Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

Appeared after the Fiscal Cliff deal:



"800,000 furloughs" does NOT mean 800,000 unemployed people. It means they might have to take one day of unpaid vacation once a month. For federal employees, that means they might only be paid 140% more instead of 150% more than their private sector counterparts.

talking points will not help the GOP when the people start shouting for a hanging
Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:


You say Obama Congress to "end tax loopholes for the wealthy"? What are these "loopholes" Obama speaks of? What is "wealthy" as defined by Obama?

Finally, how much revenue would the Obama plan generate that would be used to reduce the deficit? Or for that matter, that wouldn't just go towards even more spending by an out of control government?

My questions are simple ones....can you simply answer? No diatribe is necessary, no talking points....just simple answers to simple questions!
Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:


You say Obama Congress to "end tax loopholes for the wealthy"? What are these "loopholes" Obama speaks of? What is "wealthy" as defined by Obama?

Finally, how much revenue would the Obama plan generate that would be used to reduce the deficit? Or for that matter, that wouldn't just go towards even more spending by an out of control government?

My questions are simple ones....can you simply answer? No diatribe is necessary, no talking points....just simple answers to simple questions!

Obama laid it all out during and after the election. don't play games

Obama did not invent budget sequestration -- The GOP is not a group that ever does anything because Obama suggests it :laugh2: -- The GOP demanded a trigger mechanism for the budget before they would sign onto debt ceiling deal in 2011 -- Obama suggest what GOP did years before, budget sequestration -- GOP jumps on the idea and rams it through Congress

Most all blame when(if) it goes through will fall on GOP

Highly doubtful as people are becoming weary of O's crises.
Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:


You say Obama Congress to "end tax loopholes for the wealthy"? What are these "loopholes" Obama speaks of? What is "wealthy" as defined by Obama?

Finally, how much revenue would the Obama plan generate that would be used to reduce the deficit? Or for that matter, that wouldn't just go towards even more spending by an out of control government?

My questions are simple ones....can you simply answer? No diatribe is necessary, no talking points....just simple answers to simple questions!

Obama laid it all out during and after the election. don't play games

Did he now? Really? Well, IF he "laid it all out" it should be quite easy for you, the disciple to repeat for those of us who are uninformed?

My questions were simple ones for anyone with the answers and yet it seems all you wish to do is that the case?

Tell ya what, lets make it easy for me just ONE "specific" proposal Obama "laid out" during the election on a way to get rid of those nasty loopholes for the rich?

Just one now.....

Obama did not invent budget sequestration -- The GOP is not a group that ever does anything because Obama suggests it :laugh2: -- The GOP demanded a trigger mechanism for the budget before they would sign onto debt ceiling deal in 2011 -- Obama suggest what GOP did years before, budget sequestration -- GOP jumps on the idea and rams it through Congress

Most all blame when(if) it goes through will fall on GOP

Highly doubtful as people are becoming weary of O's crises.

you need to step out from under your rock into the world of light and reality
You say Obama Congress to "end tax loopholes for the wealthy"? What are these "loopholes" Obama speaks of? What is "wealthy" as defined by Obama?

Finally, how much revenue would the Obama plan generate that would be used to reduce the deficit? Or for that matter, that wouldn't just go towards even more spending by an out of control government?

My questions are simple ones....can you simply answer? No diatribe is necessary, no talking points....just simple answers to simple questions!

Obama laid it all out during and after the election. don't play games

Did he now? Really? Well, IF he "laid it all out" it should be quite easy for you, the disciple to repeat for those of us who are uninformed?

My questions were simple ones for anyone with the answers and yet it seems all you wish to do is that the case?

Tell ya what, lets make it easy for me just ONE "specific" proposal Obama "laid out" during the election on a way to get rid of those nasty loopholes for the rich?

Just one now.....

Dante didn't write "end tax loopholes for the wealthy"? you did. go back and reread what Dante wrote. Dante wrote "If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?"
Obama did not invent budget sequestration -- The GOP is not a group that ever does anything because Obama suggests it :laugh2: -- The GOP demanded a trigger mechanism for the budget before they would sign onto debt ceiling deal in 2011 -- Obama suggest what GOP did years before, budget sequestration -- GOP jumps on the idea and rams it through Congress

Most all blame when(if) it goes through will fall on GOP

Highly doubtful as people are becoming weary of O's crises.

you need to step out from under your rock into the world of light and reality

Surely you jest. Consider the implications of his rhetoric as he raises to paint the most extreme picture in order to make hay out of manufactures crises. You should probably emerge from the cave that has been so hospitable to you. At the current pace, unemployment, massive debt, never ending spending....we are going to be in a profoundly dire situation in a few years. Ignore it at your own peril but this road will cease.
Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

"Obama has said he wants Congress to end tax loopholes enjoyed mainly by the wealthy to buy lawmakers enough time to pass a budget but Republicans are insisting on deeper spending cuts to reduce the $16 trillion national debt."

