Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

First, you’re incorrect on both accounts. The bases were overrun by the communist of No Vietnam during the Tet offensive. There is little you can do with Gorilla warfare and now with drone attacks.

Secondly, you need to look at a map of the area. No Vietnam was communist, So Vietnam was an in dependent republic and like Ukraine, ask for our help. The entire Vietnam, No and south borders the coastline and represented a threat to the spread of communism to the entire reaction. So Vietnam today as a free and ind pendent sovereign democracy. North North Vietnam is astill a communist puppet of China. Communism has not spread. The same as the Korean War....

And no, drone warfare has made it impossible to fully protect bases anywhere.
Our biggest problem was not being aggressive enough early, in defending So Vietnam.
The heavy bombing in surrounding countries and in North Vietnam brought them to the bargaining table and lead to peace talks. So Vietnam stopped the spread of communism but was woefully Miss managed, not because we were there in the fight. It was the poor prosecution of the war and not being prepared for the logistics.
With the exception of Laos and Cambodia, the nations of the region remained out of communist control.

There isn't gorilla warfare going on in the Ukraine. So the airbases are safe in that regard. As for drones, they can be shot down. So the air bases there are pretty safe.
Heard today that private contractors are training Ukranians on F-16 Jets in flight simulators.

Not actually a completely bad idea....but it's still going to take these guys a while to learn how to fly them.

I'm sure that there are many people in the Ukraine who used to be in the Russian air force. They would have a pretty good idea of how to fly a F-14, F-15 or F-16.
Who are you.
Who are you?
Obviously an illiterate imbecile who doesn't know when to use question marks.
It doesn't matter what you pay for.
Dipshit, our money has value. You're a moron.
Our national debt is the thing.
It is a thing, yes.
Also, owning gold is no big deal.
A phrase usually uttered by losers who have no gold.
If you have enough money you can buy just about all you want, these days. But there is probably a limit. Just imagine if every American wanted to convert their cash into gold. There isn't enough to go around. That aside, our currency is still a fiat currency. It isn't based on gold.
You babble a lot and say nothing, kid.
If you were honest, you'd drop the "ensional" part of your name.
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I know how we can remove all our national debt. Dump the dollar. Start a new currency. It could be done. For example, lets say one country defeated another and took it over. Made it part of their country. But the country that was taken over had a huge debt. Would the country that took it over be responsible for their debt?
Oh boy, I am not a versed WTO economist.

Japan's national debt ratio is at around 260% (13 trillion debt) - a large (I do not know the exact %) of Japans national debt derive from credits forwarded/backed by the USA.- so e.g. the USA "incorporating" Japan would raise the US GDP by 5 trillion - but the US treasury would still be facing the fact of having lost their credits e.g. 5 trillion to a no more existing Japan. The USA would now even have to shoulder the remaining dept of Japan e.g. 8 trillion towards the other creditors and take on the missing 5 trillion into their own already existing national debt.

As such taking over another country especially in today's financial world - with a negative GDP/debt ratio, not to mention via a war is financially speaking - economic suicide
Which is the reason why the CPC since it's political doctrinal change in 1981 - has never gone to war or is trying to take over other countries.

Therefore in order for e.g. China to profit additionally - they will try to influence the economy and political stability of others - via credits towards investments that are deemed to be secure for China and promising for the others economic development.

Take Indonesia as an example; horrendous inflation, totally worthless currency in regards to the international currency exchange, but a huge potential in human and natural resources - most likely in theory, the world richest country.

So China would grant them e.g. a US$5 trillion credit in Yuan/Indo rupiah present ratio(Indonesia's GDP is around US$1 trillion - around 16,000 thousand trillion rupiah) with no interest rate. Indonesia would therefore receive around 80,000 thousand trillion Rupiah. Due to the then existing GDP national dept ratio 500%, the Indonesian currency would certainly drop even further in a first reaction.

Due to a stabilizing economic impact towards the Indonesian economy - invested into promising economic/social developments - and guaranteed via an Indonesian government (that must be clearly influenced if not to say controlled by China) the Indonesian economy starts to pick up rapidly and thus resulting into a rapidly growing GDP - it's own currency will steadily - even abruptly at times increase in value at the international currency exchange market.

So hypothetically speaking 10 years later - Indonesia would have served it's loan to China for ten years - e.g. payed back US$ 1 billion = 16 billion rupiah. Meaning they would still need to pay back another 64,000 thousand trillion rupiah.

