Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

In his book “The Price of Politics,” veteran journalist Bob Woodward of the Washington Post wrote that it was, in fact, Obama’s then-director of the Office of Management and Budget, Jacob Lew, and White House Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors who brought the idea of sequestration to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid before it was proposed to Republicans in Congress. That is the source of Republican claims that this is “the president’s sequester.” : The ?Obamaquester?

JAY CARNEY: What I will concede is that we were looking and the Republicans were looking for a trigger around which to build a mechanism to get us out of default possibility and the sequester was one of the idea put forward, yes by the president's team. (Special Report, February 12, 2013)
Jay Carney Admits Sequester Was The President's Idea | RealClearPolitics

On Wednesday, White House mouthpiece Jay Carney was forced to admit it was all balderdash, that "No," the sequester would not destroy "hundreds of thousands" of Americans jobs, as Obama claimed, "but there will be job losses."
Double-Talking Obama White House Owns Sequester -

It seems the truth is beyond your comprehension.
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Whom do we believe...

Dante, or Bob Woodward?

The finger-pointing began during the third presidential debate last fall, on Oct. 22, when President Obama blamed Congress. “The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed,” Obama said. “It is something that Congress has proposed.”

The White House chief of staff at the time, Jack Lew, who had been budget director during the negotiations that set up the sequester in 2011, backed up the president two days later.

“There was an insistence on the part of Republicans in Congress for there to be some automatic trigger,” Lew said while campaigning in Florida. It “was very much rooted in the Republican congressional insistence that there be an automatic measure.”

The president and Lew had this wrong. My extensive reporting for my book “[ame=""]The Price of Politics[/ame]” shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.

Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, according to interviews with two senior White House aides who were directly involved."

Bob Woodward: Obama?s sequester deal-changer - The Washington Post
you need to step out from under your rock into the world of light and reality

Surely you jest. Consider the implications of his rhetoric as he raises to paint the most extreme picture in order to make hay out of manufactures crises. You should probably emerge from the cave that has been so hospitable to you. At the current pace, unemployment, massive debt, never ending spending....we are going to be in a profoundly dire situation in a few years. Ignore it at your own peril but this road will cease.
What did GOP leaders and members of Congress say up until only a few weeks ago about the sequester being a serious danger? Most everyone said it was an extreme trigger mechanism that no sane people would allow to go through -- now the GOP and you are totally ignoring what was said a little while ago?

hmmmmmmmmmmmm :eek:

I could care less about the GOP. If we cant trim this pitiful small amount, then we're cooked as a country.
Oh, blow your envy out your ass.

BTW, roads are paid for by fuel taxes, you simp.

Envy? This country worships the rich. Watch TV or go to a movie or listen to some popular music or read a magazine. And what do we get for that worship. Same thing anyone who worships another gets, FUCKED!

Every seen the movie Stargate, the original one.

And who manages the collection and distribution of those fuel taxes? The government works for you and you shit on it.
The fact that you believe the government works for us is so laughable that you should be committed for observation.

I don't know why people like you idolize the government and worship it, nor do I really care. What I do know is that, like the OP, you make noises based upon feelings, like animals in heat. Its just all grunts and thrashing of heads against each other.

It has been shown time and again that we cannot sustain the spending, and that the war imposed to destroy the rich won't help the government. The fact that every time taxes are increased, the money does not go to filling the gap that is the deficit, but to more spending, more bribery and more gift giving for powers sake.

Stop being willing to be bribed. If the middle class cannot survive without government, then they deserve to be extinct.

The same for any class of people. Stand on your own, or get the fuck out of My way.

Committed for observation? I actually have a funny story about that but another time.

The government is not something I worship or idolize. It is God. What are you doing? I am sitting on a couch, met certain specifications set by the government. I am on the Internet, government funded. I am listening to music, FCC. I am drinking coffee, free trade btw. This house is to code. I go get a glass of water, EPA. I walk outside, land used to be owned by Native Americans. Roads go to and from the house. Mailbox at end of driveway. I breath in, again EPA. I pause to think, public education. If that is not the definition of God I don't know what is. It is a God I can agree with and disagree with freely. I can even work to change the nature of God. I can even become one with God. It is not worship and it is not idolization. It is a reverence however. (And now I will struck by lightening.)
Envy? This country worships the rich. Watch TV or go to a movie or listen to some popular music or read a magazine. And what do we get for that worship. Same thing anyone who worships another gets, FUCKED!

Every seen the movie Stargate, the original one.

And who manages the collection and distribution of those fuel taxes? The government works for you and you shit on it.
The fact that you believe the government works for us is so laughable that you should be committed for observation.

