Senior FDA leaders stepping down

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Not very surprised by this.

''Two of the FDA’s most senior vaccine leaders are exiting from their positions, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration and the way that it’s sidelined the FDA.

A former senior FDA leader told Endpoints that they’re departing because they’re frustrated that CDC and their ACIP committee are involved in decisions that they think should be up to the FDA. The former FDAer also said he’s heard they’re upset with CBER director Peter Marks for not insisting that those decisions should be kept inside FDA. What finally did it for them was the White House getting ahead of FDA on booster shots.

FDA’s former acting chief scientist Luciana Borio added on Twitter, “FDA is losing two giants who helped bring us many safe and effective vaccines over decades of public service.”

“These two are the leaders for Biologic (vaccine) review in the US. They have a great team, but these two are the true leaders of CBER. A huge global loss if they both leave,” Former BARDA director Rick Bright wrote, weighing in on the news.''

Previously - The White House Threatens to Fire FDA Chief If He Doesn’t Approve the Pfizer Vaccine Today
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As an aside...

WHO releases technical manual for "Covid19 Digital Vaccination Certificates"

Digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status: technical specifications and implementation guidance, 27 August 2021

Recall that back in early 2019 Bill Gates had openly stated in one of his Reddit Q & A sessions that this was the eventual plan...

On March 18th, 2020 Bill Gates took part in an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit titled I’m Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. AMA about COVID-19. where he answered questions about the pandemic. In one of his answers, Gates referred to a “digital certificate” to keep track of who got vaccinated.

So, that's what this 'technical manual' does.

A Reddit user named RemoteControlledUser asked this question:
What changes are we going to have to make to how businesses operate to maintain our economy while providing social distancing?

Bill Gates’ answer:
The question of which businesses should keep going is tricky. Certainly food supply and the health system. We still need water, electricity and the internet. Supply chains for critical things need to be maintained. Countries are still figuring out what to keep running.

Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.

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Not very surprised by this.

''Two of the FDA’s most senior vaccine leaders are exiting from their positions, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration and the way that it’s sidelined the FDA.

A former senior FDA leader told Endpoints that they’re departing because they’re frustrated that CDC and their ACIP committee are involved in decisions that they think should be up to the FDA. The former FDAer also said he’s heard they’re upset with CBER director Peter Marks for not insisting that those decisions should be kept inside FDA. What finally did it for them was the White House getting ahead of FDA on booster shots.

FDA’s former acting chief scientist Luciana Borio added on Twitter, “FDA is losing two giants who helped bring us many safe and effective vaccines over decades of public service.”

“These two are the leaders for Biologic (vaccine) review in the US. They have a great team, but these two are the true leaders of CBER. A huge global loss if they both leave,” Former BARDA director Rick Bright wrote, weighing in on the news.''

Previously - The White House Threatens to Fire FDA Chief If He Doesn’t Approve the Pfizer Vaccine Today
When the top people running the greatest protection racket in human history step aside because they're being strong-armed and corrupted by the entrenched technocracy, you have to know things are seriously fucked up.
Is Biden politicizing the FDA now?
Apparently, the CDC and its Advisory Committee on Immunization (ACIP) seized the right to make decisions that had previously been the respnsibility of the FDA.

The researchers were also also annoyed with Peter Marks, chief of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, for not standing up for them against the CDC. The Biden administration's decision to force a third round of mRNA “booster” shots without consulting them seems to have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

It's basically the same thing that happened when the previous administration threatened the FDA to just do the CDC's bidding, which I linked in the op.

It's basically been a bipartisan hit job.
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I booked marked a post I made a few days ago to shut down the armchair totalitarians. They needed to been shown the emperor has no clothes. Most of them shut up after I showed them it had NOTHING TO DO WITH A VIRUS.

I imagine these FDA folks resigning has something to do with that. . .

This is the last stage to closing down an open society.

The case fatality ratio for paralytic polio is generally 2% to 5% among children and up to 15% to 30% among adolescents and adults. It increases to 25% to 75% with bulbar involvement.

In community-based settings, the mean case-fatality ratio was 1·5% (0·5-3·1) compared with 2·9% (0·9-6·0) in hospital-based settings. The mean projected case-fatality ratio in 2016-2030 was 1·3% (0·4-3·7).

Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) = Deaths / Cases = 23,430 / 1,694,781 = 1.4% (1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover).


Not very surprised by this.

''Two of the FDA’s most senior vaccine leaders are exiting from their positions, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration and the way that it’s sidelined the FDA.

A former senior FDA leader told Endpoints that they’re departing because they’re frustrated that CDC and their ACIP committee are involved in decisions that they think should be up to the FDA. The former FDAer also said he’s heard they’re upset with CBER director Peter Marks for not insisting that those decisions should be kept inside FDA. What finally did it for them was the White House getting ahead of FDA on booster shots.

FDA’s former acting chief scientist Luciana Borio added on Twitter, “FDA is losing two giants who helped bring us many safe and effective vaccines over decades of public service.”

“These two are the leaders for Biologic (vaccine) review in the US. They have a great team, but these two are the true leaders of CBER. A huge global loss if they both leave,” Former BARDA director Rick Bright wrote, weighing in on the news.''

Previously - The White House Threatens to Fire FDA Chief If He Doesn’t Approve the Pfizer Vaccine Today
Golly gee whiz I'm shocked
Now we'll have highly educated respected adult experts put in place that will follow the real science ...

Rubber stampers who will do as they're told....

Shut up bigots! And present your digital passport for scanning ..

Fuck this shit man fuck this shit


All the government "medical" monopoly agencies need to be shut down. They have never benefited the health of US citizens. Fauci should be in prison for the least.

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