Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), Wants A Ban That Will Hurt U.S. Corporations


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), Wants A Ban That Will Hurt U.S. Corporations

Arkansas Senator, Republican Tom Cotton wants the impeached president trump to consider a ban on visas for Chinese students who come to the U.S. to study science and engineering. Cotton is worried the students will earn their degrees then return to China and use their knowledge to compete with the U.S.

Did Cotton forget U.S. corporations send their technical information to Chinese factories that manufacture the products American companies sell under their own brand names? Has the Senator forgotten it was the Republican Reagan administration that provided U.S. tax dollars to U.S. corporate leaders, which paid the expenses to send their factory equipment to China? Does Cotton not understand these U.S. business leaders need these educated Chinese students to graduate, then work in the Chinese factories to read and process technical data and drawings necessary to update manufacturing machinery and methods to increase U.S. corporate profits? Has the right wing senator’s xenophobia made him forget these same U.S. business leaders and CEOs donate most of the money that pays for his and other Republican politicians’ election campaigns?

Cotton should close his big fat pie-hole, put his Deep South racism in his hip pocket, and learn some small lesson about how Big Business operates in America. This is especially true if he uses cell phones, watches television, drives or rides in automobiles, or lives somewhere other than some hillbilly’s off-the-grid, dirt-floor cabin.

Cotton forgets the GOP spent the past five decades convincing conservatives that education is unnecessary, and even borders on evil. But just because uneducated, Christian conservatives believe they know more than all the experts, they don’t really have the knowledge or skills Big Business requires in their technologically advanced manufacturing facilities overseas.

Senator, you can court your voting base feeding their Nazi racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, bigotry, and other hatreds, but when you begin stepping on the toes of Big Business and the 0.1%, you are biting the hands that feed the GOP. So get with the program, Cotton.

Controversial Call to Ban Students | News Ready

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), Wants A Ban That Will Hurt U.S. Corporations

Arkansas Senator, Republican Tom Cotton wants the impeached president trump to consider a ban on visas for Chinese students who come to the U.S. to study science and engineering. Cotton is worried the students will earn their degrees then return to China and use their knowledge to compete with the U.S.

Did Cotton forget U.S. corporations send their technical information to Chinese factories that manufacture the products American companies sell under their own brand names? Has the Senator forgotten it was the Republican Reagan administration that provided U.S. tax dollars to U.S. corporate leaders, which paid the expenses to send their factory equipment to China? Does Cotton not understand these U.S. business leaders need these educated Chinese students to graduate, then work in the Chinese factories to read and process technical data and drawings necessary to update manufacturing machinery and methods to increase U.S. corporate profits? Has the right wing senator’s xenophobia made him forget these same U.S. business leaders and CEOs donate most of the money that pays for his and other Republican politicians’ election campaigns?

Cotton should close his big fat pie-hole, put his Deep South racism in his hip pocket, and learn some small lesson about how Big Business operates in America. This is especially true if he uses cell phones, watches television, drives or rides in automobiles, or lives somewhere other than some hillbilly’s off-the-grid, dirt-floor cabin.

Cotton forgets the GOP spent the past five decades convincing conservatives that education is unnecessary, and even borders on evil. But just because uneducated, Christian conservatives believe they know more than all the experts, they don’t really have the knowledge or skills Big Business requires in their technologically advanced manufacturing facilities overseas.

Senator, you can court your voting base feeding their Nazi racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, bigotry, and other hatreds, but when you begin stepping on the toes of Big Business and the 0.1%, you are biting the hands that feed the GOP. So get with the program, Cotton.

Controversial Call to Ban Students | News Ready


fuck china and bring the manufacturing back home,,,
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), Wants A Ban That Will Hurt U.S. Corporations

Arkansas Senator, Republican Tom Cotton wants the impeached president trump to consider a ban on visas for Chinese students who come to the U.S. to study science and engineering. Cotton is worried the students will earn their degrees then return to China and use their knowledge to compete with the U.S.

Did Cotton forget U.S. corporations send their technical information to Chinese factories that manufacture the products American companies sell under their own brand names? Has the Senator forgotten it was the Republican Reagan administration that provided U.S. tax dollars to U.S. corporate leaders, which paid the expenses to send their factory equipment to China? Does Cotton not understand these U.S. business leaders need these educated Chinese students to graduate, then work in the Chinese factories to read and process technical data and drawings necessary to update manufacturing machinery and methods to increase U.S. corporate profits? Has the right wing senator’s xenophobia made him forget these same U.S. business leaders and CEOs donate most of the money that pays for his and other Republican politicians’ election campaigns?

Cotton should close his big fat pie-hole, put his Deep South racism in his hip pocket, and learn some small lesson about how Big Business operates in America. This is especially true if he uses cell phones, watches television, drives or rides in automobiles, or lives somewhere other than some hillbilly’s off-the-grid, dirt-floor cabin.

Cotton forgets the GOP spent the past five decades convincing conservatives that education is unnecessary, and even borders on evil. But just because uneducated, Christian conservatives believe they know more than all the experts, they don’t really have the knowledge or skills Big Business requires in their technologically advanced manufacturing facilities overseas.

Senator, you can court your voting base feeding their Nazi racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, bigotry, and other hatreds, but when you begin stepping on the toes of Big Business and the 0.1%, you are biting the hands that feed the GOP. So get with the program, Cotton.