I don't know why people like you idolize the government and worship it, nor do I really care. What I do know is that, like the OP, you make noises based upon feelings, like animals in heat. Its just all grunts and thrashing of heads against each other.

It has been shown time and again that we cannot sustain the spending, and that the war imposed to destroy the rich won't help the government. The fact that every time taxes are increased, the money does not go to filling the gap that is the deficit, but to more spending, more bribery and more gift giving for powers sake.

Stop being willing to be bribed. If the middle class cannot survive without government, then they deserve to be extinct.

The same for any class of people. Stand on your own, or get the fuck out of My way.

Committed for observation? I actually have a funny story about that but another time.

The government is not something I worship or idolize. It is God. What are you doing? I am sitting on a couch, met certain specifications set by the government. I am on the Internet, government funded. I am listening to music, FCC. I am drinking coffee, free trade btw. This house is to code. I go get a glass of water, EPA. I walk outside, land used to be owned by Native Americans. Roads go to and from the house. Mailbox at end of driveway. I breath in, again EPA. I pause to think, public education. If that is not the definition of God I don't know what is. It is a God I can agree with and disagree with freely. I can even work to change the nature of God. I can even become one with God. It is not worship and it is not idolization. It is a reverence however. (And now I will struck by lightening.)
what is funny is that you think all on that list you provided is a good thing......amazing.
There is a great deal of talk about how Republican senators have gone off the rails in their opposition to the nomination of former Senator Chuck Hagel to serve as secretary of defense. And there have been some bizarre deviations, with senators making pronouncements based on internet rumors and unfounded speculation.

But none of the fantastical filibustering of the Hagel fight can compare with the delusional dialogue regarding the federal budget.

To hear the billionaire proponents of austerity tell it, America is teetering on the brink of economic ruin. America, we are told, is broke. And the only answer is to “Fix the Debt” with deep spending cuts followed by the radical reordering of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

But America is not broke.

America has broken priorities.

That’s what the billionaire proponents of cuts-at-any-cost economics won’t acknowledge as they advance a “Fix the Debt” agenda that imposes austerity on everyone else, while stacking the deck in their favor.

It is vital to understand that there is an economically and socially viable alternative to austerity cuts. It’s a growth agenda that addresses waste, fraud and abuse while finding new revenues to invest in job creation, education and expansion of access to healthcare.

The growth agenda, as proposed in the “Balancing Act” advanced by leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, asks billionaires to pay their fair share in order to expand employment and opportunities.

The austerity agenda asks everyone but the billionaires to pay: via cuts not just to benefits and services but to jobs.

The anticipated March 1 sequestration, which proposes across-the-board cuts, is an example of austerity.

It continues a two-year-long process of slashing federal programs that are of value to Americans.

But it demands nothing new of billionaires and corporations that are on the winning end of rapidly expanding income inequality.

Sequestration Sacrifices Jobs to Save Billionaire Tax Breaks | The Nation

Sequestration is going to amount to a $44 billion cut in the planned spending for this year. This will result in an increase of spending, and the deficit, over last year. Only an idiot would believe the hype that this is going to cost jobs, or that it is protecting anyone.
This is the new narrative "We don't have a spending problem".

Technically it is correct...Obama has no problem spending and spending and spending and spending.

The problem is paying for all that spending.
The fact that you believe the government works for us is so laughable that you should be committed for observation.

I don't know why people like you idolize the government and worship it, nor do I really care. What I do know is that, like the OP, you make noises based upon feelings, like animals in heat. Its just all grunts and thrashing of heads against each other.

It has been shown time and again that we cannot sustain the spending, and that the war imposed to destroy the rich won't help the government. The fact that every time taxes are increased, the money does not go to filling the gap that is the deficit, but to more spending, more bribery and more gift giving for powers sake.

Stop being willing to be bribed. If the middle class cannot survive without government, then they deserve to be extinct.

The same for any class of people. Stand on your own, or get the fuck out of My way.

Committed for observation? I actually have a funny story about that but another time.

The government is not something I worship or idolize. It is God. What are you doing? I am sitting on a couch, met certain specifications set by the government. I am on the Internet, government funded. I am listening to music, FCC. I am drinking coffee, free trade btw. This house is to code. I go get a glass of water, EPA. I walk outside, land used to be owned by Native Americans. Roads go to and from the house. Mailbox at end of driveway. I breath in, again EPA. I pause to think, public education. If that is not the definition of God I don't know what is. It is a God I can agree with and disagree with freely. I can even work to change the nature of God. I can even become one with God. It is not worship and it is not idolization. It is a reverence however. (And now I will struck by lightening.)
what is funny is that you think all on that list you provided is a good thing......amazing.

