Serious Question about girl I know saying something to me


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
I have known her for over 10 years, strictly as my Dr. office's assistant. She is 37, I'm 41. I'm single, no kids, she is single, one daughter of about 13?

My ? is this- recently she has been winking and smiling at me while in the Dr.'s chair...but I'm not sure if she is just being flirty or actually likes me. I have been out of the dating game for over 10 years!

My other question is last week she had said to me as we were talking about rel.'s- she said (after we agreed on a few things)- that "You are a guy version of me".

Now I have heard this could be understood as a very good thing or a friends zone thing, so in your guys'; opinion, with this little bit of info, which do you think is it? We have never hung out outside of her work, except I did visit her one night last year at her bartending job for just one beer, but nothing ever was said or happened as to anything about us.

thx. Would like girl's honest opinions esp.
I have a sixth sense she does like me but I cannot imagine a girl, who is fairly attractive- even if she is a single mom (no offense) go for a guy who is out of shape, broke and is missing several teeth:) Just being honest. To my "defense" I am very funny, tall, dark and handsome; as well as educated. I do not drink or smoke or do drugs- and she knows this.

I'm hoping she is into the deeper things at our ages but like I said, I'm insecure about myself- I'm "pretty" sure I do not show it with her though.

btw- I did pretty much say we should get together for a coffee, and she said "you mean tea" (I forgot she only drinks tea)- and left it at that. I think I did say something about stopping by at her other job (bar) one night to hook up or get her #. I didn't think it was cool to do it at her office job.
after 10 years of knowing each other, I'd say the awkward phase is over...Ask her out. Don't look for reasons not to.
I don't know, ninja. To be honest, it sounds like she might just be being polite at the doc's office. One thing you should not do is take advice from Pogo or that limey jerk. If you ask her out and she says "no", can you keep going to that doctor?
The most important thing to gaining self confidence is faking it until it sinks in and becomes part of you.

Ask her out. Make it a casual, lo-stress sort of ask - and if she says no, or waffles, just say "it's ok, thanks anyway", and move on with your life. The more you stress about it, and the more stuff you attach to it in your head, the worse it'll be either way.

If she says yes, it could be a great thing - and if she says no, you'll be in exactly the situation you're in now (single).
I have known her for over 10 years, strictly as my Dr. office's assistant. She is 37, I'm 41. I'm single, no kids, she is single, one daughter of about 13?

My ? is this- recently she has been winking and smiling at me while in the Dr.'s chair...but I'm not sure if she is just being flirty or actually likes me. I have been out of the dating game for over 10 years!

My other question is last week she had said to me as we were talking about rel.'s- she said (after we agreed on a few things)- that "You are a guy version of me".

Now I have heard this could be understood as a very good thing or a friends zone thing, so in your guys'; opinion, with this little bit of info, which do you think is it? We have never hung out outside of her work, except I did visit her one night last year at her bartending job for just one beer, but nothing ever was said or happened as to anything about us.

thx. Would like girl's honest opinions esp.
This is just sad. Tell her you want to get to know her better. Dont ask her out. She is giving you plenty of signs if you are telling the truth. She'll tell you if its not cool.

Didnt see she had a child. I'd leave that alone unless you plan on being a father soon.
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nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I think it appears that she likes you, at least enough to go out with you to get to know one another outside of the dentist's chair....tea sounds like a good start.... just move slowly...keep it at the friendship level, till you get more ''signs'' from her....

SJ is right, that this could be awkward if things don't go as 'planned or hoped', that's why I say, do the friendship thing first....

friends can't hurt you the way prospective relationship people can... if a good friend cancels a meet up with you, you don't generally go nuts with that kind of thing, but if it is a girlfriend or a boyfriend or prospect of such, we tend to go nuts and over analyze....

If she wants more than friendship, and wants to take your friendship to the dating level, YOU WILL KNOW it....when it happens...she may plop a kiss on you, she may ask you to meet her daughter or her mom...there will be signs from her that you could trip over, she'll make sure of it!:)

relax, don't over analyze, and good luck!
If you ask her out and she refuses, what have you lost? Nothing. So go ahead and ask her out for a meal.
The point is, do YOU actually like her? If you do, then you definitely should ask her to do something together. There is no loser here. If she says yes, then you can enjoy yourselves. If she says no, there's no harm done as I'm sure she would still appreciate the attention. I think she would appreciate it, if the meeting was not at her work!
The most important thing to gaining self confidence is faking it until it sinks in and becomes part of you.

Ask her out. Make it a casual, lo-stress sort of ask - and if she says no, or waffles, just say "it's ok, thanks anyway", and move on with your life. The more you stress about it, and the more stuff you attach to it in your head, the worse it'll be either way.

