Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Wrong, that Is an incomplete quote with no link to see the rest.You fail to include that with every discussion of masks, included is social distances, vaccinations and boosters. Your bullshit quote is another example of your ignorance and stupidity.

Masks, social distancing, mRNA vax, boosters, etc., are and were simply wrong.
There is no science behind them at all.

If an epidemic is highly lethal, you do full quarantine, (which we did not do).
If an epidemic is not highly lethal, you try to accelerate it among the least vulnerable, in order to quickly end it with herd immunity.

There is no third option with "masks, included is social distances, vaccinations and boosters."
That can not work.
The science is well known.
Actually it is obvious Fauci lied.
First of all, he went with masks instead of herd immunity because he claimed a 1% lethality rate.
The actual lethality rate we now know is more like 0.02%.
And if we had gone the herd immunity route instead of masking, then it could have been ended in less than 3 months, with only 30k deaths per month.
Everyone knows you NEVER "flatten the curve".
If lethality is very high, you do full quarantine, with contact tracing.
It lethality is low enough, you instead try to accelerate spread among the least susceptible.
But you NEVER "flatten the curve".
That just increases the problem by putting it off, while it is still growing.
The purpose of that was to give time for the mRNA vax, and that was very irresponsible.
Still no full quotes and links….You have no complete quotes do you and a link ? Too embarrassed to link it to Fux News ?

You’re just making up shit from a conservative rag. I can provide actual speeches of trump lying. Go ahead, post his entire communication or link it.
You can’t do it can you bozos. You’re entire post is more made up snit.
Rand Paul is a doctor of Ophthalmology. He treats diseases and performs procedures. He’s not even a true eye surgeon, who is called a retinal surgeon and is qualified to work inside the eye ball. He’s a political libertarian who is just a Republican who likes sushi and likes to pretend he’s smarter than repugnants….he isn’t.

Every single doctor I have talked to, (and it is more than a dozen), has said that privately they believe the whole "flattening the curve" and waiting for a vax was a terrible idea.
This has been vindicated by the fact the mRNA vax clearly has totally failed to work at all.

Whether Rand is smart or not, the fact is the other doctors simply were cowed.
The were afraid to speak their mind.
So we need more like Rand, whether he is right or not.
Every single doctor I have talked to, (and it is more than a dozen), has said that privately they believe the whole "flattening the curve" and waiting for a vax was a terrible idea.
This has been vindicated by the fact the mRNA vax clearly has totally failed to work at all.

Whether Rand is smart or not, the fact is the other doctors simply were cowed.
The were afraid to speak their mind.
So we need more like Rand, whether he is right or not.
More made up shit…still no quote of Fauci. Your little “ flatten the curve” as a quote means nothing. You’re a fraud…you are bullshit.

Every WORKING MEDICAL doctor or staff member at a medical facility will advise on use of masks, vaccinations etc. and risks v covid.
Still no full quotes and links….You have no complete quotes do you and a link ? Too embarrassed to link it to Fux News ?

You’re just making up shit from a conservative rag. I can provide actual speeches of trump lying. Go ahead, post his entire communication or link it.
You can’t do it can you bozos. You’re entire post is more made up snit.

I can find quotes saying anything I would care to say because over the years someone has said just about everything imaginable about covid.
So quotes are pointless.
The reality is that now even the president's wife has had covid 3 times after 6 vax and booster shots.
So clearly the mRNA vax does NOT at all work.
Total disaster.

And it does not take a degree to understand that the immune system needs a dead pathogen for it to remember. There is nothing in the mRNA shot for the immune system to remember at all.
Even a child should question how these mRNA shots could possibly work.
And not that they have been proven to not work, this should no longer even come up.
Since the mRNA has obviously totally failed, how can you make this claim?
Since the mRNA has obviously totally failed, how can you make this claim?
Nope. You have no evidence. The CDC and Zfauci were and are right every step,of the way. My proof is the thousands of medical facilities that practice their recommendations.
But you like Rand Paul and not what thousands of medical facilities all say. You’re not that bright.
More made up shit…still no quote of Fauci. Your little “ flatten the curve” as a quote means nothing. You’re a fraud…you are bullshit.

Every WORKING MEDICAL doctor or staff member at a medical facility will advise on use of masks, vaccinations etc. and risks v covid.

Medical facilities have a much higher risk due to the traffic, much more vulnerable patients who already are sick, and can't afford to lose the time from being infected.
But all doctors will tell you herd immunity is the only thing that ever can end any epidemic, so the quicker you spread it in the general population, the better.
Just ask any doctor or nurse about herd immunity.
Nope. You have no evidence. The CDC and Zfauci were and are right every step,of the way. My proof is the thousands of medical facilities that practice their recommendations.
But you like Rand Paul and not what thousands of medical facilities all say. You’re not that bright.

If the mRNA worked, then the president's wife would not currently have covid.
So obviously the mRNA is a total and complete failure.

