the fuck up because you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.
It’s called a magazine you spineless piece of shit.

ARs and the like make for great hunting rifles, And they are available in most every cartridge and caliber.

You need to quit listening to the main stream media and child molesting Hollywood types... Because you sound like a fucking retard

I find an AR-15 indispensable in hunting squirrels

Sometimes it takes 100 shots to hit one of those fuckers
Good eating though

They have the privilege, not the right. Removing assault weapons does not infringe the citizen's right to bear arms.

And, as has been repeatedly pointed out, that is a false argument until such time as all agree on the definition of "assault weapons". Those who own and shoot AR-15's will tell you that they are just another rifle with a distinctive shape, not any deadlier than a deer rifle. And yes, they have the right until the SC weighs in on any proposed ban.
The lethality of the round fired is a consideration, until one realizes that given the circumstances, a .22 caliber bullet is also lethal. The rate of fire, the rate of sustainable fire is the issue.

Deer rifles are occasionally bolt action rifles requiring the shooter to load another round mechanically. Not a practical weapon if you just watched a bunch of propaganda and decided to take out a few dozen people on your own.

A 100 round clip? Really? There's an absolute need for such a thing?

Again, need has nothing to do with it. There are reasons presented why people desire certain types of firearms, but they do NOT have to demonstrate need.
If we were to make a genuine decision on banning assault weapons I think the old method of drawing a vertical line downmthrough the center of a page and listing 'pros' on the left and 'cons' on the right.

The first question I have is: what is the virtue of an assault weapon? What makes it good? What makes it bad?

IDGAF about other countries of what they think.

A 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun is pretty fucking safe
You need to live in a civilized country to see what safe really is

Can’t even shop in a Walmart

99.997% chance of not getting killed by a person with a gun.

If you think that is not safe then it is you who is afraid and paranoid

Odds of getting struck by lightning are low so it is OK to go outside in a lightning storm.

Odds of getting killed by drunk driver is low so why bother with DUI checkpoints

When you carry a loaded weapon, you put everyone you are near in danger. You increase their odds of getting shot.

What the fuck gives you that right? Don't I have a right to walk down the street without some nutjob packing heat? more Americans began carrying guns for self defense, accidental gun deaths went down, not up......gun murder went down 40%, gun crime went down 75%, and violent crime went down 72%.......

Your theory....people carrying guns puts other people at risk...

26 years...more Americans, now over 17.25 million, are now carrying guns for self defense....

Accidental gun death...down....

Gun murder down 49%
Gun Crime, down 75%
violent crime down 72%

In actual science...when you test a theory, and the exact opposite of what your theory predicts happens? That means, in actual science, that your theory is wrong....

And with more than 17.25 million people carrying guns in public?

Accidental gun death...

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
You have no logic. As usual.

What are my odds of getting shot among people without guns?

And what are the odds when there are toters among the people?

Whsart are thec idds that the toter has little training.

What are the odds thaey will mishandle that gun & kill a child. Or will leave that gun so a kid wiull find iot.

These are all risks that a toter radiated everytime he is rmed.

Put a gun in your home & it will more like kill or injure someone then used in defense.

Therefore, you put your love of guns ahead of your own family.

Ylu put med a risk. You put every child in your area at risk.

I showed you the more Americans own and carry guns, accidental gun deaths went down, not up.....and even before then, 400 deaths out of 320 million people compared to 38,000 accidental car deaths gives your opinion even less weight.

As more Americans have carried guns over the last 26 years......gun murder down you are just wrong.....gun crime down you are just wrong....violent crime down you are just wrong.....

You can feel all you want about an issue....facts are facts and the facts in this issue don't support what you feel.....

And guns in the home.....that is another lie you guys tell.

When a gun is used to commit murder in the home, the actual problem is a criminal living in the home, combined with drugs and alcohol and a history of violence. Not homes where John and Jane citizen have a gun for self defense.......
They have the privilege, not the right. Removing assault weapons does not infringe the citizen's right to bear arms.

And, as has been repeatedly pointed out, that is a false argument until such time as all agree on the definition of "assault weapons". Those who own and shoot AR-15's will tell you that they are just another rifle with a distinctive shape, not any deadlier than a deer rifle. And yes, they have the right until the SC weighs in on any proposed ban.
The lethality of the round fired is a consideration, until one realizes that given the circumstances, a .22 caliber bullet is also lethal. The rate of fire, the rate of sustainable fire is the issue.

Deer rifles are occasionally bolt action rifles requiring the shooter to load another round mechanically. Not a practical weapon if you just watched a bunch of propaganda and decided to take out a few dozen people on your own.

A 100 round clip? Really? There's an absolute need for such a thing?

Again, need has nothing to do with it. There are reasons presented why people desire certain types of firearms, but they do NOT have to demonstrate need.
If we were to make a genuine decision on banning assault weapons I think the old method of drawing a vertical line downmthrough the center of a page and listing 'pros' on the left and 'cons' on the right.

