Separation of church and state makes him want to throw up

But your deep seated beliefs are based on Judeo-Christian roots... you cant suppress that when you are looking at a political candidate. Otherwise you end up with folks who are 'godless'. I know I am using extreme rhetoric, but I am just trying to convey my point. Nothing more... I dont want religious zealots running the show either.
I enjoy my alcohol and R-rated movies too much

I understand what you are getting at and I don't necessarily disagree. Again I made a point earlier (post #192) that just because you can't go before the Supreme Court, make a religious argument, and hope to win it doesn't mean that our values and mores must be necessarily disregarded. You simply have to provide an argument that is secular in nature.

So again...this is why opponents of gay marriage do not argue from a religious point of view before the courts. They may do it in public but not before the judges. They can't. They will lose immediately. They have to come up with something else that is secular in nature.

That is why I dont want to stop 'gays' from having a 'civil union'. Simply because I feel you have to change the traditional definition of marriage. A 'marriage' is just a civil union between a man and a woman. A 'civil Union' can be a marriage between two consenting adults.
I have no problem with 'gays' having a life together with whoever they want to... my mom is a lesbian, and I would never think her partner is'nt entitled to everything as if they were married.
I just dont want the definition changed just to suit a group of people.

I think we agree more than we disagree BluePhantom.

See, I don't even care if they call it marriage. Why is the government defining marriage? If you let them define THEIR marriage, eventually they will want to define YOUR marriage. No thanks.
Yeah, you're full of shit. Thanks for proving you have zero, nada, nothing. It's the old "BAD CHRISTIANS MUST DESTROY THEM BEFORE THEY STEAL YOUR BABIES AND RAPE YOUR WOMEN" mantra.
So much for intelligent debate! If I held the repressive views you do, I'd dash off some non sequitor and run and hide when faced with solid, well thought and respectfully presented arguments too.

You see, that's the problem with zealots. They assume a moral high ground and have no concept of what others might think. It's a hold over from days gone by when 'you're either for us or against us'. It's our way or the highway. America, love it or leave it. We've heard them all before. But nothing makes those views anywhere close to right.

It's a good thing no atheists ever adopt a my way or the highway attitude.
Santorum: Separation Of Church And State 'Makes Me Want To Throw Up'

Damn that pesky little First Amendment. Its just SO inconvenient to Santorum.

Sadly, there are many rw's who are so dumb, they actually don't realize what this creep is saying.

First Amendment fail

It doesn't call for separation of Church and State. Merely calls for no official religion.

That's correct, It's vague when it comes to many constitutional questions, it's why the supreme court defined it further to mean that there is a wall that the founders were too negligent to build. They have consistently ruled in a way leaves no gray areas. There is a wall for a very good reason, Santorum would make it a ramp where the government has no power to protect us from religious fanatics doing away with our sinful rights.

Like Rick Santorum! The reason is right there. Santorum would convert our (pseudo-demcracy) into an armed theocracy. Anyone who is so vocal about his religion can't help but inject (HIS) God, into everything. Not just any god, HIS god, who seems to be the medievil Odin looking character sitting on this golden throne, (It's always gold, with right-wingers, isn't it?), meeting out punishment right out of the dark ages. The problem is, fanatics of any ilk will do the most nefarious things and justifiy the actions with some ridiculous dogmatic concept. Any normal person will understand that and keep their own religion a private afair. The biggest argument for religion in politics is the biggest argument against it. It has been proven down through time and is playing out all over the east, that theocracies are the most backwards, the most closed-minded, and the most dictatorial types of regimes around. Theocracies have God on their sides and so can skin people alive, boil them in oil and do all sorts of things in the name of god. After all who can do a check and balance on a supreme being? And, who verifies the interpreter's interpretation anyway? What if he has a chemical imbalance or hears voices in his head, that are not his own?
you can bet your sweet bippie that r wingers know what this fool is speaking of, don't kid yourself. in fact, god, guns, bible and not womens rights are the rw agenda since Obama took office. not one GOP candidate has gotten on stage and told americans how they would do things differently than our current president, it's just smoke and mirrors from the righties.
Santorum: Separation Of Church And State 'Makes Me Want To Throw Up'

Damn that pesky little First Amendment. Its just SO inconvenient to Santorum.

Sadly, there are many rw's who are so dumb, they actually don't realize what this creep is saying.
What the hell is a repressive view?

You were asked for a simple thing...proof that Santorum would impose his brand of morality and religion upon the US.

You produced nothing but your own bigoted spew, and zero evidence to show your irrational fear has any basis in reality.

