Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

JAY CARNEY: What I will concede is that we were looking and the Republicans were looking for a trigger around which to build a mechanism to get us out of default possibility and the sequester was one of the idea put forward, yes by the president's team. (Special Report, February 12, 2013)
Jay Carney Admits Sequester Was The President's Idea | RealClearPolitics

Shit. I wonder why Obama doesn't just fire Carney.

Heck. I wonder why he didn't just correct him.

Lifted from a post of mine in a different thread.

Which I refuted with this post, which you ignored:

It is a FUCKING BLOG and no trail as to where this 'powerpoint' came from...

idiotic fishing thread

How about even earlier, from the desk of John Boehner?
Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable |

The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
Feel free to slink away.
Industry analysis: FAA cuts under sequester would be costly | Federal Times |
The report, released Monday by the Aerospace Industries Association, presumes that the cuts would force the layoff of almost 1,500 air traffic controllers — nearly 10 percent of the total — and the closing of more than 240 airport control towers around the country. Coupled with projected layoffs of almost 12,000 customs inspectors and Transportation Security Administration screeners, “these cuts would hobble the air transportation system, and leave it unable to support today’s level of civil air travel,” the report says.

Sequester will cost the FAA $1 billion dollars next year. The majority of FAA's expense is personal and a majority of that is flight controllers. You cut the FAA $1 billion there are not going to be as many air traffic controllers. This isn't just whining and crying. This is hard numbers. You do one you get the other. It really is just that simple.

and the GOP was forced, f-o-r-c-e-d into accepting a suggestion from the President.

In other News Obama has suggested the GOP all resign, pack their bags and go home


"Obama's idea??? Crap.

Time to move the goalpost... [IMG[/IMG]"

The goal post has been moved when the GOP decided having sequestration come about was all of a sudden not a bad idea. a few weeks ago they were saying it was bad, and if it is so good why try to blame Obama?

Why would the GOP blame Obama for something the GOP says will amount to nothing?


Who is now drinking the koolaid? I remember back in 2011 after CONGRESS and the SENATE signed off on this bad bill that the President signed it into law. I also remember why he signed it, do you? He signed the damn thing so the US wouldn't default in their debt.

I also remember Tan Man Boner telling the Press after the President signed it how "HE GOT 98%" of what he wanted in this deal. But now this same Tan Man Boner is out in front of the Press telling CLUELESS individuals such as yourself that it's now the "President's Sequester".

Not only that he's telling you that shit while CONGRESS is on FOOKING vacation, so if it was as it is such a big fooking deal, why was CONGRESS on FOOKING VACATION and NOT in session trying to resolve this issue?

But once again the clueless amongst your didn't even realize Congress was on vacation, that they will back on Monday..., but it wouldn't be until TUESDAY before they even begin to look at this, with a DEADLINE looming on THURSDAY and the HAMMER dropping on FRIDAY.

So once again whose drinking the damn koolaid?

Ease back from the bar, quit spitting, and calm down. There is no crisis that needs any immediate solving by congress. The sequestration will not damage any government department, with the possible exception of the Defense Department. You lefties should be cheering any impact on that evil military/industrial complex.

Besides, the House of Representatives have already passed two bills, allowing the President to allocate the cuts to non critical programs. Both bills are sitting idle in the Democrat controlled Senate. Democrats do not want a solution, they want an issue with which to beat up on Republicans.

Of course, the President, like all good liberal/socialists, will do everything in his power to make these insignificant cuts impact the middle class to the maximum extent possible. We know what is coming.

You got a link for any of that 'sequestration will not damage any government department"? Because I sure have some hours of testimony form the horse's mouth that it will.

You shouldn't believe everything you hear from a horse. The $87 Billion cut is less that 2% of the individual budgets, and more than they had to spend last year. Common sense and basic math is all the links you need. The only entity that will be heavily impacted will be the Defense Department, which also took a hefty cut last year. But, $47.5 Billion is less than the cost overruns that they experience on some of their major contracts.
Ease back from the bar, quit spitting, and calm down. There is no crisis that needs any immediate solving by congress. The sequestration will not damage any government department, with the possible exception of the Defense Department. You lefties should be cheering any impact on that evil military/industrial complex.

