Serious question: What kind of jobs are Republicans qualified for?



[ame=]Rick Santorum: "What a snob!" - YouTube[/ame]

I'm serious. If you don't believe in science and have no skills, what is it you expect to do? Without infrastructure spending, there are no jobs needing "unskilled labor". And Republicans don't want infrastructure spending. What's left?

Why are 3 million jobs unfilled? - Houston Chronicle

Companies Say 3 Million Unfilled Positions in Skill Crisis: Jobs

Why, With Unemployment So High, Do So Many Jobs Go Begging? | The Business Desk

Three million open jobs in U.S., but who's qualified? - CBS News


Republicans blame it on Obama, but block any spending on education, technical schools, Jr. Colleges and so on.
What is their leadership offering and what is it the base thinks they are qualified for?

Serious question: What kind of jobs are Republicans qualified for?
Last edited:
I don't get why you think Republicans don't believe in science.

* But there are plenty of conservatives and liberals, both, managing their
own rental properties as their job AND teaching/mentoring others to
do the same to become financially independent:
Real Estate Investing Education and Mentoring | Lifestyles Unlimited is the founding network in Houston
that branched off when some mentors formed their own company
to handle multiple forms of investment; both have professional investors
who have won national awards in apartment management and connected
with the top developers in Houston who are involved in most of the deals.

* The local community business leader in my neighborhood who is Republican
manages property development and created a site proposal for both
-- a youth center with production music studio training program
-- a vet housing and home health program embedded in a plan
to save historic housing Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

So these Republicans create their own jobs for themselves
and for others providing educational and social services,
but from a free enterprise approach. The neighborhood plans
could possibly integrate HUD and govt sources for Vets, but the other
real estate development is purely free enterprise and independent of govt.

* My Republican friend Vern Wuensche who ran for President twice to
study the system from a small business leader perspective works full time
at his own contracting and renovation business.

* My Republican friend Lyndon Joslin is a published author of a movie anthology,
as he is a scriptwriter and editor, and also works in radio and proofreads
historical and academic textbooks.

* some of the managers at my warehouse shipping job are conservative,
and they have worked for different companies doing shipping or stock/inventory control

* another Republican friend collaborated with a team of other investors to set up a home health retirement home type complex, again using free enterprise

So you could even create hospitals and schools and jobs that way
without relying on govt; most Republicans I know (because I live in Texas)
PREFER to set up businesses themselves and not pay all these taxes to federal
govt just to fight over where the money is going to go, they prefer to invest
the money and profits they earn into developing institutions with direct
accountability and not rely on going through govt where you lose track
when the bureaucracy gets too big, and there is risk of losing
accountability and follow up on funding/decisions when you don't
have direct control of who is going to be in charge and stay in charge.

Rick Santorum: "What a snob!" - YouTube

I'm serious. If you don't believe in science and have no skills, what is it you expect to do? Without infrastructure spending, there are no jobs needing "unskilled labor". And Republicans don't want infrastructure spending. What's left?

Why are 3 million jobs unfilled? - Houston Chronicle

Companies Say 3 Million Unfilled Positions in Skill Crisis: Jobs

Why, With Unemployment So High, Do So Many Jobs Go Begging? | The Business Desk

Three million open jobs in U.S., but who's qualified? - CBS News


Republicans blame it on Obama, but block any spending on education, technical schools, Jr. Colleges and so on.
What is their leadership offering and what is it the base thinks they are qualified for?
I don't get why you think Republicans don't believe in science.

* But there are plenty of conservatives and liberals, both, managing their
own rental properties as their job AND teaching/mentoring others to
do the same to become financially independent:
Real Estate Investing Education and Mentoring | Lifestyles Unlimited is the founding network in Houston
that branched off when some mentors formed their own company
to handle multiple forms of investment; both have professional investors
who have won national awards in apartment management and connected
with the top developers in Houston who are involved in most of the deals.

* The local community business leader in my neighborhood who is Republican
manages property development and created a site proposal for both
-- a youth center with production music studio training program
-- a vet housing and home health program embedded in a plan
to save historic housing Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

So these Republicans create their own jobs for themselves
and for others providing educational and social services,
but from a free enterprise approach. The neighborhood plans
could possibly integrate HUD and govt sources for Vets, but the other
real estate development is purely free enterprise and independent of govt.

* My Republican friend Vern Wuensche who ran for President twice to
study the system from a small business leader perspective works full time
at his own contracting and renovation business.

* My Republican friend Lyndon Joslin is a published author of a movie anthology,
as he is a scriptwriter and editor, and also works in radio and proofreads
historical and academic textbooks.

