Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Perfect example of why Trump was the worse president ever. He doesn’t listen to science and he doesn’t know the constitution. It’s a deadly combination.
But, He DOES Know where he is Most of the Time..
AND he does Not Need to wear a Diaper and have servants wipe his Ass! :dev3:
But, He DOES Know where he is Most of the Time..
AND he does Not Need to wear a Diaper and have servants wipe his Ass! :dev3:
Really ? That’s all you have is making fun of Biden’s age. Geesus. So your saying * Trump lost an election by 10 million to an incompetent old buffoon ? Nice job DJT.

Now you’re going to say the election was stolen. To which, you now have to admit that the Trump admin was the most incompetent ever when your claimed steal happened while Trump was commander in chief and responsible for the integrity of ALL FEDERAL ELECTIONS.

It’s beginning to sound like you dip shits complaining about Obama not being qualified when Bush was in charge, and FBI, CIA and every other alphabet soup was working for him.

Whiny little bitches…

Grow a Brain.

CDC says:
"...using an FFR for an extended period may cause dizziness (as well as other symptoms), which could compromise the worker, workplace, and patient safety. Dizziness is an important warning sign, as it can be caused by dehydration, hyperventilation (gasping for breath), elevated carbon dioxide [CO2] levels in the blood, low blood sugar, and anxiety, among other things."

Wear one if you want. I don't need one.

If the masks work, you're protected. If they don't work, you can't possibly make someone else wear one.

PS: Clearly they don't work. Double-masked and boosted Fauci, Biden, HHS Secretary Becerra, CDC Director Walensky all got COVID more then once.
Perfect example of why Trump was the worse president ever. He doesn’t listen to science and he doesn’t know the constitution. It’s a deadly combination.
How many shots did you get, and how many times did you get COVID?

Kids were forced to get the shot, They didn't need it. Same for people who already had COVID. People lost their jobs over it. And the vaccines and masks obviously did not work. Here we are 3.5 years later, after two weeks to flatten the curve.
How many shots did you get, and how many times did you get COVID?

Kids were forced to get the shot, They didn't need it. Same for people who already had COVID. People lost their jobs over it. And the vaccines and masks obviously did not work. Here we are 3.5 years later, after two weeks to flatten the curve.
You have the higher death tolls on the right that prove this post is FOS.
Wear a mask if you want. If it works, you're protected, and you needn't worry about anyone else. If it doesn't work (it doesn't), then you can't possibly expect anyone else to wear one.

It's so funny (and sad).... Someone close to me tells me they still wear a mask, and they are getting sick all the time, but none of their immediate family wears a mask and they never get sick..... I'm like, duh...

To each their own, but I have happiness to pursue. Good luck.

dude, so true. They still haven't figured out breathing CO2 isn't good for you! Then the hospitals were saying so many people with low oxygen levels. I fking laughed my balls off.
This is all it takes - a significant portion of us refusing to comply.

I did not comply last time. I felt like I was all alone. I was often the only person in the entire building who was not wearing a mask - restaurants, grocery stores, juror at court, everywhere.

But when I talked to people, most thought the masks were ridiculous.

They got away with the nonsense last time because everyone complied. This time, we need to end it promptly, and it will end, if we make it end.

they are, the science says they are only good for holding out bacteria, not viruses. But the real science tells demofks to be stupid.
CDC says:
"...using an FFR for an extended period may cause dizziness (as well as other symptoms), which could compromise the worker, workplace, and patient safety. Dizziness is an important warning sign, as it can be caused by dehydration, hyperventilation (gasping for breath), elevated carbon dioxide [CO2] levels in the blood, low blood sugar, and anxiety, among other things."

Wear one if you want. I don't need one.

If the masks work, you're protected. If they don't work, you can't possibly make someone else wear one.

PS: Clearly they don't work. Double-masked and boosted Fauci, Biden, HHS Secretary Becerra, CDC Director Walensky all got COVID more then once.
Get over it. No on is wearing masks anymore. Go find another dragon to sleep slay.
dude, so true. They still haven't figured out breathing CO2 isn't good for you! Then the hospitals were saying so many people with low oxygen levels. I fking laughed my balls off.
Breathing just O2 isn’t good for everyone either. Laugh your balls off on that.
Over 96% of doctors (or should I say "practicing doctors) in the United States are vaccinated. Do your really want to take medical advice of at best a 4 percenter, and a politician with an agenda, at that? I use real doctors, myself. You sound like a statistic waiting to happen, or are you one to the trumpers, secretly vaccinated for your own good, yet denying for public consumption?
That makes sense because doctors treat the sick and are exposed on a daily basis. I think that unless one is in a similar situation dawning a mask is not helpful however, to each his own....No mandates please.
You don’t know the difference between a virus alone and those traveling on droplets do you ? The common masks are for the possible spreaders imbecile.
Sure, do you?? Droplets aren’t airborne right?
You don’t know the difference between a virus alone and those traveling on droplets do you ? The common masks are for the possible spreaders imbecile.
No, the masks are for people who think wearing the nasty things all day is protecting them from something.

You do you, and I'll do me. Masks work, right?

Good luck with that, Dr El Guapo demonstrates....

That makes sense because doctors treat the sick and are exposed on a daily basis. I think that unless one is in a similar situation dawning a mask is not helpful however, to each his own....No mandates please.
At some point states and localities like before may make their own mandates based upon CDC RECOMENDATIONS.
Really, it’s laughable thinking that the fed does anything more than make recommendations outside of their own ares of responsibility.

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