Controversial Call to Ban Students | News Ready


fuck china and bring the manufacturing back home,,,
SMH while LOL.
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), Wants A Ban That Will Hurt U.S. Corporations

Arkansas Senator, Republican Tom Cotton wants the impeached president trump to consider a ban on visas for Chinese students who come to the U.S. to study science and engineering. Cotton is worried the students will earn their degrees then return to China and use their knowledge to compete with the U.S.

Did Cotton forget U.S. corporations send their technical information to Chinese factories that manufacture the products American companies sell under their own brand names? Has the Senator forgotten it was the Republican Reagan administration that provided U.S. tax dollars to U.S. corporate leaders, which paid the expenses to send their factory equipment to China? Does Cotton not understand these U.S. business leaders need these educated Chinese students to graduate, then work in the Chinese factories to read and process technical data and drawings necessary to update manufacturing machinery and methods to increase U.S. corporate profits? Has the right wing senator’s xenophobia made him forget these same U.S. business leaders and CEOs donate most of the money that pays for his and other Republican politicians’ election campaigns?

Cotton should close his big fat pie-hole, put his Deep South racism in his hip pocket, and learn some small lesson about how Big Business operates in America. This is especially true if he uses cell phones, watches television, drives or rides in automobiles, or lives somewhere other than some hillbilly’s off-the-grid, dirt-floor cabin.

Cotton forgets the GOP spent the past five decades convincing conservatives that education is unnecessary, and even borders on evil. But just because uneducated, Christian conservatives believe they know more than all the experts, they don’t really have the knowledge or skills Big Business requires in their technologically advanced manufacturing facilities overseas.

Senator, you can court your voting base feeding their Nazi racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, bigotry, and other hatreds, but when you begin stepping on the toes of Big Business and the 0.1%, you are biting the hands that feed the GOP. So get with the program, Cotton.

Controversial Call to Ban Students | News Ready


fuck china and bring the manufacturing back home,,,
SMH while LOL.
I know right???

what kind of moron thinks having all our manufacturing in a country that doesnt like us???
What gives conservatives the foolish notion Big Business and the 0.1% want to take their manufacturing away from China?

Profits are too high to bring jobs back to a country where education is scorned by the blue collar element. Chinese students receive a much higher quality education in their primary and secondary schools than students in the U.S. Conservative policies at both the state and federal level take funding from the public school systems in the U.S. to pay for tax cuts for Big Business and the 0.1%, and conservatives are always thrilled when this happens.

Bringing back manufacturing jobs to a population so unable to understand the processes used in the 21st century would lead to massive monetary losses for Big Business and the 0.1%. And that won't be tolerated.

There was a thread on this a few days ago. I think by Bertram’s tag teamer.
What gives conservatives the foolish notion Big Business and the 0.1% want to take their manufacturing away from China?

Profits are too high to bring jobs back to a country where education is scorned by the blue collar element. Chinese students receive a much higher quality education in their primary and secondary schools than students in the U.S. Conservative policies at both the state and federal level take funding from the public school systems in the U.S. to pay for tax cuts for Big Business and the 0.1%, and conservatives are always thrilled when this happens.

Bringing back manufacturing jobs to a population so unable to understand the processes used in the 21st century would lead to massive monetary losses for Big Business and the 0.1%. And that won't be tolerated.

Xi Jinping, izzat you? :auiqs.jpg:
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), Wants A Ban That Will Hurt U.S. Corporations

Arkansas Senator, Republican Tom Cotton wants the impeached president trump to consider a ban on visas for Chinese students who come to the U.S. to study science and engineering. Cotton is worried the students will earn their degrees then return to China and use their knowledge to compete with the U.S.

Did Cotton forget U.S. corporations send their technical information to Chinese factories that manufacture the products American companies sell under their own brand names? Has the Senator forgotten it was the Republican Reagan administration that provided U.S. tax dollars to U.S. corporate leaders, which paid the expenses to send their factory equipment to China? Does Cotton not understand these U.S. business leaders need these educated Chinese students to graduate, then work in the Chinese factories to read and process technical data and drawings necessary to update manufacturing machinery and methods to increase U.S. corporate profits? Has the right wing senator’s xenophobia made him forget these same U.S. business leaders and CEOs donate most of the money that pays for his and other Republican politicians’ election campaigns?

Cotton should close his big fat pie-hole, put his Deep South racism in his hip pocket, and learn some small lesson about how Big Business operates in America. This is especially true if he uses cell phones, watches television, drives or rides in automobiles, or lives somewhere other than some hillbilly’s off-the-grid, dirt-floor cabin.

Cotton forgets the GOP spent the past five decades convincing conservatives that education is unnecessary, and even borders on evil. But just because uneducated, Christian conservatives believe they know more than all the experts, they don’t really have the knowledge or skills Big Business requires in their technologically advanced manufacturing facilities overseas.

Senator, you can court your voting base feeding their Nazi racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, bigotry, and other hatreds, but when you begin stepping on the toes of Big Business and the 0.1%, you are biting the hands that feed the GOP. So get with the program, Cotton.

Controversial Call to Ban Students | News Ready

So, I take it that you want the Chinese Military et al to send their people over her to learn how best to destroy us?

What is it you are bitch about?


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