I have no high moral ground on this. I asked you for evidence. You have none. Discussion over.
You can't recognize repression in Santorum's positions? You could if you were homosexual and in love and wanting to make that love public and forever. You could if you were struggling with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. You could not find a physician who could legally perform a medical service due to the political repression of the Santorum administration.

You could certainly understand repression if you did not want to get pregnant, but could not access birth control too.

And all because his god told him these are the truths Americans should now subscribe to.

Please list the freedom aspiring social positions Rick Santorum holds dear.
Yeah, you're full of shit. Thanks for proving you have zero, nada, nothing. It's the old "BAD CHRISTIANS MUST DESTROY THEM BEFORE THEY STEAL YOUR BABIES AND RAPE YOUR WOMEN" mantra.
So much for intelligent debate! If I held the repressive views you do, I'd dash off some non sequitor and run and hide when faced with solid, well thought and respectfully presented arguments too.

You see, that's the problem with zealots. They assume a moral high ground and have no concept of what others might think. It's a hold over from days gone by when 'you're either for us or against us'. It's our way or the highway. America, love it or leave it. We've heard them all before. But nothing makes those views anywhere close to right.

It's a good thing no atheists ever adopt a my way or the highway attitude.
Don't promote religion from the state. Not in America anyway. Otherwise, be yourself, and let others be themselves. Is that an unAmerican thought?
you have to adore chrissy matthews blubbering defenses of "camelot"over on pmsnbc.........

the man gets on his knees for that cabal.........embarrassing
What the hell is a repressive view?

You were asked for a simple thing...proof that Santorum would impose his brand of morality and religion upon the US.

You produced nothing but your own bigoted spew, and zero evidence to show your irrational fear has any basis in reality.

I have no high moral ground on this. I asked you for evidence. You have none. Discussion over.
You can't recognize repression in Santorum's positions? You could if you were homosexual and in love and wanting to make that love public and forever. You could if you were struggling with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. You could not find a physician who could legally perform a medical service due to the political repression of the Santorum administration.

You could certainly understand repression if you did not want to get pregnant, but could not access birth control too.

And all because his god told him these are the truths Americans should now subscribe to.

Please list the freedom aspiring social positions Rick Santorum holds dear.

So much for intelligent debate! If I held the repressive views you do, I'd dash off some non sequitor and run and hide when faced with solid, well thought and respectfully presented arguments too.

You see, that's the problem with zealots. They assume a moral high ground and have no concept of what others might think. It's a hold over from days gone by when 'you're either for us or against us'. It's our way or the highway. America, love it or leave it. We've heard them all before. But nothing makes those views anywhere close to right.

It's a good thing no atheists ever adopt a my way or the highway attitude.
Don't promote religion from the state. Not in America anyway. Otherwise, be yourself, and let others be themselves. Is that an unAmerican thought?

Is "promote" the same as "establish"?

See, I don't even care if they call it marriage. Why is the government defining marriage? If you let them define THEIR marriage, eventually they will want to define YOUR marriage. No thanks.

Precisely! Exactly! On the nosey! Bingo! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! Marriage is none of the government's business regardless of whether its between a heterosexual couple or a homosexual couple.
Don't promote religion from the state. Not in America anyway. Otherwise, be yourself, and let others be themselves. Is that an unAmerican thought?

Is "promote" the same as "establish"?


So, if it's right for the government to 'promote' one faith, isn't also right for the government to dismiss another?

May I point out the problems in your argument Nosmo?

a) You are using logic with Koshergirl: a waste of time. She is the right's rDean.
b) There is only one correct religion: Koshergirl's.
c) There is only one correct moral code: Koshergirl's.
d) There is only one correct way to go about your life: Koshergirl's.
e) Government should be run according to all the above points. Anything else is treasonous.

All I am left to say is that I imagine she will be real lonely in heaven since apparently she is the only one going there.
Is "promote" the same as "establish"?


So, if it's right for the government to 'promote' one faith, isn't also right for the government to dismiss another?

May I point out the problems in your argument Nosmo?

a) You are using logic with Koshergirl: a waste of time. She is the right's rDean.
b) There is only one correct religion: Koshergirl's.
c) There is only one correct moral code: Koshergirl's.
d) There is only one correct way to go about your life: Koshergirl's.
e) Government should be run according to all the above points. Anything else is treasonous.

All I am left to say is that I imagine she will be real lonely in heaven since apparently she is the only one going there.
The curse of the Zealot: intractability.
Yeah, you're full of shit. Thanks for proving you have zero, nada, nothing. It's the old "BAD CHRISTIANS MUST DESTROY THEM BEFORE THEY STEAL YOUR BABIES AND RAPE YOUR WOMEN" mantra.

