Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Wrong, that Is an incomplete quote with no link to see the rest.You fail to include that with every discussion of masks, included is social distances, vaccinations and boosters. Your bullshit quote is another example of your ignorance and stupidity.
your post in context "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Next
Wrong, that Is an incomplete quote with no link to see the rest.You fail to include that with every discussion of masks, included is social distances, vaccinations and boosters. Your bullshit quote is another example of your ignorance and stupidity.
When inconvenient information doesn’t fit the narrative
Obviously you can’t. You’ve yet to do it

Here is an explanation of mRNA:
An mRNA vaccine is a type of vaccine that uses a copy of a molecule called messenger RNA (mRNA) to produce an immune response.[1] The vaccine delivers molecules of antigen-encoding mRNA into immune cells, which use the designed mRNA as a blueprint to build foreign protein that would normally be produced by a pathogen (such as a virus) or by a cancer cell. These protein molecules stimulate an adaptive immune response that teaches the body to identify and destroy the corresponding pathogen or cancer cells.[1] The mRNA is delivered by a co-formulation of the RNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles that protect the RNA strands and help their absorption into the cells.[2][3]

What that is saying is that mRNA injections contain no death pathogen at all, like a normal vaccine always must have.
Instead the mRNA is instructions to reprogram the ribosomes in our own cells, to start growing spike proteins, so that our immune system will attack our own cells.
Which obviously is very risky, and clearly can't ever be put into bone marrow T-cell memory. The spike proteins can't be used as the identifier, because our own exosomes use the same spike proteins.
Still no quotes ?

This just came in from "MedPage Today", and is interesting.

Last week, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal in New Orleans revived a lawsuit brought by three doctors alleging that the FDA overstepped in its public statements about ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, the Associated Pressopens in a new tab or window reported.

The lawsuit argues FDA messaging such as, "I'm not a horse!" interfered with their practice, and in "most of that messaging," left out the human version of ivermectin that the plaintiffs were prescribing.

The lawsuitopens in a new tab or window was originally brought by otolaryngologist Mary Talley Bowden, MD, and critical care doctor Paul E. Marik, MD -- both of whom have faced professional repercussions after touting the anti-parasitic, among other controversies -- and emergency medicine doctor Robert L. Apter, MD.

A district court judge had dismissed the lawsuit in December, but the New Orleans appellate court argued that the FDA exceeded its authority under federal law, though normally government entities have more protections from civil lawsuits because of what's known as "sovereign immunity."

"FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise -- but not to endorse, denounce, or advise," Judge Don Willett, MA, JD, a Trump appointee, wrote for the panel, according to the AP. "The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA's Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to.

If you want to understand why the FDA was wrong about Ivermectin, I can explain it.
The parasites it is used to kill, have no eyes, nose, etc., and work on protein sensors.
By dulling these sensors, the parasites do not recognize food and starve to death.
The cell ACE2 receptors of our own cells are the same sort of sensors, so by dulling them, our cells stop letting in corona viruses.
Here is how it’s done.

I am anti-Trump, but he was correct about covid.
The correct strategy was to ignore it so that we developed herd immunity as quickly as possible. It could have been ended in 3 months, with only 30k deaths per month.
By delaying its ending out over 10 times longer, it killed over 10 times as many people.
And the mask mandates your god Fauci shoved down our throats have been shown had zero statistical impact on covid. Zero.

Not "Zero".
The mask mandates increased the death toll by a factor of over 10 times what the death rate could have been.
And in fact, the lowest death rates, like in Africa, are places that never used masks at all.
If Paul loves freedom he would allow people to wear a mask if they want and to not wear a mask if they want.

Those over 70 were 400 times more likely to die from covid than those under 40, so it should have been personal choice.
The lowest death toll would have been if those over 70 masked up and those under 40 did not.
This just came in from "MedPage Today", and is interesting.

Last week, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal in New Orleans revived a lawsuit brought by three doctors alleging that the FDA overstepped in its public statements about ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, the Associated Pressopens in a new tab or window reported.