The first question I have is: what is the virtue of an assault weapon? What makes it good? What makes it bad?

IDGAF about other countries of what they think.

A 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun is pretty fucking safe
You need to live in a civilized country to see what safe really is

Can’t even shop in a Walmart

99.997% chance of not getting killed by a person with a gun.

If you think that is not safe then it is you who is afraid and paranoid

Odds of getting struck by lightning are low so it is OK to go outside in a lightning storm.

Odds of getting killed by drunk driver is low so why bother with DUI checkpoints

When you carry a loaded weapon, you put everyone you are near in danger. You increase their odds of getting shot.

What the fuck gives you that right? Don't I have a right to walk down the street without some nutjob packing heat? more Americans began carrying guns for self defense, accidental gun deaths went down, not up......gun murder went down 40%, gun crime went down 75%, and violent crime went down 72%.......

Your theory....people carrying guns puts other people at risk...

26 years...more Americans, now over 17.25 million, are now carrying guns for self defense....

Accidental gun death...down....

Gun murder down 49%
Gun Crime, down 75%
violent crime down 72%

In actual science...when you test a theory, and the exact opposite of what your theory predicts happens? That means, in actual science, that your theory is wrong....

And with more than 17.25 million people carrying guns in public?

Accidental gun death...

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
You have no logic. As usual.

What are my odds of getting shot among people without guns?

And what are the odds when there are toters among the people?

Whsart are thec idds that the toter has little training.

What are the odds thaey will mishandle that gun & kill a child. Or will leave that gun so a kid wiull find iot.

These are all risks that a toter radiated everytime he is rmed.

Put a gun in your home & it will more like kill or injure someone then used in defense.

Therefore, you put your love of guns ahead of your own family.

Ylu put med a risk. You put every child in your area at risk.

You are a moron......

Accidental gun death for kids with guns in the home is driven in the majority of cases by a criminal living in the home, and throw in drugs and alcohol abuse........ even with that....if you have a gun and a car? Get rid of the car.....they kill more kids..

70 million children in the country.........62 accidentally killed with guns...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2017.... Kids (<1 - 14)



Suffocation: 1,215

Drowning: 713

Poisoning: 84

Traffic: 1,261
I watched video of a motorcycle backfire in Times Square and people ran as if they were being shot at. I know Republicans found that to be hysterically funny.

Then a sign fell at a mall in Utah and shoppers freaked out and took off running. I'm sure Republicans found that to be even more funny than in Times Square.

Ah yes, Republicans and there far out sense of humor. These guys are still filled with chuckles.

Nothing funnier to the GOP than people running for their lives from absolutely nothing.


Like Trump says, "Smile with a BIG thumbs up!"

They ran because they don't know anything about guns

A motorcycle backfire doesn't sound like a rifle shot

So let's train every man, women and child on the sound difference of a backfire, a firecracker, and a gun. BTW, different guns have different sounds.
Good idea

The NRA is the premier gun education and safety organization in the country and anyone can take a course for a very reasonable price
Perhaps the NRA of 40 years ago.

Now it is just an arm of gun makers whose real purpose to fight any regulation of guns.

When a man like George HW Bush revoked his lifetime membership, you know the NRA is not a good organization.

When they let a stupid fucking lying piece of shit like Wayne LaPierre run the NRA, you know it is an evil organization out to sell guns at the expense of children.

Fuck the NRA
Political correctness Not only has made you fucking retarded... it has made you cowardly
What am I trying to hide?

11000 murdered annually by a person with a gun 330000000 people in the country

.003% pf the population murdered by a person using a gun

99.997% of the population not murdered annually by a person with a gun

That number includes mass shootings

This is 5th grade math
Nothing to brag about

Most nations would be appalled at such carnage

IDGAF about other countries of what they think.

A 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun is pretty fucking safe
You need to live in a civilized country to see what safe really is

Can’t even shop in a Walmart

99.997% chance of not getting killed by a person with a gun.

If you think that is not safe then it is you who is afraid and paranoid

Odds of getting struck by lightning are low so it is OK to go outside in a lightning storm.

Odds of getting killed by drunk driver is low so why bother with DUI checkpoints

When you carry a loaded weapon, you put everyone you are near in danger. You increase their odds of getting shot.

What the fuck gives you that right? Don't I have a right to walk down the street without some nutjob packing heat?

So go ahead and play in a thunder storm it's your choice and I don't care what you do.

Dui checkpoints are a joke anyway especially since they all get posted on line

And no my carrying a concealed gun puts no one in danger. I've been carrying for over 20 years and no one that has been around me has even known I was carrying and no one who has ever been around me has gotten shot.

And you have the right to exercise any right as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else's rights.

