Serial Liar Hillary now contradicting FBI Director in Fox Interview

Most of those hard working class Republicans, Independents and a few Democrats finally realized that the establishment was helping everyone but the working class.
Maybe but they are still voting republican. Liberals have been saying that the system is rigged forever and un-rigging it has long been part of their platform. Now the Donald hijacks that message and all the sudden it's not wealth envy? What an obvious steaming pile of bait-and-switch Trump has for you people.

when did democrats complain about a rigged system? Their whole process was shown to be rigged there is absolutely no denying that fact. The democrats invented rigging an election with the KKK and they have not stopped since.

Apparently the only time they complain about rigged elections is when they THINK someone else is doing the rigging.
I said liberals, not Democrats. There have been evil people of both parties that has finagled the system and they have been conservatives. Liberals fought for every advance in democracy since only white, male, protestant landowners could vote. Every step of the way there have been conservatives trying to keep economic and political power in the hands of the few.
You mean liberals....
Explain yourself troll. No conservative ever thought sweeping change in the voting demographic was a good thing.
You mean liberals...
Maybe but they are still voting republican. Liberals have been saying that the system is rigged forever and un-rigging it has long been part of their platform. Now the Donald hijacks that message and all the sudden it's not wealth envy? What an obvious steaming pile of bait-and-switch Trump has for you people.

when did democrats complain about a rigged system? Their whole process was shown to be rigged there is absolutely no denying that fact. The democrats invented rigging an election with the KKK and they have not stopped since.

Apparently the only time they complain about rigged elections is when they THINK someone else is doing the rigging.
I said liberals, not Democrats. There have been evil people of both parties that has finagled the system and they have been conservatives. Liberals fought for every advance in democracy since only white, male, protestant landowners could vote. Every step of the way there have been conservatives trying to keep economic and political power in the hands of the few.
You mean liberals....
Explain yourself troll. No conservative ever thought sweeping change in the voting demographic was a good thing.
You mean liberals...
Shove the stupid trolling up your trolling ass you fucking troll. Answer like you have an actual opinion or STFU.
when did democrats complain about a rigged system? Their whole process was shown to be rigged there is absolutely no denying that fact. The democrats invented rigging an election with the KKK and they have not stopped since.

Apparently the only time they complain about rigged elections is when they THINK someone else is doing the rigging.
I said liberals, not Democrats. There have been evil people of both parties that has finagled the system and they have been conservatives. Liberals fought for every advance in democracy since only white, male, protestant landowners could vote. Every step of the way there have been conservatives trying to keep economic and political power in the hands of the few.
You mean liberals....
Explain yourself troll. No conservative ever thought sweeping change in the voting demographic was a good thing.
You mean liberals...
Shove the stupid trolling up your trolling ass you fucking troll. Answer like you have an actual opinion or STFU.
Yes, we clearly understand.....
The BITCH can't help herself.. All she knows is lying.. I'm willing to bet she even lies in her fucking dreams.

Hillary Contradicts FBI’s Comey on Email Scandal — Claims Emails In Question Were Classified ‘Retroactively

Hillary Contradicts FBI's Comey on Email Scandal - Claims Emails In Question Were Classified 'Retroactively' - Breitbart

The State Department backs her up!

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time.

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time

WTF is the daily News Bin?? You and your Horseshit links, anything to make excuses for this criminal.. So you're saying the News Bin is telling the truth and James Comey is a liar? And if he's a liar, does that mean he's lying also that she shouldn't be charged? You leftist nitwits can't have it both ways

Face facts, Hillary has been cleared...

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails

We know she was cleared, why in the hell does she still need to continue to lie? She is really stupid, she has to lie. LMAO! That is why she is the least trusted of the two major candidates.

What is she lying about? Please provide "credible" sources that can be verified as factual.

It's a video, are you saying the video has been doctored? Come on you are that stupid, wait maybe you are.

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I wish Attorney General Loretta Lynch would instruct FBI Director Comey to provide an updated statement on Hillary's emails. My understanding is that the State Department launched a second investigation that found that NONE of Hillary's emails were marked classified at the time they were sent or received. NONE. It is also my understanding that Hillary asked NSA for a secure phone for email when she first took office, but was turned down. This confusion needs to be cleared up.
The State Department backs her up!