Speaking of zero zip nada......Where does NK say "BAD CHRISTIANS.....nonsense" in that post?
Yeah, you're full of shit. Thanks for proving you have zero, nada, nothing. It's the old "BAD CHRISTIANS MUST DESTROY THEM BEFORE THEY STEAL YOUR BABIES AND RAPE YOUR WOMEN" mantra.

Speaking of zero zip nada......Where does NK say "BAD CHRISTIANS.....nonsense" in that post?

I didn't. But, if you had to defend positions such as koshergirl's, wouldn't you go a little insane too?

Hyperbole, God and patriotism: last ports of safety for scoundrels, zealots and the intellectually inept.
What the hell is a repressive view?

You were asked for a simple thing...proof that Santorum would impose his brand of morality and religion upon the US.

You produced nothing but your own bigoted spew, and zero evidence to show your irrational fear has any basis in reality.

I have no high moral ground on this. I asked you for evidence. You have none. Discussion over.
You can't recognize repression in Santorum's positions? You could if you were homosexual and in love and wanting to make that love public and forever. You could if you were struggling with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. You could not find a physician who could legally perform a medical service due to the political repression of the Santorum administration.

You could certainly understand repression if you did not want to get pregnant, but could not access birth control too.

And all because his god told him these are the truths Americans should now subscribe to.

Please list the freedom aspiring social positions Rick Santorum holds dear.

Free Speech.
Freedom to keep the possessions of your own wallet.
Private Property Rights.
Due Process.

Wow, even supporting your Rights to misrepresent and mischaracterize his positions.
What the hell is a repressive view?

You were asked for a simple thing...proof that Santorum would impose his brand of morality and religion upon the US.

You produced nothing but your own bigoted spew, and zero evidence to show your irrational fear has any basis in reality.

I have no high moral ground on this. I asked you for evidence. You have none. Discussion over.
You can't recognize repression in Santorum's positions? You could if you were homosexual and in love and wanting to make that love public and forever. You could if you were struggling with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. You could not find a physician who could legally perform a medical service due to the political repression of the Santorum administration.

You could certainly understand repression if you did not want to get pregnant, but could not access birth control too.

And all because his god told him these are the truths Americans should now subscribe to.

Please list the freedom aspiring social positions Rick Santorum holds dear.

Free Speech.
Freedom to keep the possessions of your own wallet.
Private Property Rights.
Due Process.

Wow, even supporting your Rights to misrepresent and mischaracterize his positions.
All those items are fiscal, not social.
Dude you aren't giving any links to statements in the constitution.

You might want to look up what a common law system is since that is what this country is. Case law interpreting the words of the constitution has equal weight with the document itself, since we aren't a code state like France.

You would do well to actually learn something about constitutional construction.

While we did take many things from French Jurisprudence, we are not France and like democracies, we are not like other democracies. We have to apply former systems to fit our system. Of course, our pseudo-democracy should look to Switzerland for pointers on a real democracy. Because our democracy is dead, we need a new system anyway. Our system has de-evolved into a complicated plutocracy or what I call and economic oligarchy run by big businesses who have bought Congress and it is now a choice between rich guys, which is no choice at all.
Dude you aren't giving any links to statements in the constitution.

You might want to look up what a common law system is since that is what this country is. Case law interpreting the words of the constitution has equal weight with the document itself, since we aren't a code state like France.

You would do well to actually learn something about constitutional construction.

While we did take many things from French Jurisprudence, we are not France and like democracies, we are not like other democracies. We have to apply former systems to fit our system. Of course, our pseudo-democracy should look to Switzerland for pointers on a real democracy. Because our democracy is dead, we need a new system anyway. Our system has de-evolved into a complicated plutocracy or what I call and economic oligarchy run by big businesses who have bought Congress and it is now a choice between rich guys, which is no choice at all.

We have never been a democracy...we're a federal republic.
You can't recognize repression in Santorum's positions? You could if you were homosexual and in love and wanting to make that love public and forever. You could if you were struggling with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. You could not find a physician who could legally perform a medical service due to the political repression of the Santorum administration.

You could certainly understand repression if you did not want to get pregnant, but could not access birth control too.

And all because his god told him these are the truths Americans should now subscribe to.

Please list the freedom aspiring social positions Rick Santorum holds dear.

Free Speech.
Freedom to keep the possessions of your own wallet.
Private Property Rights.
Due Process.

Wow, even supporting your Rights to misrepresent and mischaracterize his positions.
All those items are fiscal, not social.

Of those 5 things only 2 are fiscal. :lol:

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