Separation of church and state makes him want to throw up

No links? No legislation?

Stand by for vicious private message!!!

what do you think "personhood laws" are, hon?

they sure aren't secular.

how about efforts to take away reproductive choice and torture women with unnecessary medical procedures if they choose to exercise their rights?

Where has anyone suggested taking away reproductive rights?

Virginia just in the last week or so. Jesus H. Christ.
Santorum: Separation Of Church And State 'Makes Me Want To Throw Up'

Damn that pesky little First Amendment. Its just SO inconvenient to Santorum.

Sadly, there are many rw's who are so dumb, they actually don't realize what this creep is saying.

This is why I really don't see a viable candidate among the Republicans. Are they trying to lose? I don't get it.

Well, at least they're making it a wee bit entertaining.

Maybe he'll come out for witch trials for damned liberal professors.


Silly Wabbit, I'm not defending Santorum by any stretch of the imagination, but it might be a great idea to actually read the quote within the link first. The title of the thread is a tad bit... well, deceitful.


Read? Well, alright--I still think typing is a form of reading. But, if I must. . .

OK, I perused (to use the old tongue) the linked article as well as the wsj article linked therein. I still say obamma has a scratch off lottery ticket in his hand and he's crossing his fingers that when his coin scratches off his winning prize he sees:


Just sayin.

This is why I really don't see a viable candidate among the Republicans. Are they trying to lose? I don't get it.

Well, at least they're making it a wee bit entertaining.

Maybe he'll come out for witch trials for damned liberal professors.


Silly Wabbit, I'm not defending Santorum by any stretch of the imagination, but it might be a great idea to actually read the quote within the link first. The title of the thread is a tad bit... well, deceitful.


Read? Well, alright--I still think typing is a form of reading. But, if I must. . .

OK, I perused (to use the old tongue) the linked article as well as the wsj article linked therein. I still say obamma has a scratch off lottery ticket in his hand and he's crossing his fingers that when his coin scratches off his winning prize he sees:


Just sayin.


Between you me an the internet, I'm not all that convinced he is really concerned about which of the four (Romney, Gingrich, Santorum or Paul) he sees.

I am the eternal pessimist these days.

Between you me an the internet, I'm not all that convinced he is really concerned about which of the four (Romney, Gingrich, Santorum or Paul) he sees.

I am the eternal pessimist these days.


The only one with a fighting chance is Romney..
Well, I am a cynic by nature. I also buy a lotto ticket from time to time. Sometimes, somewhere, somebody wins, right?



There is NO place for sharia law in The United States of America..... NONE WHATSOEVER!!

We are all created equal and are to be treated that way.... period end of story.

If you want Sharia, get the fuck out of America!
if there is no place for sharia law, then why do you feel that you need to push the catholic religion on those of us who dont believe in it? sharia law should be protected as a religious freedom as much as Catholicism should be. but you shouldnt be able to force non believers to abide by you beliefs.

i never said i wanted sharia law, but you should be able to respect someone elses beliefs without endorsing them. i dont believe in mormanism, or scientology, but im not gonna tell one of those people they shouldnt. stop being a hypocrite
Sharia is EVIL.

So is Canon.

Actually neither are evil... but both are very warped and horrible for modern society.
You can't be serious. You bitch about how separation of church and state is a myth, then I and Syphon provide a shitload of SCOTUS case law as you requested to demonstrate "why no it's not a myth" and now you want to split hairs over the definition of purpose and foundation. You're a fucking lunatic KG.
Well done but it’s a waste of time with the radical right and religious fundamentalists. They reject the doctrines of judicial review and the rule of law, making any such effort pointless.
You people think anyone who attends church or believes in God is a radical religious zealot.
Once again, you libs tie your very existence to the all or nothing straw man argument.

NO, I find most Christians these days are rational and do not hold up the Bible as a literal interpretation of what they claim God wants.
But those that hold up the Bible to condemn and persecute others with selective quotes are radicals and foreign to what this country was founded on.
Because you know, Christians are supposed to defame and challenge the bible, and keep their fucking mouths shut.

Otherwise, they're zealots and fundies! Scary!
if there is no place for sharia law, then why do you feel that you need to push the catholic religion on those of us who dont believe in it? sharia law should be protected as a religious freedom as much as Catholicism should be. but you shouldnt be able to force non believers to abide by you beliefs.

i never said i wanted sharia law, but you should be able to respect someone elses beliefs without endorsing them. i dont believe in mormanism, or scientology, but im not gonna tell one of those people they shouldnt. stop being a hypocrite
Sharia is EVIL.

So is Canon.

Actually neither are evil... but both are very warped and horrible for modern society.

wrong sir. Canon is strict, but doesn't champion unconstitutional behavior. IE Catholics don't support honor killings .

They aren't even close to the same thing.
i just heard that some jews want to put some jewish symbols on the legislative buildings in DC. anybody got a problem with that?
i just heard that some jews want to put some jewish symbols on the legislative buildings in DC. anybody got a problem with that?

Yes. Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Zoroastrianist, Shinto...whatever. Religious symbols should not be permanently displayed on government buildings. They are not religious institutes.

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