But due to Indonesia s super economic performance the rupiah/Yuan ratio has shifted also considerably in Indonesia's favor - towards an exchange rate it held in e.g. 1996. Therefore Indonesia's remaining debt of it's original remaining 64.000 thousand trillion rupiah's would in e.g. 2035 be "just" 15,000 thousand trillion rupiah. Their estimated GDP in 2035 could be around US$ 4 trillion, compared to US$ 1 trillion in 2022, equaling a new currency based Rupiah sum of around 16,000 thousand trillion rupiah

Meaning their factual GDP increase based on a US$/Yuan exchange rate would be 4 times higher then in 2022, Their GDP based on the term rupiah (not the value) would be the same as in 2022.

Hypothetically speaking Indonesia's GDP would have risen by 400% - whilst it's initial GDP/dept ratio upon receiving the loan from China would be reduced from 500% to 100%

Since the USA is doing it's best to prevent China from "influencing" - "controlling" other countries such as e.g. Indonesia - nothing much will change aside from a possible smaller positive effect and existing smaller positive effects since 2000 in e.g. Asia, due to smaller credits from China.

No matter what currency is chosen as a world currency (dictating currency exchange ratios) - the overall economic situation on our planet won't really change significantly.

Even a new world currency based e.g. on natural resources, human resources and amount of goods traded/circulating, won't be able to change the actual cause of the world economic/social situation (yes it might initially get rid of national debts which will however reoccur immediately due to the prevailing economic/social mindset) - if the politics in all our worlds countries are not substantially altered - off with corruption and a pure capitalistic mindset that only profits the rich and super rich - nothing will change - and that is exactly what the world elites in the respective counties want. Keep the system it as it is, and as such get more rich.

AFAIK the only country in the world that is not just trying to change that, but is doing it, is only China - for it's own sake. (it's termed a more equal social responsible distribution of a countries common wealth towards it's population) without resorting to communism or defying the needed mechanisms of capitalism.
India is trying to get it in line, making adaptions towards the Chinese system - but it's political structure probably won't allow for it to be successful.

So either keep drumming onto the democracy and freedom drum and live with (accept) it's economic/social side effects - or an autocratic system is needed to impose these needed changes - that might (in 50-100 years time) lead to a very democratic society in China that will then however not be in the claws or at the mercy of capitalist/political elites.

Okay - let's get back to the jet-fighter issue in Ukraine.
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Who are you?
Obviously an illiterate imbecile who doesn't know when to use question marks.

Dipshit, our money has value. You're a moron.

It is a thing, yes.

A phrase usually uttered by losers who have no gold.

You babble a lot and say nothing, kid.
If you were honest, you'd drop the "ensional" part of your name.

You won't say it. So I will. You are nobody. Also, I use question marks the way I think they should be used. If you don't like it, too bad. Now, care to get back on the topic of this thread? (There, I used the question mark in the way I think it should be used)
Oh boy, I am not a versed WTO economist.

Japan's national debt ratio is at around 260% (13 trillion debt) - a large (I do not know the exact %) of Japans national debt derive from credits forwarded/backed by the USA.- so e.g. the USA "incorporating" Japan would raise the US GDP by 5 trillion - but the US treasury would still be facing the fact of having lost their credits e.g. 5 trillion to a no more existing Japan. The USA would now even have to shoulder the remaining dept of Japan e.g. 8 trillion towards the other creditors and take on the missing 5 trillion into their own already existing national debt.

As such taking over another country especially in today's financial world - with a negative GDP/debt ratio, not to mention via a war is financially speaking - economic suicide
Which is the reason why the CPC since it's political doctrinal change in 1981 - has never gone to war or is trying to take over other countries.

Therefore in order for e.g. China to profit additionally - they will try to influence the economy and political stability of others - via credits towards investments that are deemed to be secure for China and promising for the others economic development.

Take Indonesia as an example; horrendous inflation, totally worthless currency in regards to the international currency exchange, but a huge potential in human and natural resources - most likely in theory, the world richest country.

So China would grant them e.g. a US$5 trillion credit in Yuan/Indo rupiah present ratio(Indonesia's GDP is around US$1 trillion - around 16,000 thousand trillion rupiah) with no interest rate. Indonesia would therefore receive around 80,000 thousand trillion Rupiah. Due to the then existing GDP national dept ratio 500%, the Indonesian currency would certainly drop even further in a first reaction.