If she says yes, it could be a great thing - and if she says no, you'll be in exactly the situation you're in now (single).
Just ask her if she wants to go have a coffee/tea. Don't make it a big deal. See how how you get along, if she seems interested. Keep it low key and don't make it look like your life depends on the outcome.
I have known her for over 10 years, strictly as my Dr. office's assistant. She is 37, I'm 41. I'm single, no kids, she is single, one daughter of about 13?

My ? is this- recently she has been winking and smiling at me while in the Dr.'s chair...but I'm not sure if she is just being flirty or actually likes me. I have been out of the dating game for over 10 years!

My other question is last week she had said to me as we were talking about rel.'s- she said (after we agreed on a few things)- that "You are a guy version of me".

Now I have heard this could be understood as a very good thing or a friends zone thing, so in your guys'; opinion, with this little bit of info, which do you think is it? We have never hung out outside of her work, except I did visit her one night last year at her bartending job for just one beer, but nothing ever was said or happened as to anything about us.

thx. Would like girl's honest opinions esp.
This is just sad. Tell her you want to get to know her better. Dont ask her out. She is giving you plenty of signs if you are telling the truth. She'll tell you if its not cool.

Didnt see she had a child. I'd leave that alone unless you plan on being a father soon.
It's just kind of sad that you don't realize not everyone is the same. Lots of people are shy and insecure about going out on dates, especially when they have to do the asking. Not every guy is a ladies man.
I have known her for over 10 years, strictly as my Dr. office's assistant. She is 37, I'm 41. I'm single, no kids, she is single, one daughter of about 13?

My ? is this- recently she has been winking and smiling at me while in the Dr.'s chair...but I'm not sure if she is just being flirty or actually likes me. I have been out of the dating game for over 10 years!

My other question is last week she had said to me as we were talking about rel.'s- she said (after we agreed on a few things)- that "You are a guy version of me".

Now I have heard this could be understood as a very good thing or a friends zone thing, so in your guys'; opinion, with this little bit of info, which do you think is it? We have never hung out outside of her work, except I did visit her one night last year at her bartending job for just one beer, but nothing ever was said or happened as to anything about us.

thx. Would like girl's honest opinions esp.
What's your fav shade of eyeliner? Do you go for the smokey look or keep it clean with the natural look?
Just ask her, all that can happen is you fly high or you get shot down....Just find a common interest and spend, spend, spend....wear a condom....
I have known her for over 10 years, strictly as my Dr. office's assistant. She is 37, I'm 41. I'm single, no kids, she is single, one daughter of about 13?

My ? is this- recently she has been winking and smiling at me while in the Dr.'s chair...but I'm not sure if she is just being flirty or actually likes me. I have been out of the dating game for over 10 years!

My other question is last week she had said to me as we were talking about rel.'s- she said (after we agreed on a few things)- that "You are a guy version of me".

Now I have heard this could be understood as a very good thing or a friends zone thing, so in your guys'; opinion, with this little bit of info, which do you think is it? We have never hung out outside of her work, except I did visit her one night last year at her bartending job for just one beer, but nothing ever was said or happened as to anything about us.

thx. Would like girl's honest opinions esp.
This is just sad. Tell her you want to get to know her better. Dont ask her out. She is giving you plenty of signs if you are telling the truth. She'll tell you if its not cool.

Didnt see she had a child. I'd leave that alone unless you plan on being a father soon.
It's just kind of sad that you don't realize not everyone is the same. Lots of people are shy and insecure about going out on dates, especially when they have to do the asking. Not every guy is a ladies man.
Well this guy is another one of the racists that frequent this board. I know he is not the same as I am. He is more along the lines of a species of monkey. He gets zero sympathy from me. He better be glad I gave him some real world advice.

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You've known her over ten years and you still haven't made a move.

I think she is just being nice. Asking her out will only make things even more awkward, as she likely has no sexual or romantic interest in you.

Personally, if I saw an overweight broke guy with missing teeth, "tall, dark and handsome" would not cross my mind at all.

Just being real.

But suppose I'm wrong, and she's into that.

Go for it.

The worst that can happen does not outweigh the best that can happen.

But whatever you do


You are notorious on the religion board for your Westboro-like ways.

If it comes up, just say you worship God but change the fucking subject.

May the Force serve you well!
She is definitely trying to get you to ask her out.

Don't overanalyze the situation. If you like her and want to ask her out on a date, do it. If you don't, then let it go.

The worst thing that can happen is that she says no, but I doubt she will.

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