Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Doctors are mostly vaccinated because they were required to or be fired.
But every single doctor I have talked to says that the mRNA can't work as a vaccine, because there is no dead pathogen in the vax, so there is nothing for the immune system to remember in bone marrow T-cells.

I did get vaxed, not in secret, but because one has to go along with what everyone decides to do, or else nothing could ever work.
In other words, in case I am wrong.
But the 2nd Moderna shot nearly killed me.
I was sick for months.
I was throwing up ever 4 hours for the first 2 days.
The chills and shakes made it impossible to walk the first day.

The mRNA vax is dangerous because it makes your own cells start to grow spike proteins so that your immune system will attack them. Which is harmless in a big muscle. But deadly if the mRNA happens to travel in the blood stream, so someplace like the heart, brain, capillaries, etc.
I did not have your experience. I did Moderna for all and my system is my system. I have no idea what any of the other shots are like. I have no idea what is different about your system than mine. Most reaction to the first two course shots were mild fever for an evening, which I naturally treat all fevers with chicken soup, and I was fine next day both shots. First booster, fever and body aches that night and next day, and again, I hit the chicken soup, like a miracle drug, and it worked. I was back to normal on Sunday after the shot on Friday. 2nd booster, no noticeable reactions period. I'm not superman. I meet height and weight standards. I am active and reasonable toned all the time. Blood pressure usually normal. Blood work historically normal except march of this year, but back to within normal across the board as of last month. I have no common allergies. I take no prescriptions on a regular basis and none prescribed for me. I very rarely take any over the counter pain relievers and never take any nutritional supplements. None of my kids or grandkids had much worse than I did. Maybe it is a genetic thing I passed along. Sorry you had a bad time, but I suspect it is something about how your body works, not necessarily all or most others.

Do what you think best for you. I truly do not care if you take it or not.
He has just been willing to be truthful.
The reality is the mainstream is just wrong most of the time, like Iraqi WMD, that mRNA vaccines do any good, the War on Drugs, Prohibition, etc.
We need more outspoken reps, not fewer.
Nah. He's a dick. I liked his dad better.
So, you’re proud of graduating from a University that thinks your ideas are full,of shit ? What an effin hypocrite younare.
Understanding COVID-19 Video Series,” sponsored by DeVry University. This series will share fundamental concepts, key data, facts and information so you can better follow the news and help protect yourself and your family, and help patients and our hospitals if you're in healthcare.

Explore the Understanding COVID-19 Video Series

Go ahead, check the series out., then tell us what a fking loser you are to complely disagree with a. institution that you claim Ed gave you a degree. They support the cdc
Sorry, my inconvenient information goes against your narrative, but that’s yours and it isn’t accurate!

That other shit merely shows your jealousy
Sorry, my inconvenient information goes against your narrative, but that’s yours and it isn’t accurate!

That other shit merely shows your jealousy
More made up shit. You claim to have a degree from a university that completely disagrees with your bogus posts on covid……and climate change too

So who’s the hypocrite ? You or DeVry.
Btw, if it’s your university, spell it correctly.
More made up shit. You claim to have a degree from a university that completely disagrees with your bogus posts on covid……and climate change too

So who’s the hypocrite ? You or DeVry.
Btw, if it’s your university, spell it correctly.
I see I’m truly inconvenient for you
1. They cherry-picked just two states. There is data available for all 50 states.
2. They did not include vaccination status at all. Only voter registration.
3. The authors note that there are many other differences between Republican counties and Democratic ones, including race, socioeconomic status, healthcare insurance coverage....
4. The authors note there may be many other confounders, limitations and problems with their study.
5. The authors caution that their results do not apply to any other states.

Did you read it?

Oh, but we're the idiots, eh?
1. They cherry-picked just two states. There is data available for all 50 states.
2. They did not include vaccination status at all. Only voter registration.
3. The authors note that there are many other differences between Republican counties and Democratic ones, including race, socioeconomic status, healthcare insurance coverage....
4. The authors note there may be many other confounders, limitations and problems with their study.
5. The authors caution that their results do not apply to any other states.

Did you read it?

Oh, but we're the idiots, eh?
Show the study that indicates otherwise by a research institution.
I see I’m truly inconvenient for you
Why, because you are ashamed you chose the wrong university you pretended to get a degree from ? Not to worry, every single one of them think you’re full of shit.
Geesus, if you’re going to pretend at least spell it correctly. Really, who makes a claim like that then misspells the name of the school ?
It would probably be best for America if all Republicans refused masks and vaccines. They can just relax and wait for the rapture.
Why, because you are ashamed you chose the wrong university you pretended to get a degree from ? Not to worry, every single one of them think you’re full of shit.
Geesus, if you’re going to pretend at least spell it correctly. Really, who makes a claim like that then misspells the name of the school ?
Masks don’t stop viruses, institutes say so! Oxford’s science
Hahaha wTF was that? Masks don’t work period. Viruses are too small proven and he poofioed it.

Confession by projection

Fauci just admitted masks don’t work…but why? Masks are on the rise again, but this time the establishment seem to be seeding controversy.​

This psychopath needs to be locked up, and not given anymore air time. If Alex Jones gets fined a billion dollars for saying Sandy Hook was a hoax, why the hell is this guy still allowed to continue his litany of lies?

IMO? Dr. OUCHIE has done far more damage to society.
published by another conservative rag….FEE
There is absolutely nothing incorrect that Fauci said anywhere in the article. It’s not our fault you’re way too stupid to understand the the virus rides water droplets and even common masks help prevent the spread of droplets.

So you proved my point. Fauci never lied. Where is the lie ? Dufus.
The lengths you go to to defend the defenseless speaks volumes about you. You are a paid poster!!!!
In the meantime, conservatives died at a higher rate because of their failure to take the vaccine when it became available. Proof positive, you don’t know shit.
Vaccines did not stop transmission and most died of covid plus
The lengths you go to to defend the defenseless speaks volumes about you. You are a paid p
The cdc, MAYO Clinic and every research facility in the world are clueless, But Fix News bull shit artist tel the truth. That’s your story.
Vaccines did not stop transmission and most died of covid plus
You have no evidence, I do. You are ignorant, I am not.

Boy, you are stupid. Vaccines are meant to increase the capability of our immune systems of people so their symptoms are less severe STUPID. They don’t play an active roll in disease transmissions. That’s determined by your behavior dufus. You are the dumbest person. All people get exposed. The vaccinated people have much higher survival rates. Then, the immunity developed naturally after you catch it and service and have fewer symptoms, can act as a booster.
BECAUSE STUPID, you can survive subsequent encounters with covid. Dufus, don’t you catch colds every year ? Of course you idiot.
And it proves your narrative is just that. You’re trying way too much
You claim you got your little degree from an institution that disagrees with your made up shit. How does that work ?
Then, you misspell the name of the institution. Why is that ?

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