Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

It would have ended weeks into it had we sent nothing...
Trippy thought.
Ukastan would be where it should have been 80 years ago. Mass grave.
A Uke to europe-slavia(slavelandia) is less valuable than an Aborigine to Aussies. Utterly useless. Aborigines are good at wildlife management and some agriculture-waterworks.
Ukes store complex carbs as fat.
When did you lefties become warmonger? WTF is wrong with you.

I was watching an old rerun of "All In The Family' last night and it struck me that back in the '70s, liberals like Mike and Gloria were going to the UN to protest the war while it was Archie who saw nothing wrong with it.

Now WE are protesting war and Mike and Gloria want Putin destroyed at any cost. :smoke:

Liberals have flipped their positions and role these past 50 years yet somehow still see the Right as always still on the wrong side!
During the Korean War, both China and Russia sent fighter jets to North Korea. During the Vietnamese War, both China and Russia sent fighter jets to North Vietnam. And at least in North Korea, it was Russian pilots who were flying them! Just imagine how the Russians would howl if we not only sent fighter jets to the Ukraine, but had them piloted by American fighter pilots. All we would have to do is drop leaflets on Moscow telling them that in the Korean and Vietnamese wars, they did it to us. So now we are doing it to defacto General Secretary Putin.

You warpigs are despicable. Pick up a rifle and go fight. Stop sending other peoples' kids to die for your money laundering operation.
During the Korean War, both China and Russia sent fighter jets to North Korea. During the Vietnamese War, both China and Russia sent fighter jets to North Vietnam. And at least in North Korea, it was Russian pilots who were flying them! Just imagine how the Russians would howl if we not only sent fighter jets to the Ukraine, but had them piloted by American fighter pilots. All we would have to do is drop leaflets on Moscow telling them that in the Korean and Vietnamese wars, they did it to us. So now we are doing it to defacto General Secretary Putin.
That was done by the USSR which hasn't existed for over 30 years. ... :cool:
That's one of the dumbest things we could do & that's why I have no doubt the idiots in DC,INC have already drawn up the plans & are looking to follow through.

You do realize the demented diaper dude already stated sending planes & pilots would be WWIII?

Are you kidding? The Russians and Chinese did the same with us in the Korean and Vietnamese wars. And what difference would it make. From what I have seen the Russians switched to using drones and cruse missiles. So there would be no Russian fighter jets over the Ukraine for American supplied fighter jets to shoot down.
It's wrong. You just posted 2 examples of wars, Korea and Vietnam, that the left has always said were bad we should have not been there etc. And at least we were trying to stop the spread of Soviet communism expansion. There is nothing like that going on with Ukraine. You have been indoctrinated.

Communism has nothing to do with anything. It is a war of expansion on the Russian's part. Nothing more. next, I don't think you have enough brain to indoctrinate. Haven't you seen all the bombed out buildings where civilians lived? Though in that, we don't ride a very high horse. With carpet bombing we did the same thing to the heroic Germans in WW II. We killed hundreds of thousands of civilians.
Lol, as soon as one of our jets breach Russian territory. They would shoot it down, as we would. Nevermind Biden wouldn't do anything, the same as he did with the Chinese spy Balloon. Carry on.

There are other ways of spreading leaflets around without dropping them from planes.
Go ahead and blow your load on Ukraine, simp. Just don't come crying to me when China eats your puppy and you don't have any ammunition.

Making munitions is easy to do. Now, tell me how we can't afford it. I know you want to.
I'm coming to the conclusion that too many Americans have been "distanced" from the horrors of war. We used to see combat photojournalism every night on the news during the 1970's. Not much of that these days.. Remember the iconic images of an officer shooting a guy in the head, or the naked child running through the street as her fleshed burned? Hell, those were done with film cameras! It seems now the focus is on the "hero" Zelenski in his stupid costume.

That could be part of the problem with some of those who have replied to me so far.
If I were to go out and ask random Americans "How many people have died in the combat zones in the Ukraine?" I can guarantee that the responses would not be accurate. Why is that? I'll tell you why. It is self gratifying to fly a Ukrainian flag and ignore the horror that you champion. If any American could witness mutilated bodies and burning flesh, they would likely, instantly join in the call for a peace deal.

What horror do you think I champion.
Death Angel....Just one time...just one... hold a Ukrainian baby that has been mutilated.......Then ask me what the word peace means.
Doing NOTHING makes that baby Whole? You're not making sense

I see the same spirit of non-involvement today in America that we had prior to WWII
I'm coming to the conclusion that too many Americans have been "distanced" from the horrors of war. We used to see combat photojournalism every night on the news during the 1970's. Not much of that these days.. Remember the iconic images of an officer shooting a guy in the head, or the naked child running through the street as her fleshed burned? Hell, those were done with film cameras! It seems now the focus is on the "hero" Zelenski in his stupid costume.
The hero's are the occupied Ukrainians taking out Russian soldiers & equipment. Glory to the people of Ukraine.
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You know little about modern day Jet fighters i see. The fifth gen fighters of the Russians can’t fly much over Urkraine for fear of being shot down by the air defenses we sent. What makes you think a fourth gen fighter woukd fare any better. Not only that, but the cost is astronomical and woukd take away from everything else. It needs to be a NATO supported effort.

Read post 50.
Peace meaning??? Not having hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries done to innocent people with no control over the billionaires playing war, getting filthy rich and getting them killed.
Got it. If YOUR country is invaded, doing nothing is your remedy

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