Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Yep, by screaming and exposing the CRT shit.
Really? I saw.some of them interviewed, and not a single one of them could name a single CRT aspect being taught in the schools. So what were they protesting? A fantasy? A bad acid trip hallucination from the night before?
Really? I saw.some of them interviewed, and not a single one of them could name a single CRT aspect being taught in the schools. So what were they protesting? A fantasy? A bad acid trip hallucination from the night before?
So you're denying CRT is being taught in public schools? You're not really gonna deny that because you know I can produce the facts. Are you gonna deny it? Please do.
You're a fool.
Yet not one example from a classroom. Not one specific example. You cannot name a single one. Neither could the crybaby parents. And not one of you knows fuck all about CRT anyway. So thanks for strengthening my point. I couldn't make it without a good example like you assisting me.
Yet not one example from a classroom. Not one specific example. You cannot name a single one. Neither could the crybaby parents. And not one of you knows fuck all about CRT anyway. So thanks for strengthening my point. I couldn't make it without a good example like you assisting me.
Get the fuck out of here, you lying piece of shit.

Further, reports revealed that the Virginia Department of Education recommended a book called, "We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom" in March 2020 that told teachers they "must embrace theories such as critical race theory."

"Lastly, teachers must embrace theories such as critical race theory, settler colonialism, Black feminism, dis/ability, critical race studies, and other critical theories, that have the ability to interrogate anti-Blackness …" Abolitionist Teaching Network co-founder Bettina Love wrote.
BS Filter I mean, look at this twit. 2000 words and not one specific example:

Just a GOP campaign ad, disguised as parental concern. Just a bloviating little piggy from a fake grassroots organization funded by Koch.
Get the fuck out of here, you lying piece of shit.

Further, reports revealed that the Virginia Department of Education recommended a book called, "We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom" in March 2020 that told teachers they "must embrace theories such as critical race theory."

"Lastly, teachers must embrace theories such as critical race theory, settler colonialism, Black feminism, dis/ability, critical race studies, and other critical theories, that have the ability to interrogate anti-Blackness …" Abolitionist Teaching Network co-founder Bettina Love wrote.
So not one example from any classroom still. Not one. Because you don't know of any. Neither do the crybaby parents. So here you sit, pathetically and furiously Googling for something you have never read to present as the reason you adopted a belief months ago. Sad.
BS Filter I mean, look at this twit. 2000 words and not one specific example:

Just a GOP campaign ad, disguised as parental concern. Just a bloviating little piggy from a fake grassroots organization funded by Koch.
Youngkin played on fear. That and his opponents campaign incompetence enabled him to win.
Best bet, we would be doing better work towards a cure if we had not made it political.
There is no cure for respiratory viruses like COVID and influeza which mutate rapidly and have animal reservoirs.

We have had influenza vaccines for decades, but in a great year, they are only about 50% effective. In a bad year, less than 20%.

COVID is simply being used as the emergency which has no ending. We are going on two years of 15 days to flatten the curve. I don't understand how anyone, even with half their brain tied behind their back, could believe the narrative from official sources. There is zero chance of silly humans stopping COVID, Always has been. Everyone knows it.
Over 96% of doctors (or should I say "practicing doctors) in the United States are vaccinated. Do your really want to take medical advice of at best a 4 percenter, and a politician with an agenda, at that? I use real doctors, myself. You sound like a statistic waiting to happen, or are you one to the trumpers, secretly vaccinated for your own good, yet denying for public consumption?
Shouldn't say anything ,,let them die like the pigs they are
Shouldn't say anything ,,let them die like the pigs they are
Really. I think everybody that can get vaccinated should get vaccinated. I hate to see people not doing it for political reason. I don't wish them to get sick. I had it. It sucked.
Reviled by the doctors fighting AIDS for ignoring tbe protocols they had figured out leading to the needless deaths of at least 100,000, and then completely ignored, and derided a new viral investigation method that later won the Nobel Prize for medecine.

So yes, he's a "doctor", he's just the kind that kills people because he's really bad at it.
He likes to research and experiment and create and has a partially captured American public to do it on
The 5 people who I personally know (knew) who died of Covid were:

#1. A neighbor, about 80'sh?.....who died early on in 2020 before vaccines were developed. I liked her, she was sharp and aware.
#2 thru #5...were unvaccinated. One of them I knew quite well. A fit trim builder of about 64'sh. I really liked him. Woulda had him build me a house any day. The other 3 I knew only on a first name basis....they weren't friends or family but we could meet at a wedding or a funeral and we could small-talk.

All of those last 4 were outspoken anti-vaccine. In my layman's non-medical opinion: They died because of their opinions, which caused them to not act, which led them to the ICU and a ventilator.
May they rest in peace. And their families find comfort. They were good people.

But so very sadly mis-informed.
He likes to research and experiment and create and has a partially captured American public to do it on

He does nothing but shuffle paper. He is an incompetent fool.

And, if the evidence is correct, a criminal.
Ah, poster Westwall.
I note that you disagreed with my post about the Covid fatalities that I knew.

And you disagree because-----
You don't think they died?
You don't think that I really liked two of them?
You don' think that they were vocal anti-vaxers?
You don't think that they ended their lives on a ventilator?

What else could you possibly disagree with?

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