SERIOUS question for all Trump acolytes on this forum....

but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol... but but but SLICK WILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

c'mon... where's obama's name? don't leave the black guy out............

Sometime during the Trump CULT indoctrination period, these nitwits are told that if they cannot adequately "defend" the orange clown, they MUST quickly revert to blaming appropriate order:

Bill Obama
................and, to, by all means, call any sane American, "fascist, socialist, communist, etc.
You are clearly the moron here. No question about it. A juror is not a trained litigator, and they do not represent the defendant

Look, you eternal idiot.......YOU asked if a witness is "cross examined" in a Grand Jury setting....I responded that COMMON jurors always question witnesses directly.........of course, moron, there is no "defense attorney" in that know, a defense attorney for Trump like the current STOOGE, Barr...............LMAO
Why is it that you think we care? Nothing in that sport will even come close to changing our votes in 2020.

GREAT news...........I would very much hate if fucked up morons like you somehow voted as I did....THANKS !!!
USA today? Nat everyday on this forum

MORON.........Its CLEAR and EXPLICIT in the Mueller report that Trump did NOT hand over everything that was asked for ...

Look, STAY FUCKING DUMB and IGNORANT........I really don't give a crap about Trump cultists' ass kissing.......LOL
I would very much hate if fucked up morons like you somehow voted as I did....THANKS !!!
So you KNOW you'll never be on the winning side, and you're okay with that. Got it.
That explains why all you ever do is bitch.
The hatred for Trump by some is strong. They can't get over the fact Clinton lost. Here is the funny thing. Most of them didn't even like Clinton. Yet, they troll on. At least most of the Trump supporters I know actually like the guy.

Did you ever ask your half brain WHY you morons have a need to bring up Hillary when clear evidence shows that you backed a fucked up charlatan???
GREAT news...........I would very much hate if fucked up morons like you somehow voted as I did....THANKS !!!

I find many on your side somehow believe that the opinion of Trump voters will be changed by these investigations. It won’t; and they make the Left look stupid to many voters.
The hatred for Trump by some is strong. They can't get over the fact Clinton lost. Here is the funny thing. Most of them didn't even like Clinton. Yet, they troll on. At least most of the Trump supporters I know actually like the guy.

Did you ever ask your half brain WHY you morons have a need to bring up Hillary when clear evidence shows that you backed a fucked up charlatan???
Yes these morons who back Trump are on the same page with Putin
WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.
You never have a question you have an opinion your constantly trying to validate. The report found that no collusion happened between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Get over it.

There is NO HOPE for Trump morons....."Collusion" was never a crime under the statutes......Mueller's job was hindered by the DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted,,,A President is ABOVE the LAW......

A. Mueller stated CLEARLY that Trump CAN be indicted after leaving office...and
B. Obstruction of justice DID occur and
C. You're backing a piece of orange shit.
Unfortunately, people like nat4900 are inviting this toxin into their brains. Fake Stream Media is their god:

You're "right"..........I should follow your example and get my news from The Inquirer and Sean Hannity......LMAO
Trump: 'Don’t believe what you’re reading or seeing'

Giuliani: 'Truth isn't truth'

Kellyanne Conway : "You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're saying Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that."

that's the world they live in.
But, they were right.

All the people on the left said this was going to be a smoking gun. They all said there was collusion. They all said Trump is a puppet of Russia, which there are people on this forum still saying it to this day.

They all said "here's the truth! Trump is (insert accusation after accusation)"

And now we know for a fact...... Truth isn't truth. Giuliani was right. 'Don't believe what you're reading and seeing', and Trump was right.

So you can say that's the world we live in.... because it's the world you live in too. Jessie Smollett anyone? Don't believe what you see and hear, because the left is full of liars.
It not the job of prosecutors to exonerate anyone, just indict them or not.

But since Mueller didn't indict him, that is by Mueller's definition an "exoneration".'re forgetting that Barr AND the orange moron use the term "exoneration".....

BUT...........your half brain does not compute that Mueller COULD NOT indict the fuckhead in the oval office BECAUSE of the DOJ policy that a president is ABOVE the LAW.....

Further, Mueller CLEARLY states that Trump CAN be indicted the day he leaves office.....SO, vote for Trump and keep him out of prison......LOL
WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.

Yes, you're a whiney twat.

WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.

That's an easy one.
Trump was not the one who gave Russia leeway and sold them American land that contains our uranium mines and had millions show up in his "charitable fund", that someone just forgot to mention. Trump also didn't go to Russia to give a 20 minute speech that garnered a half mil. That would be Clinton again, not Trump.

So, comprehend this. Until you start bitching about the collusion of your team, our team pres. looks like a choir boy compared to Muslim Obama and Clinton's treason.
Unless Trump turns over D.C. to Obama's JV team, we don't give a shit what you whine about yesterday, today, or tomorrow.


You never even asked what leeway Obama was giving them, and why he felt the need to wait until AFTER his election!
Let's concentrate on that collusion for a while now. I want answers to that chummy little deal... Don't you?
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WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.
Nice to see you’re handling this so well.
I find many on your side somehow believe that the opinion of Trump voters will be changed by these investigations. It won’t;

.........,AND the above is precisely WHY Trump once stated................


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