The lawsuit argues FDA messaging such as, "I'm not a horse!" interfered with their practice, and in "most of that messaging," left out the human version of ivermectin that the plaintiffs were prescribing.

The lawsuitopens in a new tab or window was originally brought by otolaryngologist Mary Talley Bowden, MD, and critical care doctor Paul E. Marik, MD -- both of whom have faced professional repercussions after touting the anti-parasitic, among other controversies -- and emergency medicine doctor Robert L. Apter, MD.

A district court judge had dismissed the lawsuit in December, but the New Orleans appellate court argued that the FDA exceeded its authority under federal law, though normally government entities have more protections from civil lawsuits because of what's known as "sovereign immunity."

"FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise -- but not to endorse, denounce, or advise," Judge Don Willett, MA, JD, a Trump appointee, wrote for the panel, according to the AP. "The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA's Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to.

If you want to understand why the FDA was wrong about Ivermectin, I can explain it.
The parasites it is used to kill, have no eyes, nose, etc., and work on protein sensors.
By dulling these sensors, the parasites do not recognize food and starve to death.
The cell ACE2 receptors of our own cells are the same sort of sensors, so by dulling them, our cells stop letting in corona viruses.
You guys are idiots, as usual

This just came in from "MedPage Today", and is interesting.

Last week, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal in New Orleans revived a lawsuit brought by three doctors alleging that the FDA overstepped in its public statements about ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, the Associated Pressopens in a new tab or window reported.

The lawsuit argues FDA messaging such as, "I'm not a horse!" interfered with their practice, and in "most of that messaging," left out the human version of ivermectin that the plaintiffs were prescribing.

The lawsuitopens in a new tab or window was originally brought by otolaryngologist Mary Talley Bowden, MD, and critical care doctor Paul E. Marik, MD -- both of whom have faced professional repercussions after touting the anti-parasitic, among other controversies -- and emergency medicine doctor Robert L. Apter, MD.

A district court judge had dismissed the lawsuit in December, but the New Orleans appellate court argued that the FDA exceeded its authority under federal law, though normally government entities have more protections from civil lawsuits because of what's known as "sovereign immunity."

"FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise -- but not to endorse, denounce, or advise," Judge Don Willett, MA, JD, a Trump appointee, wrote for the panel, according to the AP. "The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA's Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to.

If you want to understand why the FDA was wrong about Ivermectin, I can explain it.
The parasites it is used to kill, have no eyes, nose, etc., and work on protein sensors.
By dulling these sensors, the parasites do not recognize food and starve to death.
The cell ACE2 receptors of our own cells are the same sort of sensors, so by dulling them, our cells stop letting in corona viruses.
Still no quotes about Fouci ? Dancing all over the place.,
Here ya go boy

published by another conservative rag….FEE
There is absolutely nothing incorrect that Fauci said anywhere in the article. It’s not our fault you’re way too stupid to understand the the virus rides water droplets and even common masks help prevent the spread of droplets.

So you proved my point. Fauci never lied. Where is the lie ? Dufus.
I am anti-Trump, but he was correct about covid.
The correct strategy was to ignore it so that we developed herd immunity as quickly as possible. It could have been ended in 3 months, with only 30k deaths per month.
By delaying its ending out over 10 times longer, it killed over 10 times as many people.
In the meantime, conservatives died at a higher rate because of their failure to take the vaccine when it became available. Proof positive, you don’t know shit.
In the meantime, conservatives died at a higher rate because of their failure to take the vaccine when it became available. Proof positive, you don’t know shit.
Only with the demofks narrative! The inconvenient fact is there’s no data to support your statement
Went to Devry Institute and graduated
So, you’re proud of graduating from a University that thinks your ideas are full,of shit ? What an effin hypocrite younare.
Understanding COVID-19 Video Series,” sponsored by DeVry University. This series will share fundamental concepts, key data, facts and information so you can better follow the news and help protect yourself and your family, and help patients and our hospitals if you're in healthcare.

Explore the Understanding COVID-19 Video Series

Go ahead, check the series out., then tell us what a fking loser you are to complely disagree with an institution that you claim gave you a degree. They support the cdc
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