Senator McCarthy: Too Soon Forgotten

PC defends Joe McCarthy

Begin Leftist outrage here as PC giggles

Leave it to a conservative to defend such a man.

Every opponent in this thread bloviates as you do.....

Take the challenge: who did he injure that wasn't a communist agent or spy or proponent of the overthrowing of the United States.

Otherwise, you're simply another Pod Person, unable to process real facts. can simply agree that that analysis is correct, and amble on.
Have you been able to find anything that I've written that isn't so? Anything?[/QUOTE said:
Well, the part where you answer other people's comments addressed to this poster as if he were proposing something that he was and is not. I provided facts of another sort, in keeping with the title of this thread, maintaining the position that he was an ego driven man of limited capacities who is known to have lied to produce desired results.

Did I say anything wrong?

Have you been able to find anything that I've written that isn't so? Anything?[/quote said:
Well, the part where you answer other people's comments addressed to this poster as if he were proposing something that he was and is not. I provided facts of another sort, in keeping with the title of this thread, maintaining the position that he was an ego driven man of limited capacities who is known to have lied to produce desired results.

Did I say anything wrong?


Perhaps you might aim at being more articulate.

In a thread whose provenance is in praise of the American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy, you've cast aspersions, which place you squarely in the court of those other blow-hards.

None have posted any verifiable criticisms of the Senator, you included.

So...if you would, make your position clear, and be prepared for a demand that you prove any calumny.

…just be prepared for sarcasm and egregious vituperativeness.
The modern left seems incapable of independent thought. If their 7th grade teacher said that a single republican senator was responsible for some poor commie writers being unemployed then that's the way it is. Somehow left wingers have found that they can rid themselves of guilt or anger simply by blaming a republican. I mean how much evidence do you need? Communism was the enemy of the free world in the post WW2 era and HUAC (house unamerican activities committee) was created in congress and similar committee in the senate. The political majority was democrat and the president was a democrat. Hollywood even produced a TV show called "I led three lives" and a John Wayne/James Arness movie depicting the heroic struggle against communism by HUAC. The 60's rolls around and Hollywood turns on a dime and the radicals start joining CUSA and the next thing you know the whole unpleasant era is blamed on a single republican senator.
I think the republican party should seek the new McCarthy and then run him for president.

America would be soooooo receptive to that
Have you been able to find anything that I've written that isn't so? Anything?[/quote said:
Well, the part where you answer other people's comments addressed to this poster as if he were proposing something that he was and is not. I provided facts of another sort, in keeping with the title of this thread, maintaining the position that he was an ego driven man of limited capacities who is known to have lied to produce desired results.

Did I say anything wrong?


Perhaps you might aim at being more articulate.

In a thread whose provenance is in praise of the American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy, you've cast aspersions, which place you squarely in the court of those other blow-hards.

None have posted any verifiable criticisms of the Senator, you included.

So...if you would, make your position clear, and be prepared for a demand that you prove any calumny.

…just be prepared for sarcasm and egregious vituperativeness.

I love it when you talk dirty!
I think the republican party should seek the new McCarthy and then run him for president.

America would be soooooo receptive to that

Only the intelligent ones would....

....but I get your drift:

only 60,707,106 intelligent folks....47.3% of the population, huh.
PC defends Joe McCarthy

Begin Leftist outrage here as PC giggles

Leave it to a conservative to defend such a man.

Every opponent in this thread bloviates as you do.....

Take the challenge: who did he injure that wasn't a communist agent or spy or proponent of the overthrowing of the United States.

Otherwise, you're simply another Pod Person, unable to process real facts. can simply agree that that analysis is correct, and amble on.

Dalton Trumbo.
anyone who think Mc was a hero is not very American at heart

He opposed communist agents of the Soviet Union infiltrating the United States government.'re opposed to that endeavor?


Well, then, you agree that Senator McCarthy was an American hero, right?

Not if he runs over the innocent to do it.
anyone who think Mc was a hero is not very American at heart

He opposed communist agents of the Soviet Union infiltrating the United States government.'re opposed to that endeavor?


Well, then, you agree that Senator McCarthy was an American hero, right?

Not if he runs over the innocent to do it.


