Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

Remember hearing of this thing called the Great Depression? Money had value back then too. But it didn't do much good. And things like that could happen again.
I fully realize our currency is declining in value, but it’s not “worthless” as you’ve claimed.
Dagosa said:

....We’re sending defensive weapons, not offensive weapons…If they were a nato nation, it would be a different story.

It's simply mind boggeling, that a person is able to post so much nonsense and idiocy into a one liner - you just proof again and again in everyone of your posts, that you absolutely don't know what you are talking about.
Blowhard troll. You said nothing. Go ahead. Prove me wrong foolish.
I don't see a realistic chance for Ukraine to win this war - without NATO getting boots on the ground.
Yes Russia did have nuclear weapons in Ukraine - everyone should actually know that - latest from the 50's till 1994. - what's your point?
Wrong. Russia left Afghanistan because it became way too expensive to stay and we didn’t put boots in the ground. We just supplied them with less expensive weapons that could destroy their more expensive hardware. You’re afraid of Putin ? Good. You should be. But you don’t stop a bully by appeasing him. He just grows in power.
I don't think that your given example holds up.
No Russian ever considered Afghanistan to be "sacred" Russian territory - Same applied towards Americans in regards to Vietnam.

To Russians, the Ukraine isn't the same as Afghanistan. But just as in Afghanistan, if the Russians have a hard enough time, they will leave.
All of Ukraine is a war zone and prime targets would be their air fields. Sending in American support troops to be among those first killed in bases is exactly how we got involved in Vietnam. They were among the early targets being key military personnel. Jet fighters are an offensive weapon with range enough to reach deep within Russia. It doesn’t matter who is flying them, f16s and f15s represent American involvement on Russian soil

Air bases may be prime targets. But they can be defended. Now when air bases come within range of artillery, then you have problems. Next, we got involved in Vietnam over bullshit. Also, the Ukraine and Vietnam are two different things.
I fully realize our currency is declining in value, but it’s not “worthless” as you’ve claimed.

We can't pay our debts or our obligations with our money. That makes it basically worthless. Also, you may remember hearing about FDR making it illegal for private citizens to own gold. Our currency is a fiat currency. Which means that its value is buoyed by wishful thinking and fairy dust.
All of Ukraine is a war zone and prime targets would be their air fields. Sending in American support troops to be among those first killed in bases is exactly how we got involved in Vietnam. They were among the early targets being key military personnel. Jet fighters are an offensive weapon with range enough to reach deep within Russia. It doesn’t matter who is flying them, f16s and f15s represent American involvement on Russian soil

You need a history lesson. That is NOT how we got involved in Vietnam.
We can't pay our debts or our obligations with our money. That makes it basically worthless.
I pay my debts and obligations every day with US money. That means it isn't worthless.
When you gas up your car, do you pay with gold?
Also, you may remember hearing about FDR making it illegal for private citizens to own gold.
I'm a citizen and I own gold.
Our currency is a fiat currency. Which means that its value is buoyed by wishful thinking and fairy dust.
And yet it still has value. It's not worthless, either basically or not basically.
We can't pay our debts or our obligations with our money. That makes it basically worthless. Also, you may remember hearing about FDR making it illegal for private citizens to own gold. Our currency is a fiat currency. Which means that its value is buoyed by wishful thinking and fairy dust.
If the USA manages to pay off it's national debt of around US$ 30 trillion, (around 1.3 times your nominal GDP of 2022) or 130%, with worthless money - then that's the best deal of the century or even millennium.

Japan national dept ratio to GDP is 260% Yen
Greece national dept ratio to GDP is 200% Euro
Singapore national dept ratio to GDP is 160% SGD$
Italy national dept ratio to GDP is 150% Euro
USA national dept ratio to GDP is 130% - the US has not had a budget surplus since 2001.
France national dept ratio to GDP is 110% Euro
Canada national dept ratio to GDP is 110% C$

Now feel free to go to these countries and tell them that their currency is worthless - whilst explaining to them the factual rates of the international currency exchange which are internationally based on the US$.
You want to point out inflation? then bring up figures documenting the respective inflation rates of those above mentioned countries e.g. in 2022. And don't follow the footsteps of Dagosa - who only posts unproven nonsense.
Air bases may be prime targets. But they can be defended. Now when air bases come within range of artillery, then you have problems. Next, we got involved in Vietnam over bullshit. Also, the Ukraine and Vietnam are two different things.
First, you’re incorrect on both accounts. The bases were overrun by the communist of No Vietnam during the Tet offensive. There is little you can do with Gorilla warfare and now with drone attacks.