Besides, the House of Representatives have already passed two bills, allowing the President to allocate the cuts to non critical programs. Both bills are sitting idle in the Democrat controlled Senate. Democrats do not want a solution, they want an issue with which to beat up on Republicans.

Of course, the President, like all good liberal/socialists, will do everything in his power to make these insignificant cuts impact the middle class to the maximum extent possible. We know what is coming.

You got a link for any of that 'sequestration will not damage any government department"? Because I sure have some hours of testimony form the horse's mouth that it will.

You shouldn't believe everything you hear from a horse. The $87 Billion cut is less that 2% of the individual budgets, and more than they had to spend last year. Common sense and basic math is all the links you need. The only entity that will be heavily impacted will be the Defense Department, which also took a hefty cut last year. But, $47.5 Billion is less than the cost overruns that they experience on some of their major contracts.

:link: :link: :link:

I realize it sounded great when you heard it and reaffirmed all your beliefs but you care to say where you heard that or a link to where you read that?
obama should just give it up, take off what little mask he has left and order the immediate arrest of all republicans in government. Then he can offer Americans the chance to convert or join them.
Who is now drinking the koolaid? I remember back in 2011 after CONGRESS and the SENATE signed off on this bad bill that the President signed it into law. I also remember why he signed it, do you? He signed the damn thing so the US wouldn't default in their debt.

I also remember Tan Man Boner telling the Press after the President signed it how "HE GOT 98%" of what he wanted in this deal. But now this same Tan Man Boner is out in front of the Press telling CLUELESS individuals such as yourself that it's now the "President's Sequester".

Not only that he's telling you that shit while CONGRESS is on FOOKING vacation, so if it was as it is such a big fooking deal, why was CONGRESS on FOOKING VACATION and NOT in session trying to resolve this issue?

But once again the clueless amongst your didn't even realize Congress was on vacation, that they will back on Monday..., but it wouldn't be until TUESDAY before they even begin to look at this, with a DEADLINE looming on THURSDAY and the HAMMER dropping on FRIDAY.

So once again whose drinking the damn koolaid?

Ease back from the bar, quit spitting, and calm down. There is no crisis that needs any immediate solving by congress. The sequestration will not damage any government department, with the possible exception of the Defense Department. You lefties should be cheering any impact on that evil military/industrial complex.

Besides, the House of Representatives have already passed two bills, allowing the President to allocate the cuts to non critical programs. Both bills are sitting idle in the Democrat controlled Senate. Democrats do not want a solution, they want an issue with which to beat up on Republicans.

Of course, the President, like all good liberal/socialists, will do everything in his power to make these insignificant cuts impact the middle class to the maximum extent possible. We know what is coming.

You got a link for any of that 'sequestration will not damage any government department"? Because I sure have some hours of testimony form the horse's mouth that it will.

Tell you what, let's conduct an experiment, and make a bet on the outcome.

Let's go through the sequester and find out how bad it is, if it turns out to be a major disaster I will leave the board, if it turns out to be much ado about nothing you will.

Care to go for it?
Ease back from the bar, quit spitting, and calm down. There is no crisis that needs any immediate solving by congress. The sequestration will not damage any government department, with the possible exception of the Defense Department. You lefties should be cheering any impact on that evil military/industrial complex.

Besides, the House of Representatives have already passed two bills, allowing the President to allocate the cuts to non critical programs. Both bills are sitting idle in the Democrat controlled Senate. Democrats do not want a solution, they want an issue with which to beat up on Republicans.

Of course, the President, like all good liberal/socialists, will do everything in his power to make these insignificant cuts impact the middle class to the maximum extent possible. We know what is coming.