Surely you don't believe he did you?

You do?

Well have a very simple test to determine if your view has been programmed into you based on a Left-wing ideology....or if you can be counted on to absorb the truth, and incorporate same into your thinking.

Here is the test: name a bunch of "innocents" he 'ran over."

There are those who are prepared to receive wisdom…and those who are not.
Which are you?

The names of said innocents are......
Leave it to a conservative to defend such a man.

Every opponent in this thread bloviates as you do.....

Take the challenge: who did he injure that wasn't a communist agent or spy or proponent of the overthrowing of the United States.

Otherwise, you're simply another Pod Person, unable to process real facts. can simply agree that that analysis is correct, and amble on.

Dalton Trumbo.


When did Joe McCarthy name him as a spy?
Leave it to a conservative to defend such a man.

Every opponent in this thread bloviates as you do.....

Take the challenge: who did he injure that wasn't a communist agent or spy or proponent of the overthrowing of the United States.

Otherwise, you're simply another Pod Person, unable to process real facts. can simply agree that that analysis is correct, and amble on.

Dalton Trumbo.

Wow....who'd ever thought you could pull that rabbit out of your.....hat?
Gee....did I make a mistake in challenging a well-educated guy like you: "who did he injure that wasn't a communist agent or spy or proponent of the overthrowing of the United States."


You're just one of the herd, the Pod People who doesn't know whereof he speaks....aren't you?

1. . “Trumbo was part of the anti-fascist Popular Front coalition of communists and liberals in the late 1930s, at the time of the Spanish Civil War. The Popular Front against Nazism and Fascism was been torn asunder in August 1939 when the USSR signed a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany. Many party members quit the CPUSA in disgust, but the true believers parroted the party line, which was now pro-peace and against US involvement in WWII. Trumbo reportedly did not join the Party until 1943 and harbored personal reservations about its policies as regards enforcing ideological conformity. However, the publication of his anti-war novel "Johnny Got His Gun" in 1939 coincided with the shift of the CPUSA's stance from anti-Hitler to pro-peace, and his novel was embraced by the Party as the type of literature needed to keep the US out of the war. Trumbo agreed with the Party's pro-peace platform."
Dalton Trumbo - Biography

2. "Appearing before HCUA (sic) in October 1947 with Alvah Bessie, Herbert J. Biberman, Lester Cole, John Howard Lawson, 'Ring Lardner Jr' , Albert Maltz, Adrian Scott, and Samuel Ornitz, Trumbo - like the others - refused to answer any questions. In a defense strategy crafted by CPUSA lawyers, the soon-to-be-known-as "Hollywood 10" claimed that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave them the right to refuse to answer inquiries into their political beliefs as well as their professional associations. HCUA cited them for contempt of Congress, and the Hollywood 10 were tried and convicted on the charge. All were fined and jailed, with Trumbo being sentenced to a year in federal prison and a fine of $1,000. He served 10 months of the sentence. The Hollywood 10 were blacklisted by the Hollywood studios, a blacklist enforced by the very guilds they helped create. Trumbo and the other Hollywood 10 screenwriters were kicked out of the Screen Writers Guild (John Howard Lawson had been one of the founders of the SWG and its first president), which meant, even if they weren't blacklisted, they could not obtain work in Hollywood. Those who continued to write for the American cinema had to do so under assumed names..."

BTW, when the ‘Ten’ claimed a First Amendment right not to answer the House’s questions, the Supreme Court refused to even hear the case.

3. "In 1949, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., wrote in The Saturday Review of Books, that Trumbo was in fact NOT a free speech martyr since he would not fight for freedom of speech for ALL the people, such as right-wing conservatives, but only for the freedom of speech of CPUSA members.The anti-communist Schlesinger, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard historian, thought Trumbo and others like him were doctrinaire communists and hypocrites."

4. "...Trumbo wrote approximately thirty scripts under pseudonyms and using fronts who relayed the money to him." Ibid.

And....I saved the coup de grâce for last:

5. " In fact, most of what people ordinarily mean when they talk about the "red scare" — the House Un-American Activities Committee; anti-Communist probes into Hollywood, labor unions, and America's schools and universities; the Rosenberg trial; blacklisting in the media and schoolteachers fired for disloyalty — had nothing to do with McCarthy and he had nothing to do with them..."
Joseph McCarthy

To review:
1. The test was: "who did he injure that wasn't a communist agent or spy or proponent of the overthrowing of the United States."

