Sens. Harris, Warren and Gillibrand told POLITICO they would not rule out expanding Supreme Court

So you have no idea?
nope, I haven't looked it up. not worth my time. I asked you if you knew? can he? he said he talked to his lawyers and he does. is he wrong? post up the link that shows him wrong. I thought that was how debate worked. you are goofy that way, ignoring the debate.

Not worth your time…yet here you are commenting on it…which means your time is worthless. Right?
no I'm not. I asked you if you believe he does or doesn't. I give two shits if he does or doesn't but you do. So I'm asking. why are you afraid to answer?

Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL

You're an idiot:

A president cannot pardon someone for state or local crimes. Experts disagree as to whether a president can pardon himself, but pardons cannot apply to cases of impeachment.

If he killed or raped someone he would be impeached immediately.
to be cute here, that really wasn't the cornball's question. he asked if Trump could pardon himself would he if he raped someone. Well if he thought he could, and rape was there to pardon then cornball's question was rhetorical, correct? that was my point in my initial response.
You moonbat leftist jackals really should focus on winning elections instead of trying to manipulate the system for advantage. Do it the right way.
/-----/ "who cheated?"
Anyone who beats a democRAT is a cheater.
This is the complaint. Do they have a legitimate gripe?

Three Democratic presidential candidates are saying they're willing to consider adding justices to the Supreme Court as a response to the Senate GOP's refusal to consider former President Obama's last pick for the court.
Warren, Harris, Gillibrand back efforts to add justices to Supreme Court
And? Doesn't the senate own then the justices to the SC? so how is it they believe they can just add SCOTUS's? Don't these stupid fks know the constitution yet? is this really who we need in a position as president, someone unknowing of the country's constitution? I"m just saying, where do these traitors come from?

The constitution says that Congress cannot increase the nine justice limit? I was not aware of that. Please let us know the article, section, and clause.
don't they vote on the judges? I'm just saying show me in the past how the count got up to nine. I will show you it was from congress.

History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia

"The Judicial Branch is a history of the Supreme Court of the United States, organized by Chief Justice. The Supreme Court of the United States is the only court specifically established by the Constitution of the United States, implemented in 1789; under the Judiciary Act of 1789, the Court was to be composed of six members—though the number of justices has been nine for most of its history, this number is set by Congress, not the Constitution. The court convened for the first time on February 2, 1790.[1]"

Now mthr fkr, show me where a president can.

Why the hell do you do this all of the fucking time? Someone points out a factual flaw in your argument, so you post a huffy-puffy-tough-guy rebuttal that restates the facts they just said, and challenge them to deny the facts that they were the ones to point out. And if you're on top of your game, you'll throw in a straw man to attempt to pin them with counter factual claims they never made.

There is nothing in the constitution that prevents Congress from increasing the size of the SCOTUS. Nobody has said that a President can wave a magic wand to do it. What we have here are a handful of SENATORS who say they are open to the possibility, and would potentially support any such legislation if they were President.
/----/ So If Trump expands the USSC - you're Okey Doke with it?
So you have no idea?
nope, I haven't looked it up. not worth my time. I asked you if you knew? can he? he said he talked to his lawyers and he does. is he wrong? post up the link that shows him wrong. I thought that was how debate worked. you are goofy that way, ignoring the debate.

Not worth your time…yet here you are commenting on it…which means your time is worthless. Right?
no I'm not. I asked you if you believe he does or doesn't. I give two shits if he does or doesn't but you do. So I'm asking. why are you afraid to answer?

Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL

You're an idiot:

A president cannot pardon someone for state or local crimes. Experts disagree as to whether a president can pardon himself, but pardons cannot apply to cases of impeachment.

If he killed or raped someone he would be impeached immediately.

What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?
Maybe they'll have better luck than FDR
Trump already had. McConnell blocked Obama’s pick and not only have they pack d the Supreme Court they are currently changing all of the rules to pack the lower courts.

Fortunately, the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate the courts. They would be following the rules by using their power to add members to the court. Republicans, and led by the efforts of McConnell, are the ones who started this.

But they won’t be there he ones that finish it.

McConnell blocked Obama’s pick
you need to pay better attention

and not only have they pack d the Supreme Court they are currently changing all of the rules to pack the lower courts.

Picked Justices that they felt would find in their favor,

Just like every president before them.

Trump has had more than his share of picks, but no doing anything illegal
nope, I haven't looked it up. not worth my time. I asked you if you knew? can he? he said he talked to his lawyers and he does. is he wrong? post up the link that shows him wrong. I thought that was how debate worked. you are goofy that way, ignoring the debate.

