Separation of church and state makes him want to throw up

It drops to that level because that's exactly where any conversation that you are involved in belongs. You'll note I didn't say it would be funny to break anyone's arm, or call anyone a whore, or a ****, or do anything except show you up for what you are....

And often the wives are the last to know. Just ask John Gacy's wife. She had corpses under her kitchen floor and had no clue.
yeah...well what a surprise that will be to my evangelical christian wife who thinks you are a mental case. Once again Koshergirl has destroyed a very solid debate. I am noticing that whenever you show up the level of conversation goes from intellectual to kindergarten cop. Bring a decent point on the topic of the thread or piss of. I won't respond to anything but that and you are very close to becoming the first person I put on ignore.

Have to be careful here, but you might be closer to the truth than you think...

Like I said earlier. I do honestly think she has some form of mental illness. I don't say that just to flame her. I really think she may by psychotic.

In fact I am sitting here wondering why I am bothering to try to talk sense to someone I am convinced is clinically insane. Makes no sense really when you think about it. We have an ignore button for a reason. Well....I never thought I would do this but it's time to use it. Not because I disagree with her, but because...I honestly think she is a sociopath and arguing with the insane is a waste of time. I mean rDean and Truthmatters are dumb as stalks of rhubarb but I don't think they are mentally ill. I can't say the same for KG
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Have to be careful here, but you might be closer to the truth than you think...

Like I said earlier. I do honestly think she has some form of mental illness. I don't say that just to flame her. I really think she may by psychotic.

In fact I am sitting here wondering why I am bothering to try to talk sense to someone I am convinced is clinically insane. Makes no sense really when you think about it. We have an ignore button for a reason. Well....I never thought I would do this but it's time to use it. Not because I disagree with her, but because...I honestly think she is a sociopath and arguing with the insane is a waste of time.

Might be a bit OTT. She hates men; hates people who get abortions, and is a fundie Christian.

That tells me her ex probably used to beat the shit out of her; she's had an abortion sometime in the past and feels guilty as hell about it; found a crutch to get her through her miserable life...shrug...
Er, I'm not saying KG and Allie might be the same person, I'm saying they definitely are. It's a fact. Ask her....

If that is the case, then she has definitely changed/moderated since she left the site as Allie.


Actually, she hasn't. She is still the same kook.

I think she probably changed her nick because she had gone OTT on so many occasions that she had lost all credibility. I think she wanted a fresh start, and started out a little bit more mellow. However, there is a thing called Syntax - very hard to change that. Some socks try it (Mani for example). Don't get me wrong, I don't think AB wanted a sock, just the fresh start as stated above.

Unfortunately you can try and take the girl away from the loon, but you can't take the loon outta the girl. It'll rear it's ugly head sooner or later...

Well, if I remember correctly, the skuttlebutt was that Allie left because she felt that someone (I know not whom) had threatened her children and the moderators did nothing about it. I can understand and respect her decision to come back and remain separate from her prior persona if that is what she believed.

KG has neither denied nor confirmed that she is AB. I have seen slight differences in KG's abortion posts and AB's post, but nothing that could not be contrived as attempts to throw people off her trail.

Seems like you are getting more than a fair share of cheap shots, today. My condolences. Seems pretty coordinated.

Come on Intense. Taking something I said completely out of context, removing conditional statements, and posting it in her signature is not a cheap shot? Manipulating an argument that she was losing in an attempt to paint me as a pedophile in order to gain ground on a political point is not a cheap shot? Come on....she's getting everything she deserves.

I wasn't addressing you at all. For the Record I personally do not support Anyone using Quotes from other Members in their Signatures. I don't do it.

Taking things out of context is done all over the Site. Posting Quotes and changing the context, should be flagged. You can shorten quotes if you don't change the message. As a rule, when I quote Someone, I pretty much quote the whole Post, and then break it down beneath. It is a matter of getting it right that counts, in my opinion

What about quoting another poster in your signature and linking to the post?

I don't have a problem with that as long as context is or can be included.

Like I said earlier. I do honestly think she has some form of mental illness. I don't say that just to flame her. I really think she may by psychotic.