2. Your response of Dalton Trumbo is of course wrong, because he a) was a communist, and refused to admit that to HUAC....

and, b) It was SENATOR Joseph McCarthy, hardly a member of a HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES committee. about c) Trumbo continued to thrive during the 'blacklisting' by Hollywood. A very different fate from the Russians who died in gulags under his pride and joy, Joseph Stalin. offering Dalton Trumbo you have failed miserably.
My point about McCarthy.....


Would you care to maintain your honor and admit same?
1. Here is a very simple test to determine whether of not you've been brainwashed, and know not whereof you speak:

Name a few of the who innocent people smeared.

Trumbo. Robeson. They guys in the Army who wouldn't admit Roy Cohn's gay buddy to OCS.

You do know who Roy Cohn was, don't you?

2. "....if you really want to advocate taking away people's rights..."

Ah....I see: you are talking through your hat. And it's so very easy to prove this:

"We need to remember that during the entire period, from 1947 to 1958, no American citizens were interrogated without benefit of legal counsel, .....

You miss the point. The travesty is that these things happened at all.

This is the stupidity you engage in. "Well, it was political persecution, but we didn't have gulags."

Kind of like saying, what we did to the Japanese Americans 70 years ago was okay, because we weren't turning them into Lampshades like Hitler did to the Jews. It was still wrong and in violation of our principles and rights.

3. I can always tell when you know you've stuck your foot in your change the subject. As in "... You cite Ribbontrop-Molotov without mentioning..blah, blah, blah."

The pact shows that the Stalin you claimed was 'great' never intended to confront the Nazis if he could help it.

I'm sure if Stalin could have gotten back all the territory Russia lost at Brest-Listov, that would have been fine with them, especially without a war.

4. "It was only then Stalin realized the west wasn't going to stand up to Hitler,..."

Stalin was fine with killing his targets, and Hitler long as they had apologists like you to make sure that he got no flak from the West.

You leave out the big chunks of history- again.

If the West had invaded Germany when Hitler re-militrized the Rhineland, Hitler would have been done in the mid 30's. Or when he unified with Austria. Or when he dismembered Czechoslovakia. And frankly, even when he invaded Poland (with Stalin's help) the West didn't really do anything. They had a word for it "SitzKreig". Stalin had every suspicion the west was putting Hitler up to a fight with him, and honestly, he had no reason to trust the west.

5. Now, for the punchline....go ahead and pretend you've studied history.

I've got a degree in it, and not from a university that teaches about Talking Snakes... which is where I imagine you got your, you Home Skule Valedictorian, you.
Leave it to a conservative to defend such a man.

Every opponent in this thread bloviates as you do.....

Take the challenge: who did he injure that wasn't a communist agent or spy or proponent of the overthrowing of the United States.

Otherwise, you're simply another Pod Person, unable to process real facts. can simply agree that that analysis is correct, and amble on.

Dalton Trumbo.

Are you at least willing to concede that you've been misinformed about McCarthy
1. Here is a very simple test to determine whether of not you've been brainwashed, and know not whereof you speak:

Name a few of the who innocent people smeared.

Trumbo. Robeson. They guys in the Army who wouldn't admit Roy Cohn's gay buddy to OCS.

You do know who Roy Cohn was, don't you?

2. "....if you really want to advocate taking away people's rights..."

Ah....I see: you are talking through your hat. And it's so very easy to prove this:

"We need to remember that during the entire period, from 1947 to 1958, no American citizens were interrogated without benefit of legal counsel, .....

You miss the point. The travesty is that these things happened at all.

This is the stupidity you engage in. "Well, it was political persecution, but we didn't have gulags."

Kind of like saying, what we did to the Japanese Americans 70 years ago was okay, because we weren't turning them into Lampshades like Hitler did to the Jews. It was still wrong and in violation of our principles and rights.

I'm sure if Stalin could have gotten back all the territory Russia lost at Brest-Listov, that would have been fine with them, especially without a war.