What is wrong with closing loopholes for the wealthy? Fair or not, it only makes it look like (or for some people it validates the argument), the GOP is shilling for the wealthy elites.

If the GOP wants cuts to programs let them name the cuts? Obama wanted taxes raise and he named the taxes he wanted raised. Why won't the GOP just be honest and open with the American people, and name the cuts they would hold America hostage for?

The latest game makes it look like they really want to force sequestration, while denying it is what they want to do. This way they get cuts without naming which ones they wanted. They are hedging bets -- betting against the American people, and betting that both parties and the President will share blame with the GOP.

This isn't governing, it's electioneering.:eusa_hand:


You say Obama {wants} Congress to "end tax loopholes for the wealthy"? What are these "loopholes" Obama speaks of? What is "wealthy" as defined by Obama?

Finally, how much revenue would the Obama plan generate that would be used to reduce the deficit? Or for that matter, that wouldn't just go towards even more spending by an out of control government?

My questions are simple ones....can you simply answer? No diatribe is necessary, no talking points....just simple answers to simple questions!

I didn't say that, I quoted Obama saying that. and that is for the Congress to decide but if you want to deny there are tax loopholes that only the supper wealthy can utilize, go ahead..make that case.

How much revenue is irrelevant to the conceptual idea, and anyway conservatives always say when program cuts are mentioned, small or moderate in size doesn't matter as every bit counts.

It is the government's job to s;pend tax money. It's in the US Constitution. :laugh2:
Highly doubtful as people are becoming weary of O's crises.

you need to step out from under your rock into the world of light and reality

Surely you jest. Consider the implications of his rhetoric as he raises to paint the most extreme picture in order to make hay out of manufactures crises. You should probably emerge from the cave that has been so hospitable to you. At the current pace, unemployment, massive debt, never ending spending....we are going to be in a profoundly dire situation in a few years. Ignore it at your own peril but this road will cease.
What did GOP leaders and members of Congress say up until only a few weeks ago about the sequester being a serious danger? Most everyone said it was an extreme trigger mechanism that no sane people would allow to go through -- now the GOP and you are totally ignoring what was said a little while ago?

hmmmmmmmmmmmm :eek:
"800,000 furloughs" does NOT mean 800,000 unemployed people. It means they might have to take one day of unpaid vacation once a month. For federal employees, that means they might only be paid 140% more instead of 150% more than their private sector counterparts.

talking points will not help the GOP when the people start shouting for a hanging
What will you do then, when they come for obama?

If there are to be furloughs and cut jobs, it is because Obama wants them. He is willing to harm the little person to attack his political rivals. When Sequestration happens, the government will still be spending more money then they were prior to sequestration.

No one need lose their job except at the whim of your crazy dictator.
You drive on a road anytime this week? You really don't get it. The rich get the spoils and the rest of use till the soil.
Oh, blow your envy out your ass.

BTW, roads are paid for by fuel taxes, you simp.

Envy? This country worships the rich. Watch TV or go to a movie or listen to some popular music or read a magazine. And what do we get for that worship. Same thing anyone who worships another gets, FUCKED!

Every seen the movie Stargate, the original one.

And who manages the collection and distribution of those fuel taxes? The government works for you and you shit on it.
The fact that you believe the government works for us is so laughable that you should be committed for observation.

I don't know why people like you idolize the government and worship it, nor do I really care. What I do know is that, like the OP, you make noises based upon feelings, like animals in heat. Its just all grunts and thrashing of heads against each other.

It has been shown time and again that we cannot sustain the spending, and that the war imposed to destroy the rich won't help the government. The fact that every time taxes are increased, the money does not go to filling the gap that is the deficit, but to more spending, more bribery and more gift giving for powers sake.

Stop being willing to be bribed. If the middle class cannot survive without government, then they deserve to be extinct.

The same for any class of people. Stand on your own, or get the fuck out of My way.
There is a great deal of talk about how Republican senators have gone off the rails in their opposition to the nomination of former Senator Chuck Hagel to serve as secretary of defense. And there have been some bizarre deviations, with senators making pronouncements based on internet rumors and unfounded speculation.

