Send her back

The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out
Which is racist, reprehensible, and wrong.

None of the Congresswomen Trump attacked with is racism ‘don’t like America’ – that’s a lie.

And American citizens can’t be ‘kicked out’ of the United States because Trump and his fallow racists don’t like political opposition.
Absolutely agree with President Trump! :2up: :mm:

you missed it? OMAR waxed MAUDLIN regarding her OPPRESSION as
a muslim and african

Going by her and her family's background, they sound like a great asset to the USA. Much more so than most of the neocon whackos on this board. And the Fuck Knuckle in the WH. She sounds like a contributor. Trumple-thin-skin is a taker. He has given nothing of consequence to his community. Nothing. Nada. Zip. All he cares about is embellishing his personality and making money at all costs. Whataguy.....

Going by some of the posts on this board by the neocon wing nuts I have no problem believing this happened to her. None whatsoever.

Ilhan Omar - Wikipedia
"She has spoken about being bullied for wearing a hijab during her time in Virginia, recalling classmates sticking gum on it, pushing her down stairs, and jumping her when changing for gym class"
Absolutely agree with President Trump! :2up: :mm:


How could you not. Anybody with the IQ of an amoeba agrees with him.

Definition for Skye's sake: An amoeba, sometimes written as "ameba", is a term generally used to describe a single celled eukaryotic organism that has no definate shape.

Yep. Sounds like Dumb-as-a-sack-of-shit Skye...
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
No he said if you don’t like America. Which she doesn’t. Kick her out

Not liking certain aspects of America was what this country was built on. Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
Unless someone like Obama was in office, then you were a racist if you even hinted how fucked up his policies were.

If you dislike Obama you’re a racist! You just don’t know it yet | Flopping Aces

Unlike normal US citizens who love this country, we using our intelligence saw what the 1/2 white faggot was going to try to do Fundamentally Transform this country into a 3rd world shithole, while you who have no intelligence just hate this country with a passion, not because of its greatness, but because your liberal politicians tell you to. Braindead, thy name is Democrat.
A myth

Nobody claimed disagreeing with Obama was racist
bullshit....your good buddy dean did that quit a bit back then...even to those who explained why they disagreed with a was because there was a black guy in the office....
you missed it? OMAR waxed MAUDLIN regarding her OPPRESSION as
a muslim and african

Going by some of the posts on this board by the neocon wing nuts I have no problem believing this happened to her. None whatsoever. Going by her and her family's background, they sound like a great asset to the USA. Much more so than most of the neocon whackos on this board. And the Fuck Knuckle in the WH. She sounds like a contributor. Trumple-thin-skin is a taker. He has given nothing of consequence to his community. Nothing. Nada. Zip. All he cares about is embellishing his personality and making money at all costs. Whataguy.....

Ilhan Omar - Wikipedia
"She has spoken about being bullied for wearing a hijab during her time in Virginia, recalling classmates sticking gum on it, pushing her down stairs, and jumping her when changing for gym class"

She has spoken about her vivid imagination. Since she was raised in a muslim immigrant neighborhood.

Did her parents raise her to hate this country so much? After they took advantage of everything they could. This entire family is no different than the Tsaranev boys. That whole bunch finally went back too so it's not unheard of for American haters to go back where they came from.
She has spoken about her vivid imagination. Since she was raised in a muslim immigrant neighborhood.

Did her parents raise her to hate this country so much? After they took advantage of everything they could. This entire family is no different than the Tsaranev boys. That whole bunch finally went back too so it's not unheard of for American haters to go back where they came from.

Not too sure what you mean by the first sentence.

I've read a lot of what she has had to say. Her politics are left for sure. That is a far way from 'hating' America.
And when you bring in the Tasranev boys, you lose. Every time. That's like me saying all white men are like Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Ed get the picture. What a moronic analogy.

Then again, you are a Deplorable. What else is new?
Absolutely agree with President Trump! :2up: :mm:


How could you not. Anybody with the IQ of an amoeba agrees with him.

Definition for Skye's sake: An amoeba, sometimes written as "ameba", is a term generally used to describe a single celled eukaryotic organism that has no definate shape.

Yep. Sounds like Dumb-as-a-sack-of-shit Skye...

The only amoeba here is you.....Dr Scum, oops Grump......and a very hateful amoeba you are, too!:04:

The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'

We can note your post has no valid reasons for not deporting the vermin. That's because there isn't any, and the Founder of your own Party, Thomas Jefferson, would deport them in a heartbeat.

I can give you a very good reason.

Their right to Liberty.

The real meaning of that word is a person has the right to live in their nation without the government persecuting them or kicking them out.

I can see you and your fellow far right radical extremists don't believe in the right to Liberty.

Why do you hate America?
Her outright disdain and vitrial toward this country is inexcusable. Yes, she can protest and jump up and down all she wants however forcing the majority of this country to bow down and respect her viewpoint, then claiming if not then your a racist is going too far. It is apparent she wants change, the only problem is its her version of change.
I for one believe if one does not like where they live then move, regretfully she like her comrades don't have the courage to do so. Just another wannabe menlinial with visions of nirvana based on her interpretation of nirvana, trapped in a country that will tolerate her viewpoints, yet let us not forget she was elected by her people. That should scare the crap out of you!
Since when did 'being born here' exempt anyone from being deported?

Since the constitution and the beginnings of our nation.

It's called the right of Liberty.

The right to live in a nation without the government persecuting them or kicking them out.

I'm not surprised you don't know this. You're a far right radical extremist who hates America and everything we stand for.
Our constitution was formed to ensure citizens have a right to protest their governments policies, have a right to vote for the policies they support and in the case of these four women......get elected to support your views
Our Constitution was formed to LIMIT federal government.

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