Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

I expect this war, or more correctly its hottest part, will end this year. It will come to a standstill roughly on the current frontline. Ukraine will get a security agreement with the main NATO states that will provide for arm deliveries, training and other things, but will exclude troops on the ground, military bases and direct security guarantees.

Also, Ukraine will sign economic treaties that will deepen economic integration with the EU (though, they won't provide for the EU membership).

As a whole I expect 'the Ukrainian case' will be marked as a win for the Biden administration in their campaign. Strengthening NATO, stopping Putin’s aggression, preserving independent Ukraine (though, de-facto within shrunk borders), avoiding a major war in Europe, and similar rhetoric.
It is possible. But there are many other less happy results also possible.
Yeah, let’s borrow more money and flush it down the Ukraine toilet. Maybe we can finally have that nuclear war that’ll send us all back to the Stone Age.

Money is a farce. So why not use farce to help Ukraine defend itself. And I doubt very much if nuclear war would happen. The Ukraine, though important, isn't important enough for either the U.S. or Russia to start a nuclear war over.
so when Russia shoots one down, we will be at war with Russia, do you really think the corrupt country of Ukraine is worth billions of dollars and millions of US lives? Are you ready for a nuclear exchange where everyone loses? That is what you are asking for. Let Putin have Ukraine, it was part of Russia for decades and is one of the most corrupt countries on earth.

When the Americans shot down a Russian fighter either over North Korea or north Vietnam, did we go to war with Russia? Next, the Ukraine isn't part of Russia. it is the Ukraine. Also, I suppose you're ok with China taking over Tibet too.
Its not Our territory, we have zero reason to keep Putin from taking the corrupt country of Ukraine. It is not worth one US dollar of one US life.

Oh. And and Afghanistan was more worthy of our help in their war against Russia?
Money is a farce. So why not use farce to help Ukraine defend itself. And I doubt very much if nuclear war would happen. The Ukraine, though important, isn't important enough for either the U.S. or Russia to start a nuclear war over.
Society runs on money as a means to facilitate trade. The only farce is the government’s ability to dilute its value via the printing press. As far as Ukraine is concerned, they’re Russia’s neighbor, with many citizens who would rather be a part of Russia. Not our circus, not our monkeys. When Russia wanted to park missiles in Cuba, we let them know they had no business in our neighborhood. Similar situation.
Its not Our territory, we have zero reason to keep Putin from taking the corrupt country of Ukraine. It is not worth one US dollar of one US life.
The political class cares because they launder money there. Lots of damaging secrets in the Ukraine. Sadly, there are a lot of useful idiots who are being told that this is some kind of “threat to democracy” or other silly jingoism.
Society runs on money as a means to facilitate trade. The only farce is the government’s ability to dilute its value via the printing press. As far as Ukraine is concerned, they’re Russia’s neighbor, with many citizens who would rather be a part of Russia. Not our circus, not our monkeys. When Russia wanted to park missiles in Cuba, we let them know they had no business in our neighborhood. Similar situation.

Our money is worthless. Back when our national debt was only 19 trillion dollars, each year we had to pay 420 billion dollars just on the interest of that debt. I don't know what that is now. Also, back then there was around 61 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations.
To me there isn't much difference between a debt and an obligation. Except that I don't think you have to pay interest on an obligation.
So back then our national debt was actually around 80 trillion dollars.