But none of the fantastical filibustering of the Hagel fight can compare with the delusional dialogue regarding the federal budget.

To hear the billionaire proponents of austerity tell it, America is teetering on the brink of economic ruin. America, we are told, is broke. And the only answer is to “Fix the Debt” with deep spending cuts followed by the radical reordering of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

But America is not broke.

America has broken priorities.

That’s what the billionaire proponents of cuts-at-any-cost economics won’t acknowledge as they advance a “Fix the Debt” agenda that imposes austerity on everyone else, while stacking the deck in their favor.

It is vital to understand that there is an economically and socially viable alternative to austerity cuts. It’s a growth agenda that addresses waste, fraud and abuse while finding new revenues to invest in job creation, education and expansion of access to healthcare.

The growth agenda, as proposed in the “Balancing Act” advanced by leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, asks billionaires to pay their fair share in order to expand employment and opportunities.

The austerity agenda asks everyone but the billionaires to pay: via cuts not just to benefits and services but to jobs.

The anticipated March 1 sequestration, which proposes across-the-board cuts, is an example of austerity.

It continues a two-year-long process of slashing federal programs that are of value to Americans.

But it demands nothing new of billionaires and corporations that are on the winning end of rapidly expanding income inequality.

Sequestration Sacrifices Jobs to Save Billionaire Tax Breaks | The Nation

So to sum things up, your answer to our debt and deficit problems is to spend more money?:confused:
There is a great deal of talk about how Republican senators have gone off the rails in their opposition to the nomination of former Senator Chuck Hagel to serve as secretary of defense. And there have been some bizarre deviations, with senators making pronouncements based on internet rumors and unfounded speculation.

But none of the fantastical filibustering of the Hagel fight can compare with the delusional dialogue regarding the federal budget.

To hear the billionaire proponents of austerity tell it, America is teetering on the brink of economic ruin. America, we are told, is broke. And the only answer is to “Fix the Debt” with deep spending cuts followed by the radical reordering of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

But America is not broke.

America has broken priorities.

That’s what the billionaire proponents of cuts-at-any-cost economics won’t acknowledge as they advance a “Fix the Debt” agenda that imposes austerity on everyone else, while stacking the deck in their favor.

It is vital to understand that there is an economically and socially viable alternative to austerity cuts. It’s a growth agenda that addresses waste, fraud and abuse while finding new revenues to invest in job creation, education and expansion of access to healthcare.

The growth agenda, as proposed in the “Balancing Act” advanced by leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, asks billionaires to pay their fair share in order to expand employment and opportunities.

The austerity agenda asks everyone but the billionaires to pay: via cuts not just to benefits and services but to jobs.

The anticipated March 1 sequestration, which proposes across-the-board cuts, is an example of austerity.

It continues a two-year-long process of slashing federal programs that are of value to Americans.

But it demands nothing new of billionaires and corporations that are on the winning end of rapidly expanding income inequality.

Sequestration Sacrifices Jobs to Save Billionaire Tax Breaks | The Nation

And there it is.

All the stimulus money that flooded into government programs during the economic emergency. Now they want to make that astronomical spending permanent after the emergency has passed.

Totally saw that coming.

Please stop the hyperbole here talking about the government's astronomical spending. That is so false I can't even begin with, do a simple search. This administration is spending less than any other administration in the past DECADES...

But you've been sold this LIE so much and for so long, you don't even know any better. Wise up and lean to stop being fed bullshit and think for yourself.

Please stop spreading that misinformation. This administration has INCREASED spending less than any other administration in decades. But they have still increased spending.
The idiotic OP points to the sad fact that lefties believe we don't have a spending problem and that we can tax our way to prosperity.

We don't have a spending problem, when this administration is spending less than any other administration in decades. As a matter of fact part of the reason the recovery has boomed like it should is because they're NOT spending enough.

Most leading award winning economist have been very critical of this administration for this same reason.

We have a revenue problem, the Government is collecting enough in taxes due to the fact that taxes at one point have been the lowest in 50 years under this administration.

I don't blame you for not knowing better, but I blame you for not thinking for your fooking self and ignoring the plain truths that are out there.
We are borrowing 40 cents for every dollar spent.

We don't have a spending problem? Are you even aware of your surroundings?
Let the sequester happen. Then let all those red state Republicans facing the loss of huge portions of the defense spending gravy train have to bargain with the President in order to get their goodies back.

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