Due to a stabilizing economic impact towards the Indonesian economy - invested into promising economic/social developments - and guaranteed via an Indonesian government (that must be clearly influenced if not to say controlled by China) the Indonesian economy starts to pick up rapidly and thus resulting into a rapidly growing GDP - it's own currency will steadily - even abruptly at times increase in value at the international currency exchange market.

So hypothetically speaking 10 years later - Indonesia would have served it's loan to China for ten years - e.g. payed back US$ 1 billion = 16 billion rupiah. Meaning they would still need to pay back another 64,000 thousand trillion rupiah.

But due to Indonesia s super economic performance the rupiah/Yuan ratio has shifted also considerably in Indonesia's favor - towards an exchange rate it held in e.g. 1996. Therefore Indonesia's remaining debt of it's original remaining 64.000 thousand trillion rupiah's would in e.g. 2035 be "just" 15,000 thousand trillion rupiah. Their estimated GDP in 2035 could be around US$ 4 trillion, compared to US$ 1 trillion in 2022, equaling a new currency based Rupiah sum of around 16,000 thousand trillion rupiah

Meaning their factual GDP increase based on a US$/Yuan exchange rate would be 4 times higher then in 2022, Their GDP based on the term rupiah (not the value) would be the same as in 2022.

Hypothetically speaking Indonesia's GDP would have risen by 400% - whilst it's initial GDP/dept ratio upon receiving the loan from China would be reduced from 500% to 100%

Since the USA is doing it's best to prevent China from "influencing" - "controlling" other countries such as e.g. Indonesia - nothing much will change aside from a possible smaller positive effect and existing smaller positive effects since 2000 in e.g. Asia, due to smaller credits from China.

No matter what currency is chosen as a world currency (dictating currency exchange ratios) - the overall economic situation on our planet won't really change significantly.

Even a new world currency based e.g. on natural resources, human resources and amount of goods traded/circulating, won't be able to change the actual cause of the world economic/social situation (yes it might initially get rid of national debts which will however reoccur immediately due to the prevailing economic/social mindset) - if the politics in all our worlds countries are not substantially altered - off with corruption and a pure capitalistic mindset that only profits the rich and super rich - nothing will change - and that is exactly what the world elites in the respective counties want. Keep the system it as it is, and as such get more rich.

AFAIK the only country in the world that is not just trying to change that, but is doing it, is only China - for it's own sake. (it's termed a more equal social responsible distribution of a countries common wealth towards it's population) without resorting to communism or defying the needed mechanisms of capitalism.
India is trying to get it in line, making adaptions towards the Chinese system - but it's political structure probably won't allow for it to be successful.

So either keep drumming onto the democracy and freedom drum and live with (accept) it's economic/social side effects - or an autocratic system is needed to impose these needed changes - that might (in 50-100 years time) lead to a very democratic society in China that will then however not be in the claws or at the mercy of capitalist/political elites.

Okay - let's get back to the jet-fighter issue in Ukraine.

I don't really care about GDP vs national debt. The point is that things can't keep going in the direction they are. It is unsustainable. Also, back when the national debt was only around 19 million, I did my best to figure out what every man, woman and child in the U.S. would owe. It came out to around $250,000 each. There is no way in hell that could be paid off.
I'm sure that there are many people in the Ukraine who used to be in the Russian air force. They would have a pretty good idea of how to fly a F-14, F-15 or F-16.
Doubtful. They severed ties with the Russians 30 years ago. We have no more F-14s as they were all destroyed or stripped down to monuments to prevent Iran from getting their hands on the parts.
Doubtful. They severed ties with the Russians 30 years ago. We have no more F-14s as they were all destroyed or stripped down to monuments to prevent Iran from getting their hands on the parts.

From what I hear, the Ukraine still has Russian fighter jets. Maybe not many, but they have them. Seeing how they have them, they probably have people who know how to fly them.
I don't really care about GDP vs national debt. The point is that things can't keep going in the direction they are. It is unsustainable. Also, back when the national debt was only around 19 million, I did my best to figure out what every man, woman and child in the U.S. would owe. It came out to around $250,000 each. There is no way in hell that could be paid off.
Yes, but as long as no country bothers about this - keeps making new debt's and like e.g. Germany/USA need to take up further debt in order to pay the interest rate for the existing national debt - who cares? It's the usual known devil's cycle; in order to compensate inflation - e.g. the unions will press for higher salaries, thus making goods more expensive - thus making countries like Germany/USA less and less competitive on the international markets. Due to the endless financial mismanagement by governments, new debt's are made and inflation kicks in again, and .............

