Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

When is this going to happen?

It's happening right now. And it will continue to get worse.

10 million dollar bill.jpg
Are you a pilot? If not you are completely unaware of the complexities involved in flying a new aircraft and learning it's capabilities and weapons system.

Imagine transitioning from a Soviet era SU-27 to an F-15. That is like transitioning from an F-18 with two engines and non-stealth capability to an F-35C with a single engine and stealth capability. It takes a minimum of 6 months and usually longer. The USAF transition time to the F-35B is 9 months.

Why do you always argue from a position of incredible ignorance?

Sure, the planes are complex. But not overly so. If you can fly one complex plane, it shouldn't be too hard to learn how to fly another. Believe it or not.
Like one is a voting republic and the other is an autocracy ?
Gee, check mark with Vietnam war.
How about they are indistinguishable from each other ? Check mark again. You think Russia is distinguishing military from civilian targets ? You may think so, but Russia isn’t.
What brought No Vietnam to the table, was we did the same there as the Russians are doing, making it hard on the civilian population.

We’re doing the same in the Ukrain/ Russia. Thats what sanctions are all about. Sadly, ALL WARS ARE WON AND LOST finally, by making the civilian population SUFFER.
Russia would gladly kill any Americans, support troops included in Ukraine to sway public opinion. An offensive weapon like American Jet fighters opens retaliation on every level, especially if we put AMERICANS there to support them.

Try making sense. It works better.
..... How about just not replying to me any more.
Fine - then stop asking me stupid questions. And quoting my posts - stating nerdy replies such as: The U.K. and the U.S. didn't ask Russia to invade the Ukraine
Which is totally besides the point, that the UK and USA decided in 1994 to act as guarantors for the sovereignty of Ukraine.
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Try making sense. It works better.
Try reading comp a little more....
It works wonders. You actually think American bases with American personnel would be safe in a battle zone while in Ukraine ? Geese’s, they are firing missiles EVERY WHERE.
Maybe you have no military experience . The most effect strikes are nearly always aided by forward observers embedded in and around target areas. You never served in the military have you ?
American bases aren’t even safe in non combat zones.
The US military disagrees. Transition from the F-18 to F-35C takes a minimum of 9 months. Try again!
Not only that, but the support personnel, much of which requires CIVILIAN contractors from the manufacturer for months on a plane that requires 17 man hours for ever hour of flight time is required too.
The difference between a carbon fiber f35 and a thirty plus year old aircraft aluminum F18 is huge to both fly and maintain.

Geesus, 9/11 was predicated by Saudi terrorist reacting to our military presences there due in part by the weapons and support we provided them.....and still do. They have f15s. It’s a huge sore spot in all nations we put our military at risk in.
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During the Korean War, both China and Russia sent fighter jets to North Korea. During the Vietnamese War, both China and Russia sent fighter jets to North Vietnam. And at least in North Korea, it was Russian pilots who were flying them! Just imagine how the Russians would howl if we not only sent fighter jets to the Ukraine, but had them piloted by American fighter pilots. All we would have to do is drop leaflets on Moscow telling them that in the Korean and Vietnamese wars, they did it to us. So now we are doing it to defacto General Secretary Putin.
We can discuss Korea but Americans were the illegal invaders in Vietnam and they sent both American fighter jets, bombers, and American pilots. Russia and China were supporting the good guys in Vietnam.

And now Americans have no business in Ukraine so sending American fighter jets and American weapons is illegal. Sending American pilots would make them better targets for Russia. It'll be another body bag count to the US in another illegal invasion ...... exactly like the illegal invasion of Irak and Iran and Serbia and Grenada, etc, ..
We can discuss Korea but Americans were the illegal invaders in Vietnam and they sent both American fighter jets, bombers, and American pilots. Russia and China were supporting the good guys in Vietnam.
You have to be shitting me. Geesus, what a load of crap. All you have to do is look at a fking map to see how valuable the communist inspired “good guys” in your Fking words, wanted to spread communism southward. Our problem was NOT that we went in, it was we went in ill prepared and half ass with poor military decisions. . Maybe while you were sitting there with your hairy little chickens shit ass whining and complaining about the rest of the draftees and regulars dying and injured while serving, you should have got your finger out of your ass and studied history. If you believe in freedom, there are no good guys in the govs of Russia and China anti American.
We can discuss Korea but Americans were the illegal invaders in Vietnam and they sent both American fighter jets, bombers, and American pilots. Russia and China were supporting the good guys in Vietnam.