Another thing is that I was reading some time back that each year our trade imbalance with China alone ranged from somewhere between 300 billion to over 700 billion dollars. Each year that is money out of our pocket. But I don't see as much bitching about that. Here is another interesting point. Only about 8% of the world's currency exists as physical cash. Lastly, the U.S. has no interest in parking nuclear missiles in the Ukraine. That makes it much different than Cuba.
Our money is worthless.
My money isn’t worthless. I use it every day to purchase things of worth. I’m sure you’re not burning hundred dollar bills for heat.
Lastly, the U.S. has no interest in parking nuclear missiles in the Ukraine. That makes it much different than Cuba.
I said similar, not identical. It’s poking your nose in another part of the world that you have no business in.
so when Russia shoots one down, we will be at war with Russia, do you really think the corrupt country of Ukraine is worth billions of dollars and millions of US lives? Are you ready for a nuclear exchange where everyone loses? That is what you are asking for. Let Putin have Ukraine, it was part of Russia for decades and is one of the most corrupt countries on earth.
Ukraine corruption is directly linked to its relationship to Russian. Prior to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, being corrupt was a way of business with everything * Russia touched. Russia is ranked one of the most corrupt nations in the world.
Ukraine corruption is directly linked to its relationship to Russian. Prior to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, being corrupt was a way of business with everything * Russia touched. Russia is ranked one of the most corrupt nations in the world.
Do you support Biden denying fighter jets to Ukraine?
Should we go to war with Russia over Ukraine? That requires a yes or no answer.
Let’s get real, Russia invasion started the war, not the Ukrainian response. A confrontation with Russia is Inevitable if they are allowed to just annex whomever they want. If Ukraine were truley a “friend “ of Russia, they wouldn’t be asking for aid and tell nato to leave them alone and let Russia run them over. Geesus, they are dying while fighting a dictatorship…
Tucker is a national hero with Putin.
Do you support Biden denying fighter jets to Ukraine?
Don’t be foolish. It’s a poorly worded question. We haven’t escalated the war because WE aren’t supplying military aid that allows Ukraine to launch attacks deep within Russia.
They all ready have fighters they can‘t use. You want us to give them more jet fighters they can’t use ? They have over 50:fighters of their own they are using very little. Maybe you should find out why ?
wtf is your point ? You a Putin supporter ?
said similar, not identical. It’s poking your nose in another part of the world that you have no business in.
That’s dumb. We have 30k plus troops stationed in all of the Soviet union‘s prior occupied nations. We have thousands of other stationed in nations all over NATO for their defense. We have a business being there. We disintegrated the Soviet Union because we were occupying and arming the nations on the border with the Soviet Union. Now you want what ? Tucker capitulation ?
That’s dumb. We have 30k plus troops stationed in all of the Soviet union‘s prior occupied nations. We have thousands of other stationed in nations all over NATO for their defense.
And yet we had none in the Ukraine. You’re not very bright, fagosa.
So far this war is working out as I had anticipated - last draw by NATO will be fighter-aircraft and long range missiles - and finally NATO boots or hopefully just UK and US
boots on the ground.

What many Americans seem to have forgotten, or are simply not aware off? - is that in 1994 the USA, UK and Russia signed off on of a security assurance deal in regards to protecting Ukraine's sovereignty. - remember those nukes?
Ukraine then already played a double game with Russia - despite having agreed with Russia in 1991 about the nukes being under Russian command and control, they suddenly wanted to re-negotiate the nuke deal - and silly? USA and UK jumped right into it.

For some reason Ukraine is not accepting Russian military assistance - and the initially most prominent supporters of Ukraine in that matter since Feb. 2022 were indeed the UK and the USA, rightfully I would say. With the UK becoming more and more disappointing along the line - but compensating very efficiently via getting all the other NATO members into this mess.
So sorry USA - keep on spending - you are as one says "contractually bound".
As for aircraft - just F-16's no come on, those F-35's haven't really been tested yet.
In October 2022, about eight months after the war in Ukraine started, the University of Cambridge in the UK harmonized surveys conducted in 137 countries about their attitudes towards the West and towards Russia and China.
  • For the 6.3 billion people who live outside of the West, 66 percent feel positively towards Russia and 70 percent feel positively towards China, and,
  • Among the 66 percent who feel positively about Russia the breakdown is 75 percent in South Asia, 68 percent in Francophone Africa, and 62 percent in Southeast Asia.
  • Public opinion of Russia remains positive in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, and Vietnam.
Sentiments of this nature have caused some ire, surprise, and even anger in the West. It is difficult for them to believe that two-thirds of the world’s population is not siding with the West.

What are some of the reasons or causes for this? I believe there are five reasons as explained in this brief essay.

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