Senator McCarthy: Too Soon Forgotten

People who need to woofle on at such interminable length clearly have difficulty in understanding basics. The theory behind the Republic was that it was free. It isn't - from McCarthy on you've been terrified to stand up to your masters, and the 'competition' you believe in is how to be the best serf. On almost all matters of public debate you reveal yourselves to be ignorant and terrified, relying always on mobs and 'reputations' rather than on argument, and you manifestly don't know the meaning of such words as Christianity, liberalism, socialism or communism; your blathering about such matters as global overheating is footling fatuity (see today's Guardian) financed by anonymous thieves; You hate your President because he is part 'black'; you believe it is 'freedom' to have the means to murder children. You are, frankly, a bloody washout!

1. " such interminable length..."
Ripped you pretty good, huh?
Destroyed every stupid statement you made.

2. "...reveal yourselves to be ignorant and terrified,..."

Oh, man....this is the winner in the category of 'Unintentional Humor"!!
I posted a fact-filled answer to your Leftist bloviation...and you claim I'm the ignorant one?

Simple enough: show the mistakes in my post, dolt.

3. Then you went on to change the subject(s) in the hope that none will realize what a fool you are.
Too late.

But....nice of you to drop in after your jog around the mental hospital....on the psycho-path.

Heck, I almost feel guilty slappin' you around...

Don't bother, kid. Nobody reads such interminable rants, including me. If you have anything to say (which I doubt) say it in a few words or go home. Verbosity is boring.


There's your problem right there:
"Nobody reads such interminable rants, including me."

Too much breedin,' not enough readin.'
Although tempting, try not to blame me for your inadequacies.

No wonder you're as smart as a stump. one tells me what or how to post. If you can't take the heat,
stay out of the kitchen.

Drop by any time: I get that warm fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.
Even JFK got sucked in to the Red Scare

Bobby also had ties to scumbag McCarthy

Not you, though.

Good thing there are really smart guys like you and Alger Hiss around.

Joe McCarthy damaged the country more than Alger Hiss did

When you post stuff like that, you become the punchline to your own joke.
Bet you got that here:

The thrust is that it was McCarthyism, more than Soviet espionage or Communism infiltration of government, that was – in the words of the October 23, 1998, NYTimes editorial, “a lethal threat to American democracy.” This, in the same editorial that admitted that the evidence against Julius Rosenberg, and “most likely” Alger Hiss, was clear.

I kinda liked this:
“While reacting with unblinking ennui to Soviet spies in high government office, Democrats engaged in drama queen theatrics over ‘McCarthyism.’”
Ann Coulter, Treason, p. 10

I'm surprised she didn't mention your name.
'Chic is quite a cyclist; keeps recycling Tailgunner.

Was he your uncle or something?

Imagine how different you'd appear if you could break free of the dogma, and uncongeal those thought processes.....

...a useful beginning would be to find any thing in error in the OP.

Assuming, of course, that there were any errors....

Have a go?

There you go projecting again, 'Chic! What 'frozen ideas' were expressed in my post? What errors were you accused of? We (I) just wonder why you love this character so much. After all, America was not destroyed or taken over by the Soviet Union. It was never even close.
'Chic is quite a cyclist; keeps recycling Tailgunner.

Was he your uncle or something?

Imagine how different you'd appear if you could break free of the dogma, and uncongeal those thought processes.....

...a useful beginning would be to find any thing in error in the OP.

Assuming, of course, that there were any errors....

Have a go?

There you go projecting again, 'Chic! What 'frozen ideas' were expressed in my post? What errors were you accused of? We (I) just wonder why you love this character so much. After all, America was not destroyed or taken over by the Soviet Union. It was never even close.

"It was never even close."

No greater proof necessary that you are not well versed in this area.
Communism was acknowledged to be the enemy of American democracy. HUAC was organized by a democrat majority in Congress under a democrat administration and it was a logical move by government. HUAC had no power other subpoena and it's mission was generally to uncover communist infiltration into segments of government and society. You gotta give credit to the liberal media even at that time. When the fight against communist infiltration turned sour they managed to blame the whole damned thing on a single republican senator.
1. " such interminable length..."
Ripped you pretty good, huh?
Destroyed every stupid statement you made.

2. "...reveal yourselves to be ignorant and terrified,..."

Oh, man....this is the winner in the category of 'Unintentional Humor"!!
I posted a fact-filled answer to your Leftist bloviation...and you claim I'm the ignorant one?

Simple enough: show the mistakes in my post, dolt.

3. Then you went on to change the subject(s) in the hope that none will realize what a fool you are.
Too late.

But....nice of you to drop in after your jog around the mental hospital....on the psycho-path.