* some of the managers at my warehouse shipping job are conservative,
and they have worked for different companies doing shipping or stock/inventory control

* another Republican friend collaborated with a team of other investors to set up a home health retirement home type complex, again using free enterprise

So you could even create hospitals and schools and jobs that way
without relying on govt; most Republicans I know (because I live in Texas)
PREFER to set up businesses themselves and not pay all these taxes to federal
govt just to fight over where the money is going to go, they prefer to invest
the money and profits they earn into developing institutions with direct
accountability and not rely on going through govt where you lose track
when the bureaucracy gets too big, and there is risk of losing
accountability and follow up on funding/decisions when you don't
have direct control of who is going to be in charge and stay in charge.

Rick Santorum: "What a snob!" - YouTube

I'm serious. If you don't believe in science and have no skills, what is it you expect to do? Without infrastructure spending, there are no jobs needing "unskilled labor". And Republicans don't want infrastructure spending. What's left?

Why are 3 million jobs unfilled? - Houston Chronicle

Companies Say 3 Million Unfilled Positions in Skill Crisis: Jobs

Why, With Unemployment So High, Do So Many Jobs Go Begging? | The Business Desk

Three million open jobs in U.S., but who's qualified? - CBS News


Republicans blame it on Obama, but block any spending on education, technical schools, Jr. Colleges and so on.
What is their leadership offering and what is it the base thinks they are qualified for?

I don't get why you think Republicans don't believe in science.

I can't tell if you're being "serious".
I don't get why you think Republicans don't believe in science.

* But there are plenty of conservatives and liberals, both, managing their
own rental properties as their job AND teaching/mentoring others to
do the same to become financially independent:
Real Estate Investing Education and Mentoring | Lifestyles Unlimited is the founding network in Houston
that branched off when some mentors formed their own company
to handle multiple forms of investment; both have professional investors
who have won national awards in apartment management and connected
with the top developers in Houston who are involved in most of the deals.

* The local community business leader in my neighborhood who is Republican
manages property development and created a site proposal for both
-- a youth center with production music studio training program
-- a vet housing and home health program embedded in a plan
to save historic housing Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

So these Republicans create their own jobs for themselves
and for others providing educational and social services,
but from a free enterprise approach. The neighborhood plans
could possibly integrate HUD and govt sources for Vets, but the other
real estate development is purely free enterprise and independent of govt.

* My Republican friend Vern Wuensche who ran for President twice to
study the system from a small business leader perspective works full time
at his own contracting and renovation business.

* My Republican friend Lyndon Joslin is a published author of a movie anthology,
as he is a scriptwriter and editor, and also works in radio and proofreads
historical and academic textbooks.

* some of the managers at my warehouse shipping job are conservative,
and they have worked for different companies doing shipping or stock/inventory control

* another Republican friend collaborated with a team of other investors to set up a home health retirement home type complex, again using free enterprise

So you could even create hospitals and schools and jobs that way
without relying on govt; most Republicans I know (because I live in Texas)
PREFER to set up businesses themselves and not pay all these taxes to federal
govt just to fight over where the money is going to go, they prefer to invest
the money and profits they earn into developing institutions with direct
accountability and not rely on going through govt where you lose track
when the bureaucracy gets too big, and there is risk of losing
accountability and follow up on funding/decisions when you don't
have direct control of who is going to be in charge and stay in charge.

Rick Santorum: "What a snob!" - YouTube

I'm serious. If you don't believe in science and have no skills, what is it you expect to do? Without infrastructure spending, there are no jobs needing "unskilled labor". And Republicans don't want infrastructure spending. What's left?

Why are 3 million jobs unfilled? - Houston Chronicle

Companies Say 3 Million Unfilled Positions in Skill Crisis: Jobs

Why, With Unemployment So High, Do So Many Jobs Go Begging? | The Business Desk

Three million open jobs in U.S., but who's qualified? - CBS News


Republicans blame it on Obama, but block any spending on education, technical schools, Jr. Colleges and so on.
What is their leadership offering and what is it the base thinks they are qualified for?

From your link:

Our plan is to train 10 to 20 volunteers in managing neighborhood houses to provide housing for disabled vets, in order to sustain historic preservation efforts while celebrating the church and military history in our community.

Sorry, I don't understand too much of what you are talking about. Train people to work for free? Isn't that like the ultimate "socialism"? Doesn't sound very "Republican" or "Conservative". Provide housing for disabled vets, for free? Something's not right here.
Nuclear laboratories are manned primarily by Republicans.

So I guess the dummies will get by.

I'm sorry, I missed your link. Care to post it again?

Here's mine:


Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Rtard strikes again:

There is a Pew research study purporting to poll “scientists.” The question I immediately want answered is, what’s a “scientist?” The answer, as far as Pew is concerned, is anyone who is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
The AAAS is a liberal organization with stated goals such as “Increase diversity in the scientific community,” “Use science to advance human rights” (sometimes in collaboration with leftist-sympathizing Amnesty International), ”Sustainable Development” and ”Women’s Collaboration”.
You don’t in any way have to be a real scientist to be a member of this organization. All you need to do is send them $146. School teachers are especially encouraged to join, and no one should confuse a grade K-12 school teacher with a real scientist.
So who would join an organization like this? LIBERALS! Which explains why only 6% of “scientists” who were polled said they were Republican."