And now Americans have no business in Ukraine so sending American fighter jets and American weapons is illegal. Sending American pilots would make them better targets for Russia. It'll be another body bag count to the US in another illegal invasion ...... exactly like the illegal invasion of Irak and Iran and Serbia and Grenada, etc, ..
You have to be shitting me. Geesus, what a load of crap. All you have to do is look at a fking map to see how valuable the communist inspired “good guys” in your Fking words, wanted to spread communism southward. Our problem was NOT that we went in, it was we went in ill prepared and half ass with poor military decisions. . Maybe while you were sitting there with your hairy little chickens shit ass whining and complaining about the rest of the draftees and regulars dying and injured while serving, you should have got your finger out of your ass and studied history. If you believe in freedom, there are no good guys in the govs of Russia and China anti American.
Look up the word "good guy" and you will see that the US did not (does not) fit the definiton. The "communists" (as you refer to them) were in full compliance with the DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES as layed out by the United Nations and International law. It was the US that broke the law by invading Vietnam, occupying it, splitting it, and refused to allow Vietnam its scheduled Democratic election. And don't even try to give me your load of codswallop about "asses & fingers". I am a Vietnam War Veteran.
Fine - then stop asking me stupid questions. And quoting my posts - stating nerdy replies such as: The U.K. and the U.S. didn't ask Russia to invade the Ukraine
Which is totally besides the point, that the UK and USA decided in 1994 to act as guarantors for the sovereignty of Ukraine.

I say, bullshit! The only way the U.S. or U.K. could to any degree guarantee the sovereignty of the Ukraine would have been to make them part of NATO. They didn't. Also, it was the Ukrainians themselves who guaranteed their sovereignty. By putting up a fight. They wouldn't let the Russians roll into Kyiv. And with the pounding that the civilians were subjected to, it would have been immoral to not help the Ukraine. Not that our hands are clean. It is a crime that we carpet bombed German cities in WW II.
The US military disagrees. Transition from the F-18 to F-35C takes a minimum of 9 months. Try again!

That isn't quite the same thing as transitioning from whatever Russian fighter jets the Ukraine has to the F-16 the Ukraine is asking for. Try again!
Try reading comp a little more....
It works wonders. You actually think American bases with American personnel would be safe in a battle zone while in Ukraine ? Geese’s, they are firing missiles EVERY WHERE.
Maybe you have no military experience . The most effect strikes are nearly always aided by forward observers embedded in and around target areas. You never served in the military have you ?
American bases aren’t even safe in non combat zones.

First, bite me. Secondly, from what I hear, those hypersonic missiles that Russia has are pretty bad ass. Though there is a way around even them. Strong steel wire nets suspended from balloons. They used to do something similar in WW II where they would just balloons that were tethered with a strong steel cable. Here is another point. Our military is pretty bad ass. If we got involved, there wouldn't be any Russian military positions within the Ukraine from which the Russians could launch or fire anything. They would be taking too big a risk doing it from inside Russia.
We can discuss Korea but Americans were the illegal invaders in Vietnam and they sent both American fighter jets, bombers, and American pilots. Russia and China were supporting the good guys in Vietnam.

And now Americans have no business in Ukraine so sending American fighter jets and American weapons is illegal. Sending American pilots would make them better targets for Russia. It'll be another body bag count to the US in another illegal invasion ...... exactly like the illegal invasion of Irak and Iran and Serbia and Grenada, etc, ..