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time.

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time

WTF is the daily News Bin?? You and your Horseshit links, anything to make excuses for this criminal.. So you're saying the News Bin is telling the truth and James Comey is a liar? And if he's a liar, does that mean he's lying also that she shouldn't be charged? You leftist nitwits can't have it both ways

Face facts, Hillary has been cleared...

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails

We know she was cleared, why in the hell does she still need to continue to lie? She is really stupid, she has to lie. LMAO! That is why she is the least trusted of the two major candidates.

What is she lying about? Please provide "credible" sources that can be verified as factual.
Comey, head of the FBI, under oath, declared all of those, which she is lying about now. Only an idiot would take Hillary's word over Comey's.

Well you'd be surprised.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
If you people had not nominated such an incredibly terrible candidate, the democrat's somewhat less terrible candidate might have something to worry about.
Honestly, Trump winning the nomination is the one thing that makes me suspect that there's some seriously underhanded shit going on :laugh:
Well, considering the fact that a hacker showed that underhanded shit was going on with Hillary's candidacy, you don't have to suspect anything. Your paranoid delusions about Trump notwithstanding.
If you people had not nominated such an incredibly terrible candidate, the democrat's somewhat less terrible candidate might have something to worry about.
Honestly, Trump winning the nomination is the one thing that makes me suspect that there's some seriously underhanded shit going on :laugh:
Not to me. It's totally clear. There is nothing underhanded, the RNC lost control of their party because they somehow underestimated the stupidity of the average working class republican.'s because they have stabbed us in the back. However, on the Democrat side they haven't underestimated the stupidity of the average Democrat voter. They count on it.
Mud, you nailed it on the head. The media has already proven that it is neck-deep in the tank for Hillary this election. Libs want to talk about how 'Russia is engaged in trying to effect the outcome of our election', but they KNOWINGLY, WILLINGLY ignore not only the facts regarding the DNC and Hillary but to the blatant attempt by the media to help determine the outcome of this election.

Only in irrational denial can liberals ignore or defend the criminal, national security/law-violating, and despicable racist activity of both Hillary and the DNC.

The Director of the FBI testified under oath, declaring Hillary perjured herself, used an unauthorized un-encrypted server and multiple such devices as Secretary of state, violating rules, regulations, and the law while jeopardizing our national security.

Comey revealed Hillary had NOT turned over all State Department-related e-mails and documents as REQUIRED BY THE LAW, which the State Department CONFIRMED. Hillary, therefore BROKE THE LAW - the FOIA, the Federal Records Act, and the Espionage Act, based on her obvious attempt to lie, deceive, and destroy evidence.

Comey testified that Hillary DID in fact both send and receive materials that were not only marked classified but were also highly classified - so classified, according to the WH, that none of it could be released to the public without causing extremely grave damage to our national security.

Her IT Specialist testified under oath and revealed that her server was hacked TWICE before, to the point where he was forced to shut off the system in HOPES he could stop the hacking. (We now know he was not completely successful, that hackers did obtain records from her illegal server.

During this entire debacle Hillary violated many other laws, such as the mishandling, illegal storage, illegal transfer, illegal destruction of classified to name a few. She used her own illegal, unsecured server, gave persons without appropriate Security Clearances access to Top Secret Compartmentalized information, such as the small IT company that housed her server in their highly unsecured BATHROOM, her own IT Specialist, and even her lawyer. Hillary had possession of highly classified information, to include Compartmentalized information, after she had resigned from the State Department, which by law she was not supposed to have. She was 'read-out' of those programs prior to leaving the State Department so having any such material in her personal possession was a CRIME.


Despite these blatant crimes, testified to and confirmed by the FBI and State Department, Hillary's 'zombie' followers still seek to defend her criminal and national security-threatening criminal behavior.

Even after this the FBI has now said that they warned Hillary that her server and campaign server was susceptible to being hacked by the Russians AGAIN...and she ignored them and refused to cooperate with them. So the Russians hacked the DNC's computers AND HILLARY'S...a THIRD TIME...proving she can't protect her own filed let alone this country.