Again IMO, it's only China that evaluates this as a chance to cripple the US$/Euro - to be replaced with their or another new currency - maybe giving them a big head-start, and the devils-cycle will then again continue.
It is an illusion IMO to freeze prices - e.g. due to the global warming - crops for sure are going to get scarcer - thus (demand and supply regulate prices) prices for crops and their resulting products will increase the consumer prices, again resulting in a loss of the consumers buying power. And in order to..............
There isn't gorilla warfare going on in the Ukraine. So the airbases are safe in that regard. As for drones, they can be shot down. So the air bases there are pretty safe.
Ha ha. Both sides continually make efforts to infiltrate the others. We know for a fact that bases established by Russia have suffered losses attributed to drones targeted by Ukrainian infiltrators. Geesus, you can’t be serious . You actually think the Russians would not make every effort to eliminate high value targets like f 15 ?
IOW, like an illiterate imbecile.

"Illiterate imbecile?" You shouldn't be so down on yourself to speak of yourself in that way. Also, in the English we used to use, they would use the letter F in place of the letter S. How imbecilic were they to change the written word to something more sensible. Just because "proper" grammar says a question mark should be used in a certain way doesn't mean it is the right way.
Yes, but as long as no country bothers about this - keeps making new debt's and like e.g. Germany/USA need to take up further debt in order to pay the interest rate for the existing national debt - who cares? It's the usual known devil's cycle; in order to compensate inflation - e.g. the unions will press for higher salaries, thus making goods more expensive - thus making countries like Germany/USA less and less competitive on the international markets. Due to the endless financial mismanagement by governments, new debt's are made and inflation kicks in again, and .............

Again IMO, it's only China that evaluates this as a chance to cripple the US$/Euro - to be replaced with their or another new currency - maybe giving them a big head-start, and the devils-cycle will then again continue.
It is an illusion IMO to freeze prices - e.g. due to the global warming - crops for sure are going to get scarcer - thus (demand and supply regulate prices) prices for crops and their resulting products will increase the consumer prices, again resulting in a loss of the consumers buying power. And in order to..............

Did you have a point to make with all that? At least a better one. The point is that our monetary system is unsustainable. If those who own the debt can't be paid off with money, they will take it out of our ass. By way of our natural resources. Next, crops are getting scarcer. The number of cattle in the U.S. is getting low. Maybe the lowest it has ever been. Why? Because ranchers can't afford feed and water is becoming scarce.
Ha ha. Both sides continually make efforts to infiltrate the others. We know for a fact that bases established by Russia have suffered losses attributed to drones targeted by Ukrainian infiltrators. Geesus, you can’t be serious . You actually think the Russians would not make every effort to eliminate high value targets like f 15 ?

The Ukraine and Vietnam are two different things. In Vietnam, it was hard to distinguish enemies from civilians. And their economic structures were very different. Infiltrators would find it difficult to remain anonymous in the Ukraine.
Did you have a point to make with all that? At least a better one. The point is that our monetary system is unsustainable. If those who own the debt can't be paid off with money, they will take it out of our ass. By way of our natural resources. Next, crops are getting scarcer. The number of cattle in the U.S. is getting low. Maybe the lowest it has ever been. Why? Because ranchers can't afford feed and water is becoming scarce.
The point was - keep on printing money, since obviously nobody cares. And water getting scarce? what would that have to do with the monetary system?
The point was - keep on printing money, since obviously nobody cares. And water getting scarce? what would that have to do with the monetary system?

Printing more money never turned out well. Sooner or later, you have to pay the piper. Next, without water our economy would collapse. Millions would die. That wouldn't be too good for our monetary system.
Printing more money never turned out well. Sooner or later, you have to pay the piper. Next, without water our economy would collapse. Millions would die. That wouldn't be too good for our monetary system.
So far it has for those who support and encourage this system. Since around 2000 it has further evolved via taking up loans to even pay the interest rate.
Water scarcity or whatever coming global warming issues would effect any monetary/economic system.
What is your solution? Barter-trade?
Just because "proper" grammar says a question mark should be used in a certain way doesn't mean it is the right way.
Questions end with question marks. You’re an imbecile. Stop embarrassing yourself.

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