Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

Trump was born in Kenya you say ?
And Bush’s own FBI and CIA along with Bush’s responsibility for security in federal elections, did nothing about it. Deep state ? Right ?

The Bushes are anti-American scumbags, one and all

Yes, Trump did NOTHING to secure the elections. That's why the only hope to save the Republic is DeSantis, with Navy seals at all top Federal Agencies and Michael Franzese as AG
The Bushes are anti-American scumbags, one and all

Yes, Trump did NOTHING to secure the elections. That's why the only hope to save the Republic is DeSantis, with Navy seals at all top Federal Agencies and Michael Franzese as AG
Trump did nothing to secure the elections because he could not prove any collusion let alone any conspiracy. He tried. No collusion . No collusion.
I think you completely missed out on that issue - it wasn't that the Russians wouldn't want them back - it was the Ukraine that wanted to keep them and in order to release them to Russia they had formulated all kinds of demands. Russia that time would have gone to war - it's a plausible reason as to why the USA and UK got involved in this issue in the first place. Independent of not wanting another nuclear state - which at the time they did not control.
Nope, Russia wants to control them. The compromise was, Russia took them back.
So far this war is working out as I had anticipated - last draw by NATO will be fighter-aircraft and long range missiles - and finally NATO boots or hopefully just UK and US
boots on the ground.

What many Americans seem to have forgotten, or are simply not aware off? - is that in 1994 the USA, UK and Russia signed off on of a security assurance deal in regards to protecting Ukraine's sovereignty. - remember those nukes?
Ukraine then already played a double game with Russia - despite having agreed with Russia in 1991 about the nukes being under Russian command and control, they suddenly wanted to re-negotiate the nuke deal - and silly? USA and UK jumped right into it.

For some reason Ukraine is not accepting Russian military assistance - and the initially most prominent supporters of Ukraine in that matter since Feb. 2022 were indeed the UK and the USA, rightfully I would say. With the UK becoming more and more disappointing along the line - but compensating very efficiently via getting all the other NATO members into this mess.
So sorry USA - keep on spending - you are as one says "contractually bound".
As for aircraft - just F-16's no come on, those F-35's haven't really been tested yet.
Ukraine voted overwhelmingly to be independent of Russia in the 1990 ‘s
Ukraine had agreed to remove all nuclear weapons from its soil in exchange for assurances that Russia would respect its sovereignty.

Obviously they did not, but still believe it was the right decision at the time. At this point, given how Russia has treated Ukraine, they would join nato. Even traditionally neutral countries in Scandinavia have or are applying to nato. The only group that wants to give Putin what he wants, are republicans.
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Nope, Russia wants to control them. The compromise was, Russia took them back.
Nonsense - check out the Almata protocol from 1991 - signed by Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and aside from Georgia all the other CIS members - it's clearly stated as to who controls and owns them
Russia - or do you believe that Moscow also gave Kiev the launch-codes?

Belarus and Kazakhstan according to the Almata protocol handed over the nukes to Russia, without discussions - only Ukraine tried to get a bargain out of it.

On April 2021 - then Ukraine ambassador Andrej Melnik in Germany, publicly threatened NATO, by stating either we are a NATO member or we will rearm with nuclear weapons.
You obviously believe that Ukraine is simply a peace loving country - and only Russia is the bad boy. How naive.