You got a link for any of that 'sequestration will not damage any government department"? Because I sure have some hours of testimony form the horse's mouth that it will.

lets see if I can explain it so even you can understand.

lets say that the govt spent 100 in 2012 and planned to spend 110 in 2013, the sequester will only allow them to spend 108 in 2013...........still 8 % more than 2012.

No one will lose their job, the schools will not close, the airports will not be shut down.

NOTHING will happen. They are all lying to you-----all of them from both parties

I can't even figure out why the Republicans are on the bandwagon, it just helps Obama.
Congress passed sequestration before the president signed it, and the whole self-defeating exercise was carried out in response to Tea Party Republicans’ insistence that we play chicken with the debt ceiling, which ultimately cost America its AAA credit rating.

But here’s the thing. I happened to come across an old email that throws cold water on House Republicans’ attempts to call this “Obama’s Sequester.”

It’s a PowerPoint presentation that Boehner’s office developed with the Republican Policy Committee and sent out to the Capitol Hill GOP on July 31, 2011. Intended to explain the outline of the proposed debt deal, the presentation is titled: “Two Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable.”

It’s essentially an internal sales document from the old dealmaker Boehner to his unruly and often unreasonable Tea Party cohort. But it’s clear as day in the presentation that “sequestration” was considered a cudgel to guarantee a reduction in federal spending—the conservatives’ necessary condition for not having America default on its obligations.

The presentation lays out the deal in clear terms, describing the spending backstop as “automatic across-the-board cuts (‘sequestration’). Same mechanism used in 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.”
The PowerPoint That Proves It?s Not Obama?s Sequester After All - The Daily Beast

The old ways of the GOP playing fast and loose with important matters are over. Time for the GOP to grow up and also for the GOP to be held to account for Congressional actions under their leadership

does that apply to Reid and Pelosi and the rest of the dems? Does it apply to Reid for not allowing a single house passed budget bill to come to the floor of the senate for debate or vote? Does it apply to obama when he said he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term and would close Gitmo by 2010?

Tell me Dante, does accountability apply to everyone in DC or only to republicans?
You got a link for any of that 'sequestration will not damage any government department"? Because I sure have some hours of testimony form the horse's mouth that it will.

lets see if I can explain it so even you can understand.

lets say that the govt spent 100 in 2012 and planned to spend 110 in 2013, the sequester will only allow them to spend 108 in 2013...........still 8 % more than 2012.

No one will lose their job, the schools will not close, the airports will not be shut down.

NOTHING will happen. They are all lying to you-----all of them from both parties

I can't even figure out why the Republicans are on the bandwagon, it just helps Obama.

I can't either, if it was up to me I would fire every damn one of them from both parties.
Jay Carney Admits Sequester Was The President's Idea | RealClearPolitics

Shit. I wonder why Obama doesn't just fire Carney.

Heck. I wonder why he didn't just correct him.

Lifted from a post of mine in a different thread.

Which I refuted with this post, which you ignored:

It is a FUCKING BLOG and no trail as to where this 'powerpoint' came from...

idiotic fishing thread

How about even earlier, from the desk of John Boehner?
Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable |

The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
Feel free to slink away.

I didn't check back in that thread so you might have already answered this, did you call the Secret Service and tell them that Boehner is using illegal psychic powers to control Obama? Did he manage to take them over also before they could do anything? Are they going to assassinate both Obama and Biden to get Boehner into office?
Industry analysis: FAA cuts under sequester would be costly | Federal Times |
The report, released Monday by the Aerospace Industries Association, presumes that the cuts would force the layoff of almost 1,500 air traffic controllers — nearly 10 percent of the total — and the closing of more than 240 airport control towers around the country. Coupled with projected layoffs of almost 12,000 customs inspectors and Transportation Security Administration screeners, “these cuts would hobble the air transportation system, and leave it unable to support today’s level of civil air travel,” the report says.
Sequester will cost the FAA $1 billion dollars next year. The majority of FAA's expense is personal and a majority of that is flight controllers. You cut the FAA $1 billion there are not going to be as many air traffic controllers. This isn't just whining and crying. This is hard numbers. You do one you get the other. It really is just that simple.