Secondly, you need to look at a map of the area. No Vietnam was communist, So Vietnam was an in dependent republic and like Ukraine, ask for our help. The entire Vietnam, No and south borders the coastline and represented a threat to the spread of communism to the entire reaction. So Vietnam today as a free and ind pendent sovereign democracy. North North Vietnam is astill a communist puppet of China. Communism has not spread. The same as the Korean War....

And no, drone warfare has made it impossible to fully protect bases anywhere.
Our biggest problem was not being aggressive enough early, in defending So Vietnam.
The heavy bombing in surrounding countries and in North Vietnam brought them to the bargaining table and lead to peace talks. So Vietnam stopped the spread of communism but was woefully Miss managed, not because we were there in the fight. It was the poor prosecution of the war and not being prepared for the logistics.
With the exception of Laos and Cambodia, the nations of the region remained out of communist control.
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If the USA manages to pay off it's national debt of around US$ 30 trillion, (around 1.3 times your nominal GDP of 2022) or 130%, with worthless money - then that's the best deal of the century or even millennium.

Japan national dept ratio to GDP is 260% Yen
Greece national dept ratio to GDP is 200% Euro
Singapore national dept ratio to GDP is 160% SGD$
Italy national dept ratio to GDP is 150% Euro
USA national dept ratio to GDP is 130% - the US has not had a budget surplus since 2001.
France national dept ratio to GDP is 110% Euro
Canada national dept ratio to GDP is 110% C$

Now feel free to go to these countries and tell them that their currency is worthless - whilst explaining to them the factual rates of the international currency exchange which are internationally based on the US$.
You want to point out inflation? then bring up figures documenting the respective inflation rates of those above mentioned countries e.g. in 2022. And don't follow the footsteps of Dagosa - who only posts unproven nonsense.
Unproven ?
The GOP has NEVER in moderned times shown any interest in lowering the deficit. The Dems HAVE. They actually pay their bills. Stupid MAGA republicans even now don’t want to vote to pay the bills in Congress. They just want to cut entitlements but can’t even produce a budget themselves.
The GOP is totally dependent upon corporate wealth and literally lets corporate interest write their budgets.
I pay my debts and obligations every day with US money. That means it isn't worthless.
When you gas up your car, do you pay with gold?

I'm a citizen and I own gold.

And yet it still has value. It's not worthless, either basically or not basically.

Who are you. Nobody. It doesn't matter what you pay for. Our national debt is the thing. Also, owning gold is no big deal. If you have enough money you can buy just about all you want, these days. But there is probably a limit. Just imagine if every American wanted to convert their cash into gold. There isn't enough to go around. That aside, our currency is still a fiat currency. It isn't based on gold.
That is what I stated, so what's your point?

No, because to Russia Afghanistan is not Ukraine - not in any way.

That is true. The Ukraine has much worth taking. But there is probably a limit as to how much the Russians are willing to go through to take it. The Ukraine is its own separate country. The sooner Russia accepts this, the better.
If the USA manages to pay off it's national debt of around US$ 30 trillion, (around 1.3 times your nominal GDP of 2022) or 130%, with worthless money - then that's the best deal of the century or even millennium.

Japan national dept ratio to GDP is 260% Yen
Greece national dept ratio to GDP is 200% Euro
Singapore national dept ratio to GDP is 160% SGD$
Italy national dept ratio to GDP is 150% Euro
USA national dept ratio to GDP is 130% - the US has not had a budget surplus since 2001.
France national dept ratio to GDP is 110% Euro
Canada national dept ratio to GDP is 110% C$

Now feel free to go to these countries and tell them that their currency is worthless - whilst explaining to them the factual rates of the international currency exchange which are internationally based on the US$.
You want to point out inflation? then bring up figures documenting the respective inflation rates of those above mentioned countries e.g. in 2022. And don't follow the footsteps of Dagosa - who only posts unproven nonsense.

I know how we can remove all our national debt. Dump the dollar. Start a new currency. It could be done. For example, lets say one country defeated another and took it over. Made it part of their country. But the country that was taken over had a huge debt. Would the country that took it over be responsible for their debt?
Heard today that private contractors are training Ukranians on F-16 Jets in flight simulators.

Not actually a completely bad idea....but it's still going to take these guys a while to learn how to fly them.

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