Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

Nice sophistry. But it isn't about going to war with Russia. It's about giving the Ukrainians the means to take back what was taken from them. Or at the very least, defend themselves.
Ok. Should we go to war with Russia over Ukraine?
During the Korean War, both China and Russia sent fighter jets to North Korea. During the Vietnamese War, both China and Russia sent fighter jets to North Vietnam. And at least in North Korea, it was Russian pilots who were flying them! Just imagine how the Russians would howl if we not only sent fighter jets to the Ukraine, but had them piloted by American fighter pilots. All we would have to do is drop leaflets on Moscow telling them that in the Korean and Vietnamese wars, they did it to us. So now we are doing it to defacto General Secretary Putin.
Yeah, let’s borrow more money and flush it down the Ukraine toilet. Maybe we can finally have that nuclear war that’ll send us all back to the Stone Age.
Collusion ? That’s a bogus little term that means nothing. Trump CONSPIRED with the Russians and anyone else who would help him win an election. It’s obvious, he’s a loser. He lost by three million, then seven million in a landslide. Seriously, after the height of incompetence, criminality and foolishness, he could not be elected doh catcher.

oh, he can get nominated by the party of idiots.
Yes and he is going to win in 2024.
The “Communists” won that round. Not because the Russians gave the Vietnamese people better or equal weapons — they used NO planes —
No Vietnam had sophisticated support through other nations for resupply and gorilla tactics. Bombing worked. It brought No Vietnam to the negotiating table and reestablished a boundary. It’s now a functional and productive democracy scheduled to reach full universal healthcare for all soon.

In that respect, it’s better then the united states. We stumbled through it, but like So Korea, it’s the best out come we could expect.
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Maybe we can finally have that nuclear war that’ll send us all back to the Stone Age.
The Stone Age would look like a cake walk after a nuclear Holocaust. We aren’t built to live off the land anymore. Stone age persons knew no difference. Plus, they didn’t have to deal with radiation poisoning for 10 k years.
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The Stone Age would look like a cake walk after a nuclear Holocaust. We aren’t built to live off the land anymore. Stone age persons knew no difference. Plus, they didn’t have to deal with radiation poisoning for 10 k years.
I wasn't being literal, kid.
Who is “ he” ? Trump ? Ha ha
His losing margins are just getting bigger. Only the infantile idiots are in his side.
I agree about the demagogic Trump cult attracting idiots.

But we need to face the fact that come 2024, if the war in Ukraine is still going on, Trump may set himself up as the only “peace” candidate — the one who can “make a deal” with Putin. In that case he could prove formidable.

I used to warn Ukrainian nationalists that they could not confidently rely on NATO and American backing, and their enthusiasm for their “Maidan Revolution” could lead to tragic results. The failure of Putin’s brutal all out invasion helped bring Europe together against Russia, and the Biden Administration played its cards well.

But while Putin is now (happily) in very deep trouble, the future is still uncertain, and a surprise Trump victory in 2024 would completely re-arrange the situation in Europe and of course in the U.S.A. In that case I can easily imagine Trump getting the Kennedy treatment, or giving up when he realizes the ruling elites mean business.

I claim no inside knowledge — we live in dangerous times.
During the Korean War, both China and Russia sent fighter jets to North Korea. During the Vietnamese War, both China and Russia sent fighter jets to North Vietnam. And at least in North Korea, it was Russian pilots who were flying them! Just imagine how the Russians would howl if we not only sent fighter jets to the Ukraine, but had them piloted by American fighter pilots. All we would have to do is drop leaflets on Moscow telling them that in the Korean and Vietnamese wars, they did it to us. So now we are doing it to defacto General Secretary Putin.
so when Russia shoots one down, we will be at war with Russia, do you really think the corrupt country of Ukraine is worth billions of dollars and millions of US lives? Are you ready for a nuclear exchange where everyone loses? That is what you are asking for. Let Putin have Ukraine, it was part of Russia for decades and is one of the most corrupt countries on earth.
But we need to face the fact that come 2024, if the war in Ukraine is still going on, Trump may set himself up as the only “peace” candidate — the one who can “make a deal” with Putin. In that case he could prove formidable.
Really ? Only to a few totally involved Trump Humpers who can’t read. The majority of his party in govt hate his guts.

. Running Trump would be a gift from god for democrats.
The only thing that makes sense is that a full out nuclear war has no comparison. Getting sent back to the Stone Age would be a blessing.
The point being, this escalation against Russia is increasing the odds of a nuclear conflict, regardless of what trope you employ as an outcome.
The point being, this escalation against Russia is increasing the odds of a nuclear conflict, regardless of what trope you employ as an outcome.
What increases the chance MORE for a nuclear conflict is destabilizing nato and watching the Russian border move to Ukraine. How many times do we have to watch h this play out as in Ww1 and 2 ; it should be obvious.
What increases the chance MORE for a nuclear conflict is destabilizing nato and watching the Russian border move to Ukraine. How many times do we have to watch h this play out as in Ww1 and 2 ; it should be obvious.
Are you contending that our escalation of the conflict is decreasing the possibility of nuclear war? Lulz.

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