In fact I am sitting here wondering why I am bothering to try to talk sense to someone I am convinced is clinically insane. Makes no sense really when you think about it. We have an ignore button for a reason. Well....I never thought I would do this but it's time to use it. Not because I disagree with her, but because...I honestly think she is a sociopath and arguing with the insane is a waste of time.

Might be a bit OTT. She hates men; hates people who get abortions, and is a fundie Christian.

That tells me her ex probably used to beat the shit out of her; she's had an abortion sometime in the past and feels guilty as hell about it; found a crutch to get her through her miserable life...shrug...

I don't hate men or the women who get abortions, and I'm not a fundie.

I despise men who think they deserve props for intimidating women, I despise men who tell women they should get abortions and have no problem with coercing them into it...but that's not most men. That's just you, paulie, boob, BP and a few others.

But I'm not a fundie any way you cut it. That's just lying because, I don't know, maybe you just don't know what a fundamentalist Christian is????
Come on Intense. Taking something I said completely out of context, removing conditional statements, and posting it in her signature is not a cheap shot? Manipulating an argument that she was losing in an attempt to paint me as a pedophile in order to gain ground on a political point is not a cheap shot? Come on....she's getting everything she deserves.

I wasn't addressing you at all. For the Record I personally do not support Anyone using Quotes from other Members in their Signatures. I don't do it.

Taking things out of context is done all over the Site. Posting Quotes and changing the context, should be flagged. You can shorten quotes if you don't change the message. As a rule, when I quote Someone, I pretty much quote the whole Post, and then break it down beneath. It is a matter of getting it right that counts, in my opinion

What about quoting another poster in your signature and linking to the post?

I don't have a problem with that as long as context is or can be included.


Do you know why I don't include the link?

It takes up too much space, and then it gets moderated for taking up more than 10 lines space when only a few lines are the actual quotes. There would be a lot less "out of context" and "linkless" siggies if that rule was modified.
Like I said earlier. I do honestly think she has some form of mental illness. I don't say that just to flame her. I really think she may by psychotic.

In fact I am sitting here wondering why I am bothering to try to talk sense to someone I am convinced is clinically insane. Makes no sense really when you think about it. We have an ignore button for a reason. Well....I never thought I would do this but it's time to use it. Not because I disagree with her, but because...I honestly think she is a sociopath and arguing with the insane is a waste of time.

Might be a bit OTT. She hates men; hates people who get abortions, and is a fundie Christian.

That tells me her ex probably used to beat the shit out of her; she's had an abortion sometime in the past and feels guilty as hell about it; found a crutch to get her through her miserable life...shrug...

Possible. There was a thread she started about forgiveness a couple months ago where she alluded to "a difficult time where she was the victim". Of course everyone attacked her for being a psychopath and want to take a wild guess which poster defended her and tried to help her? :lol: I will give you three but I doubt you will need that many. I stand corrected. They were right. She's a nut.
In fact I am sitting here wondering why I am bothering to try to talk sense to someone I am convinced is clinically insane. Makes no sense really when you think about it. We have an ignore button for a reason. Well....I never thought I would do this but it's time to use it. Not because I disagree with her, but because...I honestly think she is a sociopath and arguing with the insane is a waste of time.

Might be a bit OTT. She hates men; hates people who get abortions, and is a fundie Christian.

That tells me her ex probably used to beat the shit out of her; she's had an abortion sometime in the past and feels guilty as hell about it; found a crutch to get her through her miserable life...shrug...

I don't hate men or the women who get abortions, and I'm not a fundie.

I despise men who think they deserve props for intimidating women, I despise men who tell women they should get abortions and have no problem with coercing them into it...but that's not most men. That's just you, paulie, boob, BP and a few others.

But I'm not a fundie any way you cut it. That's just lying because, I don't know, maybe you just don't know what a fundamentalist Christian is????

I have already stated that on the three occasions where women have wanted to get abortions I have advised against it. I don't know how much more clear I can be.

Oh, rest assured, you are a bona fide religious loon....
Might be a bit OTT. She hates men; hates people who get abortions, and is a fundie Christian.

That tells me her ex probably used to beat the shit out of her; she's had an abortion sometime in the past and feels guilty as hell about it; found a crutch to get her through her miserable life...shrug...

I don't hate men or the women who get abortions, and I'm not a fundie.