Yeah, you laugh while I put some ice on these third degree burns. Got to fix the hole in the roof too. Suppose to snow tonight. ACID SNOW! :wink_2:
There are no cuts from a zero baseline, you liar.


Besides, Obama came up with the Sequestration idea. If anyone has a problem with it, direct complaints to him.

The media has outdone itself lately when it comes to kissing butt.
National debt at the close of the Bush presidency...$10,699,804,864,612.

National debt today, after four years of Obama spending policies...$16,432,730,050,569.

Obama spending? Six trillion dollars.

But Obama's minions claim "we don't have a spending problem"?!?!?!

What we obviously have is an "idiot Obama koolaid drinkers who can't understand basic arithmetic, problem".

$10 trillion debt for the last 200 plus year...$6 trillion additional in just Obama's first four years...
Let's at least give credit for the talk of the sequester where it's due. And cut back on the koolaid, dude.

Obama using his own sequester to fear monger - don't buy into it
As usual, Obama is relying on his media bootlickers to sell the American public the idea that the sequester he created is not only dangerous, but a Republican construct. It's a tactic he's used repeatedly and to great effect: create a problem, pin it on the opposition, and wait for them panic. Eventually, the Republicans always cave because they're terrified of blame.
If they had any backbone GOP members would be out in droves, informing the American people that Obama invented this situation and fought for it repeatedly.
Republicans need to man up, get out in front of this, and remind people that, in the end, slowing the rate at which we grow our national debt is a good thing.
Politics: Obama using his own sequester to fear monger - don't buy into it | CainTV

Who is now drinking the koolaid? I remember back in 2011 after CONGRESS and the SENATE signed off on this bad bill that the President signed it into law. I also remember why he signed it, do you? He signed the damn thing so the US wouldn't default in their debt.

I also remember Tan Man Boner telling the Press after the President signed it how "HE GOT 98%" of what he wanted in this deal. But now this same Tan Man Boner is out in front of the Press telling CLUELESS individuals such as yourself that it's now the "President's Sequester".

Not only that he's telling you that shit while CONGRESS is on FOOKING vacation, so if it was as it is such a big fooking deal, why was CONGRESS on FOOKING VACATION and NOT in session trying to resolve this issue?

But once again the clueless amongst your didn't even realize Congress was on vacation, that they will back on Monday..., but it wouldn't be until TUESDAY before they even begin to look at this, with a DEADLINE looming on THURSDAY and the HAMMER dropping on FRIDAY.

So once again whose drinking the damn koolaid?

Ease back from the bar, quit spitting, and calm down. There is no crisis that needs any immediate solving by congress. The sequestration will not damage any government department, with the possible exception of the Defense Department. You lefties should be cheering any impact on that evil military/industrial complex.

Besides, the House of Representatives have already passed two bills, allowing the President to allocate the cuts to non critical programs. Both bills are sitting idle in the Democrat controlled Senate. Democrats do not want a solution, they want an issue with which to beat up on Republicans.

Of course, the President, like all good liberal/socialists, will do everything in his power to make these insignificant cuts impact the middle class to the maximum extent possible. We know what is coming.
Let's at least give credit for the talk of the sequester where it's due. And cut back on the koolaid, dude.

Obama using his own sequester to fear monger - don't buy into it

Politics: Obama using his own sequester to fear monger - don't buy into it | CainTV

Who is now drinking the koolaid? I remember back in 2011 after CONGRESS and the SENATE signed off on this bad bill that the President signed it into law. I also remember why he signed it, do you? He signed the damn thing so the US wouldn't default in their debt.

I also remember Tan Man Boner telling the Press after the President signed it how "HE GOT 98%" of what he wanted in this deal. But now this same Tan Man Boner is out in front of the Press telling CLUELESS individuals such as yourself that it's now the "President's Sequester".

Not only that he's telling you that shit while CONGRESS is on FOOKING vacation, so if it was as it is such a big fooking deal, why was CONGRESS on FOOKING VACATION and NOT in session trying to resolve this issue?

But once again the clueless amongst your didn't even realize Congress was on vacation, that they will back on Monday..., but it wouldn't be until TUESDAY before they even begin to look at this, with a DEADLINE looming on THURSDAY and the HAMMER dropping on FRIDAY.

So once again whose drinking the damn koolaid?

Ease back from the bar, quit spitting, and calm down. There is no crisis that needs any immediate solving by congress. The sequestration will not damage any government department, with the possible exception of the Defense Department. You lefties should be cheering any impact on that evil military/industrial complex.