I see we have a hard core Ruskie here. You can argue whether or not South Vietnam was a legitimate country. But we hardly invaded. France gave up the fight. The U.S. stepped in. That is all. Next, Russia sending troops into the Ukraine was illegal. Deny that commie boy.
You have to be shitting me. Geesus, what a load of crap. All you have to do is look at a fking map to see how valuable the communist inspired “good guys” in your Fking words, wanted to spread communism southward. Our problem was NOT that we went in, it was we went in ill prepared and half ass with poor military decisions. . Maybe while you were sitting there with your hairy little chickens shit ass whining and complaining about the rest of the draftees and regulars dying and injured while serving, you should have got your finger out of your ass and studied history. If you believe in freedom, there are no good guys in the govs of Russia and China anti American.

Excuse me for stepping in. But there is a reason why we lost in South Vietnam. Because we didn't send troops into North Vietnam. But the U.S. didn't want to start what would have been another Korean war. We also lost in Afghanistan for the same reason. We didn't send troops into the country where the Taliban was operating from. Pakistan.
I see we have a hard core Ruskie here.
Don't be an ass.
You can argue whether or not South Vietnam was a legitimate country.
It was an illegitimate "pseudo-country"
But we hardly invaded.
The invasion was with the war-making military American troops and weaponry.
France gave up the fight.
France didn't "give up", they lost their colonies of Indo-China fair and square.
The U.S. stepped in. That is all.
Yes, "steppped in" to create a whole new war that had already been done and dusted by the Liberation of Vietnam and given the International Democratic blessings of the United Nations and a date set for National Elections. The US sabotaged that Democratic Election and started killing people instead.
Next, Russia sending troops into the Ukraine was illegal. Deny that ...
By way of honouring the Minsk Agreement? That can be discussed.
... commie boy.
Don't be an ass.
Excuse me for stepping in. But there is a reason why we lost in South Vietnam. Because we didn't send troops into North Vietnam. But the U.S. didn't want to start what would have been another Korean war. .....
WRONG. That is exactly what the US wanted - and succeeded in creating! The Military-Industrial Complex ... do you not know what that is and what its purpose is?
Don't be an ass.

It was an illegitimate "pseudo-country"

The invasion was with the war-making military American troops and weaponry.

France didn't "give up", they lost their colonies of Indo-China fair and square.

Yes, "steppped in" to create a whole new war that had already been done and dusted by the Liberation of Vietnam and given the International Democratic blessings of the United Nations and a date set for National Elections. The US sabotaged that Democratic Election and started killing people instead.

By way of honouring the Minsk Agreement? That can be discussed.

Don't be an ass.

1. It takes one to know one.
2. Maybe it was North Vietnam that was the "pseudo-country."
3. You mean weaponry like China and Russia was already giving North Vietnam?
4. French forces lost a major battle. Not the whole country. Just a major battle. This made the French give up the fight entirely.
5. We didn't create a whole new war. We just continued where the French left off.
6. I don't know what the Minsk Agreement was. But whatever it was, and whoever agreed to it, apparently the Ukrainian people didn't agree with it. It is their country. The Ukraine. Not Russia.
7. See reply 1.
It takes one to know one.
It’s you who’s talking about ”commies”. Where do you see these ”commies” that you keep talking about? Are they hidden beneath all of the WMDs you didn’t find in the Iraki desert?
Maybe it was North Vietnam that was the "pseudo-country."
Where do you get the idea that there was a North Vietnam and a South Vietnam in the first place?
French forces lost a major battle. Not the whole country. Just a major battle. This made the French give up the fight entirely.
You really, seriously don't know anything at all about France in Indo-China and what took place during WW II and imminently after it. Why you think you have something relevant to say about it is a complete mystery.
We didn't create a whole new war. We just continued where the French left off.
Wrong. Completely wrong. This proves that you do not know what the colonization of Indo-China was all about.
I don't know what the Minsk Agreement was.
But whatever it was, and whoever agreed to it, apparently the Ukrainian people didn't agree with it.
Wrong again. Do you know what an "Agreement” is, what it means, and who takes part in it?
It is their country. The Ukraine. Not Russia.

It’s good to see you’ve understood that part of it. Now, all you need to do is apply it to the facts of the Minsk Agreement.

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