I have the right to carry a concealed weapon what I do not have is the right to shoot it anywhere I want and if I do shoot a person in self defense there is no presumption of innocence and I have to justify that shooting to the satisfaction of law enforcement and the courts
Last edited:
They have the privilege, not the right. Removing assault weapons does not infringe the citizen's right to bear arms.

And, as has been repeatedly pointed out, that is a false argument until such time as all agree on the definition of "assault weapons". Those who own and shoot AR-15's will tell you that they are just another rifle with a distinctive shape, not any deadlier than a deer rifle. And yes, they have the right until the SC weighs in on any proposed ban.
The lethality of the round fired is a consideration, until one realizes that given the circumstances, a .22 caliber bullet is also lethal. The rate of fire, the rate of sustainable fire is the issue.

Deer rifles are occasionally bolt action rifles requiring the shooter to load another round mechanically. Not a practical weapon if you just watched a bunch of propaganda and decided to take out a few dozen people on your own.

A 100 round clip? Really? There's an absolute need for such a thing?

Again, need has nothing to do with it. There are reasons presented why people desire certain types of firearms, but they do NOT have to demonstrate need.
If we were to make a genuine decision on banning assault weapons I think the old method of drawing a vertical line downmthrough the center of a page and listing 'pros' on the left and 'cons' on the right.

The first question I have is: what is the virtue of an assault weapon? What makes it good? What makes it bad?

IDGAF about other countries of what they think.

A 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun is pretty fucking safe
You need to live in a civilized country to see what safe really is

Can’t even shop in a Walmart

99.997% chance of not getting killed by a person with a gun.

If you think that is not safe then it is you who is afraid and paranoid

Odds of getting struck by lightning are low so it is OK to go outside in a lightning storm.

Odds of getting killed by drunk driver is low so why bother with DUI checkpoints

When you carry a loaded weapon, you put everyone you are near in danger. You increase their odds of getting shot.

What the fuck gives you that right? Don't I have a right to walk down the street without some nutjob packing heat? more Americans began carrying guns for self defense, accidental gun deaths went down, not up......gun murder went down 40%, gun crime went down 75%, and violent crime went down 72%.......

Your theory....people carrying guns puts other people at risk...

26 years...more Americans, now over 17.25 million, are now carrying guns for self defense....

Accidental gun death...down....

Gun murder down 49%
Gun Crime, down 75%
violent crime down 72%

In actual science...when you test a theory, and the exact opposite of what your theory predicts happens? That means, in actual science, that your theory is wrong....

And with more than 17.25 million people carrying guns in public?

Accidental gun death...

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
You have no logic. As usual.

What are my odds of getting shot among people without guns?

And what are the odds when there are toters among the people?

Whsart are thec idds that the toter has little training.

What are the odds thaey will mishandle that gun & kill a child. Or will leave that gun so a kid wiull find iot.

These are all risks that a toter radiated everytime he is rmed.

Put a gun in your home & it will more like kill or injure someone then used in defense.

Therefore, you put your love of guns ahead of your own family.

Ylu put med a risk. You put every child in your area at risk.
Does your pussy hurt?
I watched video of a motorcycle backfire in Times Square and people ran as if they were being shot at. I know Republicans found that to be hysterically funny.

Then a sign fell at a mall in Utah and shoppers freaked out and took off running. I'm sure Republicans found that to be even more funny than in Times Square.

Ah yes, Republicans and there far out sense of humor. These guys are still filled with chuckles.

Nothing funnier to the GOP than people running for their lives from absolutely nothing.


Like Trump says, "Smile with a BIG thumbs up!"

They ran because they don't know anything about guns

A motorcycle backfire doesn't sound like a rifle shot

So let's train every man, women and child on the sound difference of a backfire, a firecracker, and a gun. BTW, different guns have different sounds.
Good idea

The NRA is the premier gun education and safety organization in the country and anyone can take a course for a very reasonable price
Perhaps the NRA of 40 years ago.

Now it is just an arm of gun makers whose real purpose to fight any regulation of guns.

When a man like George HW Bush revoked his lifetime membership, you know the NRA is not a good organization.

When they let a stupid fucking lying piece of shit like Wayne LaPierre run the NRA, you know it is an evil organization out to sell guns at the expense of children.

Fuck the NRA

No The NRA still offers excellent gun safety and educational programs.
I watched video of a motorcycle backfire in Times Square and people ran as if they were being shot at. I know Republicans found that to be hysterically funny.

Then a sign fell at a mall in Utah and shoppers freaked out and took off running. I'm sure Republicans found that to be even more funny than in Times Square.

Ah yes, Republicans and there far out sense of humor. These guys are still filled with chuckles.

Nothing funnier to the GOP than people running for their lives from absolutely nothing.


Like Trump says, "Smile with a BIG thumbs up!"

