Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

What was Mitt Romney's effective tax rate?
Wasn't it like 16 or 17% or something?

Hard to argue that we are "taxing the rich to death"

We all benefited from deficit spending - we should all bear the hardships that righting the ship will cause.

The only thing the rich are going to die from is laughing to death at how far they can drive the ignorant into the ground with their own government.
You're doing of a bang-up job of that without anyone's help.
Jobs are sacrificed so the government can study whether or not goldfish have democracy in aquariums. Americans are just too stupid to realize that obama has a stick up their ass.
No, we all didn't.

Regardless, there are no honest cuts in the sequester...Grow the hell up.

You drive on a road anytime this week? You really don't get it. The rich get the spoils and the rest of use till the soil.
Oh, blow your envy out your ass.

BTW, roads are paid for by fuel taxes, you simp.

Envy? This country worships the rich. Watch TV or go to a movie or listen to some popular music or read a magazine. And what do we get for that worship. Same thing anyone who worships another gets, FUCKED!

Every seen the movie Stargate, the original one.

And who manages the collection and distribution of those fuel taxes? The government works for you and you shit on it.
What was Mitt Romney's effective tax rate?
Wasn't it like 16 or 17% or something?

Hard to argue that we are "taxing the rich to death"

We all benefited from deficit spending - we should all bear the hardships that righting the ship will cause.

The only thing the rich are going to die from is laughing to death at how far they can drive the ignorant into the ground with their own government.
You're doing of a bang-up job of that without anyone's help.

Oh, I am quite sure I can thank you for some of that.
You drive on a road anytime this week? You really don't get it. The rich get the spoils and the rest of use till the soil.
Oh, blow your envy out your ass.

BTW, roads are paid for by fuel taxes, you simp.

Envy? This country worships the rich. Watch TV or go to a movie or listen to some popular music or read a magazine. And what do we get for that worship. Same thing anyone who worships another gets, FUCKED!


And who manages the collection and distribution of those fuel taxes? The government works for you and you shit on it.

Irrelevant to the fact that fuel taxes pay for roads, rather than them being financed from borrowing.

Again, grow the hell up.
There is a great deal of talk about how Republican senators have gone off the rails in their opposition to the nomination of former Senator Chuck Hagel to serve as secretary of defense. And there have been some bizarre deviations, with senators making pronouncements based on internet rumors and unfounded speculation.

But none of the fantastical filibustering of the Hagel fight can compare with the delusional dialogue regarding the federal budget.

To hear the billionaire proponents of austerity tell it, America is teetering on the brink of economic ruin. America, we are told, is broke. And the only answer is to “Fix the Debt” with deep spending cuts followed by the radical reordering of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

But America is not broke.

America has broken priorities.

That’s what the billionaire proponents of cuts-at-any-cost economics won’t acknowledge as they advance a “Fix the Debt” agenda that imposes austerity on everyone else, while stacking the deck in their favor.

It is vital to understand that there is an economically and socially viable alternative to austerity cuts. It’s a growth agenda that addresses waste, fraud and abuse while finding new revenues to invest in job creation, education and expansion of access to healthcare.

The growth agenda, as proposed in the “Balancing Act” advanced by leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, asks billionaires to pay their fair share in order to expand employment and opportunities.

The austerity agenda asks everyone but the billionaires to pay: via cuts not just to benefits and services but to jobs.

The anticipated March 1 sequestration, which proposes across-the-board cuts, is an example of austerity.

It continues a two-year-long process of slashing federal programs that are of value to Americans.

But it demands nothing new of billionaires and corporations that are on the winning end of rapidly expanding income inequality.

Sequestration Sacrifices Jobs to Save Billionaire Tax Breaks | The Nation

And there it is.

All the stimulus money that flooded into government programs during the economic emergency. Now they want to make that astronomical spending permanent after the emergency has passed.

Totally saw that coming.
" The GOP has always prided itself on being unlike the Democrats. That has now become their number one liability. and this explains the differing ways of viewing the sequester fight. "

I'm not seeing the GOP as being all that divided on the sequester issue. Some really don't like the cuts to defense, but they aren't going to accept any more tax increases that the democrats are pushing for. Might be a deal done to allow the transfer of some cuts from one spending pot to another, as long as the overall total doesn't change. That's not an unreasonable deal from a better governance point of view, at least the president could take more money out of the less important spending areas and leave the more vital things untouched or lower cuts.

Question is whether Obama will take that deal if it's offered and gets through Congress.

yes. governing is a process. The President asked for meeting last I heard GOP refused again

Change the diaper dainty, it's full of shit.
Tonight on "The Five" even Bob Beckett admitted that the Sequestor belongs to Obama, but he did through in the cavat that they, meaning Obama and the Press, have managed to make the American People blame the Republicans for it.
Tonight on "The Five" even Bob Beckett admitted that the Sequestor belongs to Obama, but he did through in the cavat that they, meaning Obama and the Press, have managed to make the American People blame the Republicans for it.

The GOP demanded a trigger mechanism. They passed the bill. Why? Obama made them do it? :laugh2:

Main article: Sequestration (law)

As a legal term, sequestration is the seizing of property by an agent of the court, to prevent destruction or harm, while any dispute over said property is resolved in court.