Heck, I almost feel guilty slappin' you around...

Don't bother, kid. Nobody reads such interminable rants, including me. If you have anything to say (which I doubt) say it in a few words or go home. Verbosity is boring.


There's your problem right there:
"Nobody reads such interminable rants, including me."

Too much breedin,' not enough readin.'
Although tempting, try not to blame me for your inadequacies.

No wonder you're as smart as a stump. one tells me what or how to post. If you can't take the heat,
stay out of the kitchen.

Drop by any time: I get that warm fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.

I've read War and Peace, Ulysses and Á la Recherche. There was some point in those. Sign on for an English course and ask someone to teach you précis, then people will read your posts.
Don't bother, kid. Nobody reads such interminable rants, including me. If you have anything to say (which I doubt) say it in a few words or go home. Verbosity is boring.


There's your problem right there:
"Nobody reads such interminable rants, including me."

Too much breedin,' not enough readin.'
Although tempting, try not to blame me for your inadequacies.

No wonder you're as smart as a stump. one tells me what or how to post. If you can't take the heat,
stay out of the kitchen.

Drop by any time: I get that warm fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.

I've read War and Peace, Ulysses and Á la Recherche. There was some point in those. Sign on for an English course and ask someone to teach you précis, then people will read your posts.

You read 'em.

Sorry it hurt so much.

Advice: anytime you post such stupidity as you did, I will roll you up and smoke you like a Cuban cigar.
Last edited:

There's your problem right there:
"Nobody reads such interminable rants, including me."

Too much breedin,' not enough readin.'
Although tempting, try not to blame me for your inadequacies.

No wonder you're as smart as a stump. one tells me what or how to post. If you can't take the heat,
stay out of the kitchen.

Drop by any time: I get that warm fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.

I've read War and Peace, Ulysses and Á la Recherche. There was some point in those. Sign on for an English course and ask someone to teach you précis, then people will read your posts.

You read 'em.

Sorry it hurt so much.

Advice: anytime you post such stupidity as you did, I will roll you up and smoke you like a Cuban cigar.

Don't beat your chest too hard, lovey! :)
I like Joe McCarthy

I think he personifies the mindset of todays Republicans

And he lives on in the hearts of a small but loud minority of rw nutters. They must be thrilled with Ted Cruz. He uses the same lies and half truths in his hysteria.

Note to PC - iola is right. Most people don't bother to try to wade through your idiotic rants. Not saying you shouldn't write them though. Heck, anything to keep you off the streets. But, you might consider this: Everyone knows exactly what you will write long before you hit the submit button. Like other rw nutters, you're a one trick pony.
Thanks to the union based education system which replaced the study of history with some liberal conglomeration called "social studies", generations of ignorant Americans were taught that the evil Senator McCarthy blackballed the poor commie screen writers instead of Hollywood.
I like Joe McCarthy

I think he personifies the mindset of todays Republicans

And he lives on in the hearts of a small but loud minority of rw nutters. They must be thrilled with Ted Cruz. He uses the same lies and half truths in his hysteria.

Note to PC - iola is right. Most people don't bother to try to wade through your idiotic rants. Not saying you shouldn't write them though. Heck, anything to keep you off the streets. But, you might consider this: Everyone knows exactly what you will write long before you hit the submit button. Like other rw nutters, you're a one trick pony.

"Everyone knows exactly what you will write long before you hit the submit button."

But you just said you didn't read them.

Actually've inadvertently proven that you do....

...and, the essence of your post is that you are unable to construct a coherent rebuttal.

I understand.

I'll continue as I have been, and if and when your education reaches such a level that you feel up to it, you amble on back and try.

'Til condolences.
I've read War and Peace, Ulysses and Á la Recherche. There was some point in those. Sign on for an English course and ask someone to teach you précis, then people will read your posts.

You read 'em.

Sorry it hurt so much.

Advice: anytime you post such stupidity as you did, I will roll you up and smoke you like a Cuban cigar.

Don't beat your chest too hard, lovey! :)

That'd hurt!
The mindless, uneducated and uneducatable cling to their cherished beliefs that McCarthy used his position on the HUAC to bash the innocent, blacklist Hollywood actors and start a "Red Scare"

The facts is that McCarthy tried to warn us that US State and the White House were home to real live, verified Communist spies who were subverting US policy and assisting their masters in Moscow.

