SERIOUS question for all Trump acolytes on this forum....

I find it sad that so many Americans can be fooled by Barr. He plain got up there and lied to the American people. He is either very challenged in his ability to read or in this case trying to spin it against what the report says. We know that the trumpers for the most part will not read the report. Why should they old fat assed Rush and his buddy Hannity will do all their thinking for them. But since the rights only defense is to blame Hillary, Obama and those horrible democrats then they are closed to the truth because they don't want to believe what the report really says. Barr should be impeached for misrepresenting the report., But what the hell our trumpers love this asshole who is going against everything the good people stand for.
All the people on the left said this was going to be a smoking gun

Nitwit.....HOW can there be a "smoking gun" when the DOJ policy CLEARLY states that the president is above the LAW???

Mueller laid out CLEARLY that once Trump is out of office he CAN be indicted based on the evidence Mueller compiled.

Phrased another way.....YOU IDIOTS are backing a soon-to-be indicted POS......
I find it sad that so many Americans can be fooled by Barr. He plain got up there and lied to the American people. He is either very challenged in his ability to read or in this case trying to spin it against what the report says. We know that the trumpers for the most part will not read the report. Why should they old fat assed Rush and his buddy Hannity will do all their thinking for them. But since the rights only defense is to blame Hillary, Obama and those horrible democrats then they are closed to the truth because they don't want to believe what the report really says. Barr should be impeached for misrepresenting the report., But what the hell our trumpers love this asshole who is going against everything the good people stand for.
None of you read the report.

You are all illiterate.
You never even asked what leeway Obama was giving them, and why he felt the need to wait until AFTER his election!
Let's concentrate on that collusion for a while now. I want answers to that chummy little deal... Don't you?

The same fuckhead argument....URANIUM ONE....URANIUM ONE.....URANIUM ONE...........We heard it on Fox and Friends...ITS GOT TO BE TRUE.................LMAO
There are a lot worse people to go to war with on my side than Putin - like anybody in the Democratic Party.

Get your sling shpt and dirty diapers ready, then.....................LMAO
So you don't know if it is true or not? Maybe a little research on your part....
Then ask yourself if you would have considered it collusion, even treason, if Trump had done it. You are a hypocritical asshole, and we don't care what you think about Trump. We like a booming economy. Why don't you?
The wingers can play with the chew toy all they want and get whatever they want out of it. But we all know this is Trump.

ERGO......would you then OPENLY ADMIT that the orange clown is NOT fir to sit in the oval office???
I think he lacks the intellectual, behavioral or temperamental capacity to be President, which is why I voted against him.

But that's not enough to get rid of him. Those are not high crimes. I'm not blinded by a partisan ideology. We'll see what the investigations bring.

Impeachments of both Nixon and Clinton were based on obstruction.

Under what circumstance do you feel impeachment would be warranted for Trump?
WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.

Alas, it is your side all tarred, feathered and ready for another dunking who persist in spreading overt, naked lies programmed into your brainpans by MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post, etc. Further, it is your side who would push this false meta-narrative past the point of destroying our nation at its foundation while grinding to a halt all forward momentum of our nation's political machinery. We have read the report. It clearly and fully exonerates not only the President, but all involved American citizens from collusion with Russia. The so-called obstruction nonsense is a second seed of sedition planted to maintain the narrative's momentum; to continue to undermine the political function of this nation and to buy time until the next presidential election. You are aiding in that subversion by spreading their lies for them. Congratulations.
We like a booming economy. Why don't you?

I certainly liked the booming economy during Obama's last 4 year term......

BUT, you.......MUST switch topics when your orange charlatan is getting slammed, correct?
We have read the report. It clearly and fully exonerates not only the President, but all involved American citizens from collusion with Russia.

If you DID read the report, then your comprehension problems are equal to a 4 years old.......

A. Mueller CLEARLY stated that he CANNOT indict Trump under the current DOJ policy (not LAW)

B. Mueller CLEARLY stated that Trump CAN be indicted once he leaves office.

If you :missed" those statements made by Mueller in his report.....have a kool-aid enema.
We have read the report. It clearly and fully exonerates not only the President, but all involved American citizens from collusion with Russia.

If you DID read the report, then your comprehension problems are equal to a 4 years old.......

A. Mueller CLEARLY stated that he CANNOT indict Trump under the current DOJ policy (not LAW)

B. Mueller CLEARLY stated that Trump CAN be indicted once he leaves office.

If you :missed" those statements made by Mueller in his report.....have a kool-aid enema.

Translated: you're not worth my time. So noted.
USA today? Nat everyday on this forum

MORON.........Its CLEAR and EXPLICIT in the Mueller report that Trump did NOT hand over everything that was asked for ...

Look, STAY FUCKING DUMB and IGNORANT........I really don't give a crap about Trump cultists' ass kissing.......LOL
If Trump didn't the media would've been all over it.

The report explaining such was just released, dope.

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