I despise men who think they deserve props for intimidating women, I despise men who tell women they should get abortions and have no problem with coercing them into it...but that's not most men. That's just you, paulie, boob, BP and a few others.

But I'm not a fundie any way you cut it. That's just lying because, I don't know, maybe you just don't know what a fundamentalist Christian is????

I have already stated that on the three occasions where women have wanted to get abortions I have advised against it. I don't know how much more clear I can be.

Oh, rest assured, you are a bona fide religious loon....

It doesn't matter if you advised against it. You fight for abortion. That makes you pro-abortion. I've no doubt you don't think the women in YOUR circle should abort...and no, I'm not a bona fide religious loon. Not even close. No more than I'm a fundie. Rest assured.
there are laws which prohibit sex with a minor. hence the warren jeffs conviction.

i dont agree with sharia law, but i respect ones freedom to choose to live that way. now if it leads to a murder that is one thing, any killing of another human based on a religious belief is wrong. whether its a christian belief, muslim belief, or whatever. and we have laws that protect against that. ubtis animal sacrifice ok since its a religious freedom? the state of florida rules it is legal. do you agree with that?

again, why cant you respect someone elses freedom to choose how to live their life even if you disagree with it?
are you the same person who campaigns against gays and their lifestyle? dont they really bother you and affect your life so much that you have to force your beliefs up on them? why not just leave them alone. whatever happened to love thy neighbor?

There is NO place for sharia law in The United States of America..... NONE WHATSOEVER!!

We are all created equal and are to be treated that way.... period end of story.

If you want Sharia, get the fuck out of America!
if there is no place for sharia law, then why do you feel that you need to push the catholic religion on those of us who dont believe in it? sharia law should be protected as a religious freedom as much as Catholicism should be. but you shouldnt be able to force non believers to abide by you beliefs.

i never said i wanted sharia law, but you should be able to respect someone elses beliefs without endorsing them. i dont believe in mormanism, or scientology, but im not gonna tell one of those people they shouldnt. stop being a hypocrite
I have already stated that on the three occasions where women have wanted to get abortions I have advised against it. I don't know how much more clear I can be.

Oh, rest assured, you are a bona fide religious loon....

LOL. I have three children and I have never endorsed abortion...somehow I am a baby killer too I guess. Like I said: psychotic.
If that is the case, then she has definitely changed/moderated since she left the site as Allie.


Actually, she hasn't. She is still the same kook.

I think she probably changed her nick because she had gone OTT on so many occasions that she had lost all credibility. I think she wanted a fresh start, and started out a little bit more mellow. However, there is a thing called Syntax - very hard to change that. Some socks try it (Mani for example). Don't get me wrong, I don't think AB wanted a sock, just the fresh start as stated above.

Unfortunately you can try and take the girl away from the loon, but you can't take the loon outta the girl. It'll rear it's ugly head sooner or later...

Well, if I remember correctly, the skuttlebutt was that Allie left because she felt that someone (I know not whom) had threatened her children and the moderators did nothing about it. I can understand and respect her decision to come back and remain separate from her prior persona if that is what she believed.

KG has neither denied nor confirmed that she is AB. I have seen slight differences in KG's abortion posts and AB's post, but nothing that could not be contrived as attempts to throw people off her trail.


Nobody threatened her children at all.

I had a run in with her where she called my parenting (or something similar - can't remember exact detes) skills into question, so I fired back and she packed a sad to the mods who told her she was being ridiculous. Hell, even a couple of the righties who I lock horns with on political issues took my side....
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there are laws which prohibit sex with a minor. hence the warren jeffs conviction.

i dont agree with sharia law, but i respect ones freedom to choose to live that way. now if it leads to a murder that is one thing, any killing of another human based on a religious belief is wrong. whether its a christian belief, muslim belief, or whatever. and we have laws that protect against that. ubtis animal sacrifice ok since its a religious freedom? the state of florida rules it is legal. do you agree with that?

again, why cant you respect someone elses freedom to choose how to live their life even if you disagree with it?
are you the same person who campaigns against gays and their lifestyle? dont they really bother you and affect your life so much that you have to force your beliefs up on them? why not just leave them alone. whatever happened to love thy neighbor?

