Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Quite frankly, at this point, i'm a completely fine with them not wearing masKS, I don't care if they get covid and die.

As long as business owners still have the right to refuse them access to their properties, it should be fine.
Any life-threatening disease that you can't tell you have with out a test can't be all that life-threatening.



Why expect leftist Fauxi bootlicker zombies to understand logic? All they care about is what TV told them




Quite frankly, at this point, i'm a completely fine with them not wearing masKS, I don't care if they get covid and die.

As long as business owners still have the right to refuse them access to their properties, it should be fine.

If I were a store owner I wouldn't allow people in with masks at all. They are either crooks, trying to steal, or, as in your case, too stupid to deal with.
especially a test provided by the people pushing the narrative. hhahahaahahahahahahaha how fking stupid politicians think human beings are. BTW, there are quite a few stupid people, but not all of us.
What was it Lincoln said? "You can fool all of the people some of the time and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
You did not watch the video.

How many boosters did you have?
Did you religiously wear your mask?
Did you stay home when asked?
Did you stand on the little dots and follow the arrows at the grocery store?
Did you make your kids wear masks and destroy their social skills even though they were virtually immune?
Did you use sanitizer?
Did you avoid living life?

I didn't.

And how many times did you get COVID? Everyone's had it. Fauci, Biden, HHS secretary, CDC director all had it more than once.

But Dr. Paul is an idiot. I see.
Bite me
Senator Rand Paul again referred Fauci to the DOJ for perjury...

Here is prior video of Fauci testifying under oath and denying funding GoF reasearch at Wuhan...


Here is a recently-uncovered email from Fauci noting that COVID looked engineered and Wuhan was conducting GoF and we were funding them, which he categorically denies at 5:30 in the above video


While China is the ultimate culprit, Fauci enabled them in his personal pursuit of fame and fortune, which he achieved while helping to kill millions of people.

Cause Rand Paul is an idiot. You know, the guy who gets his healthcare from Canada and denies it from everyone else. Was it Rand who said Covid would be gone in spring ? No, that was Trump. Paul should be demanding Trump be held accountable for the deaths of thousands. After all, Trump declared China was BLAMELESS. .
LOL. Come on, JimH52. Those were reasonable questions. I don't participate in childish insults and prefer civil discussion, but I'll give you another chance since you can't be all bad.

The thing is, the Rand Paul narrative never changed - you don't need a shot or a mask if you have natural immunity, go live your life. Meanwhile, the narrative from the WHO, CDC, and Dr. Fauci constantly changed - don't wear a mask, wear a mask, wear two masks, take your mask off if you are vaccinated, ooops vaccines don't protect you or others, they only lesson symptoms. They even changed the official definition of "vaccine!" Gosh how flawed and deceitful it all was. Everyone, including Fauci, knew it was another respiratory virus which would mutate quickly and lessen over time.

I got all the boosters
I wore a mask
Stayed home or at least away from people when asked
Followed the arrows
Kids are grown
Used sanitizer
I found ways to lead my life

Never got Covid

Hi, Lesh.

Unless you lived in a cave, you almost certainly had COVID. I know you might think otherwise.

I know so many vaccinated people who were walking around sniffling and coughing and saying it wasn't COVID because they took one cheap China test to check.

But most of the vaccinated people I know got COVID, and government statistics show this. They stopped releasing the statistics long ago after most people got COVID.

Well over a year ago, samples of blood donations to the Red Cross showed prior infection for over 95% of the population.

And lots of people get COVID and have very mild symptoms or are asymptomatic.

And being vaccinated lessens symptoms.

Also, some people, vaccinated or not tend to be immune. Kids are highly resistant, of course.

While it's possible you didn't have COVID, it's most likely that you simply didn't notice it or were in denial.

For the record, I had Alpha COVID early in 2020, acquired from international travelers. Alpha was the bad one, but I just got sick as a dog for two days, then rebounded back quickly, just like the flu. After I had the best vaccine ever, I did not appreciate my liberties being infringed when I had better immunity than the eventual vaccines alone which came later, and I have always had strong feelings that every single person has the right to make their own uncoerced decisions about their health and still enjoy all the same liberties as all other American citizens.

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Quite frankly, at this point, i'm a completely fine with them not wearing masKS, I don't care if they get covid and die.

As long as business owners still have the right to refuse them access to their properties, it should be fine.

Wear a mask if you want. If it works, you're protected, and you needn't worry about anyone else. If it doesn't work (it doesn't), then you can't possibly expect anyone else to wear one.

It's so funny (and sad).... Someone close to me tells me they still wear a mask, and they are getting sick all the time, but none of their immediate family wears a mask and they never get sick..... I'm like, duh...

To each their own, but I have happiness to pursue. Good luck.

Wear a mask if you want. If it works, you're protected, and you needn't worry about anyone else. If it doesn't work (it doesn't), then you can't possibly expect anyone else to wear one.

It's so funny (and sad).... Someone close to me tells me they still wear a mask, and they are getting sick all the time, but none of their immediate family wears a mask and they never get sick..... I'm like, duh...

To each their own, but I have happiness to pursue. Good luck.

trump's stupidity killed people. You do realize that, don't you?

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