Not worth your time…yet here you are commenting on it…which means your time is worthless. Right?
no I'm not. I asked you if you believe he does or doesn't. I give two shits if he does or doesn't but you do. So I'm asking. why are you afraid to answer?

Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL

You're an idiot:

A president cannot pardon someone for state or local crimes. Experts disagree as to whether a president can pardon himself, but pardons cannot apply to cases of impeachment.

If he killed or raped someone he would be impeached immediately.

What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?

What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.
Not worth your time…yet here you are commenting on it…which means your time is worthless. Right?
no I'm not. I asked you if you believe he does or doesn't. I give two shits if he does or doesn't but you do. So I'm asking. why are you afraid to answer?

Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL

You're an idiot:

A president cannot pardon someone for state or local crimes. Experts disagree as to whether a president can pardon himself, but pardons cannot apply to cases of impeachment.

If he killed or raped someone he would be impeached immediately.

What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?

What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.

Nice dodge.

Anyway, There will be no expansion of the court but it’s good to know that whomever the next President is they have the Emergency Declaration at their disposal for whatever cartoonish purpose they desire
no I'm not. I asked you if you believe he does or doesn't. I give two shits if he does or doesn't but you do. So I'm asking. why are you afraid to answer?

Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL

You're an idiot:

A president cannot pardon someone for state or local crimes. Experts disagree as to whether a president can pardon himself, but pardons cannot apply to cases of impeachment.

If he killed or raped someone he would be impeached immediately.

What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?

What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.

Nice dodge.

Anyway, There will be no expansion of the court but it’s good to know that whomever the next President is they have the Emergency Declaration at their disposal for whatever cartoonish purpose they desire
/——/ The President’s have had it for decades. Nothing new, move along
no I'm not. I asked you if you believe he does or doesn't. I give two shits if he does or doesn't but you do. So I'm asking. why are you afraid to answer?

Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL

You're an idiot:

A president cannot pardon someone for state or local crimes. Experts disagree as to whether a president can pardon himself, but pardons cannot apply to cases of impeachment.

If he killed or raped someone he would be impeached immediately.

What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?

What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.

Nice dodge.

Anyway, There will be no expansion of the court but it’s good to know that whomever the next President is they have the Emergency Declaration at their disposal for whatever cartoonish purpose they desire
been used 59 times before trump. why didn't it bother you before?
So you have no idea?
nope, I haven't looked it up. not worth my time. I asked you if you knew? can he? he said he talked to his lawyers and he does. is he wrong? post up the link that shows him wrong. I thought that was how debate worked. you are goofy that way, ignoring the debate.

Not worth your time…yet here you are commenting on it…which means your time is worthless. Right?
no I'm not. I asked you if you believe he does or doesn't. I give two shits if he does or doesn't but you do. So I'm asking. why are you afraid to answer?

Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL
ahhh look at the deflection by the cornie. too funny. I take your lack of an answer that you do know he can pardon himself, and therefore, any option is available to him even rape. I don't get why that is so hard for you to discuss.

What else can I debate with myself on today that you're curious of?

Good to see you and AzogtheDefiler disagrer on the capabilities of the Cheeto.

Amazing what happens when you boys are pressed for answers
Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL

You're an idiot:

A president cannot pardon someone for state or local crimes. Experts disagree as to whether a president can pardon himself, but pardons cannot apply to cases of impeachment.

If he killed or raped someone he would be impeached immediately.

What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?

What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.

Nice dodge.

Anyway, There will be no expansion of the court but it’s good to know that whomever the next President is they have the Emergency Declaration at their disposal for whatever cartoonish purpose they desire
been used 59 times before trump. why didn't it bother you before?

How many billions of dollars were looted to fulfill a silly campaign promise?
Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL

You're an idiot:

A president cannot pardon someone for state or local crimes. Experts disagree as to whether a president can pardon himself, but pardons cannot apply to cases of impeachment.

If he killed or raped someone he would be impeached immediately.

What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?

What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.

Nice dodge.

Anyway, There will be no expansion of the court but it’s good to know that whomever the next President is they have the Emergency Declaration at their disposal for whatever cartoonish purpose they desire
/——/ The President’s have had it for decades. Nothing new, move along

The ability to pardon themselves after raping a 10 year old girl?
nope, I haven't looked it up. not worth my time. I asked you if you knew? can he? he said he talked to his lawyers and he does. is he wrong? post up the link that shows him wrong. I thought that was how debate worked. you are goofy that way, ignoring the debate.

Not worth your time…yet here you are commenting on it…which means your time is worthless. Right?
no I'm not. I asked you if you believe he does or doesn't. I give two shits if he does or doesn't but you do. So I'm asking. why are you afraid to answer?

Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL
ahhh look at the deflection by the cornie. too funny. I take your lack of an answer that you do know he can pardon himself, and therefore, any option is available to him even rape. I don't get why that is so hard for you to discuss.

What else can I debate with myself on today that you're curious of?

Good to see you and AzogtheDefiler disagrer on the capabilities of the Cheeto.

Amazing what happens when you boys are pressed for answers
yep, we answer questions because we are gentleman and have honor. something you seriously lack. but congrats loser. just another victory on my part in the land of the loons like you!
You're an idiot:

A president cannot pardon someone for state or local crimes. Experts disagree as to whether a president can pardon himself, but pardons cannot apply to cases of impeachment.

If he killed or raped someone he would be impeached immediately.

What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?

What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.

Nice dodge.

Anyway, There will be no expansion of the court but it’s good to know that whomever the next President is they have the Emergency Declaration at their disposal for whatever cartoonish purpose they desire
been used 59 times before trump. why didn't it bother you before?

How many billions of dollars were looted to fulfill a silly campaign promise?
so you're concerned over five bucks?
You're an idiot:

A president cannot pardon someone for state or local crimes. Experts disagree as to whether a president can pardon himself, but pardons cannot apply to cases of impeachment.

If he killed or raped someone he would be impeached immediately.

What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?

What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.

Nice dodge.

Anyway, There will be no expansion of the court but it’s good to know that whomever the next President is they have the Emergency Declaration at their disposal for whatever cartoonish purpose they desire
been used 59 times before trump. why didn't it bother you before?

How many billions of dollars were looted to fulfill a silly campaign promise?
/——/ you mean the campaign promise to overturn the 2016 election and impeach Trump?
Not worth your time…yet here you are commenting on it…which means your time is worthless. Right?
no I'm not. I asked you if you believe he does or doesn't. I give two shits if he does or doesn't but you do. So I'm asking. why are you afraid to answer?

Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL
ahhh look at the deflection by the cornie. too funny. I take your lack of an answer that you do know he can pardon himself, and therefore, any option is available to him even rape. I don't get why that is so hard for you to discuss.

What else can I debate with myself on today that you're curious of?

Good to see you and AzogtheDefiler disagrer on the capabilities of the Cheeto.

Amazing what happens when you boys are pressed for answers
yep, we answer questions because we are gentleman and have honor. something you seriously lack. but congrats loser. just another victory on my part in the land of the loons like you!

You two disagree. It’ll be fun to see you two debate. But we both know you won’t. You have no honor.
What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?

What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.

Nice dodge.

Anyway, There will be no expansion of the court but it’s good to know that whomever the next President is they have the Emergency Declaration at their disposal for whatever cartoonish purpose they desire
been used 59 times before trump. why didn't it bother you before?

How many billions of dollars were looted to fulfill a silly campaign promise?
/——/ you mean the campaign promise to overturn the 2016 election and impeach Trump?
What if the rape was on federal land cumquat?

What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.

Nice dodge.

Anyway, There will be no expansion of the court but it’s good to know that whomever the next President is they have the Emergency Declaration at their disposal for whatever cartoonish purpose they desire
been used 59 times before trump. why didn't it bother you before?

How many billions of dollars were looted to fulfill a silly campaign promise?
so you're concerned over five bucks?

You’re not concerned over usurping the Constitution?
no I'm not. I asked you if you believe he does or doesn't. I give two shits if he does or doesn't but you do. So I'm asking. why are you afraid to answer?

Why are you afraid to answer?

(For those watching at home, Popeye hates being asked questions). I probably should stop. LOL
ahhh look at the deflection by the cornie. too funny. I take your lack of an answer that you do know he can pardon himself, and therefore, any option is available to him even rape. I don't get why that is so hard for you to discuss.

What else can I debate with myself on today that you're curious of?

Good to see you and AzogtheDefiler disagrer on the capabilities of the Cheeto.

Amazing what happens when you boys are pressed for answers
yep, we answer questions because we are gentleman and have honor. something you seriously lack. but congrats loser. just another victory on my part in the land of the loons like you!

You two disagree. It’ll be fun to see you two debate. But we both know you won’t. You have no honor.
I agree with everything he said. you must be reading in the wrong version world today.
What if Trump has lasers coming out of his eyes? You lost. Now STFU.

Nice dodge.

Anyway, There will be no expansion of the court but it’s good to know that whomever the next President is they have the Emergency Declaration at their disposal for whatever cartoonish purpose they desire
been used 59 times before trump. why didn't it bother you before?

How many billions of dollars were looted to fulfill a silly campaign promise?
/——/ you mean the campaign promise to overturn the 2016 election and impeach Trump?
/——/ Oh, you mean the campaign promise to cheat Bernie out of the nomination?

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