Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Ah, poster Westwall.
I note that you disagreed with my post about the Covid fatalities that I knew.

And you disagree because-----
You don't think they died?
You don't think that I really liked two of them?
You don' think that they were vocal anti-vaxers?
You don't think that they ended their lives on a ventilator?

What else could you possibly disagree with?

I disagreed with your assertion that we are misinformed.

We are not.
So not one example from any classroom still. Not one. Because you don't know of any. Neither do the crybaby parents. So here you sit, pathetically and furiously Googling for something you have never read to present as the reason you adopted a belief months ago. Sad.
You're a fucking idiot.
The 5 people who I personally know (knew) who died of Covid were:

#1. A neighbor, about 80'sh?.....who died early on in 2020 before vaccines were developed. I liked her, she was sharp and aware.
#2 thru #5...were unvaccinated. One of them I knew quite well. A fit trim builder of about 64'sh. I really liked him. Woulda had him build me a house any day. The other 3 I knew only on a first name basis....they weren't friends or family but we could meet at a wedding or a funeral and we could small-talk.

All of those last 4 were outspoken anti-vaccine. In my layman's non-medical opinion: They died because of their opinions, which caused them to not act, which led them to the ICU and a ventilator.
May they rest in peace. And their families find comfort. They were good people.

But so very sadly mis-informed.
How can anyone with a brain disagree with this? Oh's westwall....
How can anyone with a brain disagree with this? Oh's westwall....

Well poo, if we are going to compare covid tales, I had it. Sick feelingish for 9 hours. Then I was fine again.

My wife had it, sick for two days, lost smell and taste. Still hasnt got them fully back.

Two friwnds, he's 83, she is 77, she was sick for a couple of weeks. Fully recovered.

He nearly died though. He is now recovered and working his ranch again.

A friend of a friend, 45ish, contracted it and died. He was a diabetic.

None of us are vaccinated, and none of us have had a recurrence.

We do have friends who are vaccinated, and about 40% of them have contracted covid post vaccination.

The common denominator for them was diabetes. That seems to be the real trigger.
Really. I think everybody that can get vaccinated should get vaccinated. I hate to see people not doing it for political reason. I don't wish them to get sick. I had it. It sucked.

You're a fucking idiot.
Neato! Cry it all out. But when you are done, remember neither you or any other squealing little piggy can name a specific instance of it in a Virginia classroom. Which shows us what you really are.
There is no cure for respiratory viruses like COVID and influeza which mutate rapidly and have animal reservoirs.

We have had influenza vaccines for decades, but in a great year, they are only about 50% effective. In a bad year, less than 20%.

COVID is simply being used as the emergency which has no ending. We are going on two years of 15 days to flatten the curve. I don't understand how anyone, even with half their brain tied behind their back, could believe the narrative from official sources. There is zero chance of silly humans stopping COVID, Always has been. Everyone knows it.
Biden's being racist, as usual.

South Africa says it is being 'punished' for 'excellent science' as nations around the world ban flights from the country after it detected Omicron variant​

  • Says decision punishes 'South Africa for its advanced genomic sequencing'
  • Country says new variants have been discovered in other parts of the world
  • South Africa had 2,828 Covid cases yesterday, more than double last week's
South Africa recorded 2,828 new Covid cases yesterday, more than double the 1,374 recorded last Thursday, but infection levels have yet to skyrocket in the country and no hospitalisations with the new variant have occurred so far.

Really. I think everybody that can get vaccinated should get vaccinated. I hate to see people not doing it for political reason. I don't wish them to get sick. I had it. It sucked.
Agree white But when hospitals are filled with unvaccinated what can one think about republicans?
I am liking Dr. Paul more and more every day.

He seems to be nearly the sole voice of Science these days, when it comes to masks and vaccines, recognizing that individuals with prior infection who have recovered are protected.
i think the Dims in Congress gave it to him somehow...

Why was HE the first to get it?

we all know the dimss are all about politics and only politics.. and we know they will do anything to get their way... I think they put something in his food or some other nefarious thing...
Agree white But when hospitals are filled with unvaccinated what can one think about republicans?

There are more blacks who are unvaccinated than repubs. But you have to ask yourself, if the vax is so great, why does the govt have to force you to get it? In the real world if something is great, and supposedly free, EVERYONE would get it, except for the truly stupid.

It says a lot that a large group of MEDICAL people are refusing to get it. It also is quite telling that Congress is exempt from the mandate. If it is so great, why don't they have to get it too?

Thinking people wonder about these facts.
Agree white But when hospitals are filled with unvaccinated what can one think about republicans?
I feel sorry for them, but most have already had children, so there isn't even a Darwinian benefit, if they die for their principle, ideology or whatever makes them feel certain, they will not succumb to this disease, and it is all a hoax.
I feel sorry for them, but most have already had children, so there isn't even a Darwinian benefit, if they die for their principle, ideology or whatever makes them feel certain, they will not succumb to this disease, and it is all a hoax.

Why is Congress exempt?
Why is Congress exempt?
Those a-holes always cut exemptions for themselves on legislation and always have. I got the shots because I didn't want to get it again. Luck of the draw, changes with every deal. Besides, for the republicans, it is a matter of party loyalty and as we know, they may actually be vaccinated themselves, but not telling anybody. Trump kept it secret for almost a month.
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Those a-holes always cut exemptions for themselves on legislation and always have. I got the shots because I didn't want to get it again. Luck of the draw, changes with every deal. Besides, for the republicans, it is a matter of party loyalty and as we know, they may actually be vaccinated themselves, but not telling anybody. Trump kept it secret for almost a month.

Yeah, so? If the vaccine is so awesome, why is Congress exempt from it? Congress only exempts themselves from things that are bad for them.
Yeah, so? If the vaccine is so awesome, why is Congress exempt from it? Congress only exempts themselves from things that are bad for them.
I am not sure what all might have been in the bill or pending in other bills they did not want to piss the Republicans off about, that the issue wasn't forced. You know the republican wouldn't have voted for it, if it killed them. The Democrats, did not force it, they just went ahead and all got vaccinated, preferring to live, I suppose, rather than roll the dice.
There are more blacks who are unvaccinated than repubs. But you have to ask yourself, if the vax is so great, why does the govt have to force you to get it? In the real world if something is great, and supposedly free, EVERYONE would get it, except for the truly stupid.

It says a lot that a large group of MEDICAL people are refusing to get it. It also is quite telling that Congress is exempt from the mandate. If it is so great, why don't they have to get it too?

Thinking people wonder about these facts.

And still supposed to wear a mask and social distance if you are in a public crowd. The moment they told the vaccinated to put masks back on, anyone with a brain should realize that the vaccines broke.

The President of the United States said on live TV that we have to "protect the vaccinated workers from the unvaccinated". Then he issued EO's mandating vax for people who have decided they don't want one but want to keep working like they've been doing for 18 months. He says go to the unemployment line.

The vaccines are supposed to protect the vaccinated.
If they do, then great, we can be done worrying about it. Go get one if you want.
If they don't, then it can't possibly be Constitutional to mandate them.

And with variants, the vaccinated people will continue to be susceptible. Gonna mandate booster after booster? And some of the sheep here will gladly comply.


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