Senator Orrin Hatch proves Republicans are heartless while talking about children's health care

They are not excluded. They can get a credit of up to $2 grand they paid in. If they didn’t pay in, then they are already getting subsidies in some form or another, usually worth much more than that $2 grand and per month. How you see that as penalizing people, is beyond me.

I'm simply agreeing with GOP senators who said excluding poor working families from the additional $1,000 child tax credit is a mistake. Today I'm in the 3% but having grown up poor living in Dem controlled states that vampire suck the poor dry I have a different perspective, like some of these GOP senators.
so, I'm still not getting your point. if they pay no taxes, why would they get a credit? that would be welfare as I already stated in another post.
You really need to go back and reread this thread from beginning to end, without any distractions.
Simply put, maybe you are just pissed because Marco Rubio and Chuck Schumer didn’t get their amendment added.

So, be honest here. You have a problem with school districts spending and teachers unions. That is totally a different topic. Now, if you are honest, you would start a new thread on that, rather than dishonestly try to tie this to it.

I have been FORCED to pay school taxes for decades to educate other peoples kids, money the teachers unions have extorted from me and taxpayers via strikes. You are taking a harsh social position saying poor families who don't make enough to owe any income tax should not be entitled to a child tax credit refund, I presume your position is one of fairness. Well okay then why is the teachers union entitled to 10's of thousands of dollars of MY money when I don't have any kids? Why am I forced to educate other peoples kids? They chose to have kids, I chose not to yet I'm stuck paying THEIR bills.

If you are going to take a harsh position on the child tax credit for poor families, you can't have it both ways. People should pay for their own damn kids education, I shouldn't have to pay for it. No less harsh a position than you are taking.

I was thinking that the teachers unions got their money from dues paying members, not the taxpayers.

Here teachers go out on strike extorting money from taxpayers. When your kids are supposed to be in school and you don't have childcare lined up and you have to work a job, the teachers go out on strike and millions of parents then have to scramble to arraign childcare, call in late for work or take time off, the teachers unions know this cost parents so much money and disruption that they will quickly fold to the teachers union demands.

I used public school funding to counter the argument by some that poor working families should be excluded from the child tax credit increase which is precisely dead center of the thread's topic, you follow? That said I'll refrain from this line of debate if you wish.
well again, the child credit is relief for dollars owed. if they owe nothing, how is it they feel they get the relief. Now we're paying out of my money? no, no, no. the bill is right.

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