Again, since herd immunity ends all epidemics, then why would anyone ever try to slow down herd immunity?
Herd immunity (also called herd effect, community immunity, population immunity, or mass immunity) is a form of indirect protection that applies only to contagious diseases. It occurs when a sufficient percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through previous infections or vaccination,[1] thereby reducing the likelihood of infection for individuals who lack immunity.[2][3][4]

Once the herd immunity has been reached, disease gradually disappears from a population and may result in eradication or permanent reduction of infections to zero if achieved worldwide.

ONLY herd immunity can ever end any epidemic, once quarantine has failed.
The longer you delay herd immunity, the higher the death toll.
Fauci spoke for the CDC and was a presidential advisor.
He never lied, never and no one can provide a direct, complete quote that he ever did….Humpers take everything out of context proving they are science illiterates.
LOL Nothing like the smell of ignorant Bidenfluffers in the morning to start the day off right.
Over 96% of doctors (or should I say "practicing doctors) in the United States are vaccinated. Do your really want to take medical advice of at best a 4 percenter, and a politician with an agenda, at that? I use real doctors, myself. You sound like a statistic waiting to happen, or are you one to the trumpers, secretly vaccinated for your own good, yet denying for public consumption?
Regardless of any of this, the "vaccine" was a complete failure. The first vaccine in world history that literally did nothing to stop the virus from spreading. Nothing.
Unproven data that it slowed or helped with symptoms, as the data set became larger - the difference in outcome between vaxed and unvaxed is marginal at best.
The CDC's own data only shows slight differences in outcome.
There are studies that show death rates are higher in +65 year olds, however the dataset is so small it is unreliable to determine by CDC's own publications.
As well as the number of Covid deaths in vaccinated is climbing as a percentage of the dataset. Which is a huge indicator that the vaccines value is eroding.
Regardless of any of this, the "vaccine" was a complete failure. The first vaccine in world history that literally did nothing to stop the virus from spreading. Nothing.
Unproven data that it slowed or helped with symptoms, as the data set became larger - the difference in outcome between vaxed and unvaxed is marginal at best.
The CDC's own data only shows slight differences in outcome.
There are studies that show death rates are higher in +65 year olds, however the dataset is so small it is unreliable to determine by CDC's own publications.
As well as the number of Covid deaths in vaccinated is climbing as a percentage of the dataset. Which is a huge indicator that the vaccines value is eroding.
You being a complete science illiterate would make such an ignorant post.
Wrong, that Is an incomplete quote with no link to see the rest.You fail to include that with every discussion of masks, included is social distances, vaccinations and boosters. Your bullshit quote is another example of your ignorance and stupidity.
Here ya go boy
I am liking Dr. Paul more and more every day.

He seems to be nearly the sole voice of Science these days, when it comes to masks and vaccines, recognizing that individuals with prior infection who have recovered are protected. A man of integrity.

'They can’t arrest us all': Sen. Rand Paul slams mask mandates and lockdowns and urges resistance, saying: 'choose freedom'​

  • The Kentucky senator was the first of his colleagues to get COVID-19 in March
  • He called for people to not accept mandates on masking
  • Called speaker Pelosi 'drunk with power' as the House has reimposed indoor mask mandates in the chamber where many lawmakers remain unvaccinated
  • Come as fellow Sen. Lindsey Graham is in quarantine after contracting COVID-19 despite being vaccinated
'They can’t arrest us all. They can’t keep all your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed – although I’ve got a long list of ones they should,'

'Speaker Nancy Pelosi — you will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs. We have all either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the vaccine. We will make our own health choices. We will not show you a passport, we will not wear a mask, we will not be forced into random screening and testing so you can continue your drunk with power rein over the Capitol,'

'President Biden — we will not accept your agencies’ mandates or your reported moves toward a lockdown. No one should follow the [Centers for Disease Control] CDC’s anti-science mask mandates. And if you want to shutdown federal agencies again — some of which aren’t even back to work fully — I will stop every bill coming through the Senate with an amendment to cut their funding if they don’t come to work,' he said.

The Dems and media don't even seem to recognize the protection of prior infection. They divide Americans into the "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" classes, claiming that it is now a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," completely ignoring the estimated 100 million Americans who have natural immunity after recovering from COVID.

Vaccines are created to mimic natural immunity. While many are quite effective, they usually are not quite as protective as being exposed to the real thing, which creates long-lasting T- and B-cells in one's bone marrow, sometimes leading to a lifetime of protection (1).

The CDC's own data shows that prior infection provides protection for >180 days, whereas the vaccines start to wane at 14 weeks. (2)

Moderna stock is up a factor of 21 since December 2019. Congress invests heavily in pharmaceutical stocks (3). They could not care less about you or me. As usual, it's about them - their power and money.

So, if you want it to end, join me in following Dr. Paul's advice, and follow your own free will and Science, not CNN and bureaucrats.

(1) 90 Years Later, 1918 Flu Lives on in Antibodies, Research
(2) https://context-cdn.washingtonpost..../57c98604-3b54-44f0-8b44-b148d8f75165.#page=1
(3) Congress invests big in pharmaceutical, tech stocks
If Paul loves freedom he would allow people to wear a mask if they want and to not wear a mask if they want.

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