Sequestration was first authorized by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (BBEDCA, Title II of P.L. 99-177). This is known as the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act.[1]

In 2011, sequestration was used in the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA, P.L. 112-25) as a tool in federal budget control.[1] This 2011 act authorized an increase in the debt ceiling in exchange for $2.4 trillion in deficit reduction over the following ten years. This total included $1.2 trillion in spending cuts identified specifically in the legislation, with an additional $1.2 trillion in cuts that were to be determined by a bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives known as the "Super Committee" or officially as the United States Congress Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. The Super Committee failed to reach an agreement. In that event, a trigger mechanism in the bill was activated to implement drastic across-the-board spending reductions known as "sequestration".[2]

On January 31, 2013, the Senate approved and the House passed debt limit bill (H.R. 325) known as No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013 in a 64-to-34 vote.[3] The legislation extends the current borrowing cap of $16.4 trillion through at least May 18, 2013.[4]
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" The GOP has always prided itself on being unlike the Democrats. That has now become their number one liability. and this explains the differing ways of viewing the sequester fight. "

I'm not seeing the GOP as being all that divided on the sequester issue. Some really don't like the cuts to defense, but they aren't going to accept any more tax increases that the democrats are pushing for. Might be a deal done to allow the transfer of some cuts from one spending pot to another, as long as the overall total doesn't change. That's not an unreasonable deal from a better governance point of view, at least the president could take more money out of the less important spending areas and leave the more vital things untouched or lower cuts.

Question is whether Obama will take that deal if it's offered and gets through Congress.

yes. governing is a process. The President asked for meeting last I heard GOP refused again

Change the diaper dainty, it's full of shit.
Doyle McManus: Washington doubles down on the sequester -
By Doyle McManus

February 24, 2013

The sequester, those $85 billion in across-the-board spending cuts scheduled to hit the federal government on March 1, was designed to be stupid.

In 2011, when President Obama proposed the scheme and both parties in Congress embraced it, their thinking was: With a whole year to work on a deal, surely we can figure out a way to avoid a catastrophe.

What Washington did they think they were living in?


White House Uses Air Delays as Budget Prod

“What he was saying is, ‘There’s nothing that I can do to get these folks to come to the table with a balanced approach,’ ” said Gov. Peter Shumlin of Vermont, the chairman of the Democratic Governors Association. “If we’re willing to give millionaires and billionaires more breaks, and take from Americans who are struggling in the middle class, they’re willing to talk. I don’t think any of us are optimistic.”

Mr. LaHood, a former Republican congressman who was drafted as a spokesman partly because of his experience in dealing with Republicans on Capitol Hill, announced at the White House that $600 million in cuts to the Federal Aviation Administration would shut down more than 100 air traffic control towers at small airports in places like Joplin, Mo., and Boca Raton, Fla. He predicted travel delays at major airports in peak periods of up to 90 minutes because of the reduction in flight controllers, and said that as airlines adjusted to federal furloughs, flights were likely to be canceled and schedules changed.

“These are harmful cuts with real-world consequences that will cost jobs and hurt our economy,” Mr. LaHood said.
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Obama did not invent budget sequestration -- The GOP is not a group that ever does anything because Obama suggests it :laugh2: -- The GOP demanded a trigger mechanism for the budget before they would sign onto debt ceiling deal in 2011 -- Obama suggest what GOP did years before, budget sequestration -- GOP jumps on the idea and rams it through Congress

Most all blame when(if) it goes through will fall on GOP
In Senate Benghazi hearings Hillary said..
"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans," Clinton responded, What difference at this point does it make?"
Hillary Clinton, Ron Johnson Engage In Heated Exchange At Benghazi Hearing (VIDEO)

So "what difference at this point doe it make who gets the blame for Sequestration??

Well the problem is JUST LIKE Hillary who complained what's the difference.. Obama is out BLAMING "Sequestration" 800,000 furloughs on a suggestion that HIS STAFF came up with FIRST!!!

SO what is the difference between
(July 12, 2011):
They turned to [White House national economic council director Gene] Sperling for details about a compulsory trigger if they didn’t cut spending or raise taxes in an amount at least equivalent to the debt ceiling increase.
“A trigger would lock in our commitment,” Sperling explained. “Even though we disagree on the composition of how to get to the cuts, it would lock us in. The form of the automatic sequester would punish both sides. We’d have to September to avert any sequester” — a legal obligation to make spending cuts.
“Then we could use a medium or big deal to force tax reform,” Obama said optimistically.

On July 26,2011 at 2:30 p.m. [White House Office of Management Director Jack] Lew and [White House Director of legislative affairs Rob] Nabors went to the Senate to meet with [Senate Majority Leader Harry] Reid and his chief of staff, David Krone.
“We have an idea for the trigger,” Lew said.
“What’s the idea?” Reid asked skeptically.

So if "what's the difference" standard is applied...

WHY is Obama saying
Barack Obama on Monday, October 22nd, 2012
"First of all, the sequester is not something that I've proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed. It will not happen," Obama said. "The budget that we are talking about is not reducing our military spending. It is maintaining it."

Well surprise surprise..
PolitiFact | Barack Obama says Congress owns sequestration cuts

Why would Politifact say Obama can’t rightly say the sequester isn’t his, but he did need cooperation from Congress to get to this point.
We rate the statement Mostly False.

It does matter when Obama/Hillary keep pushing off on others their POLITICAL concerns that become POLICY !
Appeared after the Fiscal Cliff deal:

"800,000 furloughs" does NOT mean 800,000 unemployed people. It means they might have to take one day of unpaid vacation once a month. For federal employees, that means they might only be paid 140% more instead of 150% more than their private sector counterparts.
Deficit Spending, Debt Limit, Sequestration, etc.......we hear the same threats and fears from Democrats over and over again. It's tiresome. Democrats have a spending problem. Every tax increase comes with the promise of cuts in spending or deficit reduction. It never happens. You know Democrats are up against the wall when Hoyer, Pelosi, and Levin are out screaming we have a revenue problem.

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