It will not.
The conservative Republican's 'sequester' plan, by another name, came out in June 2011.

It was called cut, cap, and balance (oh yeah now you remember)

and proposed to cut the deficit in half in one year, a cut of about 381 billion.

Cut, Cap, and Balance | Republican Study Committee (RSC)
Don't forget this bill a month earlier.

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Returning to Responsible Fiscal Policies Act


`(a) Enforcing GDP Outlay Limits- In this section, the term `GDP outlay limit' means an amount, as estimated by OMB, equal to--
`(1) the average GDP for the first 5 of the 6 fiscal years preceding the target fiscal year; multiplied by
`(2) 23 percent for fiscal year 2012; 22 percent for fiscal year 2013; 21 percent for fiscal year 2014; 19.5 percent for fiscal year 2015; and 18 percent for fiscal year 2016 and each subsequent fiscal year.
`(b) GDP Outlay Limit and Outlays-
`(1) DETERMINING THE GDP OUTLAY LIMIT- The Office of Management and Budget shall estimate the GDP outlay limit for the target fiscal year at the outset of the previous fiscal year, on April 30, on August 20, and 15 days after the conclusion of the fiscal year. CBO shall provide advisory reports calculating the GDP outlay limit at identical times.
`(2) TOTAL FEDERAL OUTLAYS- In this section, total Federal outlays shall include all on-budget and off-budget outlays.
`© Sequestration-
`(A) EXCESS SPENDING- Not later than 45 calendar days after the beginning of a fiscal year, OMB shall conduct a sequestration to eliminate the excess outlay amount.
and the GOP was forced, f-o-r-c-e-d into accepting a suggestion from the President.

In other News Obama has suggested the GOP all resign, pack their bags and go home


"Obama's idea??? Crap.

Time to move the goalpost... [IMG[/IMG]"

The goal post has been moved when the GOP decided having sequestration come about was all of a sudden not a bad idea. a few weeks ago they were saying it was bad, and if it is so good why try to blame Obama?

Why would the GOP blame Obama for something the GOP says will amount to nothing?



Uhhhh, obama said it was the right thing to do last year, and now he is saying it would completely destroy modern civilization. So who is the hypocrite?

"Obama's idea??? Crap.

Time to move the goalpost... [IMG[/IMG]"

The goal post has been moved when the GOP decided having sequestration come about was all of a sudden not a bad idea. a few weeks ago they were saying it was bad, and if it is so good why try to blame Obama?

Why would the GOP blame Obama for something the GOP says will amount to nothing?



Uhhhh, obama said it was the right thing to do last year, and now he is saying it would completely destroy modern civilization. So who is the hypocrite?

Well, let's be fair. MAYBE Obama meant that it is the right thing to do to destroy modern civilization.

I'm sure he means American civilization, though.
Industry analysis: FAA cuts under sequester would be costly | Federal Times |
The report, released Monday by the Aerospace Industries Association, presumes that the cuts would force the layoff of almost 1,500 air traffic controllers — nearly 10 percent of the total — and the closing of more than 240 airport control towers around the country. Coupled with projected layoffs of almost 12,000 customs inspectors and Transportation Security Administration screeners, “these cuts would hobble the air transportation system, and leave it unable to support today’s level of civil air travel,” the report says.

Sequester will cost the FAA $1 billion dollars next year. The majority of FAA's expense is personal and a majority of that is flight controllers. You cut the FAA $1 billion there are not going to be as many air traffic controllers. This isn't just whining and crying. This is hard numbers. You do one you get the other. It really is just that simple.

The FAA is part of the Department of Transportation, and is only a small part, budget wise. About $9.5 Billion compared to the Highway administration budget of about $73 Billion. The DOT is taking a cut of $1.2 Billion, so why would they be taking the vast majority of that cut out of the FAA? Because that will make the largest impact on the people who use the airports.

Perhaps, the FAA could just cut $600 million out of the $2.4 Billion it gets for airport grants. That way, no FAA controllers would be furloughed.

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