Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

We are ! There are thousands of Americans who have volunteered to fight there.
We currently have no American military fighting in Ukraine. Do want to change that?

If there are idiots who want to be there and volunteer to fight, I say let them. We could use a good gene pool cleaning.
The point being, this escalation against Russia is increasing the odds of a nuclear conflict, regardless of what trope you employ as an outcome.
Really ? How does allowing Russian full military access to Ukraine with a stated goal of
resestablising the Soviet Union Decrease the chances of more armed conflict.
I agree about the demagogic Trump cult attracting idiots.

But we need to face the fact that come 2024, if the war in Ukraine is still going on, Trump may set himself up as the only “peace” candidate — the one who can “make a deal” with Putin. In that case he could prove formidable.

I used to warn Ukrainian nationalists that they could not confidently rely on NATO and American backing, and their enthusiasm for their “Maidan Revolution” could lead to tragic results. The failure of Putin’s brutal all out invasion helped bring Europe together against Russia, and the Biden Administration played its cards well.

But while Putin is now (happily) in very deep trouble, the future is still uncertain, and a surprise Trump victory in 2024 would completely re-arrange the situation in Europe and of course in the U.S.A. In that case I can easily imagine Trump getting the Kennedy treatment, or giving up when he realizes the ruling elites mean business.

I claim no inside knowledge — we live in dangerous times.
If Trump ever wins another national election of any kind, Ukraine would be the least of our worries.
Really ? How does allowing Russian full military access to Ukraine with a stated goal of
resestablising the Soviet Union Decrease the chances of more armed conflict.
Lol. Is that a question? What does “resestablising” mean?
Regardless of your illiterate spin, perceptive adults realize our participation in that regional conflict has increased the odds of nuclear war, not decreased it. We have no authority to allow or prevent Russia’s aggression, just like Russia has no say in our aggressions.
have no authority to allow or prevent Russia’s aggression, just like Russia has no say in our aggressions.
We had no moral authority for establishing the Monroe Docterine either, but Americans bask in freedom of establishing it for generations and weathering the worst of wars with our home soil relatively unharmed compared to European nations. European nations are our initial line of defense ….
To say we should have nothing to say about a nation‘s aggression to a European ally is really naive.
We had no moral authority for establishing the Monroe Docterine either, but Americans bask in freedom of establishing it for generations and weathering the worst of wars with our home soil relatively unharmed compared to European nations. European nations are our initial line of defense ….
Your babble changes nothing. I said authority, not moral authority. The fact is, the more military support we send to the Ukraine, the closer we get to nuclear war. Russia is reacting exactly as we did during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Don’t let your political dogma cloud your logic.
To say we should have nothing to say about a nation‘s aggression to a European ally is really naive.
We can say whatever we want. Sending money, arms, and troops is a different story. It’s none of our business and the only reason we’re engaged is because our political class launders money there.
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Maybe you need to take a more active role in understanding the motives behind the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Maybe you should stop drinking the koolaid and try thinking for yourself.

FYI: There’s no such word as “resestablising”.
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Maybe you should stop drinking the koolaid and try thinking for yourself.

FYI: There’s no such word as “resestablising”.
Kind of a silly statement of support for remaining ignorant.
“Thinking for yourself “ is what, listening to Tucker 24-7 ?
Kind of a silly statement of support for remaining ignorant.
“Thinking for yourself “ is what, listening to Tucker 24-7 ?
Concession accepted.
To summarize:
1. I said sending fighter jets and pilots to Ukraine will bring us closer to nuclear war.
2. You diverted with some nonsense about the Stone Age, totally missing the point.
3. You go on to obfuscate the point with mealy-mouthed crap about previous wars where nuclear weapons were not options for both sides.
4. You head off into straw man ad hominem land.
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I'm coming to the conclusion that too many Americans have been "distanced" from the horrors of war. We used to see combat photojournalism every night on the news during the 1970's. Not much of that these days.. Remember the iconic images of an officer shooting a guy in the head, or the naked child running through the street as her fleshed burned? Hell, those were done with film cameras! It seems now the focus is on the "hero" Zelenski in his stupid costume.
True that. But now the media is owned by the left and they don't want you to see it all. Only cherry picked, manufactured or photoshopped footage which supports the narrative. They pull these scenes out of their asses and then proceed to "explain" it to us morons. The entire advent of the genre known as Reality TV shows in 90's which has evolved since then was for the purpose of dumbing us down so we don't know how to tell the difference between reality and scripted bullshit. It's all about blurring the lines so each new generation is more and more gullible
I agree about the demagogic Trump cult attracting idiots.

But we need to face the fact that come 2024, if the war in Ukraine is still going on, Trump may set himself up as the only “peace” candidate — the one who can “make a deal” with Putin. In that case he could prove formidable.

I used to warn Ukrainian nationalists that they could not confidently rely on NATO and American backing, and their enthusiasm for their “Maidan Revolution” could lead to tragic results. The failure of Putin’s brutal all out invasion helped bring Europe together against Russia, and the Biden Administration played its cards well.

But while Putin is now (happily) in very deep trouble, the future is still uncertain, and a surprise Trump victory in 2024 would completely re-arrange the situation in Europe and of course in the U.S.A. In that case I can easily imagine Trump getting the Kennedy treatment, or giving up when he realizes the ruling elites mean business.

I claim no inside knowledge — we live in dangerous times.
I expect this war, or more correctly its hottest part, will end this year. It will come to a standstill roughly on the current frontline. Ukraine will get a security agreement with the main NATO states that will provide for arm deliveries, training and other things, but will exclude troops on the ground, military bases and direct security guarantees.

Also, Ukraine will sign economic treaties that will deepen economic integration with the EU (though, they won't provide for the EU membership).

As a whole I expect 'the Ukrainian case' will be marked as a win for the Biden administration in their campaign. Strengthening NATO, stopping Putin’s aggression, preserving independent Ukraine (though, de-facto within shrunk borders), avoiding a major war in Europe, and similar rhetoric.

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