The facts speak for themselves: Joe McCarthy was an American Hero and Patriot who fought against a ruthless, vicious, inhuman enemy
People who need to woofle on at such interminable length clearly have difficulty in understanding basics. The theory behind the Republic was that it was free. It isn't - from McCarthy on you've been terrified to stand up to your masters, and the 'competition' you believe in is how to be the best serf. On almost all matters of public debate you reveal yourselves to be ignorant and terrified, relying always on mobs and 'reputations' rather than on argument, and you manifestly don't know the meaning of such words as Christianity, liberalism, socialism or communism; your blathering about such matters as global overheating is footling fatuity (see today's Guardian) financed by anonymous thieves; You hate your President because he is part 'black'; you believe it is 'freedom' to have the means to murder children. You are, frankly, a bloody washout!

1. " such interminable length..."
Ripped you pretty good, huh?
Destroyed every stupid statement you made.

2. "...reveal yourselves to be ignorant and terrified,..."

Oh, man....this is the winner in the category of 'Unintentional Humor"!!
I posted a fact-filled answer to your Leftist bloviation...and you claim I'm the ignorant one?

Simple enough: show the mistakes in my post, dolt.

3. Then you went on to change the subject(s) in the hope that none will realize what a fool you are.
Too late.

But....nice of you to drop in after your jog around the mental hospital....on the psycho-path.

Heck, I almost feel guilty slappin' you around...

Don't bother, kid. Nobody reads such interminable rants, including me. If you have anything to say (which I doubt) say it in a few words or go home. Verbosity is boring.

Verbosity is boring to the uninteresting
The mindless, uneducated and uneducatable cling to their cherished beliefs that McCarthy used his position on the HUAC to bash the innocent, blacklist Hollywood actors and start a "Red Scare"

The facts is that McCarthy tried to warn us that US State and the White House were home to real live, verified Communist spies who were subverting US policy and assisting their masters in Moscow.

The facts speak for themselves: Joe McCarthy was an American Hero and Patriot who fought against a ruthless, vicious, inhuman enemy

"...Joe McCarthy was an American Hero and Patriot..."

Just as JFK said.
The mindless, uneducated and uneducatable cling to their cherished beliefs that McCarthy used his position on the HUAC to bash the innocent, blacklist Hollywood actors and start a "Red Scare"

The facts is that McCarthy tried to warn us that US State and the White House were home to real live, verified Communist spies who were subverting US policy and assisting their masters in Moscow.

The facts speak for themselves: Joe McCarthy was an American Hero and Patriot who fought against a ruthless, vicious, inhuman enemy

"...Joe McCarthy was an American Hero and Patriot..."

Just as JFK said.

That's how far gone the new "American" Left is today
"Have you no decency, sir?"

At least until now the government could not deprive Americans of life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness (a job) without due process. Now of course we learn that the Obama administration reserves the option to execute Americans anywhere on the globe if some unnamed bureaucrat pronounces them to be a terror threat but that's another issue. McCarthy wasn't even a committee chairman. His senate committee as well as HUAC had no power other than subpoena. Who blackballed the notorious commie screen writers? Hollywood thought the alleged communist affiliation might affect the movie audiences turnout and impact the outrageous salaries they paid themselves so they fired the screen writers. They couldn't blame it on democrat Harry Truman or the democrat congressional majority so they picked a republican and thanks to the left wing media it stuck.

1. “A host of other right-wing Republicans had sought to dramatize the communism issue, but only McCarthy succeeded. And McCarthy succeeded while the others did not in part because of his thoroughgoing contempt for the rules of political controversy.”
Michael Paul Rogin, The Intellectuals and McCarthy: The Radical Specter, p. 251

He forced liberals to explain themselves in full view of the American people. So they made McCarthy the issue.

2. So....the gripe is not that he was wrong....just that he was mean??

a. As a result of the Venona Papers, and declassification of KGB files verifies pretty much all of McCarthy’s charges….and no one was ‘ruined’ by McCarthy revelations….The greatest complaint against McCarthy was that he was unkind….even mean….to those in question.

3. But, how can any Democrat lodge that complaint after this:

a. “Pelosi slams insurers as "immoral" villains

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to unite her divided caucus around a common enemy -- the health insurance industry -- previewing an August recess line of attack by Democrats trying to maintain momentum on health care reform.

… they've been immoral all along," she added. "They are the villains in this, they have been part of the problem in a major way. They are doing everything in their power to stop a public option from happening…

"This is the fight of our lives," she added.” Pelosi slams insurers as "immoral" villains - On Congress -

4. “On September 11 “evil” registered lobbyist for United Health Steve Elmendorf…”
During the summer Pelosi continually accused medical healthcare insurance companies of everything her limited intellect could dream up.
Pelosi tripple crosses ?evil? insurance firms bribing her to kill ?public option? with a fund raiser « Coach is Right

Sounds pretty mean……

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