Separation of church and state makes him want to throw up

Oh, I find that so hard to believe. KG and I get along quite well. Allie Baba and I would more than likely have torn each other's hearts out within five minutes of sitting down for a drink at a bar. She didn't like me one bit.


Er, I'm not saying KG and Allie might be the same person, I'm saying they definitely are. It's a fact. Ask her....

If that is the case, then she has definitely changed/moderated since she left the site as Allie.


Actually, she hasn't. She is still the same kook.

I think she probably changed her nick because she had gone OTT on so many occasions that she had lost all credibility. I think she wanted a fresh start, and started out a little bit more mellow. However, there is a thing called Syntax - very hard to change that. Some socks try it (Mani for example). Don't get me wrong, I don't think AB wanted a sock, just the fresh start as stated above.

Unfortunately you can try and take the girl away from the loon, but you can't take the loon outta the girl. It'll rear it's ugly head sooner or later...
Er, I'm not saying KG and Allie might be the same person, I'm saying they definitely are. It's a fact. Ask her....

If that is the case, then she has definitely changed/moderated since she left the site as Allie.


Like I said, he's an abuser who takes turns with the other abusers making ridiculous pronouncements about me, because they don't like it when I finger them for what they are.

Immie - exihiibt A. Do a search under AB and you'll find this nonsense being spewed constantly...
I admitted I was incorrect. Treason isn't going against the will of the people. My bad.

When I make a mistake, I admit it. I've no problem with that. You won't catch me lying about what I mean, or ineptly trying to change the meaning of what is said using bad paraphrasing.

BULLSHIT! Your signature is proof you do exactly that. You know good and damn well I made a conditional statement which said in effect: just because the historical criteria has been puberty it does not mean that's the right thing. But you pulled that out and you did it because you wanted to paint me as a pedophile and if you kept that part in it would disprove your goals. You are so full of shit I can smell you from Oregon.
Like I said, he's an abuser who takes turns with the other abusers making ridiculous pronouncements about me, because they don't like it when I finger them for what they are.

Seems like you are getting more than a fair share of cheap shots, today. My condolences. Seems pretty coordinated.

Come on Intense. Taking something I said completely out of context, removing conditional statements, and posting it in her signature is not a cheap shot? Manipulating an argument that she was losing in an attempt to paint me as a pedophile in order to gain ground on a political point is not a cheap shot? Come on....she's getting everything she deserves.

I wasn't addressing you at all. For the Record I personally do not support Anyone using Quotes from other Members in their Signatures. I don't do it.

Taking things out of context is done all over the Site. Posting Quotes and changing the context, should be flagged. You can shorten quotes if you don't change the message. As a rule, when I quote Someone, I pretty much quote the whole Post, and then break it down beneath. It is a matter of getting it right that counts, in my opinion
I thought you weren't following me?

Oh wait, I guess that would officially be you stalking AB, not me...but wait, if you think we're the same...

It's so hard to figure out what motivates a weirdo...
I admitted I was incorrect. Treason isn't going against the will of the people. My bad.

When I make a mistake, I admit it. I've no problem with that. You won't catch me lying about what I mean, or ineptly trying to change the meaning of what is said using bad paraphrasing.

BULLSHIT! Your signature is proof you do exactly that. You know good and damn well I made a conditional statement which said in effect: just because the historical criteria has been puberty it does not mean that's the right thing. But you pulled that out and you did it because you wanted to paint me as a pedophile and if you kept that part in it would disprove your goals. You are so full of shit I can smell you from Oregon.


I thought you weren't following me?

Oh wait, I guess that would officially be you stalking AB, not me...but wait, if you think we're the same...

It's so hard to figure out what motivates a weirdo...

I'm not. You are engaging me, and I am engaging back. It's a circular argument you keep on losing...shrug..
I admitted I was incorrect. Treason isn't going against the will of the people. My bad.

When I make a mistake, I admit it. I've no problem with that. You won't catch me lying about what I mean, or ineptly trying to change the meaning of what is said using bad paraphrasing.

BULLSHIT! Your signature is proof you do exactly that. You know good and damn well I made a conditional statement which said in effect: just because the historical criteria has been puberty it does not mean that's the right thing. But you pulled that out and you did it because you wanted to paint me as a pedophile and if you kept that part in it would disprove your goals. You are so full of shit I can smell you from Oregon.



Immie - exhibit B....
I thought you weren't following me?

Oh wait, I guess that would officially be you stalking AB, not me...but wait, if you think we're the same...

It's so hard to figure out what motivates a weirdo...

I'm not. You are engaging me, and I am engaging back. It's a circular argument you keep on losing...shrug..

Did you stalk AB too?

Maybe that's why she left?
"Getting everything she deserves"

Classic. I need internet men to punish me. Yup. I DESERVE it for challenging them!