4. "It was only then Stalin realized the west wasn't going to stand up to Hitler,..."

Stalin was fine with killing his targets, and Hitler long as they had apologists like you to make sure that he got no flak from the West.

You leave out the big chunks of history- again.

If the West had invaded Germany when Hitler re-militrized the Rhineland, Hitler would have been done in the mid 30's. Or when he unified with Austria. Or when he dismembered Czechoslovakia. And frankly, even when he invaded Poland (with Stalin's help) the West didn't really do anything. They had a word for it "SitzKreig". Stalin had every suspicion the west was putting Hitler up to a fight with him, and honestly, he had no reason to trust the west.

5. Now, for the punchline....go ahead and pretend you've studied history.

I've got a degree in it, and not from a university that teaches about Talking Snakes... which is where I imagine you got your, you Home Skule Valedictorian, you.

You might want to ask for a refund. The invasion of Poland was the official start of WWII

Also your Uncle Joe did dick in helping to conquer Poland, he moved in after the fighting was all done
1. Here is a very simple test to determine whether of not you've been brainwashed, and know not whereof you speak:

Name a few of the who innocent people smeared.

Trumbo. Robeson. They guys in the Army who wouldn't admit Roy Cohn's gay buddy to OCS.

You do know who Roy Cohn was, don't you?

2. "....if you really want to advocate taking away people's rights..."

Ah....I see: you are talking through your hat. And it's so very easy to prove this:

"We need to remember that during the entire period, from 1947 to 1958, no American citizens were interrogated without benefit of legal counsel, .....

You miss the point. The travesty is that these things happened at all.

This is the stupidity you engage in. "Well, it was political persecution, but we didn't have gulags."

Kind of like saying, what we did to the Japanese Americans 70 years ago was okay, because we weren't turning them into Lampshades like Hitler did to the Jews. It was still wrong and in violation of our principles and rights.

I'm sure if Stalin could have gotten back all the territory Russia lost at Brest-Listov, that would have been fine with them, especially without a war.

4. "It was only then Stalin realized the west wasn't going to stand up to Hitler,..."

Stalin was fine with killing his targets, and Hitler long as they had apologists like you to make sure that he got no flak from the West.

You leave out the big chunks of history- again.

If the West had invaded Germany when Hitler re-militrized the Rhineland, Hitler would have been done in the mid 30's. Or when he unified with Austria. Or when he dismembered Czechoslovakia. And frankly, even when he invaded Poland (with Stalin's help) the West didn't really do anything. They had a word for it "SitzKreig". Stalin had every suspicion the west was putting Hitler up to a fight with him, and honestly, he had no reason to trust the west.

5. Now, for the punchline....go ahead and pretend you've studied history.

I've got a degree in it, and not from a university that teaches about Talking Snakes... which is where I imagine you got your, you Home Skule Valedictorian, you.


See post #95; it proves how very little you know.

Now to take care of Curly, Moe and Shemp:

"…contrast all this with the three and a half million people who, according to the KGB's own official numbers, were arrested and sent to the gulag during the six years of Stalin's Great Terror, from 1935 to 1941. None had the benefit of any genuine legal protection; Stalin's secret police seized, interrogated, and sentenced the lot. The KGB states that of that number, 681,692 were executed in 1937-1938 alone. Taken with the four or five million people who died in Stalin's Great Famine of 1932-1933, the total number of human beings executed, exiled, imprisoned, or starved to death in those years comes to ten to eleven million. These are official KGB numbers released at the end of the cold war. They are almost certainly low. And during all the years when this was taking place, men and women like Trumbo, Robeson, and Hellman insisted that Stalin was the just and compassionate father of his people, asserted that Soviet citizens enjoyed a freedom and happiness unknown in American society, and celebrated the Soviet Union as the model society for the future. Others, such as Julius Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Judith Coplon, Martin Sobell, and Steve Nelson, willingly served the Stalinist regime, as other espionage agents or as part of the Communist underground apparatus."
Joseph McCarthy

Takes care of Trumbo, Robeson, and you.
You want an innocent victim? How about the US Army?
He went after them and it ruined his career. I am glad this sort of thing can't happen again... Oh! Wait.

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