Send her back

She has spoken about her vivid imagination. Since she was raised in a muslim immigrant neighborhood.

Did her parents raise her to hate this country so much? After they took advantage of everything they could. This entire family is no different than the Tsaranev boys. That whole bunch finally went back too so it's not unheard of for American haters to go back where they came from.

Not too sure what you mean by the first sentence.

I've read a lot of what she has had to say. Her politics are left for sure. That is a far way from 'hating' America.
And when you bring in the Tasranev boys, you lose. Every time. That's like me saying all white men are like Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Ed get the picture. What a moronic analogy.

Then again, you are a Deplorable. What else is new?
She hates Trump and she hates America. Too bad we can't legally deport her.
She has spoken about her vivid imagination. Since she was raised in a muslim immigrant neighborhood.

Did her parents raise her to hate this country so much? After they took advantage of everything they could. This entire family is no different than the Tsaranev boys. That whole bunch finally went back too so it's not unheard of for American haters to go back where they came from.

Not too sure what you mean by the first sentence.

I've read a lot of what she has had to say. Her politics are left for sure. That is a far way from 'hating' America.
And when you bring in the Tasranev boys, you lose. Every time. That's like me saying all white men are like Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Ed get the picture. What a moronic analogy.

Then again, you are a Deplorable. What else is new?
She hates Trump and she hates America. Too bad we can't legally deport her.

We should.

She committed tax fraud and married her brother among other crimes.
That's my POTUS right there. So shrewd and does things for the right reasons.

Trump's doing our country a great favor. Omar is an ugly person. Progs made a big mistake, simply because it was hip and they're poor judges of character. Trump's cleaning up the mess, Omar is done.
"Some people did some things." :rolleyes:
She has spoken about her vivid imagination. Since she was raised in a muslim immigrant neighborhood.

Did her parents raise her to hate this country so much? After they took advantage of everything they could. This entire family is no different than the Tsaranev boys. That whole bunch finally went back too so it's not unheard of for American haters to go back where they came from.

Not too sure what you mean by the first sentence.

I've read a lot of what she has had to say. Her politics are left for sure. That is a far way from 'hating' America.
And when you bring in the Tasranev boys, you lose. Every time. That's like me saying all white men are like Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Ed get the picture. What a moronic analogy.

Then again, you are a Deplorable. What else is new?
She hates Trump and she hates America. Too bad we can't legally deport her.
Welcome to USMB, lennypartiv. Hope you enjoy the boards. :thup:
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views

If libs and the media keep pushing this hate, racism and division, we're gonna go back. Keep it up.
Since when did 'being born here' exempt anyone from being deported?

Since the constitution and the beginnings of our nation.

It's called the right of Liberty.

The right to live in a nation without the government persecuting them or kicking them out.

I'm not surprised you don't know this. You're a far right radical extremist who hates America and everything we stand for.

lol oh gee, thanks for reminding me our country wasn't founded until after the 1940's. lol you don't know what you're babbling about, typical for left wing loons and deviants.

And, as reminder of what the Founder of the Democratic Party had to say about the likes of you and the other supporters of these four traitor vermin, including your hero the vile antisemitic Somalian death cult worshipper Democrats gush over ....

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

He was talking about nasty murdering racist trash like the Democrats of today's DNC and their fans.Sucks to be you, trying to throw in history when you know nothing about the history of deportation in the U.S. Hint: Being born here didn't mean squat when it came to treason and advocating lawless criminal activities aimed at destroying the govt., especially in the ways Democrats and the LEft advocare, killing white police officers, committing hate crimes, hiring thugs to attack legal rallies, etc.

Go wash your cop killer socks or something; you're done here.
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Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
Our Constitution was formed to LIMIT federal government.

It was also suspended in special cases, like when filthy traitors and foreign scum attempt to bring down the society and culture via silly legal semantics.
When is Trump going to send Melania back where she came from?
If Melania has been trashing this country and saying stupid things like 911 was when some people did somethings then by all means throw her out.

You trashed this country relentlessly when Obama was President. Let’s throw YOU out.

Oh wait. You live in Russia.

Aren't you supposed to be pretending to be Canadian?

Getting your socks mixed up again?
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'

Well, if you aren't proud of your US citizenship and are bound and determined to bitch and complain about living here... you can leave and find somewhere else that suits your ideals. Nobody likes people who run their mouths and do nothing to help improve the situation.

Also, being proud of our country isn't a Trump thing. It never has been. Pride in one's homeland transcends political boundaries.

I'm guessing that concept is foreign to you.
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The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa...Boy are you one stupid asshole. If you love the US and where it is going, then stay, if you hate the US and it's greatness, then fucking leave. It isnt much easier than that. Of course you have to have an IQ over 70 to understand the difference between the two, but typical of liberals they fall far from being that high in intelligence.

