Separation of church and state makes him want to throw up

How odd. You're telling people you think you know who I am, you've been "dealing" with me a "long time", you know me "inside and out"...and yet now you assert you only bump into me occasionally and casually...

Omg, look, an internet personality "expert".

He 'knows my agenda'...inside and out.

Grump is one of the more avide male abortion defenders..which is why he'll go to any lengths to discredit anyone who points out his real agenda. Males who go to bat viciously to promote abortion in the name of "women's rights" generally have something to hide.

Not generally, though. ALWAYS. See my BP quote...also boob's nonsense on the subject (about him intimidating a past gf into getting an abortion). Grump is one of those. He has a pony in the race..which is why he follows me around, attributing nonsense to me, and pretending he knows me better than he does. He doesn't want anyone to credit anything I say.

Because, of course, I'm correct.

I'm against abortion. Try again...

Sure you are.
How odd. You're telling people you think you know who I am, you've been "dealing" with me a "long time", you know me "inside and out"...and yet now you assert you only bump into me occasionally and casually...


Oh, I know your agenda. A little about your personally, but to be honest I don't follow you closely enough....I reckon between your KG and AB personas you've posted about 30,000 times. I reckon I've read about 1000 of them....

As for being for abortion, I am anti-abortion and pro choice.

Over the past 25 years I've had discussions with three women about abortion. They were all thinking about getting one. On all three occasions, they asked for advice. On all three occasions I said either to go to term and keep it, or give it up for adoption. I said an abortion was a bad idea. However, the choice was up to them. And my attitude towards them as a person would not change one iota once their decision was made. One girl kept her boy, the other two had abortions....(they were both eight weeks gone)
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Pro-choice is pro abortion. Baby killers just pretend there's a difference. It's all about changing the words to hide the agenda.

I'm sure you're a great guy. Really.

So explain to do you reconcile your statement that you know me soooo well, and your obvious pride in being able to share what you think is my past ID...with your current assertion that you really don't know me so well, and you only come into contact with me accidentally?

You do see the problem with those opposing stances, right? How do you "know" who I am, if you haven't been following me? How can you "know" me "inside and out" if you have only a passing interest in me?

How on earth do you know how many posts I've posted, if you aren't "following" me?
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Pro-choice is pro abortion. Baby killers just pretend there's a difference. It's all about changing the words to hide the agenda.

I will say it again....

b) There is only one correct religion: Koshergirl's.
c) There is only one correct moral code: Koshergirl's.
d) There is only one correct way to go about your life: Koshergirl's.
e) Government should be run according to all the above points. Anything else is treasonous.
Kosher Girl used to be Allie Baba. I have been dealing with her for a long time. I know her agenda inside out, forward, backwards and upside down.

Ironically, she is probably the most anti-American, anti TRUE Christian on these boards..

Someone so filled with venom and hate it's hard to know how she gets by day to day....

Almost bordering on a Mani sock puppet. Hard to believe somebody like her actually exists in the real world...

Oh, I find that so hard to believe. KG and I get along quite well. Allie Baba and I would more than likely have torn each other's hearts out within five minutes of sitting down for a drink at a bar. She didn't like me one bit.


Er, I'm not saying KG and Allie might be the same person, I'm saying they definitely are. It's a fact. Ask her....

If that is the case, then she has definitely changed/moderated since she left the site as Allie.

Well it's only treasonous if it opposes the will of the people or is done with the intent of damaging the country.

Pretty much anything from the progressive agenda counts...
Oh, I find that so hard to believe. KG and I get along quite well. Allie Baba and I would more than likely have torn each other's hearts out within five minutes of sitting down for a drink at a bar. She didn't like me one bit.


Er, I'm not saying KG and Allie might be the same person, I'm saying they definitely are. It's a fact. Ask her....

If that is the case, then she has definitely changed/moderated since she left the site as Allie.


Like I said, he's an abuser who takes turns with the other abusers making ridiculous pronouncements about me, because they don't like it when I finger them for what they are.
Well it's only treasonous if it opposes the will of the people or is done with the intent of damaging the country.

Pretty much anything from the progressive agenda counts...

Well then by your own words you are guilty of treason.

"Do you think abortion should be legal in all cases, legal in most cases, illegal in most cases or illegal in all cases?"

Legal in all cases: 22%
Legal in most cases: 33%
Illegal in most cases: 25%
Illegal in all cases: 14%
Unsure: 6%

Overall legal: 55%
Overall Illegal: 39%

The will of the people is that abortion should be legal. You oppose it therefore you oppose the will of the people. By your own words: treason.