Half Sigma: Shame on Pew: world's most biased poll
Democrats: Killed the Superconducting supercollider, killed US Manned Space Program, totally against Reagan's successful Space based defense system, but believe heart and soul in "ManMade Global Warming"
Republicans rejoice!
We have vast unfilled job openings for whiners in America.
Nuclear laboratories are manned primarily by Republicans.

So I guess the dummies will get by.

I'm sorry, I missed your link. Care to post it again?

Here's mine:


Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Rtard strikes again:

There is a Pew research study purporting to poll “scientists.” The question I immediately want answered is, what’s a “scientist?” The answer, as far as Pew is concerned, is anyone who is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
The AAAS is a liberal organization with stated goals such as “Increase diversity in the scientific community,” “Use science to advance human rights” (sometimes in collaboration with leftist-sympathizing Amnesty International), ”Sustainable Development” and ”Women’s Collaboration”.
You don’t in any way have to be a real scientist to be a member of this organization. All you need to do is send them $146. School teachers are especially encouraged to join, and no one should confuse a grade K-12 school teacher with a real scientist.
So who would join an organization like this? LIBERALS! Which explains why only 6% of “scientists” who were polled said they were Republican."

Half Sigma: Shame on Pew: world's most biased poll

excluding those who were not based in the United States or whose membership type identified them as primary or secondary-level educators.

About the Survey | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Oops. You should have read their methodology.

The real question here is, "Why would any Republicans think their party is into science". Remember, these are people who think God decides the Superbowl, that you can "pray for rain" and the world is only 6,000 years old.

Now this is hilarious. You can go online and look up Gay groups of scientists, or Black groups of scientists or Hispanic or women and so on. But there are NO conservative groups or Confederate groups of scientists.

Now Confederates, or as I call them, the majority of Republicans, like to complain, "Oh those (insert gay or black or Hispanic or whatever here). They want to give science a "liberal bias". And that's why they have (insert gay or black or Hispanic or whatever here) groups made up of THOSE people. The truth is much LESS devious. Those groups want to help others like them to develop an interest in science.

Republicans want to replace science with "magical creation" or some other nonsense.

“God’s word is true. I’ve come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution, embryology, Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell,” he told guests at a fieldsports-themed fundraiser for a local Baptist Church.

“It’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a saviour. There’s a lot of scientific data that I found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth. I believe that the Earth is about 9,000 years old. I believe that it was created in six days as we know them. That’s what the Bible says.”

Broun, who sits on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, and occupies a seat in Congress so staunchly Republican that local Democrats are not even bothering to oppose him, added that a literalist interpretation of the Old Testament informs how he governs.

Republican Congressman says evolution is 'lie from hell'

Remember, this is the guy Republicans put on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Couldn't ya just die?
Are Republicans ever going to give examples of "conservative scientists"? Why do they deny the 6%? Do they or don't they believe in "mystical creation" and believe science is a "faith"?
Are Republicans ever going to give examples of "conservative scientists"? Why do they deny the 6%? Do they or don't they believe in "mystical creation" and believe science is a "faith"?

Ask about the amount of Engineers that are Republican, the number is usually much higher. Mostly because unlike scientists, we deal with reality, and not spherical chickens in a vaccumn.
I still remember rDean claiming I was biased, and that he isn't biased at all. Can't believe I took this guy seriously for a second. Now if only we could hear "when has lowering taxes helped in a recession" once more...

The fact is, there are plenty of dumb republican and democrat voting people. And plenty of smart people in both categories as well.
You've heard of Los Alamos nuclear facility, right?:

"Los Alamos is New Mexico's best educated community, proportionately, with 68.6% of adult residents (25 and older) holding an associate degree or higher, and 62.1% of adults possessing a bachelor's degree or higher (2000 Census).
There were 5,110 households out of which 31.4% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 56.4% were married couples living together, 6.5% had a female householder with no husband present, and 34.0% were non-families. 29.8% of all households were made up of individuals and 7.6% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.31 and the average family size was 2.89.
In the CDP the population was spread out with 24.8% under the age of 18, 4.8% from 18 to 24, 29.2% from 25 to 44, 28.2% from 45 to 64, and 12.9% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 40 years. For every 100 females there were 101.3 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 100.1 males.
The median income for a household in the CDP was $71,536, and the median income for a family was $86,876. Males had a median income of $65,638 versus $39,352 for females. The per capita income for the CDP was $34,240. About 2.4% of families and 3.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 2.6% of those under age 18 and 5.3% of those age 65 or over. 11.7% of Los Alamos citizens are millionaires, the highest rate in the country.[5]
The home ownership rate (owner-occupied housing units to total units) is 71.5%. After the Manhattan Project, the first sale of a private home in Los Alamos was made in 1965 by the US Government to William Overton, who bought a house on Manhattan Loop.[6]"

Los Alamos, New Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Los Alamos is one of the few areas in Northern New Mexico in which Republicans have a stronghold."