Ukraine only held a public election 5-6 month AFTER declaring independence - it's the reason why Putin rejects an independent Ukraine, forwarding that Ukraines independence decleration was in breach with UN/international law. You obviously seem to know very little.
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There is no diplomacy without strength and involvement ….
The weak and uninvolved just capitulate. You’re obviously on the side of remaining weak, defenseless. You have a complete lack of understanding how “small” the world has become when our adversaries can launch missiles that can be here in minutes. Of course, your side doesn’t even believe in democracy and freedom; so wtf.
In order to engage in diplomacy you first need credible diplomats. The current administration has no credible diplomats.
Let’s get real, Russia invasion started the war, not the Ukrainian response. A confrontation with Russia is Inevitable if they are allowed to just annex whomever they want. If Ukraine were truley a “friend “ of Russia, they wouldn’t be asking for aid and tell nato to leave them alone and let Russia run them over. Geesus, they are dying while fighting a dictatorship…
Tucker is a national hero with Putin.
A war with Russia is not inevitable. Why is Russia’s conflict with Ukraine a vital US national interest? If it is, then every conflict all over the world is our business.
A war with Russia is not inevitable.
It is when ever Putin threatens nato. A sovereign nation is invaded next to a plethora of nato nations, some of which were former Soviet Union neighbors who ALL voted to retain their sovereignty…just like Ukraine did. A conflict was inevitable any time nations are run by dictators. Look at all the wars we’ve fought. Now, name wars vs a democracy.
Even fking two bit dictator is a threat. That includes Trump/GOP dictator wannabe. You want to quote what the UN is doing ? Try this….they support Ukraine and are providing aid and assistance…dah. So you’re FOS.
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In order to engage in diplomacy you first need credible diplomats. The current administration has no credible diplomats.
There is no credible diplomacy without alliances and strength .Biden helps work to hold NATO together, Trump plays kiss ass with dictators and fks democracies. You seem to support dictators. Congrats, you fit right in.
it's the reason why Putin rejects an independent Ukraine, forwarding that Ukraines independence decleration was in breach with UN/international law. You obviously seem to know very little.
Congrats. You’re now a dictator Humper .
Dah, if Ukraine wants to align itself with Russia it wouldn’t be fighting and dying at war with Russia. Why does that little FACT allude you ? Geesus fkin* krist, it’s not up to Putin to reject or accept Ukraines independence. THEY VOTED FOR IT. It’s the people of Ukraine.
You have the Putin Humper shit bad. The instance the Ukrainian people reject their own Sovereignty, even nato would run the other way. Are you that devoted to a Trump love bird you reject democracy ?
order to engage in diplomacy you first need credible diplomats.
Hilarious. Trump had no cred with anyone….repeat no one . He’s a joke. You can‘t be that stupid about literally everything, and have any cred.
Shit like “ covid will be gone bynspring” three years ago is one of hundreds of really dumb shut this imbecile uttered.
No need to project, fagosa.
The image of fitness. President Lardo.
My money isn’t worthless. I use it every day to purchase things of worth. I’m sure you’re not burning hundred dollar bills for heat.

I said similar, not identical. It’s poking your nose in another part of the world that you have no business in.

Just because you use it doesn't mean that it isn't worthless. Our currency is buoyed on wishful thinking and fairy dust. Next, both Russia and China did plenty of poking their nose in other people's business. Why shouldn't we do the same. At least we're not doing what we did during the Korean and Vietnamese wars. Which is playing the role of the world's cops.
So far this war is working out as I had anticipated - last draw by NATO will be fighter-aircraft and long range missiles - and finally NATO boots or hopefully just UK and US
boots on the ground.

What many Americans seem to have forgotten, or are simply not aware off? - is that in 1994 the USA, UK and Russia signed off on of a security assurance deal in regards to protecting Ukraine's sovereignty. - remember those nukes?
Ukraine then already played a double game with Russia - despite having agreed with Russia in 1991 about the nukes being under Russian command and control, they suddenly wanted to re-negotiate the nuke deal - and silly? USA and UK jumped right into it.

For some reason Ukraine is not accepting Russian military assistance - and the initially most prominent supporters of Ukraine in that matter since Feb. 2022 were indeed the UK and the USA, rightfully I would say. With the UK becoming more and more disappointing along the line - but compensating very efficiently via getting all the other NATO members into this mess.
So sorry USA - keep on spending - you are as one says "contractually bound".
As for aircraft - just F-16's no come on, those F-35's haven't really been tested yet.

I seriously doubt if you will be seeing U.S. troops sent to the Ukraine. Also, at one point, Russia probably did have nuclear weapons in the Ukraine. But they probably moved them out long ago.

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