Hillary argued in 2008 that SHE was the person to call at 2am to protect American Lives and to protect this country. Since than she has sides with Al Qaeida and helped them take over their own country. She needlessly got 4 Americans killed, went into hiding when she got that 2am phone call, and lied to save her own ass. She has also endangered our national security in order to operate as Secretary of State outside the law and oversight of the people and government.

She has proved she is the LAST person that can be trusted when something is going wrong...or right...because, for her own personal gain/survival, she has thrown Americans and our national security under the proverbial bus.

Yet, despite all the evidence, Liberals still support this treasonous, lying, deceitful, terrorist-supporting, criminal.

As if all of this was not enough, while this lying bitch claims to be a 'victim' of Russian hacking it has come to light now that the Clinton Foundation is connected to Russia, specifically in helping acquire investors / backers in funding RUSSIAN MILITARY WEAPONS RESEARCH. This is AFTER Sect of State Clinton sold 1/5th of the US supply of Uranium to her 'buddies', the Russians, AFTER Sect of State Clinton was caught and stopped from trying to sell the Russians several of the Aleutian Islands, to include their mineral rights.

At the worst Hillary was working with the Russians against the best interest of the United States, which constitutes TREASON, At the very best, after her naïve and extremely amateurish presentation of the 'Rest Button' to the Russians they took advantage, used, and abused Hillary Clinton, 'taking' her for 20% of the US' Uranium Supply, for (almost) several Aleutian Islands, for national security secrets, and Southern Ukraine.

Criminal, Incompetent / stupid ('un-sophisticated' according to Comey and 'often confused' according to her own staff), or both, Hillary has proven she is anything BUT ready and capable of being President!
The BITCH can't help herself.. All she knows is lying.. I'm willing to bet she even lies in her fucking dreams.

Hillary Contradicts FBI’s Comey on Email Scandal — Claims Emails In Question Were Classified ‘Retroactively

Hillary Contradicts FBI's Comey on Email Scandal - Claims Emails In Question Were Classified 'Retroactively' - Breitbart

The State Department backs her up!

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time.

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time

WTF is the daily News Bin?? You and your Horseshit links, anything to make excuses for this criminal.. So you're saying the News Bin is telling the truth and James Comey is a liar? And if he's a liar, does that mean he's lying also that she shouldn't be charged? You leftist nitwits can't have it both ways

Face facts, Hillary has been cleared...

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails

That's a year old and it was obama's mouthpiece speaking, not the FBI. Nitwit!
If you people had not nominated such an incredibly terrible candidate, the democrat's somewhat less terrible candidate might have something to worry about.
Honestly, Trump winning the nomination is the one thing that makes me suspect that there's some seriously underhanded shit going on :laugh:
Not to me. It's totally clear. There is nothing underhanded, the RNC lost control of their party because they somehow underestimated the stupidity of the average working class republican.
Which, of course, has nothing whatsoever to do with Hillary's continued deceptions.
The BITCH can't help herself.. All she knows is lying.. I'm willing to bet she even lies in her fucking dreams.

Hillary Contradicts FBI’s Comey on Email Scandal — Claims Emails In Question Were Classified ‘Retroactively

Hillary Contradicts FBI's Comey on Email Scandal - Claims Emails In Question Were Classified 'Retroactively' - Breitbart

The State Department backs her up!

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time.

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time

Which is totally irrelevant, as Hillary was trained and responsible to so mark and properly handle classified information when she came upon it.
The BITCH can't help herself.. All she knows is lying.. I'm willing to bet she even lies in her fucking dreams.

Hillary Contradicts FBI’s Comey on Email Scandal — Claims Emails In Question Were Classified ‘Retroactively

Hillary Contradicts FBI's Comey on Email Scandal - Claims Emails In Question Were Classified 'Retroactively' - Breitbart

The State Department backs her up!

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time.

State Dept confirms FBI got it wrong, none of Hillary Clinton’s emails were classified at the time

WTF is the daily News Bin?? You and your Horseshit links, anything to make excuses for this criminal.. So you're saying the News Bin is telling the truth and James Comey is a liar? And if he's a liar, does that mean he's lying also that she shouldn't be charged? You leftist nitwits can't have it both ways

Face facts, Hillary has been cleared...