N.M. legislators face rare challenges - The Santa Fe New Mexican
You've heard of Los Alamos nuclear facility, right?:

"Los Alamos is New Mexico's best educated community, proportionately, with 68.6% of adult residents (25 and older) holding an associate degree or higher, and 62.1% of adults possessing a bachelor's degree or higher (2000 Census).
There were 5,110 households out of which 31.4% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 56.4% were married couples living together, 6.5% had a female householder with no husband present, and 34.0% were non-families. 29.8% of all households were made up of individuals and 7.6% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.31 and the average family size was 2.89.
In the CDP the population was spread out with 24.8% under the age of 18, 4.8% from 18 to 24, 29.2% from 25 to 44, 28.2% from 45 to 64, and 12.9% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 40 years. For every 100 females there were 101.3 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 100.1 males.
The median income for a household in the CDP was $71,536, and the median income for a family was $86,876. Males had a median income of $65,638 versus $39,352 for females. The per capita income for the CDP was $34,240. About 2.4% of families and 3.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 2.6% of those under age 18 and 5.3% of those age 65 or over. 11.7% of Los Alamos citizens are millionaires, the highest rate in the country.[5]
The home ownership rate (owner-occupied housing units to total units) is 71.5%. After the Manhattan Project, the first sale of a private home in Los Alamos was made in 1965 by the US Government to William Overton, who bought a house on Manhattan Loop.[6]"

Los Alamos, New Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Los Alamos is one of the few areas in Northern New Mexico in which Republicans have a stronghold."

N.M. legislators face rare challenges - The Santa Fe New Mexican

Presidential Votes
Barack Obama 5191
Mitt Rommey 4796
Virgil Goode 15
Gary Johnson 599
Ross Anderson 15
Jill Stein 38

Los Alamos County Final Unofficial Election Results 2012 |

Thanks for letting me know so much about Los Alamos. Best educated community and they proved it by voting for Obama. Gotta love it.
Nuclear laboratories are manned primarily by Republicans.

So I guess the dummies will get by.

I'm sorry, I missed your link. Care to post it again?

Here's mine:


Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Well all this proves is that the Scientific Community is biased and has unfair hiring practices.
Just like the Media and Newspapers.

If you don't like the facts, just say they are biased. Got it.
You've heard of Los Alamos nuclear facility, right?:

"Los Alamos is New Mexico's best educated community, proportionately, with 68.6% of adult residents (25 and older) holding an associate degree or higher, and 62.1% of adults possessing a bachelor's degree or higher (2000 Census).
There were 5,110 households out of which 31.4% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 56.4% were married couples living together, 6.5% had a female householder with no husband present, and 34.0% were non-families. 29.8% of all households were made up of individuals and 7.6% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.31 and the average family size was 2.89.
In the CDP the population was spread out with 24.8% under the age of 18, 4.8% from 18 to 24, 29.2% from 25 to 44, 28.2% from 45 to 64, and 12.9% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 40 years. For every 100 females there were 101.3 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 100.1 males.
The median income for a household in the CDP was $71,536, and the median income for a family was $86,876. Males had a median income of $65,638 versus $39,352 for females. The per capita income for the CDP was $34,240. About 2.4% of families and 3.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 2.6% of those under age 18 and 5.3% of those age 65 or over. 11.7% of Los Alamos citizens are millionaires, the highest rate in the country.[5]
The home ownership rate (owner-occupied housing units to total units) is 71.5%. After the Manhattan Project, the first sale of a private home in Los Alamos was made in 1965 by the US Government to William Overton, who bought a house on Manhattan Loop.[6]"

Los Alamos, New Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Los Alamos is one of the few areas in Northern New Mexico in which Republicans have a stronghold."

N.M. legislators face rare challenges - The Santa Fe New Mexican

Presidential Votes
Barack Obama 5191
Mitt Rommey 4796
Virgil Goode 15
Gary Johnson 599
Ross Anderson 15
Jill Stein 38

Los Alamos County Final Unofficial Election Results 2012 |

Thanks for letting me know so much about Los Alamos. Best educated community and they proved it by voting for Obama. Gotta love it.

Ah, but the majority of (us citizen) lab employees are Republican. There are a lot of employees who aren't citizens...but the smart, educated, nuclear scientists..those guys are Republicans. Or at least...not democrat.

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