Sequester's victims


Mar 6, 2013
"Cancer clinics are turning away thousands of Medicare patients. Blame the sequester."
Cancer clinics are turning away thousands of Medicare patients. Blame the sequester.
If you want to see real grass roots movement about to descend on the politicians watch for the people being massively dislocated by the economy killing, budget cutting Congress and our too quick to cut a deal President. The astro-turf Tea Party is about to meet more than it's match in some real ticked off old people and their children!
I'm getting up there myself, and wish ill on no one, but there is a certain irony in the first really significant impact of sequester on people other than govt workers/contractors .... falls on the same folks who turned on the blue dogs in congress in 2010 and flipped the House to the teaparty.
You give the chattering pundits FAR too much credit. The tea party would never have gotten off the ground had a more effective jobs program been put in place and unemployment improving in 2010. Had, also, the massively popular public option been adopted at the same time the paltry and inconsequential mandate 'tax' not been levied the nattering nabobs would have had no compelling reason to hold tea parties. It was blue dogs that brought about their own demise by hewing the disastrous conservative line on the jobs program and the health reform. People care little what pundits say - they do need jobs and deserve a better reform, however. The results of the first 2 years led to 2010 - and those were results the blue dogs had more say in than they could survive.
nah, it was a half black man in the white house who wanted to raise taxes on the 1% and enact national healthcare.

you think old white people in the South will support a jobs program? Not likely.
There are not a lot more old people in the south - though they do tend to be very conservative there.
The new voting restrictions in red states will hurt old people the most. Many have no need for a drivers license or to prove their age. The last vestiges of the old KKK that terrorized the south in the 60's will often be denied a vote in their declining years. How ironic.

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