Senator Ron Wyden introduces S. 420, a bill to legalize marijuana

But you're nuttier than a sack of cashews.

Maybe, maybe not. Either way, use or possess that crap around me in places where I have control and there will be consequences.

I can think of few places worse than places you control. But strut like you are somebody, if it makes you feel better. I'll stick with reality and enjoy my life full of joy, love, adventure, and the occasional buzz.
I can think of few places worse than places you control. But strut like you are somebody, if it makes you feel better. I'll stick with reality and enjoy my life full of joy, love, adventure, and the occasional buzz.

Enjoy it while you can. Eventually your carousel ride will end and you’ll have to pay for that fun and adventure... on one side of Eternity or the other.
I can think of few places worse than places you control. But strut like you are somebody, if it makes you feel better. I'll stick with reality and enjoy my life full of joy, love, adventure, and the occasional buzz.

Enjoy it while you can. Eventually your carousel ride will end and you’ll have to pay for that fun and adventure... on one side of Eternity or the other.

I have no fear of the end. And when I am judged, I will be proud of all the love and joy I shared with my fellow man.

You, on the other hand, will be judged for what you didn't share or do.
You, on the other hand, will be judged for what you didn't share or do.

That’s fine. I’m more than ready for that judgement. If I’m right, then great for me. If you’re right, I would prefer to go to Hell over Heaven.
I’ll just say the same the i always say about this topic...

Marijuana will NEVER be legal in my property, in my car, or anywhere that I have jurisdiction over.

My tenants know that if it is found in the house they will be kicked out IMMEDIATELY. I left my sister in law stranded 30 miles from home a couple years ago because I refused to let her in my vehicle because she smelled of marijuana. I got a college roommate expelled in 1992 over thst shit.

I respect that. But realize that rights or liberties are based on TOLERANCE of people doing things you do not endorse or like. Without that -- there'd be no liberty.. And folks that support issues like weed aren't promoting the practice. Just allowing that choice to be made...
I respect that. But realize that rights or liberties are based on TOLERANCE of people doing things you do not endorse or like. Without that -- there'd be no liberty.. And folks that support issues like weed aren't promoting the practice. Just allowing that choice to be made...

Realize that I a not a proponent of Rights or Liberties. I definitely don’t believe in a right or Liberty to act in an immoral manner, which I believe marijuana use is (an immoral act).
I’ll just say the same the i always say about this topic...

Marijuana will NEVER be legal in my property, in my car, or anywhere that I have jurisdiction over.

My tenants know that if it is found in the house they will be kicked out IMMEDIATELY. I left my sister in law stranded 30 miles from home a couple years ago because I refused to let her in my vehicle because she smelled of marijuana. I got a college roommate expelled in 1992 over thst shit.

I respect that. But realize that rights or liberties are based on TOLERANCE of people doing things you do not endorse or like. Without that -- there'd be no liberty.. And folks that support issues like weed aren't promoting the practice. Just allowing that choice to be made...
You could say the same thing about driving the wrong way on the freeway. Liberty is not the same as license. Without responsibility there is no liberty.
There is no form of abuse too severe for pot growers. There is no sentence too long. Drug addiction is the worst crisis we have ever faced. It requires drastic action.

You placed pot and addiction in the same paragraph and there is no physical addiction to pot and it's been proven but keep you head up your ...
Over 40 years using it.
Nice home, nice job, toys out in the garage, credit rating of 825.
Yeah. A lot of generalization and outright falsifications regarding pot.
Reefer Madness was propaganda, not a documentary.

You’re the exception not the rule...but you know that.
Literally, every single stoner I know is a complete lowlife piece of shit with zero ambition to do and be better. This is not a revolutionary find, there’s plenty of data out there. Your “I know this ONE GUY” story is cool though.
There is no form of abuse too severe for pot growers. There is no sentence too long. Drug addiction is the worst crisis we have ever faced. It requires drastic action.