They ran because they don't know anything about guns

A motorcycle backfire doesn't sound like a rifle shot

So let's train every man, women and child on the sound difference of a backfire, a firecracker, and a gun. BTW, different guns have different sounds.
Good idea

The NRA is the premier gun education and safety organization in the country and anyone can take a course for a very reasonable price
Perhaps the NRA of 40 years ago.

Now it is just an arm of gun makers whose real purpose to fight any regulation of guns.

When a man like George HW Bush revoked his lifetime membership, you know the NRA is not a good organization.

When they let a stupid fucking lying piece of shit like Wayne LaPierre run the NRA, you know it is an evil organization out to sell guns at the expense of children.

Fuck the NRA

No The NRA still offers excellent gun safety and educational programs.
...and if you don’t like the NRA there are other organizations.
Gun Owners of America | The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington
This whole obsession with concealed carry is a joke anyway.

When I first got my permit at 21 I didn't start going out looking for trouble in fact I felt the weight of responsibility more than any bravado.
I started avoiding situations that I perceived as possibly volatile. I stopped caring if some idiot chucked me the bird in traffic or some other asshole cut me off. I actually went to bars and clubs less often and if I was playing at a bar I wouldn't drink. Even today I would rather have a few cocktails at home then go out to a bar.

And yes this is anecdotal but I also know quite a few people who have CW permits that feel the same way
They ran because they don't know anything about guns

A motorcycle backfire doesn't sound like a rifle shot

So let's train every man, women and child on the sound difference of a backfire, a firecracker, and a gun. BTW, different guns have different sounds.
Good idea

The NRA is the premier gun education and safety organization in the country and anyone can take a course for a very reasonable price
Perhaps the NRA of 40 years ago.

Now it is just an arm of gun makers whose real purpose to fight any regulation of guns.

When a man like George HW Bush revoked his lifetime membership, you know the NRA is not a good organization.

When they let a stupid fucking lying piece of shit like Wayne LaPierre run the NRA, you know it is an evil organization out to sell guns at the expense of children.

Fuck the NRA

No The NRA still offers excellent gun safety and educational programs.
...and if you don’t like the NRA there are other organizations.
Gun Owners of America | The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington
GOA is a pure lobbying organization isn't it?

I don't think they offer the gun safety courses that the NRA does, do they?
This whole obsession with concealed carry is a joke anyway.

When I first got my permit at 21 I didn't start going out looking for trouble in fact I felt the weight of responsibility more than any bravado.
I started avoiding situations that I perceived as possibly volatile. I stopped caring if some idiot chucked me the bird in traffic or some other asshole cut me off. I actually went to bars and clubs less often and if I was playing at a bar I wouldn't drink. Even today I would rather have a few cocktails at home then go out to a bar.

And yes this is anecdotal but I also know quite a few people who have CW permits that feel the same way
And whether anyone conceal carry use or not or open carries it’s no one else’s fucking business.
So let's train every man, women and child on the sound difference of a backfire, a firecracker, and a gun. BTW, different guns have different sounds.
Good idea

The NRA is the premier gun education and safety organization in the country and anyone can take a course for a very reasonable price
Perhaps the NRA of 40 years ago.

Now it is just an arm of gun makers whose real purpose to fight any regulation of guns.

When a man like George HW Bush revoked his lifetime membership, you know the NRA is not a good organization.

When they let a stupid fucking lying piece of shit like Wayne LaPierre run the NRA, you know it is an evil organization out to sell guns at the expense of children.

Fuck the NRA

No The NRA still offers excellent gun safety and educational programs.
...and if you don’t like the NRA there are other organizations.
Gun Owners of America | The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington
GOA is a pure lobbying organization isn't it?

I don't think they offer the gun safety courses that the NRA does, do they?
No, but they can direct you to people that teach gun safety along with other training practices.
Every time you morons use all murders in the assault rifle debate, we know you are dishonest & trying to dupe people.,

So Let me know when you want an honest debate or STFU
What am I trying to hide?

11000 murdered annually by a person with a gun 330000000 people in the country

.003% pf the population murdered by a person using a gun

99.997% of the population not murdered annually by a person with a gun

That number includes mass shootings

This is 5th grade math
Nothing to brag about

Most nations would be appalled at such carnage

IDGAF about other countries of what they think.

A 99.997% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun is pretty fucking safe
You need to live in a civilized country to see what safe really is

Can’t even shop in a Walmart

99.997% chance of not getting killed by a person with a gun.

If you think that is not safe then it is you who is afraid and paranoid

US citizens have a 2.5% chance of getting shot in our lifetime. Repubtards pass laws forcing us to upgrade electrical service, wear helmets, seat-belts, remove lead paint, replace railings, etc for much smaller percent chance of injury than that, because they need excuse to search, seize, arrest & BIG insurance pays them to.

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