There is NO place for sharia law in The United States of America..... NONE WHATSOEVER!!

We are all created equal and are to be treated that way.... period end of story.

If you want Sharia, get the fuck out of America!

i feel the same about people who want to legislate christianity.
I have already stated that on the three occasions where women have wanted to get abortions I have advised against it. I don't know how much more clear I can be.

Oh, rest assured, you are a bona fide religious loon....

LOL. I have three children and I have never endorsed abortion...somehow I am a baby killer too I guess. Like I said: psychotic.

Actually, you have endorsed abortion.

Perhaps you don't know what "endorse" means.
there are laws which prohibit sex with a minor. hence the warren jeffs conviction.

i dont agree with sharia law, but i respect ones freedom to choose to live that way. now if it leads to a murder that is one thing, any killing of another human based on a religious belief is wrong. whether its a christian belief, muslim belief, or whatever. and we have laws that protect against that. ubtis animal sacrifice ok since its a religious freedom? the state of florida rules it is legal. do you agree with that?

again, why cant you respect someone elses freedom to choose how to live their life even if you disagree with it?
are you the same person who campaigns against gays and their lifestyle? dont they really bother you and affect your life so much that you have to force your beliefs up on them? why not just leave them alone. whatever happened to love thy neighbor?

There is NO place for sharia law in The United States of America..... NONE WHATSOEVER!!

We are all created equal and are to be treated that way.... period end of story.

If you want Sharia, get the fuck out of America! :up_yours:

i feel the same about people who want to legislate christianity.

Who would that be? Do you have a link to the legislation where someone is attempting to establish Christianity via the government?
Nobody threatened her children at all.

I had a run in with her where she called my parenting (or something similar - can't remember exact detes) skills, so I fired back and she packed sad to the mods who told her she was being ridiculous. Hell, even a couple of the righties who I lock horns with on political issues took my side....

Shit I am a Republican. Nothing brings the right and left together like Koshergirl. LOL. Maybe we should make her majority whip. :lol:
Actually, she hasn't. She is still the same kook.

I think she probably changed her nick because she had gone OTT on so many occasions that she had lost all credibility. I think she wanted a fresh start, and started out a little bit more mellow. However, there is a thing called Syntax - very hard to change that. Some socks try it (Mani for example). Don't get me wrong, I don't think AB wanted a sock, just the fresh start as stated above.

Unfortunately you can try and take the girl away from the loon, but you can't take the loon outta the girl. It'll rear it's ugly head sooner or later...

Well, if I remember correctly, the skuttlebutt was that Allie left because she felt that someone (I know not whom) had threatened her children and the moderators did nothing about it. I can understand and respect her decision to come back and remain separate from her prior persona if that is what she believed.

KG has neither denied nor confirmed that she is AB. I have seen slight differences in KG's abortion posts and AB's post, but nothing that could not be contrived as attempts to throw people off her trail.


Nobody threatened her children at all.

I had a run in with her where she called my parenting (or something similar - can't remember exact detes) skills, so I fired back and she packed sad to the mods who told her she was being ridiculous. Hell, even a couple of the righties who I lock horns with on political issues took my side....

I'll bet that's exactly what happened, lol...
Free Speech.
Freedom to keep the possessions of your own wallet.
Private Property Rights.
Due Process.

Wow, even supporting your Rights to misrepresent and mischaracterize his positions.
All those items are fiscal, not social.

Of those 5 things only 2 are fiscal. :lol:
Well, Citizens United shows that money is speech. Private property rights qualifies without question. Liberty has been argued by the right as not only the liberty to succeed, but most often the liberty to fail. It has also been interpreted as the liberty to pollute, to exploit and to suppress. Due process, if argued from a tort reformers point of view, is to be bought and paid for up front.

But when we are talking social issues in this context, with the candidate Santorum, we're talking homosexuals, unwed mothers, poor single parent households, your daughter,off at college anticipating Spring break. Anyone who enjoys sex. Anyone who happens to be homosexual. these are the people effected the most by Santorum's repressive ideas on modern morality.

Victorian morals, jazz age morals, atomic age morals, The Pill. So much has come before. Why should government give a damn about what happens in the bedrooms of its citizens?

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