Justice Department rules Hillary Clinton followed law in deleting emails

We know she was cleared, why in the hell does she still need to continue to lie? She is really stupid, she has to lie. LMAO! That is why she is the least trusted of the two major candidates.

"WE," don't know she was cleared. She was let off is more like it. Comey knew that lynch would never prosecute her that just never was in the cards. She wasn't cleared she was given special treatment because of her royalty status.
Comey said, a few of the emails were marked classified in his press conference giving a very bad impression to the public...

But then in the hearing the next day, he had to clarify, and he said 3 emails had partial markings, that were within the body of the text, (and not at the header level of the email), indicating they were lowest level of classified, and if you were code savvy, it could have been caught...even though they were improperly marked without the Classified header. This alone proved that Hillary did NOT LIE when she said she did not mail or receive emails that were marked Classified...having a small marking in the text of the email is NOT the proper way to mark classified email and could have been missed by most people without the proper Header markings.

AND it turns out those 3 that had partial markings were NOT classified, even at the lowest level of Classified, they were not Classified emails at all..the 3 were emails from Hillary's appointment assistant, trying to set up times for phone calls with her Diplomats.

So, you all are the liars, by calling Hillary a liar on this, she didn't lie on matter how badly you want it to be true.

And she did not lie about not wanting to use multiple devices to keep her personal emails private, when first questioned on why she set up the server, though it was an utterly ridiculous excuse...

Comey indicated in his press conference that she used multiple devices, but what Comey was talking about is her having more than one server over the 4 years, that servers were upgraded over the four years....

that's what Comey is calling 'multiple devices', he was not saying she used two blackberry phones at the same time, which is what she was talking about when first questioned by the press about why she set up the I have said, Comey was saying she used multiple devices over the 4 years, BUT NOT multiple devices at the same time...ala, multiple phones, or multiple servers running simultaneously.
The only way that is credible is if you accept the Clinton SOP, which is to change the story every time the original statement is shown to be a lie. Remember, Hillary's FIRST statement was that she had no classified information on her server AT ALL. THAT was a flat out lie, and only by ignoring it can anyone even try to say that she did not lie. Now, the next iteration, that she didn't have information marked classified AT THE TIME is not even a defense. She was Secretary of State, trained and responsible to mark information classified and handle it properly. She did not.
I wish Attorney General Loretta Lynch would instruct FBI Director Comey to provide an updated statement on Hillary's emails. My understanding is that the State Department launched a second investigation that found that NONE of Hillary's emails were marked classified at the time they were sent or received. NONE. It is also my understanding that Hillary asked NSA for a secure phone for email when she first took office, but was turned down. This confusion needs to be cleared up.
Again, she was Sec State. She was trained and responsible to mark information classified.
Comey said, a few of the emails were marked classified in his press conference giving a very bad impression to the public...

But then in the hearing the next day, he had to clarify, and he said 3 emails had partial markings, that were within the body of the text, (and not at the header level of the email), indicating they were lowest level of classified, and if you were code savvy, it could have been caught...even though they were improperly marked without the Classified header. This alone proved that Hillary did NOT LIE when she said she did not mail or receive emails that were marked Classified...having a small marking in the text of the email is NOT the proper way to mark classified email and could have been missed by most people without the proper Header markings.

AND it turns out those 3 that had partial markings were NOT classified, even at the lowest level of Classified, they were not Classified emails at all..the 3 were emails from Hillary's appointment assistant, trying to set up times for phone calls with her Diplomats.

So, you all are the liars, by calling Hillary a liar on this, she didn't lie on matter how badly you want it to be true.

And she did not lie about not wanting to use multiple devices to keep her personal emails private, when first questioned on why she set up the server, though it was an utterly ridiculous excuse...

Comey indicated in his press conference that she used multiple devices, but what Comey was talking about is her having more than one server over the 4 years, that servers were upgraded over the four years....

that's what Comey is calling 'multiple devices', he was not saying she used two blackberry phones at the same time, which is what she was talking about when first questioned by the press about why she set up the I have said, Comey was saying she used multiple devices over the 4 years, BUT NOT multiple devices at the same time...ala, multiple phones, or multiple servers running simultaneously.

the not marked excuse is just an excuse. Doesn't matter if they were marked classified or not or even if they were, which they were not, classified later.

Her actions put CIA agents lives in danger.

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