Er, I'm not saying KG and Allie might be the same person, I'm saying they definitely are. It's a fact. Ask her....

If that is the case, then she has definitely changed/moderated since she left the site as Allie.


Like I said, he's an abuser who takes turns with the other abusers making ridiculous pronouncements about me, because they don't like it when I finger them for what they are.

Seems like you are getting more than a fair share of cheap shots, today. My condolences. Seems pretty coordinated.
Ok I will get the definition of treason. I'll go with it:

Definition of TREASON

: the betrayal of a trust : treachery

: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family

.learners-link div.learners-link-content{ font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; padding: 0 5px 0 22px;}.learners-link div.learners-link-content a .word{ text-decoration: none;}.learners-link div.learners-link-content a:hover .word{ color: #5358a9; text-decoration: underline;}#content .definition div.d .learners-link a,#content .definition div.d .learners-link a:hover,#content .definition div.d .learners-link a:link,#content .definition div.d .learners-link a:visited{ color: black; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-variant: normal; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none;} See treason "

Treason - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That is my definition. So not an act that opposes the will of the that event, anyone who set out to change a law that had been voted on (incidentally, RvW wasn't voted upon by the people) would be guilty of treason.

Treason - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
If that is the case, then she has definitely changed/moderated since she left the site as Allie.


Like I said, he's an abuser who takes turns with the other abusers making ridiculous pronouncements about me, because they don't like it when I finger them for what they are.

Seems like you are getting more than a fair share of cheap shots, today. My condolences. Seems pretty coordinated.

Yes indeed...
If that is the case, then she has definitely changed/moderated since she left the site as Allie.


Like I said, he's an abuser who takes turns with the other abusers making ridiculous pronouncements about me, because they don't like it when I finger them for what they are.

Seems like you are getting more than a fair share of cheap shots, today. My condolences. Seems pretty coordinated.

Come on Intense. Taking something I said completely out of context, removing conditional statements, and posting it in her signature is not a cheap shot? Manipulating an argument that she was losing in an attempt to paint me as a pedophile in order to gain ground on a political point is not a cheap shot? Come on....she's getting everything she deserves.
I don't see that he was even talking to you...funny that you assumed he was though, lol
"Getting everything she deserves"

Classic. I need internet men to punish me. Yup. I DESERVE it for challenging them!
Ok I will get the definition of treason. I'll go with it:

OH NO NO NO.....You are the woman who is so hung up on semantics. You said:
Well it's only treasonous if it opposes the will of the people or is done with the intent of damaging the country.

That was YOUR statement and your criteria. But your position on abortion violates your own criteria. Sorry...if you are going to play the "say what you mean" game you are going to have to take it when it comes back on you.
I admitted I was incorrect. Treason isn't going against the will of the people. My bad.

When I make a mistake, I admit it. I've no problem with that. You won't catch me lying about what I mean, or ineptly trying to change the meaning of what is said using bad paraphrasing. It's not treason to go against the will of the people, that was just wrong on my part.
Pro-choice is pro abortion. Baby killers just pretend there's a difference. It's all about changing the words to hide the agenda.

I'm sure you're a great guy. Really.

So explain to do you reconcile your statement that you know me soooo well, and your obvious pride in being able to share what you think is my past ID...with your current assertion that you really don't know me so well, and you only come into contact with me accidentally?

You do see the problem with those opposing stances, right? How do you "know" who I am, if you haven't been following me? How can you "know" me "inside and out" if you have only a passing interest in me?

How on earth do you know how many posts I've posted, if you aren't "following" me?

There are nuances of 'knowing' somebody. I know from your posts you are a religious zealot. I know that you think anybody who gets an abortion is a murderer. I know that you think that Christianity should be enshrined as an amendment in your Constitution. Do I 'know' about your personal life? Only the bits and pieces you have said on occasion. But I have no interest in that aspect of your being.

There is no opposing stance to think of...

With someone who is a prolific poster like yourself being interested in similar subjects I am, the chances of us crossing paths on this messageboard occasion is reasonably high.

I am an acute observer. That aside, I am guessing under your AB guise when looking at your post numbers I could be out a few thousand but I do know you were prolific. As for how many under your KG guise - er, it says so above your name...
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"Getting everything she deserves"

Classic. I need internet men to punish me. Yup. I DESERVE it for challenging them!

I hate to break this to you but you haven't done a very good job at challenging anyone.

Sure I have. That's why I have a whole crowd of ankle biters following me around, calling me names, discussing various and assorted nasty things I "deserve" and their fantasies of what they would like see happen to me...

I mean, if that's not it, what is it? You have a crush on me? Generally multiple assholes don't pile on someone who is ineffectual.

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