Besides, the House of Representatives have already passed two bills, allowing the President to allocate the cuts to non critical programs. Both bills are sitting idle in the Democrat controlled Senate. Democrats do not want a solution, they want an issue with which to beat up on Republicans.

Of course, the President, like all good liberal/socialists, will do everything in his power to make these insignificant cuts impact the middle class to the maximum extent possible. We know what is coming.

You got a link for any of that 'sequestration will not damage any government department"? Because I sure have some hours of testimony form the horse's mouth that it will.
Who is now drinking the koolaid? I remember back in 2011 after CONGRESS and the SENATE signed off on this bad bill that the President signed it into law. I also remember why he signed it, do you? He signed the damn thing so the US wouldn't default in their debt.

I also remember Tan Man Boner telling the Press after the President signed it how "HE GOT 98%" of what he wanted in this deal. But now this same Tan Man Boner is out in front of the Press telling CLUELESS individuals such as yourself that it's now the "President's Sequester".

Not only that he's telling you that shit while CONGRESS is on FOOKING vacation, so if it was as it is such a big fooking deal, why was CONGRESS on FOOKING VACATION and NOT in session trying to resolve this issue?

But once again the clueless amongst your didn't even realize Congress was on vacation, that they will back on Monday..., but it wouldn't be until TUESDAY before they even begin to look at this, with a DEADLINE looming on THURSDAY and the HAMMER dropping on FRIDAY.

So once again whose drinking the damn koolaid?

Ease back from the bar, quit spitting, and calm down. There is no crisis that needs any immediate solving by congress. The sequestration will not damage any government department, with the possible exception of the Defense Department. You lefties should be cheering any impact on that evil military/industrial complex.

Besides, the House of Representatives have already passed two bills, allowing the President to allocate the cuts to non critical programs. Both bills are sitting idle in the Democrat controlled Senate. Democrats do not want a solution, they want an issue with which to beat up on Republicans.

Of course, the President, like all good liberal/socialists, will do everything in his power to make these insignificant cuts impact the middle class to the maximum extent possible. We know what is coming.

You got a link for any of that 'sequestration will not damage any government department"? Because I sure have some hours of testimony form the horse's mouth that it will.

lets see if I can explain it so even you can understand.

lets say that the govt spent 100 in 2012 and planned to spend 110 in 2013, the sequester will only allow them to spend 108 in 2013...........still 8 % more than 2012.

No one will lose their job, the schools will not close, the airports will not be shut down.

NOTHING will happen. They are all lying to you-----all of them from both parties
You have to be a special kind of idiot to call a smaller spending increase a spending cut.
Sequestration, Now Obama suggests the GOP all resign, pack their bags and go home

and of course knowing the GOP has to do what Obama suggests...


Whom do we believe...

Dante, or Bob Woodward?

The finger-pointing began during the third presidential debate last fall, on Oct. 22, when President Obama blamed Congress. “The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed,” Obama said. “It is something that Congress has proposed.”

The White House chief of staff at the time, Jack Lew, who had been budget director during the negotiations that set up the sequester in 2011, backed up the president two days later.

“There was an insistence on the part of Republicans in Congress for there to be some automatic trigger,” Lew said while campaigning in Florida. It “was very much rooted in the Republican congressional insistence that there be an automatic measure.”

The president and Lew had this wrong. My extensive reporting for my book “The Price of Politics” shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.

Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, according to interviews with two senior White House aides who were directly involved."

Bob Woodward: Obama?s sequester deal-changer - The Washington Post

Dante says Obama suggests the GOP follows :rofl:
Surely you jest. Consider the implications of his rhetoric as he raises to paint the most extreme picture in order to make hay out of manufactures crises. You should probably emerge from the cave that has been so hospitable to you. At the current pace, unemployment, massive debt, never ending spending....we are going to be in a profoundly dire situation in a few years. Ignore it at your own peril but this road will cease.
What did GOP leaders and members of Congress say up until only a few weeks ago about the sequester being a serious danger? Most everyone said it was an extreme trigger mechanism that no sane people would allow to go through -- now the GOP and you are totally ignoring what was said a little while ago?

hmmmmmmmmmmmm :eek:

I could care less about the GOP. If we cant trim this pitiful small amount, then we're cooked as a country.

:eek: right wing spin.

It isn't about cutting, it is about how it will be done -- the GOP way , irresponsibly

and the GOP was forced, f-o-r-c-e-d into accepting a suggestion from the President.

In other News Obama has suggested the GOP all resign, pack their bags and go home


"Obama's idea??? Crap.

Time to move the goalpost...

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