I hate to break this to you but you haven't done a very good job at challenging anyone.

Sure I have. That's why I have a whole crowd of ankle biters following me around, calling me names, discussing various and assorted nasty things I "deserve" and their fantasies of what they would like see happen to me...

I mean, if that's not it, what is it? You have a crush on me? Generally multiple assholes don't pile on someone who is ineffectual.

Well shit Kosher...I was posting to this thread long before you were. You were the one who started shit on the last thread I started. Exactly who is stalking who here?
I thought you weren't following me?

Oh wait, I guess that would officially be you stalking AB, not me...but wait, if you think we're the same...

It's so hard to figure out what motivates a weirdo...

I'm not. You are engaging me, and I am engaging back. It's a circular argument you keep on losing...shrug..

"I didn't beat her up, officer! I was defending myself!"
I hate to break this to you but you haven't done a very good job at challenging anyone.

Sure I have. That's why I have a whole crowd of ankle biters following me around, calling me names, discussing various and assorted nasty things I "deserve" and their fantasies of what they would like see happen to me...

I mean, if that's not it, what is it? You have a crush on me? Generally multiple assholes don't pile on someone who is ineffectual.

Well shit Kosher...I was posting to this thread long before you were. You were the one who started shit on the last thread I started. Exactly who is stalking who here?

Well, Grump is stalking me...given your proclivities, I don't suspect you of stalking me. I'm much too old, and the wrong sex, for you.
I thought you weren't following me?

Oh wait, I guess that would officially be you stalking AB, not me...but wait, if you think we're the same...

It's so hard to figure out what motivates a weirdo...

I'm not. You are engaging me, and I am engaging back. It's a circular argument you keep on losing...shrug..

Did you stalk AB too?

Maybe that's why she left?

No, you left because you realised you had no credibility....5000+ posts later under your new nic and I have a sense of impending deja vu....
Sure I have. That's why I have a whole crowd of ankle biters following me around, calling me names, discussing various and assorted nasty things I "deserve" and their fantasies of what they would like see happen to me...

I mean, if that's not it, what is it? You have a crush on me? Generally multiple assholes don't pile on someone who is ineffectual.

Well shit Kosher...I was posting to this thread long before you were. You were the one who started shit on the last thread I started. Exactly who is stalking who here?

Well, Grump is stalking me...given your proclivities, I don't suspect you of stalking me. I'm much too old, and the wrong sex, for you.

yeah...well what a surprise that will be to my evangelical christian wife who thinks you are a mental case. Once again Koshergirl has destroyed a very solid debate. I am noticing that whenever you show up the level of conversation goes from intellectual to kindergarten cop. Bring a decent point on the topic of the thread or piss of. I won't respond to anything but that and you are very close to becoming the first person I put on ignore.
Santorum: Separation Of Church And State 'Makes Me Want To Throw Up'

Damn that pesky little First Amendment. Its just SO inconvenient to Santorum.

Sadly, there are many rw's who are so dumb, they actually don't realize what this creep is saying.

This is why I really don't see a viable candidate among the Republicans. Are they trying to lose? I don't get it.

Well, at least they're making it a wee bit entertaining.

Maybe he'll come out for witch trials for damned liberal professors.

I hate to break this to you but you haven't done a very good job at challenging anyone.

Sure I have. That's why I have a whole crowd of ankle biters following me around, calling me names, discussing various and assorted nasty things I "deserve" and their fantasies of what they would like see happen to me...

I mean, if that's not it, what is it? You have a crush on me? Generally multiple assholes don't pile on someone who is ineffectual.

Well shit Kosher...I was posting to this thread long before you were. You were the one who started shit on the last thread I started. Exactly who is stalking who here?

She could be a stalker. Wouldn't surprise me....She is a bona fide kook.....
yeah...well what a surprise that will be to my evangelical christian wife who thinks you are a mental case. Once again Koshergirl has destroyed a very solid debate. I am noticing that whenever you show up the level of conversation goes from intellectual to kindergarten cop. Bring a decent point on the topic of the thread or piss of. I won't respond to anything but that and you are very close to becoming the first person I put on ignore.

Have to be careful here, but you might be closer to the truth than you think...
yeah...well what a surprise that will be to my evangelical christian wife who thinks you are a mental case. Once again Koshergirl has destroyed a very solid debate. I am noticing that whenever you show up the level of conversation goes from intellectual to kindergarten cop. Bring a decent point on the topic of the thread or piss of. I won't respond to anything but that and you are very close to becoming the first person I put on ignore.

Have to be careful here, but you might be closer to the truth than you think...

Like I said earlier. I do honestly think she has some form of mental illness. I don't say that just to flame her. I really think she may by psychotic.

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