You placed pot and addiction in the same paragraph and there is no physical addiction to pot and it's been proven but keep you head up your ...
There is no addiction to pot. Users just can't stop using. But they can stop any time they want.
Over 40 years using it.
Nice home, nice job, toys out in the garage, credit rating of 825.
Yeah. A lot of generalization and outright falsifications regarding pot.
Reefer Madness was propaganda, not a documentary.

You’re the exception not the rule...but you know that.
Literally, every single stoner I know is a complete lowlife piece of shit with zero ambition to do and be better. This is not a revolutionary find, there’s plenty of data out there. Your “I know this ONE GUY” story is cool though.
There is no exception. 60% of those I know and call friends are all middle class users. Some for pain some for recreational.
All hold steady jobs, own homes, and live normal lives like anyone else.
You dont hear about moderate users because of legality, folks like us don't advertise our preference.
We have been deemed common criminals by a nanny state.
Over 40 years using it.
Nice home, nice job, toys out in the garage, credit rating of 825.
Yeah. A lot of generalization and outright falsifications regarding pot.
Reefer Madness was propaganda, not a documentary.

You’re the exception not the rule...but you know that.
Literally, every single stoner I know is a complete lowlife piece of shit with zero ambition to do and be better. This is not a revolutionary find, there’s plenty of data out there. Your “I know this ONE GUY” story is cool though.
There is no exception. 60% of those I know and call friends are all middle class users. Some for pain some for recreational.
All hold steady jobs, own homes, and live normal lives like anyone else.
You dont hear about moderate users because of legality, folks like us don't advertise our preference.
We have been deemed common criminals by a nanny state.

That’s cool,..that proves that you choose your friends wisely.
I've been smoking marijuana for over 20 years, the past 10 years it's been daily, except for a few times when I went on vacation somewhere.
12 days ago I stopped cold turkey due to an upcoming surgery. The first 3 nights I had wickedly vivid dreams. Other than being really bored the past 2 weeks, there have been no other side effects.

I had been a cigarette smoker for over 20 years, at around a pack a day. 2 years ago I quit cold turkey as well. It was horrible, absolutely brutal. Headaches, trouble concentrating, and extremely easy to fly off the handle.

In my personal experience, cigarettes have done far more damage to my health and well being than marijuana has.
Over 40 years using it.
Nice home, nice job, toys out in the garage, credit rating of 825.
Yeah. A lot of generalization and outright falsifications regarding pot.
Reefer Madness was propaganda, not a documentary.

You’re the exception not the rule...but you know that.
Literally, every single stoner I know is a complete lowlife piece of shit with zero ambition to do and be better. This is not a revolutionary find, there’s plenty of data out there. Your “I know this ONE GUY” story is cool though.
There is no exception. 60% of those I know and call friends are all middle class users. Some for pain some for recreational.
All hold steady jobs, own homes, and live normal lives like anyone else.
You dont hear about moderate users because of legality, folks like us don't advertise our preference.
We have been deemed common criminals by a nanny state.

That’s cool,..that proves that you choose your friends wisely.
You would be surprised how many voted for Trump, and hold the belief that government should stay out of personal decisions. That goes for drinking and gambling. Which ironically the state sanctions in the form of lotteries, while banning online gaming.
Prohibition failed epically regarding alcohol, has failed completely regarding the drug war, and has emboldened the cartels.

I have no love for the tie dyed idiot with dreadlocks that the media displays as the typical user.
Might as well use a drunk driver to represent all alcohol users.
Funny. I tried using gambling instead of gaming.
Was a banned phrase.
Weird how that all works huh....
The same guy/girl who smokes cigarettes smokes weed, who smokes cocaine, who works a shit job, who collects welfare, who has multiple children they can’t afford and don’t parent, who has health issues later in life due to negligent decision making...etc etc
Don’t worry though, send me the invoice, I got you covered.

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