Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Go ahead. Tell us all you know. We have a second.
I still see peiple like you today. Wearing diapers years into this bs. Done got vacinnatted 4 to 5 times and still wearing masks.

You cant fix stupid, but you can duct tape the mouth so you dont have to listen to it.

Put on your mask and enjoy. Baaaas
People who mandate a Murderous Fraud "Vax" for "Covid" need the death penalty.
I still see peiple like you today. Wearing diapers years into this bs. Done got vacinnatted 4 to 5 times and still wearing masks.

You cant fix stupid, but you can duct tape the mouth so you dont have to listen to it.

Put on your mask and enjoy. Baaaas
A real science person I see. Anymore bullshit you need to babble ?
CDC says:
"...using an FFR for an extended period may cause dizziness (as well as other symptoms), which could compromise the worker, workplace, and patient safety. Dizziness is an important warning sign, as it can be caused by dehydration, hyperventilation (gasping for breath), elevated carbon dioxide [CO2] levels in the blood, low blood sugar, and anxiety, among other things."

Wear one if you want. I don't need one.

If the masks work, you're protected. If they don't work, you can't possibly make someone else wear one.

PS: Clearly they don't work. Double-masked and boosted Fauci, Biden, HHS Secretary Becerra, CDC Director Walensky all got COVID more then once.
You’re a dufus aren’t you. You still have no idea what each mask type is good for. You’re a confused puppy…
You’re a dufus aren’t you. You still have no idea what each mask type is good for. You’re a confused puppy…
In addition to wearing a mask because you were afraid of catching a cold, how many shots did you get, and how many times did you get COVID?
Oh, just be a mindless drone, and mask up.
It's what you're good at.

Thinking just isn't for you, junior.
Junior ? You’re the science illiterate who thinks public health is all about you. Typical Humper who gets his talking points straight from the Trump minions…
None stop viruses. You don’t know science at all
That’s another of the countless number of illiterate posts you made bubba. You’d think the law if averages would make you right at some point. Not even close.
That’s another of the countless number of illiterate posts you made bubba. You’d think the law if averages would make you right at some point. Not even close.
Viruses aren’t stopped by masks, science says it.

You can suffocate if you need that
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Viruses aren’t stopped by masks, science says it.
Science says viruses particulates are too small. Look it up
Science says viruses particulates are too small. Look it up junior


Oh, and viruses are always airborne


Dufus, where in your post does it say NO masks can’t be used to help stop the spread of diseases caused by viruses ?
Where stupid ?
Over 96% of doctors (or should I say "practicing doctors) in the United States are vaccinated. Do your really want to take medical advice of at best a 4 percenter, and a politician with an agenda, at that? I use real doctors, myself. You sound like a statistic waiting to happen, or are you one to the trumpers, secretly vaccinated for your own good, yet denying for public consumption?

I think we have to be honest and admit that the vaccination rate you cited carries a lot of baggage. let’s remember that vaccine mandates across entire industries were accompanied with threats of dismissal for non-compliance.

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