America, love it or leave it

The most unpatriotic statement any American can make
It's like this. If someone comes into my home as an invited guest, and all they do is complain about the environment in which they are in, they can freely leave. Or I can make them leave. They have a choice.

Am I a rude host? No. This is my home, if you don't like it, you can leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay here.

Same applies to Trump's tweet to "The Squad".

Why run for office in a country you hate, get elected, and then tell your constituents how much you hate the country they live in? What's the point in that if you aren't going to do anything about it?
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views

No one is suggesting we force them to leave (although the idea is tempting), we are simply saying if you don’t like this country you should pack your bags and go.
How about if you don’t like the direction the country is going, you get elected to Congress and try to change it?

Is that concept so foreign to you?
Na I’ll just vote the president we want to change it.
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
Unless someone like Obama was in office, then you were a racist if you even hinted how fucked up his policies were.

If you dislike Obama you’re a racist! You just don’t know it yet | Flopping Aces

Unlike normal US citizens who love this country, we using our intelligence saw what the 1/2 white faggot was going to try to do Fundamentally Transform this country into a 3rd world shithole, while you who have no intelligence just hate this country with a passion, not because of its greatness, but because your liberal politicians tell you to. Braindead, thy name is Democrat.
A myth

Nobody claimed disagreeing with Obama was racist

You guys claim everything is racist. The word has no meaning anymore.
No, not everything is racist

But racist statements deserve to be challenged
When will you challenge them then? If you only seen the right is racist but the left you don’t care about racism, Pressley said NO BLACK VOICES that disagree with her should be heard ! That was Saturday.. so go away fake new cry baby lol
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out
Ah yes the usual republican double standard about the 1st amendment.
I’m not shutting her down she can talk all she wants I encourage it lol
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views

No one is suggesting we force them to leave (although the idea is tempting), we are simply saying if you don’t like this country you should pack your bags and go.
How about if you don’t like the direction the country is going, you get elected to Congress and try to change it?

Is that concept so foreign to you?
And that’s the problem: most conservatives fear an America changing for the better, an America more inclusive and diverse.

As a consequence of their fear, racism, and hate, Trump and his supporters attack those whom they incorrectly perceive to be a ‘threat’ to ‘white culture.’

Indeed, the racist Trump is their defender, ridding the country of the blacks and browns and Muslims and other ‘un-American foreigners.’
Yes we fear America changing to a 3rd world country that has already happen to towns they run. Lol
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out
Which is racist, reprehensible, and wrong.

None of the Congresswomen Trump attacked with is racism ‘don’t like America’ – that’s a lie.

And American citizens can’t be ‘kicked out’ of the United States because Trump and his fallow racists don’t like political opposition.
Of course they can be kicked out, if we drown them out with chants of assimilate, or don’t like it get out. They will leave
You guys claim everything is racist. The word has no meaning anymore.

uh-uh. No. You don't get to decide what is racist and what isn't. If the fuckwit in the White House keeps on making racist statements, that's on him. And no, us normal people don't call everything racist. It's not the normal folk's problem that the Moron in the WH keeps on spouting shit, and you nimrods on this board agree with him. That's on you...
It has been used so many times by the left that it has lost it meaning..Otherwise, do you agree with AOC that the leader of the congress is a racist bitch?
I have said it in other threads: this is the Left being hoisted on its own petard.

For decades the Left has loved its "Diversity Cult". The Left is never American FIRST. It is AFRICAN-American, Asian-American, Latin-American, whatever. Worse, they hate everything American: our flag, anthem, history, founding documents, fathers, culture, everything. You can't fool people that long.

Eventually people will say, "FINE! Then go back to the first part of your hyphenated name!" And that has a LOT more to do with ideology than race or religion.

Don't hate the players, Leftists. Hate the game. The game YOU taught us.
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views

"not liking certain apects...." that bitch hates that which the USA stands for
RW lie

These Congresswomen have sworn to uphold the Constitution
Does every Congressperson who disagrees with you hate America?
I have said it in other threads: this is the Left being hoisted on its own petard.

For decades the Left has loved its "Diversity Cult". The Left is never American FIRST. It is AFRICAN-American, Asian-American, Latin-American, whatever. Worse, they hate everything American: our flag, anthem, history, founding documents, fathers, culture, everything. You can't fool people that long.

Eventually people will say, "FINE! Then go back to the first part of your hyphenated name!" And that has a LOT more to do with ideology than race or religion.

Don't hate the players, Leftists. Hate the game. The game YOU taught us.

Unlike the right, the left does not support the concept of REAL AMERICANS

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